Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It is true we always spent a lot of great time, but there are things couples and friends do equally, but there are things couples unmistakeably do. The difference in feelings is difference of degree of romance," Falcon said confidently, as if speaking of a math formula." If we are going for romance, it is not necessarily aiming for a completely different thing, but it is for a different frequency. Like, we often go on picnics and eat together, but did we ever have a romantic fancy dinner? I bought you lot of friendship gifts, but did I get you couple gifts? When we pass along stalls, don't you want us to get couple's candy with each other's names? When we go to have fun, don't you want us to go out with matching outfits? And speaking of matching... Don't you just wish you have confessed to ne sooner?" With more and more familiar brightness in his eyes and voice as he spoke, leaning towards Svarik more." Under masks, no one can know it is me... If we have got together sooner, wouldn't we have been able to go there in matching clothes and dance together?  Melody wanted to go in her more approachable child form and meet and befriend new Beings, but you and I would have just been mingling around the same... Wouldn't it have been great if we could have danced too, like Tide and Senecio, in a rare public event we can both be on together?" He pressed Svarik's hand." Come on. Tell me if it's not the shame we couldn't make it?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh..." Svarik looked a bit flustered. "I haven't thought of that. We wouldn't get to it anyway so it's not such a loss, but you're right, that would be something. Although... uhm, I should probably tell you something. I can't dance. Well, I can if it's a free dance, just moving with music. But the couple dances with given steps? I've never learnt those. It's on my to do list..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

That suddenly brought a little bigger smile to Conrad's face.
" Well, when it comes to free dance, unless it's like, dance with a sword, I'm sure I'd be hopeless. But dance with steps, well... " he smiled mysteriously. " Well, let's just say, first, I was accomplished in an army, and when you were invited for banquets after bigger conquests, emperors would organize ceremonies in our honour, so I had to know at least the basic dances to keep up my perfect image. There were other celebrations too, in honour of the new emperor that I had to be present on, as a high ranking official in the army, and particulate in. And later, some of my undercover identities required dancing skill... and I have Mole, the king of dancing to refine my skills. I am pretty good at it... " he narrowed his eyes at Svarik temptingly, raising the hand he held in a light elegant move as if holding out an invitation for a dance " Want to learn some? I began teaching Melody too since many dances nowadays are much different now than in her distant time as the capital. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled broadly. "I'd love to. And the next masked ball, we can go all in with matching outfits and dancing together."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon grinned back more widely with that, with a freer note, as if Svarik's reply was just what he wanted, too.
" Wow... look at you, you little rascal... " he teased, with warmth in his expression. " Being all like, things are perfect as they are, but jumping from joy right away at a chance to learn to dance from me... That's some high-quality reaction you got there, you know... When I think about it, your flustered face is quite a welcomed sight. It makes me happy," he said, and as if daring him, and insisting on Svarik's redefinition, he brought king's already raised hand list a little closer, to his lips, and kissed it lightly, grinning boldly, with more confidence. " I think I am going to work on making sure I see it more often, what do you say, my love? For the record, coming up with pet names will also be just one part of my grand master plan... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik blushed a little, and smiled wonderingly. "You know, I didn't expect you to actually court me. It didn’t really seem like your forte with Melody. But... uhm... I must say it actually works..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

It was Falcon's time to be a little flustered, coughing embarrassingly and leaning back somewhat hesitantly.
