Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

While Falcon's feelings were satisfied and almost playfully entertained when Senecio was speaking thankfully and respectfully to Svarik, as he definitely wanted Svarik to be praised for his actions, a slow sense of dread was creeping on him as he continued speaking. When the title was dropped, despite he seemed unnaturally calm on the outside, his expression without blemish, a suffocating pressure clenched his heart, as he understood what happened.

" I see... " he spoke, having to appear calm before more people watching, but not able to hide before Senecio that he felt a surge of cold bitterness, distrust and disappointment toward Hans, as he looked back at him. " I mean... seriously? I did leave the information to your discretion, but to think... you would share something like that with someone you've known so shortly? And so lightly? "

" It was not lightly, " Spirit, who seemed to anticipate before this conversation that he is going to have a big mountain to climb, watched Falcon firmly, his words more for Svarik than Falcon as he shared his thoughts. " Both you and meadow king agreed to put Senecio under my command here. His talents are wasted for a crude undercover mission, and his mental state would just deteriorate if I ever used him as such - but I believe this task is a proper, worthy task, fitting his skills. It is a task that no one can do better than him, but should I not at least tell him of my intentions, so he knows what he is getting himself into? I did not tell him much, just the general current state of things. If it was a matter of time, I would have waited longer, if I was sure you would ever come again to the sea during a human lifetime. I have to suggest it now, because if I suggested it by letter, you'd just not write a response, like all the other countless times when I'd ask. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I beg you pardon, but Hans doesn’t know me shortly," Senecio said appeasingly. "We made a whole play together, that counts for a year at least. From my experience, you get to know someone best when creating something with them. You don't have to worry that I'll reveal your secrets, why would I do that? Why would I do something to harm the king who saved my life? Twice. If you want to know, my reaction is "so what?". I should tattoo it on my forehead really, the way it's relevant all the time. You have a huge scary demonic form? So what? You can only feed on pain? So what? You’re a known traitor? So what?" Senecio shrugged. "Hans says you're okay and want only the best for the kingdom and I trust him more than some rumours."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

It was not easy to appease someone who lived such dangerous life, though. The man before him had a frighteningly neutral and firm expression and had burned heavy ache of the hurt animal. He knew merely Hans sharing his guarded secret with someone isn't enough to warrant feeling betrayed, but he felt so, though, at the same time, he didn't acknowledge the feeling, just focused on the practical side.

" It would be the really solid world... if it had solid rules like that if you saved or helped someone, it was natural that they are on your side. But life does not operate on fairy tale logic. I don't *want* what's best for the kingdom. That's a way too passive way to define me. Rather, I *do* what's best for the kingdom, and the world in tow, "the man spoke, tired resignation to the situation in his voice, but frightening, unwavering pride beneath it. " I can not blame you, who lived his life tied to the theatre, for being able to summarize my complex political situation to merely - he is a traitor, so what? " he shook his head. " Even by staying alive at Svarik's side, I am making a constant gamble every day of my life, for him, and for his land. But I trust my abilities enough, that I will be able to keep a low enough profile for around the next sixty years until nobody knows my name, and no one can recognize me by appearance anymore. I will just wait it out, " he spoke as if it's a little thing, while on the inside, there was definitely deep raw pain coming with that conclusion. " That is what is best for everyone. "

" But however you put it, next sixty years are crucial for the land, " Hans replied urgently. " It is terribly hard feat, transforming militaristic land into a more peaceful one. Leaving it to sir Svarik alone, isn't it leaving him to spent his most precious years constantly working and troubled under the heaviness of tasks he was never trained to do? Even more so, do you think he will be happy, watching you miserable for the next sixty years? You can write off making him happy, you won't even be able to do bare minimum normal couple things, as long as you're in the capital. " he spoke, the words that seemed to stung the man deeply. He was convinced and unravelling through, despite the bitterness.

