Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik raised his eyebrows in wonder, but resisted opening the package and opened the second letter instead.

(OOC: Yes, tumblr is more alive than dA and I haven't figured out instagram yet, I don't know how to find anything there. It's a shame what happened to dA, there really isn't any adequate replacement.)
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The second letter felt much more casual, as Alpha Centauri who was heavily involved with human culture had a very relaxed and cosy writing style.

" Dear cute Sun de Sun,
Hope you're feeling well. To start off, I'm a big fan of you talking favours with Hans for materials, it wasn't something I can push on you, but it's a super neat decision on your end. I packed in this box everything you asked for, but because you were also so extra neat, I also made you little extra addition after thinking through it a lot.

I noticed your man seems to often tie his hair back, hopefully for non-assassiny, innocent reasons. I figured from a little research I did that he seems like a perfectionist kind of guy that would be bugged if things don't match, so I made him a nice little durable hair tie from the similar material as the tunic, embroidered with stars that appear at will.

Just to make a complete set, I also put three pairs of nice warm starry socks that have additional protection in case even booths are somehow cut through and are warm even if soaked in water - because when you grow up, you know warm cosy socks are just the best gift, as I right?

To follow the epic godly rule of three, I added a cute belt decorated with twinkling stars, that he can put on when he chooses, and that will provide him with a little more stamina by drawing magic from environment very lightly - not that he needs it, but, hey, he is built like an energetic fellow, so one nice Belt of Vitality seems a good fit for him.

Super excited to hear all the tea about how the confession plan is going so far, I know you are easily distracted like a butterfly but do take care to come for a chat when you have some good news,

Your Alpha, best wingman if you succeed and recommended best comfort hugger available if you fail and your day sucks "

(OOC: Yes, everyone I know seems to be on Instagram, but I also know very little around it, it feels like it's harder to gather communities on it, so far I'd mostly log in on it to check what people I know IRL are doing. It feels like it has more energy for example than others, but not too much focused on appreciating art as art, while for example, Artstation feels like it's quite stronger about appreciating art, but not as heavy on interaction unless you are really good... so all in all, I agree, it really is a pity, as it doesn't feel like any of current sites have the same excitement about art, but I'm sure I'll figure out something, for starters, I'll post on others, but try to be more active on Tumblr and Instagram since they have most energetic vibes compared to others from what I gather so far <3
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled. "Thank you for the additions," he scribbled on the back of the note quickly. "I don't have much time to write, need to show these to my boyfriend. I'll definitely stop for a chat later."
He folded the note and asked Jake to send it to Alpha. He then put the smaller package into his pocket and the bigger one under his arm and started picking things for breakfast so they when Conrad comes, they can go unpack them right away.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon wasn't absent for too long, but when he came back, he already carried a bag with their things and sword on his back, ready for whatever day brings. He immediately stepped towards Svarik, not wanting to draw attention to them in public because he wasn't sure how Svarik would feel about it, trying to keep a professional bodyguard undercover expression while surrounded by many people in the kitchen.
Though, wary of everything that can hurt Svarik, his first response to a suspicious large box of no marking seemed just that - suspicion. He was circling around it as they were finishing picking food for breakfast, and he had to question it in the end.

