Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Quench your thirst first then, while I mix you a drink, " Beast King agreed, and he filled him a glass of water from the pitcher, using cooling power on them so the drink could be cold, as he promised. He handed him the glass carefully, and then, he used the room's ordering system to make pitchers of various juices and little boxes of expensive spices appear on the table, and he began carefully mixing them, considering and trying to mix up something sweet and spicy at the same time, since Senecio likes combinations of various flavors.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Meanwhile Senecio drank the water slowly and watched Tide as he tried to come up to with a good combination, fweling better now thay he wasn’t thirsty anymore and curious what Tide will come up with.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

While not an expert, Tide clearly had a certain level of experience with mixing different drinks as, while cooking was harder for him since he wasn't good with determining temperature, making cold drinks by mixing various things was easier to pick up on over the years. It seemed Tide had a harder time deciding at first as if he wanted to make everything at once, but in the end, he seemed to have narrowed down his choices and made two drinks.

One was a choice more milder, of rose milk made with rose syrup, milk and sabja seeds. It was pink, and decorated with bright red rose petals.

The other was spicier, of soft yellow colour. That one was a drink that was made of peppercorn, almonds, fennel seeds, poppy seeds along with saffron, cardamom and rose water. It looked lovely decorated with flowers.

By his focused look, Demon clearly used up quite combinations of his powers to make sure he doesn't have to wait too long and can make drinks much faster than humans could. There was an eager joy in his preparations, and the echo of curiosity, as he must have been wondering what Senecio will think of the result of his efforts, and just a tiny pinch of nervousness. That was something only Senecio could feel though, for on the outside, Beast King looked as determined and confident as ever. He cooled both and made tiny flower-shaped ice cubes and put them in the glasses before he offered them to Sein Miru.
" You should try both, " he said, revealing why he made two options. " And I shall take the one you like less. It is good to try many things, but no fun to drink alone, isn't it? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Really impressive," Senecio said and took a sip from one drink and then the other, tasting each for a while. "Mhm, they are both very good. Right now I think I'd prefer this one," he took the yellow drink and offered the pink one to the king.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide seemed pleased his efforts brought good results, and as his acting wasn't as good as Senecio's, he grinned with the praise in a rather innocent cheerful way, pulling it through despite face so unfit for it. When he realized he broke the character a bit, he quickly coughed, though, pretending it didn't happen.

" I-It's not that hard. An immortal with an ounce of free time and access to fruits must be able to do at least this much, " he waved away proudly while taking the pink drink, adding innocently. " So, what should we toast for? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"To getting your kingdom rid of one traitor?" Sein Miru suggested. "I'm kind of proud of it. I don't mean just this part, but finding out he is a traitor, too."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I won't ask you how you found out if you don't wish to tell me. I am sure it was difficult, " Beast King replied. He played with his glass before he suggested with smug solemn contentment. " How about toasting to getting *our* kingdom rid of one traitor? " he spoke, softly and temptingly, continuing practically, as if giving him life advice. " You may be king's consort, not king's regent yet, but if you're greedy enough to aim for all my love, don't you think you should put effort into thinking of this kingdom as your home? Your chances to win me over fully will be much higher if I see that you love something I love too, don't you think? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Sein Miru raised his glass. "Our kingdom," he said thoughtfully.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" To our kingdom, " Beast King echoed his words with a little cunning smile as if pleased with achieving a small goal of his own, indeed looking rather like a demon of fairy tales content when making deal favourable to them. But no matter how hard Tide tried to look dramatically dignified, as he drank, he could not hide he was feeling pleased and bubbly while watching the cute pink beverage - it was clearly one of his favourites, as, besides the pure taste, his liking of something was affected by its appearance, too, and he seemed to like and find pleasure looking at its soft pink colour.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio enjoyed his drink and the pleasant mixture of sweet and spicy taste, and refreshing cold. "I could get used to this," he smiled a bit teasingly as he put the glass aside and leant back into the pillows.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide finished his drink too, putting the glass aside. He smiled mischievously.
" Get used to it, then, little one, for we have enough fruits to last us a century, and we'll stock for more in meantime, " he spoke softly, and moved closer on the bed, too, leaning above man's head. He inched closer, as if in a tease before he slowly pressed lips gently against his - he remembered slave desired cool drink followed by the kiss.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Sein Miru returned the kiss eagerly, pleased the the king remembered.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The kiss was gentle at first, but it slowly turned more passionate with time. After a moment, the creature grinned and bit his lip lightly, as if teasing him, before it climbed closer on the bed, and like before, used its hand to passionately restrain him - without audience this time, keeping the other promise Sein Miru asked for, holding onto him possessively as he kissed him.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Free to show his pleasure now, Sein Miru leant into the kiss hungrily and pressed his body against the embrace.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Free from the pretense of torture, Beast King savoured the kiss and hungriness with which Sein Miru responded to him. He welcomed it with wonder and growing fondness, slave's shameless greed encouraging him to show him his own hunger with less shame, too. This time, like in promise, his touch was focused on the man's own pleasure, though, and his hunger was overwhelming, but rather than desire, it reflected feelings of thankfulness and physical need to repay it, as well as fiery passionate decisiveness to raise the stakes, and mix of excitement and smugness with the fact things were falling in place just right for him to be able to fulfil Sein Miru's requests. It was indeed a whole flood of shimmering various feelings so strange to observe so closely. Ever so slowly, the Beast's possessive hold turn to caresses, and his kisses went down - as he used his lips to press upon the places that before during the torture he had bitten. It was a gentle gesture that hurt lightly with coarse lips and Beast King's strength, like a kiss that promised the pain would go away. King did not rush, as he knew he had to find proper time to keep his promise fully - and between slow, repetitive countless kisses across his whole body, he began to recite to Sein Miru a poem he finally picked just for him.