" Normal couple things? What normal? Nothing in my life is normal, " he cut off sharply. " But that does not mean I will screw up the world just for one life's sake. And at the very least, if not happy, I won't make Svarik unhappy. Having him shield me publicly is nothing but baiting a civil war, something I absolutely won't allow to happen. I will ruin no one's life, not Svarik's, not some random soldier's who would hunt me down only with best intentions for the land in mind, and no - I will not ruin even your life, " he spoke to Senecio firmly, watching him seriously. " Just because you talk like it's nothing, doesn't mean making a piece with any sort of morsel of positivity towards Bloody Major isn't too dangerous. He is a person condemned by both church and the military. He was cursed by the last High priest Tarmagil, and killed by the last war general, Otma, " he spoke bitterly. " Don't you get it that you're basically suggesting blasphemy right now? Anything positive about the subject, and do you know who would get blasted by people that hate him? Not Bloody Major, because he is dead, and there is no one to defend him, anyway. It would-be writers who came up with the idea. It would-be actors. It would be all artists connected to it, " he spoke with calm collected coldness. " Why would you expect me to gladly risk your safety and mental state, and the safety and state of all your coworkers? Why would I put the whole land through the drama of it, and endanger people's lives, just for the sake of one dead man's reputation is a little more open to interpretation? No person with a morsel of conscience would risk ruining the lives of others just because his life isn't ideal. How can you think so little of quality of your life, when you should know its value best, having literally returned from the dead? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Maybe I think too little of it, or you think too much of yourself," Senecio shrugged nonchalantly. "You are very capable and clever and all that, I'm not doubting that. But you think you matter to people much more than you do. You matter to a few people who like you and to a few who hate you. The rest, though? They don't care. Same with the character of the Bloody Mayor. Some people feel very strongly about him, but the rest? They go around their daily lives without a single thought about him. So what if he betrayed the emperor? There’s a king now and life goes on, there's work to be done, crops to tend, fishes to catch, there are... I don't know, whatever else people do. 

See, I used to play Flinding. One of the greatest romance stories written... wait," he narrowed his eyes at Hans, "didn't you write that one as well? But, anyway," he continued, "a great romantic hero, a story so touching no eye remains dry... and then people go out of the theatre, have dinner, play with their kids, think about him for a day or two, and then go around their lives again and maybe remember him occasionally, maybe see or do something differently than they did before, but they have their own problems and Flinding has his. Same with any blasphemy. There are a few people very loud about it, but most of them? They don't mind, even do some little blashamy of their own privately. You tell them the Bloody Mayor may not actually be a traitor, they tell you *whatever, cool story*. 

Now, meddling into an ancient war between Spirits and Demons by telling how a character might be different from what is usually perceived... that seems more risky to me than dealing with some elderly priests. The war is still going on, it's still influencing their lives. But a war that ended ten years ago for humans? Whatever, cool story. People just go on, while you are still stuck in it. Get yourself unstuck, I say."

"Also," Svarik look at Conrad sadly, "why do you think you would ruin my life if you dare to claim any credit for your work? Do you think I want you to stay in the shadows and suffer quietly? Didn’t we talk about it? I promised you I'll find a way for you to join me in the light. And look, a way is offering itself. Not a miraculous one for sure, but a beginning, a step that combined with many others can lead there. 

And if any trouble arises from it for Senecio, I trust the people here to protect him, and a dispute about it would be a good precedent to set a rule that art should be free, whether it's an apology of unpopular character or a parody of the king or clergy. Actually... you could do a parody of the king first, so that we can do a public process out of it and make the ruling clear that it's artistic freedom, and also that I'm confident in my position enough that I don't mind critique." 