" Tell me about it... This is going to be really embarrassing admission... I was a little nervous when you brought up wanting us to be in a relationship with me, but as soon as you said you didn't see it as a sexual thing, I like... immediately relaxed? " he seemed embarrassed to say it, but it seemed he also felt it was okay to confide in him. " It's not like I actually am an amoeba, mind you. But have you ever had some things... that you felt were never meant to be for you? With Melody... I feel really safe and calm when she is in child form, and I can carry her around and spoil her. and cuddle her.. But when she is an adult, I am just overwhelmed with... just how attractive she looks? It is intimidating like she is a completely different person... And... well... at the same time, I am sort of terrified of sleeping, not just with her, but anyone? " he admitted unsurely. " Such vulnerability... is just a luxury I never had felt safe with. Not even if it were with you right now, I thin. I get a fight or flight response just thinking about it, even more so, with just how casually she teases me. It comes so naturally to her... So, actually, I think it's easier for me to court you, because you are not as daring as Melody, and if you wanted to try something else, I just know you would bring it up one day, and don't have to bother concerning myself with it as a real possibility unless you bring it up. I know it's an unreasonable response, but when you take out that pressure, I suddenly feel like I can do this much better... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I don't think it's unreasonable," Svarik said and with a little smile caressed Conrad's cheek lightly with his fingers. "Might be worth talking about it with Melody, or with Eros... who will help you figure it out and then tells you to talk to Melody." 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, Eros did spend an insane amount of honest effort gently hinting to me that I have to stop acting foolish and just be myself to do well. But you see, the problem with that advice, it doesn't help much if I feel that who I am is foolish deep down... " Falcon smiled wonderingly at Svarik's light caress, a new kind of gesture between them. It encouraged him, and, as if exploring what is in the range of okay right now, he slowly put his hands on Svarik's shoulders - and then suddenly, like last night, he lowered them under his arms, and raised him up on his lap. This time though, instead of embracing him firmly, he just supported his back lightly with one arm as he spoke timidly, giving Svarik space to make himself comfortable, " But... since we talked last night, I think I want to try... to live this life a bit more honestly. " he whispered. " That's why... Sometimes before we go back home, I will talk with Eros first, for real, this time, without deflecting. I know it is an unrealistic pursuit, with my kind of life story, but... with you at my side, life feels a little more... magical, " he leaned his head on Svarik's shoulder. " When you are there, I feel like things are looking up, and if I admit I am not good at something, things will just work out... instead of the world punishing me for even smallest inadequacies... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"They will work out," Svarik assured him and caressed his hair, growing gradually more free in such gestures. 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon trembled lightly, but he didn't pull away. It seemed the little talk, as well as unambiguously more romantic atmosphere helped him get grounded, and helped it sink in that this was real, and that it was safe to be honest.
":I know... I am really not that gifted in this area. I know big part of why you are enjoying it is not my skill, but because I am the one giving you such attention...." He whispered quietly, leaning into Svarik's touch and slowly and wonderingly returning the gesture by caressing Svarik's cheek lightly, all while his eyes, passionate and warm, were dangerously close. " But I will use that to my advantage. I am going to court you so softly and wholesomely that you will never have time to be unsure. I am going to spoil you so much until you forget how hard life used to be on your own. I... Am going to shower you with so much love until all you can remember are good touches, and everything else that is dark and frightening is a memory too distant to recall, " he whispered meaningfully, holding him closer." That is my promise to our future..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik sighed shakily, pressing closer to Conrad. "I really don't know how I could have thought that I'm fine with what I already have..." he murmured. For some time, he stayed like that, content and comfortable. Only when he saw that Conrad isn't feeling disconnected anymore, he got up with a regretful smile. "We should get to work on the freedom of movement for Eros," he said. "I certainly have a lot to thank him for, and this would be the best way."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Indeed, with such open and positive response, and with everything king said, Conrad seemed to feel more confident and comfortable in his skin, as he felt more like himself again.

" Well, while he is useful for other things in general, too, if I am also going to use his basically free life consultations, I would feel better with giving him something in thanks... But also, I am totally aware he uses the fact we promised him help solely for excuse to do nice things for us, but deep down doesn't believe one bit that his life will change for the better. It is written all over his face and it annoys me so much I have to prove him wrong. " Falcon explained, as he stood up too. He left the enchanted clothes carefully at a side for now, but he took his locket, and turned and extended it to Svarik." Can you... put this on me before we go? Since it's your gift, I'd like you to do it, and... Thanks for coming with me in general," he whispered." It feels reassuring when you can go where I can not..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik slipped the pendant over Conrad's lowered head and straightened it on his neck. He then handed Conrad the sun pendant, asking the same from him.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon put it on him solemnly.