" Whenever we wake,
still joined, enraptured—
at the window,
each clear night’s finish
the black pulse of dominoes
dropping to land;

whenever we embrace,
haunted, upwelling,
I know
a reunion is taking place—      

Hear me when I say
our love’s not meant to be
an opiate;
you are the reachable mirror
that dares me to risk
the caravan back
to the apogee, the longed-for
arms of the Beloved—

Dusks of paperwhites,
dusks of jasmine,
intimate beyond belief

beautiful Signor

no dread of nakedness

beautiful Signor

my long ship,
my opulence,
my garland

beautiful Signor

extinguishing the beggar’s tin,
the wind of longing

beautiful Signor

laving the ruined country,
the heart wedded to war

beautiful Signor

the kiln-blaze
in my body,
the turning heaven

beautiful Signor

you cover me with pollen

beautiful Signor

into your sweet mouth—

This is the taproot:
against all strictures,
I’ll never renounce,
never relinquish
the first radiance, the first
moment you took my hand—

This is the endless wanderlust:
yours is the April-upon-April love
that kept me spinning even beyond
your eventful arms
toward the unsurpassed:

the one vast claiming heart,
the glimmering,
the beautiful and revealed Signor..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio closed his eyes and savoured the verses with the kisses, his heart full of them. They recited poetry to each other before, but the poems were just impersonal love poems back then. Now Senecio knew that the verses were for him, about him as Tide recited them, and it was an exquisite feeling that Senecio leant into fully. Sein Miru would be less sure about the King's love, but he would also be savouring the moment and living it fully, not caring for tomorrow
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide did not rush, enjoying the act of building up the anticipation slowly. He resisted his own temptations by focusing on his promise, because to Beast King, pleasing Sein Miru fully was a reward he wanted to give fully, but to Tide, playing along with Senecio's scenario was something challenging, fun, and safe to explore, as less with each day he felt afraid of his rejection. So Tide expressed himself more and more honestly the lower the kisses went, and they were still gentle, but his breath grew bathed with hunger and longing, and his caresses grow freer and gentler, but there was growing greed in the trembling gesture - just like Senecio, he also wanted more and more each time. And right now, he wanted to continue where they left off before.
He resisted the urge to rush, though, fighting against the pent up eagerness. This time he acted in agonisingly slow torment, caressing his body in the more arousing way, but not acting firmly upon it yet, following the tempo of a poem. As verses were coming closer to the end, he slowly began kissing bites he made before on Sein Miru's inner thighs, slowly inching closer, teasing and tempting what was to come next.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Sein Miru leant his head back and spread his legs wider with shameless honesty.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

It only encouraged the creature more, whose last remnants of hesitancy melted away slowly in the joy of such eager acceptance, one of no fear and no doubts. It gave him the freedom to be more and more daring, and more and more honest in revealing his true feelings. Tide's growing sense of joy was vulnerable but elated, full of hope, bright, unapologetic, and desperate. It was a choked up but terribly warm sentiment that brimmed with a desire to touch him even more closely and to go even further, and Sein Miru felt burned under it the moment the beast, at last, said the last verse, ended the last kiss and wrapped its massive jaws around his private parts like before. While he did so, with a trembling gesture, he placed pair of hands possessively on the man's thighs and pressed them, revealing and restraining him from recoiling from him at the same time. He held onto his word, to hold him with all possessiveness he felt in him, unquestioning and solemn, and he held the promise to blend the poem with something more.

