Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Four or six would be both practical and awesome," Senecio said. "And I'd like to be bound, hanging by my hands so that my back is turned to you and you can use the whip easily. Just don't go too fast with it. Ideally give me at least ten seconds between the lashes." 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide was nodding lightly while taking in the information, considering it.
" Everything sounds reasonably okay - just, is it safe to just hang by your hands like that? Hans taught me good knots for tying on the bed, but this seems a touch more advanced. Would you mind if I stop by to see Eros just for a bit, to ask him what is safest way to do it? I won't ask him anything else, I promise," he waved away with his hands. " And... I can do other things while whipping you, right?" He asked shyly." I sort of... Feel like just whipping you would be dull. Not as fun. I just really like touching you and leaving my scent on you... I can touch you, too, right? I will have five free hands. " He asked carefully. " It is just, I am a tiny bit worried about texture of my hands. They are a little more clawy and they are not soft or squishy like my normal hands. If I touch surface of your skin, it is one thing, I may scratch or bruise you a bit, but I am worried if I, um, touch you more intimately, that I may injure you. " He sounded a little worried. " How about giving each pair of hands different textures? Or making them different? In the very least, pair handling you intimately should be more refined, so that I don't end up actually injuring you. Umm... At the very least, I can remove sharp claws and just have dull nails like I have in my default form, right? I think that should be bare minimum. I can do this if you promise me I can apply lot of balm for you afterwards. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh yes, that sounds great. Absolutely do what you want during it, that's the point. And I didn’t mean hanging just by hands, more like standing with hands bound up. But if I lean into it, I might end supported only by hands, so figuring out the right know would be useful."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Okay, then, so how about I make you some nice ice cream for dessert, and you eat it up while I briefly go to ask Eros about proper knots? " Tide offered earnestly, seeming glad for an additional layer of precautions they could take. Then he looked at his own neck covered with flowers before asking wonderingly. " Hmm... I have plenty, would you maybe like an ice cream made from my flowers? There really is a lot this time, " he said shyly. " So I was thinking, I would like to give the third to you, third to Worth While, and the last third, I was thinking about exchanging with the little fairies to see if they can find it useful for theirs work. Would you like us to make ice cream out of your third? Or something else?  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I would like to try the ice cream," Senecio smiled. 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide smiled back pleasantly, leaning back. He took a glass full of water and began using it under pressure, instead of a knife. Since it wasn't hot food that would get soggy using water, but flowers that had to be cut, he could use water like this, and he carefully cut off all the flowers that grew on him, one by one, making sure that he cuts off as close to the roots as possible. Once everything was off, he seemed to feel refreshed, and he separated the big pile into three smaller ones. Two, he placed in two bags that he put aside, while he focused on the third one.
From that pile, he took the prettiest and biggest red flower, and with an exciting indulgent expression and feelings to back it up, he gently put the flower into Senecio's hair. He then innocently got back to the pile and began chopping down flowers, preparing them attentively for ice cream.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio adjusted the flower indulgently and watched Tide preparing the treat.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide took special care to do this right, probably both because it was for Senecio, and because it was his first time trying to use those flowers for ice cream. However, his control of water and cooling power of ice was superb, and he ended up making a full bowl of treat that looked extremely tasty and lovely. Demon, attentive to detail, has made ice cream in the shape of a big heart, that had a lovely pinkish hue thanks to the crimson flowers used in making it. He licked his fingers and smiled brightly as he was done, and brightly pushed the bowl toward the actor.
" Wow, I never thought I could describe ice cream taste as *jolly* instead of *vanilla*, but we definitely have a happy bowl right here, " he clearly felt quite proud of himself. " Will you do me a favour? Despite you're all healed up now thanks to Worth While, you still had been through a heavy operation today, with him, me and Eros, and lost some blood again... And you slept for long, too. So how about eating it all up? I really need you to gain back some of that weight you lost, " he grinned a bit. " It's super extra important Demon King order. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Maybe not weight, but strength would be nice, abd if connected, so be it," Senecio sighed dramatically and reached for the bowl of ice cream.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, you can't properly make love if you're falling asleep, so whether it's weight or strength, preferably a package of both, I say, go for it, I will be cheering for you, " Tide grinned, but his breath was a little shallow, as he gazed at actor's response to trying out the new treat with anticipation and hope, wondering if he will like it.