" Hmm... Couldn't help but notice you carrying that package with you like a stuffed toy, and... On a scale of one to ten, how safe is its origin? Just a double check, you did have it inspected for any possible harmful substances, right? " he asked hopefully. " I hear they have some excellent Beings working in the house for poison, drugs and weapons inspections. I check all items that are to get in contact with you while we are back too, you know, just in case, so I am not really asking something new... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Know what? You are right. I trust the origin, but I think you should inspect it," Svarik said. "Let’s go to our room and you can check it thoroughly."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I am still not an expert Being best fit for the job, so insisting I do it is mighty suspicious, though in different ways," Falcon seemed to be suspecting something, but not apprehensively anymore, rather  watching the package a little less suspiciously and more wonderingly, as he took thet tray with their food to help Svarik as they went back to their room. " By the way, one thing I don't get. From whatever Being and whatever you got, you had to have arranged it yesterday, and before I woke up, hence, before you confessed," he asked, guessing innocently." Since you seemed to be already optimistic enough to be arranging gifts, where did all that confidence go *poof* when you were asking me out?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"It's unrelated," Svarik said on the way to their room. "I was going to gift it to you regardless of your answer. It's about my feelings, not your answer. No kind of answer would change them, it would only change the way and degree of showing them."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yeah... You are right. I guess feelings are the same for me too - whether it's for a friend, brother  or lover, the only thing that changes is the proper way and degree of showing," Falcon agreed with a little roll of the eyes, but he nudged Svarik's shoulder a little timidly as he added." Still, there is no need for you to be so serious about it, okay? You are so rarely serious, it is sort of creeping ne out, I am not sure what to expect. You know... Chances I would say no are really miniscule, right?" He inquired Svarik wonderingly." I would only be disappointed if you asked me for this yesterday, but then if Lipka refused you took back your word and asked me to remain friends after all. As you are now, it is hard to imagine a way you could have asked me out where it wouldn't be worth it to say yes anyway. You are top notch catch, " he crossed his arms, which seemed rather like casually showing off since he was somehow holding the tray in the same time." Have more confidence in yourself. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik chuckled. "Well you're a pretty high league yourself. But hurry now, I want to see the gift too."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, I am a high quality goods, but that does not mean I am in nearly as high demand as you," Falcon teased with softer expression." But alright, let's check out what you have conspired to get me," he said, and when they got back to their room, he put breakfast tray aside and slowly began unwrapping the package, with unusual hesitance for him, in an almost timid manner of someone unused to receiving gifts.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik was peeking above his shoulder curiously. He knew what should be in the package but still only had a vague idea of how Alpha's work should look like, based on their talk that he knew didn't do it justice.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