" Alright.. ready to mingle among commoners?" He grinned a little when he was done." With at least two Being bodyguards and at least three strong human guards besides me, of course. We need to have more of a king in disguise and less of a mysterious supernatural entity vibe going for you..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, I think I should be wearing something fancy and just cover it with a cloak, so that I can talk with the priests as a proper king." He took the notebook Conrad gave him to check it. "Do we already have some decree out on the separation of justice system from religion?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Justice system we have is a little complicated. " Falcon explained." I detailed everything in the journal,but it would take too long if you want to check on all details." He filled him in." Basically, in the past Bull priests were technically acting as judges, but over time the country grew to cast for only priesthood to handle everything, so a class of lawyers trained by priesthood emerged. With time, it grew more independent. Hans is actually one of strong driving forces for change that was doing all he could to secularise the justice system, that's another thing he was heavily clashing with the priesthood over. He and people like him managed a lot, but influence of religion is still strong in the country. For starters, each bigger city has a couple clergymen that oversee everything, and a head higher priest, that has to confirm every court ruling is favoured by the Bull. And of course, has a right to make prescedants and religious prosecutions when they feel Bull is disrespected - for example, like they did with Eros when they were displeased with him, even though he technically committed no secular crime, other than his appearance being seen as sacrilege... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"And have we already passed some law that would ban judging people based on religious offence?" Svarik asked hopefully. "What position do we actually start this negotiation from?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You are a king, so I couldn't go too much overboard without discussing with you, " he said."  Lot of your claim to the throne depends on Bull's priesthood, so we can't threaten them openly by doing something rash. Besides, while emperor was prime ruler, lot of respect for him came from the delicate balance between being decisive ruler and not technically being a full fledged tyrant... I could  not do much yet, as even if you are technically above priesthood, you are not fully above law. We can approach this couple of ways. Easiest would be to pressure them, but they would be vindictive if we threaten them. Order from high priest Selagon would work, but still begrudgingly. I could not quite ban judging people based on religion offenses as that is way too wide field of law and too abrupt change. You would lose lot of support from religious people that take Bull's disrespect seriously. But I did pass a little something for you," Conrad smiled a little." It took me lot of planning, and ironing off the law with Hans and High priests Selagon and Dirnek, but I used the fact you, as son as emperor, are technically blessed by the Bull and are supposed to have equal direct connection to him as the high priest.This is solely possible for you right now, but since you are a religious figure, in the name of the Bull, you can claim people of your choosing as looked upon favourably by the Bull, and can receive special status and title for them alone. It would be sacrilege to harm and prosecute over religious reasons people that are under Bull's protection, so we are basically using their superstition against them. I thought you may like it, so I did it for you," Falcon said with same tone people use when they contentedly bring someone a pack of candies they like." It is basically a glorified pardon. We can not overuse it too often, because it is a special clause, but I wanted you to have it to increase your reputation and power without causing too much animosity. I also thought, while Simbel is doing really well and is supported highly by our High Priest, it still won't hurt to have a legal case where we can assert that he is most definitely blessed by the Bull, and totally not our religious creation..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I feel like such a liar," Svarik cringed. "Hey, your deity was a Thief of souls and is now dead, but here, have a new one..." He sighed. "Well, sometimes a lie is the best you can do, isn’t it? I like that law, it gives us a good starting position for the talk, at least. But how are we going to explain that Eros is suddenly favoured by the Bull, when his presence was a blasphemy before?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, how do you think I feel? Hi guys, I am the most notorious traitor in the land and was sort of in a big way a part of why your Deity died, but you know what? Here, let me dictate a new religion for you... " Falcon murmured a little bewildered as the statement struck the nerve. " You are at least not really technically deceiving... It is true we are basically building a religion around the corpse of a fallen Deity, but the key is that only *we* know it. Only very few know of the real truth behind the Thief and Bull, as far as everyone else is concerned, we are already pushing the story for a while now that the Bull frowned upon the last picked emperor, and not having his favour, the previous emperor died, while you, who were meant to be picked by Bull originally, after years of working by Bull's will and waiting for the right time, reclaimed your rightful place as the head of the country. I'm making sure lot of money is spent on common folk and reasonable reforms, so your popularity continues to grow, and numerous harvest around central region thanks to Simbel this year will only count more as Bull's favour. We are not lying, we