He glanced at Senecio strictly. "I rely on you to be tactful about topics that could weaken my position though, that would be rather counterproductive. But I'd like to see such play, and if you inclue some actual constructive criticism, you might see it implemented. What do you think, do you feel up to such a political dance on thin ice? It would be a test to see if you can handle it before I can entrust you with influencing Conrad's public image. We shall see how you do and then decide if we accept you offer. We shouldn't rush, though, but wait for the right time - a few months or a few years, but certainly not sixty. Would you agree to that?" Svarik turned with the last question to Conrad, not to Senecio, wanting his opinion and agreement first before they make any deal with the actor.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon was withdrawn into himself, seeping under the pressure their request put on him, but not yielding so easily.
" You all speak with foolish conviction... It's true not exactly the entire country hates me, but those that do hate me do so with passion. It's not like I angered a coalition of musicians or coal miners... I am held in contempt by military and priesthood, fanatics and religious folks, the worst, most active ones. The kingdom is merely set, but it is still a frail institution, and Svarik has yet to prove himself as a trustworthy ruler. Do you think it's easy to just put a king on the throne and do nothing after thousand years of empire? The following few years are going to be one of great economic uncertainty. Last ten years we were barely living on old glory and profits of war crimes, without all the swift reforms I was pushing on, the land would be on the brink of ruin already. The reason people can sleep soundly enough yet is that few are truly aware of just what kind of peril are we facing. I can ease the crisis by working on it carefully enough. But adding unnecessary uncertainty adds too many variables. Too much could go wrong, in the worst case, remnants of old empirical currents could try to dethrone Svarik, and some parts of the land may end up bold enough by the crisis to seek independence. Country parts recently conquered could end up fractured in different little parts, and worse, sensing our weakness, Highlands could grow brave enough to wage war for revenge. They can't conquer all of the former empire but they can surely take a bite and weaken us further, and force us to become a war country again instead of peaceful one, " he spoke quietly with resignation. " It is not just about clearing my name. It is also about the future. It's not like I would be happy with just clearing my name, and living my a farm somewhere quietly. How do you think it looks, if it's found out the most notorious person is history is not only at king's side, but dating him? Advicing him all the time, making laws in his name? It would basically look like I made a puppet king out of Svarik, and am using him to rule through him. That's the core of the issue. People that hate me may not move for a forgotten or dead figure, but they will move for a person they hate basically running the government. How will it look like, " his look passed through all of them sharply. " If not, that I insured last emperor died, and worked in secrecy for years, to make a puppet ruler to do my bidding? How will it look like to priesthood and military, if not that I was too greedy for power, wanting things be done my way, and hence, conspired against old government, to create puppet government for myself? It's uncomfortably close to the truth, anyway. I basically choose most of the new council, detroned most of the old military along with the General, and took vampires under my command. For the lack of better word, I actually did basically create my own governments, but if it gets found out, faith in Svarik's competence will significantly decrease, and everything I worked hard to build for a decade will be in danger... "

" But we can't count merits just by what we will avoid, but also what we will lose. No human can lead the country as well as you. You have trained for this for ten years, after all, " Hans tied in seriously, fiercely shaking his head. " If you spend your whole human life hiding, you'll miss out on crucial years for forming the new kingdom. Like I told you before, I'd rather have had rebellion and instated you as a next king by force, than have a meek beloved king that won't push for necessary reforms hard enough, " he spoke delicately, not exactly a smear of Svarik, but definitely a show of respect for sir Falcon. " I know best the power of priesthood and military. They are almost above law to the point of absurdity. But having you influence the world from the shadows is insanely impractical, you can't do tenth of what you could openly. Your skills are wasted like that. Svarik is young power, and you don't have people from the old regime strong enough to protect you, but isn't it worth it to slowly work on shifting public opinion? If we do it slowly and tactfully, even if priesthood and military want to cause an uproar, public opinion will be so against it that they won't be able to do much openly. "

" No matter how you slice it, isn't it just throwing propaganda on the wall? Svarik has clear ties to the sea, one of his first further public relations having been coming here and supporting this play and theatre that had just recently been bought of by you, his supporter. If some time down the road a play showing Bloody Major in good light shows up, and later it is revealed that man is alive and is behind sir Svarik, won't it be pretty obvious who was behind the play? " Falcon proclaimed tiredly. " I digress. I do agree with your suggestion for play about king, actually. We should make a presedant anyway, that art should not result in prosecution so that we don't just capture and prosecute artists all over the place. So... that's why I will allow that one. But I am against the other play. I am not saying it wouldn't be a fitting stepping block, " he finally admitted as much. " But there is no use of a stepping block unless there is another proper stepping block following it. I can't undermine Svarik's whole legacy over a pipe dream. There is just no stepping block after it that's firm enough to make stirring public opinion worth it... "

" You are still firmly established in local power. There are no old currents that would support you, but Simbel is getting stronger by the day, you currently decently influence the high priests, and vampires, former high officials, are at your side. It's not too strong a stepping block, but it is a start, and if we lay down enough of them, there is a chance, even if loud protesting, that we won't fall into the civil wars... Surely you don't think you wouldn't at least win meek support of some important enough people? "

" It's not... nothing is guaranteed, but that's not the main issue. If we were to risk and scrape by we would surely unearth couple of stepping stones... but there is only one person that would guarantee that priests could not rile up military up for civil war... And that is general Otma. " he revealed his thoughts, speaking practically, but Senecio, who could feel it, had seen a burning, deep sense of pain and betrayal as man spoke those words. " He is still alive. I only learned so recently... But it's no difference if he's alive or dead. He is in Highlands and wants nothing to do with us. Chances he would lend us a hand is almost laughable. We don't have anything that would be worth it for him to dedicate years of his life to keeping the situation under control. "