As Senecio began to eat, he could indeed feel that *jolly* was a very fitting name for this ice cream's taste. It felt like when he tried the flower once, but more intense, holding the concentrated essence of many ground flowers. It was a refreshing feeling thanks to the coldness of the ice, but also very sweet, and he felt like he could taste happiness in material form as he took the bite... Just like with others that tried it, even if it wasn't nearly as strong as eating Cernunnos's fruits would be, eating Tide's flowers made the person consuming them be reminded of things that brought them happiness and contentment. It was different for everyone, and while for someone like Xia that tried it in past too, the taste felt cosy, reminding her of sunlight, pears, Svarik and Death, everyone would have different tastes and associations surfacing as they ate from it. One thing was certain though, besides those sensations, Senecio, who was sensitive to feelings now, felt a lot of love and care Tide poured into making this treat for him, too.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio couldn't place the taste well, since it was rather abstract to him, but he enjoyed the feeling it brought and found it rather invigorating. "Do you feel me eating it?" he asked Tide curiously.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It is a sort of tingling unusual feeling, " Tide grinned a little bit, watching at his fingertips as if he were indeed getting such sensation. " It doesn't really hurt if that's what you mean... It's similar to the sensation of knowing something is going on when someone would eat my hair or nail. I usually give such things when I want to give people a way to notify me if they urgently need me to come to them because Beings can sense the location and specific sensations of things they give away. I can feel when what I give away is drenched in water or eaten, so, it's sort of similar, but fainter. I imagine it would go faint with time because flowers are more fragile that nails and hair. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"But nails or hair aren't meant to be tasty," Senecio said wonderingly. "Does it feel somehow different, if it's not just eaten, but also enjoyed?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, depends on whom, everything tastes differently to different creatures - like you eat ie cream, cows eat grass, and like I like to munch on shells and crunchy colourful rocks, I don't think there is a universal standard of tastiness, " Tide noted wonderingly. " But the flowers are a little different... I think it may be a bit of leftover from coming from a tree nature type Being, and a little from how I am basically a vegetarian among Demons, feeding only on positive feelings. I think the new soul part is very compatible with my nature so it is easy to manifest. Whenever flowers grow, I feel an instinct, a desire to get people to eat them. It doesn't hurt as you eat, but I do get a bubbly proud soothing feeling whenever I feel someone munches on them. It feels right as if things are as they should be. It's definitely a new little part of being a tiny part Tree being now. I did tell you, didn't I? " he said shyly. " Whenever I gain a new soul part, it changes Me just a little bit... I am a tiny little bit Tree now, so I'll probably have a little of those tree instincts spill over. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's nice," Senecio smiled and finished the ice cream, enjoying both the taste and feeling of it.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide indulgently watched him eat, and especially after the long day, it seemed he really looked forward to seeing him enjoy himself. Once the actor was done, he gathered all the dishes and everything else, cleaning up.
" Okay, I'll just go give Worth While's share of flowers to him and ask Eros for advice a bit, so just prepare yourself and wait for me for a bit, okay? When I get back with the rope and hopefully upgraded knots knowledge, we can test the whip-like I promised, " Being exclaimed, and after assuring Senecio doesn't lack anything, he left to finish what he stated, indeed returning quite diligently without taking too long, carrying the expensive long rope that they were finally going to use after such a long time, with a proud smug expression, as it seemed he learned what he has set out to learn before coming back.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio waited for him expectantly, still only wrapped in a towel.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide smiled shyly when seeing his expression.
" Do you want us to stay here? Or go to your room? " he asked, calmly on the surface, but not able to hide the tinge of excitement in his feelings. " Rope knowledge is acquired, my little human, " he grinned a bit. " So we just need to test the whips now, right? First, let's test Janus's and see if it's really alright, and then, I'm going to dramatically break apart a chair or two for you to see! It's been a while since I played with human weapons... It's way too dangerous for use, but it will be fine for playing. You just have to be at a safe distance. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Maybe we could stay here," Senecio said, and there was already something submissive in the tone of his voice.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, I guess we do already have a chair here, hm, and it's not really my favourite chair, so let's just wreck it, " Demon grinned a little. His bold proclamation didn't really feel violent, though. It felt rather playful as if it really was just a game to try out for him. Despite the playfulness, though, when he reached for Janus's whip and put the chair aside, he felt a little nervous, as, even if he had trust in the skilled craftsmen, he still was worried if the peculiar whip will really be harmless. He measured the chair up and down cautiously, like an enemy, before slowly, he raised the altered whip and gathering his courage, finally swung his hand and used it. The chair that was hit shifted but a little, but was undamaged and the demon breathed out with an amazed expression.
" It works!" he proclaimed giddily as he turned to the actor. " Does it look like theatre whip would when a human would hold it? It must be! I've never swung anything like this and had such a reaction! Is this the feeling of being weak? It's so casual! " he asked with wonder, and he swung once again, and then again, with growing confidence, as even when he put more force and speed into the powerful swing, the chair remained undamaged.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio chuckled with that. "I wouldn't really call that weak. It's regular human strength for you."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Are you sure this is the standard? Oh, well, I guess Janus would adjust it so, you are right," Tide laughed freely, after the chair excitedly trying it out on his stretched palm then, feeling fascinated." But not worrying about destroying things if I don't control myself - it really feels extraordinary! Look!" He proclaimed boldly with happiness, showing Senecio his hand that looked completely normal after the whip swipe." My skin doesn't even hurt much on higher setting! I think things are actually going to work out! "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'm glad to hear that," Senecio grinned. "Looking forward to it."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You must be excited, right? That we can do something we never thought we could not manage with my strength? I was really getting depressed thinking how many things we are missing out because I am a demon... But this is one thing less now! It is great! You are happy, too, right? " Being asked hopefully, as it seemed more than anything, he was encouraged with the results." What about trying an ordinary human whip now first then, for dramatic demonstration? Like you requested, I will break the chair for you splendidly! You wreched lot of things today with that flaming sword, and I can't compete with how dashing you looked, for sure, but if you want to see some ridiculously over the top destruction, I am just the person for that!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh yes, please show me..." Senecio breathed out.
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