When they opened it, first thing that was packed was the biggest one, the cloak. It looked thick and warm, but light, and Falcon raised ut with ease outside, observing the peculiar fabric. At first look it seemed dark, but had a flowy unusual texture, and on closer inspection, it seemed as if it was made from thick misty layers of night clouds. But when Falcon caressed the cloudy surface, he gasped, as under his touch, just like under a gust of gentle wind, the clouds moves and revealed a dark voidless black, full of brilliant twinkling stars one felt were so real he could fall into them.
" This..." Svarik could feel that for once, Conrad was without words, his shoulders shaking. Stuck on the first thing, he caressed the gleamy elegant surface, and then impulsively hugged it, and by bending of the soft texture, it seemed as if he were hugging a cloud.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik watched him quietly, touched nby the reaction. "I thought when you go out with me as Star Boy, you should have something to wear that would be more fitting for a legend," he said finally  breaking the silence.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon's lip trembled, as he fought to keep a straight face. He fought off tears, but he could not hide a more trustful touched note in his expression that was beaming without filter.  
" It seems...  almost too good to be considered a cloak. B-but you know what it's perfect as? " He asked a little hoarsely, and slowly, he raised it, and unexpectedly wrapped it around Svarik's shoulders, as if to share with him just how soft and soothing to the touch it felt when leaned into it, its presence carrying a calm and refreshing, but warm aura, like a collective warmth of distant stars." You can always steal it from time to time, when we aren't going out... And use it as a glorified boyfriend blanket... I think I might as well use it for that too. It is one thing to hear about such things, the other to experience them...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh..." Svarik murmured, pulling the cloak closer. "A great blanket indeed. I'll hold it for you while you try on the rest," he winked, snuggling in it.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon seemed content with that, measuring him up contentedly as if only then he was able to focus on the rest of clothes. He slowly began pulling one thing after the other, but he didn't put any of it yet, just admiring the beautiful clothes, that were made so finely you could not recognize any trace of thread or seams, not even from up close, only layers and layers of beautiful soft dark clouds and stars, arranged the way it felt as if you were always staring up from the ground up towards the heavens. He was passing along everything with his hand, paying special attention to every material on every piece, admiring it like a piece of art they indeed were.
" First thing first, I am curious, " he asked while observing the tunic, with a little mischievous expression. " So, you go to the most famous Being tailor in the world, whom you may ask anything at all - and you ask nothing for yourself, a king, for Lipka, a likely Queen to be, Melody, your surrogate mother, Simbel, our Deity of choice - but you ask for the best clothes you can possibly come up with for Lord of underground? " he asked, with a mix of bemusement, and undeniable, brimming joy, as he grinned, satisfied. " Well, that's one way to pick your priorities... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"One deal at a time," Svarik smiled. "It turns out deals with Alpha are rather fun, so it might not be the last one. But you always give me presents, I wanted to have a turn."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Weelll... about that me always giving you presents thing... " Falcon chuckled unexpectedly, indeed, laughing quite an unusual amount for himself, more in one day that he used to for a month, but it seemed he had a really good reason this time, judging by the sparkles in his eyes as he turned his head towards him. " You should have told me you want to really wow me this time, so I wouldn't give in to the temptation to do the same simultaneously. We think alike... " he said, and if gaze could hold so much adoration it could warm you, the gaze he had right now would. " I always feel like getting you gifts when you make me happy. I went to Alpha last night when you fell asleep, to make a deal to get a gift to you, too. For the life of me, I did not understand why Alpha was snickering smugly and measuring me up delightfully all while we talked, but now I get it... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik started laughing with that like at a good joke. "I suspected I won't have to make a deal for my own clothes, but I really didn't expect it that soon," he chuckled. "Go on then, try them on..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon looked as if fighting a tremendous temptation, playing with the sleeve of the tunic that must have had a rather comforting texture to him.
" How about... I just put this one on for now? " he said in the end and put on the bracelet that Alpha meant for him, seeming to enjoy its feel against his skin too. " Alpha said my package will be delivered around 5 afternoons, as it's a tight deadline but he insisted he can do it today. In it, there should be your clothes, and I also got a little decorative gift for Simbel and Melody, and a symbolic thing for Erdel. Nothing much, comparable to bracelets, but clothes for you are the most important part, and... I think it would feel most fun if we tried them on later, both at the same time when your clothes arrive too, " he admitted with a little flushed cheeks. " Now, those clothes are just too amazing, so now I am a little self-conscious if you will like my choice as much, but still, even if you just like them okay, it would be fun to dress up and go out somewhere nice tonight? I asked for opinions of Beings around, and most notorious restaurant seems to be a Being one, we could fit right in there... It is insanely expensive for humans, but it is said it serves the most unique and literally magical food at the seaside, and, while it may be riskier since it's elite kind of place and some humans that knew me from my time in the army might recognize me, I heard there is a secluded area with a balcony where we won't be disturbed. It wouldn't be that had of a second date, what do you think? Or if we are aiming for safer path but still want to call it a proper date, we can always order something, and pick up the food and find some good spot in nature to eat... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That sounds good," Svarik nodded. "Okay, we'll dress up together then. For now though, I also have something else," he pulled out the smaller package from his pocket. "It's for both of us."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon raised his eyebrows, carefully folding the tunic at a side while watching the smaller package.
" That one's quite.. adorably packed. Sunflower wrapping is quite pretty, " he said, observing the box with interest as if trying to figure out by shape what it could be, but not seeming to have luck. " Well, either way, you are going to be delighted, this time, I honestly truly have only planned the clothes as a gift, nothing else, so this time you have a real chance to outdo me with another gift on top. What is it?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik grinned with that. "Well, I took care to get a gift for both of us with this one. Unpack it..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon understood that there was something more solemn about this one, so he approached it so, unpacking it carefully. When he unwrapped it, they sow two objects, and at the sight of them, Falcon's gaze grew sentimental and touched. He took them in his hands, admiring them - they indeed had masterful craftsmanship, looking exactly like sketches they made, only each detail so elaborately handled that it made even the smallest engraving look layered, every line under perfect angle or curve, something seemingly impossible to manage such precision with human tools.

Suddenly, as he watched them, this time Conrad actually teared up, as one detail seemed to grip him and shake him. He took the star-shaped pendant first then and passed across the middle of it with wonder, and then did the same with the other pendant.
" A little sun hiding at the very heart of the star... And a little star hiding at the very heart of the sun..." he whispered with a little choked up voice, mesmerized. " How appropriate...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled, admiring the sun pendant and the star engraved in it. He watched Conrad too, pleased by his reaction to the idea of the pendants, more important to him than their speciel properties, however cool. After a moment though, he couldn't resist revealing and testing them. "The sun is a star too," he said with a little smile.
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