are just playing little game of who did it, giving their God the main credit for our work. It is a little bit dangerous game, but by calling power of our allies Bull's power, we are actually protecting them under the guise of following Bull's will. We are basically doing the same by calling Simbel Bull's brother - using Bull's authority to keep them safe. We are in huge advantage because we are one of very few that know that we are the Bull now, Svarik, " Falcon looked at him seriously. " Bull's will is your will, we are just calling it Bull's will for sake of others. We can talk it out, but in general, I am in for * Bull wills it so, this is what he wants and as a religious king, I must obey his mysterious desires * kind of approach. The rogue strange creature that can threaten the influence of the Bull is dangerous... But perhaps we can say that the Bull judged there is potential in that person and wants it to work for the good of the empire under a new king?  It is different when the ruler himself singles out a person as an asset, not a threat. We would have to have him specifically only be able to take orders from the Bull or you, though, so things wouldn't get complicated. He does not understand even half of the potential his abilities have... I believe if he was to do some works from the side, and if part of the proceeds of profit he does would go to empire, part of the local priesthood, we could reach some even favourable compromise. We can't just dump any kind of work on him, of course, as Bull's desires work in a mysterious way, but his possibilities are endless, I am sure we can find him something to do that would actually make him happy. For someone so eager to help people, he has to spend most of his energy laying low, and gets to be locked up most of the time, and like, build crafts to fill in time. Sure, good as a hobby, but if that was his peek life, you would have been able to tell it by his face. His presence may feel all mushy and sweet, but how much he can endure it does not change the fact he is basically a forced prisoner in his own house that only rarely sneaks out to kill people for Hans. For a person that is born from a desire to help others, such life has to be torture. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"My will is Bull's will..." Svarik murmured. "If that's not an irony, I don’t know what is. Okay... I've been avoiding talks with the priests at home before I can figure out all the religious details about how Bull actually speaks to me, but it can't be delayed any longer. I just hope they won't ask for too many details. If they do, I count on you to remember everything I make up so that I'm consistent when talking about it later."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" When I arrive there, I can't advise you, because I will be coming masked as one of your bodyguards, but if you want, we can decide on some basics on our carriage ride there, " Falcon offered. " And if you'd like, I can also lead a short notebook with only bullet points that will seem like your diary of revelations and decipherings of Bull's will. I am trying to keep things purposely vague, but in general, historically, there had been priests that had revelations in dreams from the Bull, which was, of course, Thief's influence at a time, but it could actually work more easily in our favour since Simbel can also connect to people through dreams, so having them be brothers is believable from that side, too. So, I think the easiest would be to claim that for years you had been receiving short simple insight from the Bull, that would send you guidance so you can avoid people that pursued you - it is way easily believable that Bull was helping you to keep his champion alive, then that you did it all on your own. We technically are also saying Simbel's revelation both you and Selagon received, you'll find very brief notes in my notebook. Now that you are king and your position is safe, revelations are less frequents, but we can say you recently had a revelation about a person that lives by the sea with Eros's description to the teeth, and that one more reason you wanted to go to the seashore was to secretly investigate to find such a person, that is important for Bull's plan for the land, " Falcon was lying without even blinking. " How would you feel about that? That way, you get extra credibility points for being extra amazing king that on short notice managed to find a person from the vision, and is already on his way to make him of use to the Kingdom... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that sounds plausible," Svarik nodded. "What I meant is that if I get some unforseen question and have to make something up, I count on you to remember it for later because I might not once I get out of there and can relax."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" That's an easy one, " Conrad confirmed. " I brought some more expensive royal looking clothes, you can pick what you like, while I go pick us some good escort. While we are in the carriage, I can write you proper decrees in case they are more needed to spread the news. I'll also hand you the three kingly seals, so you can prove your identity beyond any reasonable doubt.  "

(OOC: Are we going to RP for priests? Since Svarik is king and story is solidly plausible, I'd say it's reasonable to assume the talks would be taxing and hard, but work out in their favour in the end? Since each city should be assumed to have a religious centre, they could start with this city to set the base, and then call Sage to help lead them to the bigger 4th city where Eros and Alpha live, so they can reinforce the rule more strongly there, and Sage could lead them around the city too - Svarik was there once with others, but this is the first time there for Conrad. We should also decide if, for the road to the 4th city, Melody should go with them or not )
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