" I will. And hey, you get a bonus... You get to hold my injured hand, just like you like, you, silly, silly Spirit... " Tide tried to smile, but his words were a little hoarse, and his lips refused to obey him.
He took Death's hand gently, and he closed his eyes, clearly giving his full focus to this, trying his very best - gently, despite the growing urgency. Death could feel the familiar pull, of his blood being controlled and cooled down from the inside with demon's waterbending power... but it wasn't as effective as that first time. ( I rolled and got 3 on Tide's success. ) Lowering fever manually was only treating the symptom of an illness, and Death's illness was greatly worsened by miasma he has been in such close contact with, first when it burned into him when they entered the fort, and then, when he chose to stay with Cernunnos who was oozing it in his distress. That's why, when Tide would lower it a little, it would again rise a little soon enough, anew and anew... It wasn't as high as it was before, but it wasn't being lowered fully either, as it seemed it was a constant battle between illness manifesting it, and how much Tide could go against it without damaging Death's body with sudden drops of temperature instead.