Tide's warm dazed breath enveloped him, and he felt cornered, with no room to escape and space to evade what was to come - nor the scolding expectant pressure of Tide's tender joy dulling and dazzling his mind through new senses, nor the pressure of Beast King's rough tongue that pushed itself firmly between his legs, probing slowly to see how deep it can go in this time.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

A visible jolt of pleasure ran through Senecio's body with that touch and he reached for the Being's head and ran his fingers between his hair, pressing him deeper.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Just like Senecio'a pleasure was visible to Tide, so was Tide's to the actor, with every encouragement and acceptance. Senecio's last gesture was the last drop in a glass of encouragement he needed to feel the moment is right to step up the game. He controlled his strength not to cause him serious injury, but it still hurt as the coarse strong tongue was grinding against his insides, pushing deeper every moment.

But equally, while being restrained and played with, with his new sense perceptive to feelings, Senecio could feel something new much more clearly. It felt a little similar to a feeling when Tide would touch or caress his soul with his mind, but this was a more threatening, uncertain and direct feeling. It felt as if a massive, strong primordial soul of frightening density suddenly leaned lightly against his own frail human soul. While tongue was exploring him for the inside, the giant soul began lightly rubbing against his own in the same manner at the same vulnerable spot of contact, as if tasting him. Its power and size differences were overwhelming, reminding Senecio and carrying unpleasant resemblance of threatening suffocating power imbalances of actor's past, but despite he was weak and dizzy under its weight and full power over him, this presence was unmistakably Tide's - warm, reliable, and excitedly brimming with a hunger for all of him.

In an agonizing battle between sensations, Sein Miru was torn between violent merciless pushing of the tongue, and soft yearning caresses of a colossal soul, both different facets of Tide using a mask of a Beast King to indulge in tasting both his body and soul.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio cried out with pleasure, losing himself in the sensations. His hips started moving in a steady rhythm, thrusting between the mouth enveloping him and the tongue pushung inside him. His breath quickened, but he tried to resist the pleasant pressure building inside him and prolong the moment. He relaxed his muscles conciously, feeling the immense soul leaning over him, pressing against it... until he couldn’t resist anymore and started thrusting again in a frantic pace, close to the wdge and ready to be pyshed over it with the slightest touch.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

This was the most responsive and most active Senecio acted since they met, as he was usually taking a more passive attitude and letting Tide do things to him. The fact actor could not help himself but be so responsive and eager was filling the demon with an incredibly warm trustful feeling. Despite the actor could not see so at first, he realized after a while that despite his soul being massive and strong in comparison, it was a vulnerable experience for Tide to touch another soul so directly like this, and thanks to Senecio's lack of any hesitancy or fear, it encouraged him to relax, and he did so slowly as if demonstrating him a first shy sign of trust that was much needed if they were going to go beyond this. Tide slowly closed his eyes, trembling lightly with the vulnerability of the experience, as he kept moving in rhythm with him, more saliva sipping down his lips and dripping down his tongue, as if he could not help himself, driven by primordial stimuli, responding to the closeness as if to a feeling of eating something delicious.

Despite it was not a carnal pleasure for Tide this time unlike for him, this was closest to becoming one that they had been until now, and Senecio felt that instead of just more pent up temptation, this time demon started to feel a dizzying sense of relief and anticipation as Sein Miru was closing to the edge, sucking and twisting his tongue more strongly and with the hazier mind, as if trying to urge and squeeze out all the pleasure he could out of his frail body, and Sein Miru felt as if something of him was taken while not being taken at the same time - this was clearly a reveal of another ability, not tied to being a healer of souls this time, but to being a Demon. His pleasure was growing, but it also felt that something was eating up some immaterial reflection of it and feeling fuller with it. Since demons were nourished by the feelings, it seemed as if now that their souls were leaned against each other closely, that Tide was able to draw to himself and eat Senecio's feelings directly from himself instead of drawing from the world as a whole, and was eagerly swallowing up the personal built-up fire of sensations like it was dripping honey, while urging his body to give him more.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio or Sein Miru - he wasn't discerning anymore - clutched the pillows behind him and arched his back as he felt a great wave of pleasure building up inside him and with the next twist of the tongue it spilled over and he cried out, all other senses fading in it as the ecstasy overtook his body. It lasted for a few seconds before he fell back into the pillows, breathless and dazed.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The presence leaned against his soul tightly in the moment of ecstasy, squeezing it out and drinking it up with great desire and relief, as if someone starved that was finally given a chance to taste someone delicious. As it ended, though, it was trembling lightly, restraining itself against the curiosity and desire to just keep going - there was a difference to the urges of the mind of humans who could get tired, and demons who could not. But Tide's will was strong and relentless, and he did not want to follow his lower impulses at the expense of Senecio's health. Longing, attraction, care and admiration were the feeling that overpowered his greed, as slowly and with effort, the massive soul retreated vulnerably from Senecio's, and coarse tongue carefully pulled away from deep within him. As the creature carefully unclenched its jaws at the end of its efforts, it was trembling lightly and its mind was hazier and less coherent for a moment, as it was recovering from close soul contact and an exhausting mental fight against its instincts.
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