" But... he is alive? Actually alive? " Hans's face lit up. " I'm sure it wouldn't be easy, but have you actually tried appealing to him? "

" I won't plead help from a man that tied me to a horse, dragged me through rocks, branches and mud until I was torn up and bleeding out, with half of my bones were broken up, and then left me for dead when I fell unconscious, " Falcon replied fiercely. " Svarik ha some hopes... But I am telling you, I do not. I am just telling you this, because I don't think, whatever we do, that we can avoid weakening the kingdom if we reveal I am basically a shadow ruler, without Otma's support. He is simply the very last person who has the proper background to be given the benefit of the doubts if he were to say I am not a spiteful person that destroyed thousand-year-old dinstry for my own gain... "

" But it sounds from me that, with Otma being alive, the chances risen for peace are insanely higher, " Hans urged to speak. " General was a highly family-oriented person.... Didn't he basically become a general and work so hard mostly in order to help out his brother, the last emperor before Ar Tenil? He is basically Svarik's uncle through that, though, even if it was never acknowledged with Derhain. Svarik is literally the only family he has left, " he said sheepishly. " Wouldn't he sacrifice not, at least as much, for the same of his last family member and the next generation? The next heir to the throne will basically be his grandnephew, it is not farfetched to have some expectations that he would agree to help him... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I told you I'll take care of that," Svarik told Conrad firmly. "I let you do what you can best. Don't you trust me at least a little to do what I can do well in turn? I tell you, I'll convince Otma to move his ass from his comfortable inn and help us. Well," he smiled a little, "my plan is to convince his wife first, of course. I believe she is the one who can talk some sense into him. And this play, if we let it prepare the soil for us before his testimony gets public, can help us a lot. If you could just stop being so stubbornly self-sacrificing, that would be helpful, honestly. How do you think I feel when you sacrifice your well-being for me?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon, despite, or because of the grave seriousness of the conversation, couldn't help but snort a little at Svarik's phrasing. He seemed tense and sensitive with the subject, as it was clearly painful to him, but he could not help not to gaze at Svarik with favour, both clear in his gaze and feelings. The only person in the room to whom unusually high, insanely clear trustful feelings were directed, was meadow king, after all.

" It's a little funny, asking me if I trust you when you're the only person in the world whom I trust to this extend... I don't trust the general bastard, that has nothing to do with my trust for you, " he said firmly, not able to help a little sad note escaping through this time. " And how can it be claimed real sacrifice, doing bare minimum not to start a civil war? You wouldn't even allow executing people that kidnapped and injured you, how would you even shoulder the weight of lost lives of the civil war? I must never let it happen, but it's not a sacrifice. The true sacrifice would be going at the edge of nowhere and living quietly for a couple of decades... That is the only thing I absolutely can't bring myself to do. Instead, I am clinging to you like glue, risking your position if someone were to recognize me and spread the rumours... " he sighed. " It's not really a true sacrifice. I feel guilty enough for putting you in danger with my presence. I really... should have left you alone when I had the chance before you grew attached to me. You wouldn't have to deal with any of this, and if you ever brought general Otma back to the kingdom, it would be to meet him as an uncle, with your kids... not to help a war criminal... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Well, too late," Svarik smiled a bit and entwined his fingers with Conrad's. "I'm already attached to you. And you're right that it's a risk if someone recognizes you. What you're doing in secret is a risk even if you don't get recognised. Even as a nobleman Conlead, pulling the king's strings from behind the throne. It's too risky keeping such secrets and fearing who and when will reveal them. That’s why it has to be us, on our own terms. I've had enough of living in constant fear. You don’t need to trust Otma, but I still ask you to trust me that I can deal with him. I understand his fear. He's been too loyal to the Emperor for too long, and when that loyalty shattered, he never regained his moral compass, not trusting his own beliefs anymore. Instead, he put his wife into that role. We won't convince him alone, but if she comes, then he will come with her and do the right thing. We have the means to control how the truth is revealed, so let's use them and be free of the fear."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

More so than words at first, Falcon trusted Svarik's gesture, watching the hands he entwined with his own so naturally. He slowly pressed the hand back as he spoke.
" Only if Otma would cooperate a lot... would this plan be safe enough to try. Without it, the risks are too high, even with the play. The play before it would lower the risks by engaging public opinion first if it's done well. But I will only allow it if we first make the trial play you suggested, to establish a law that people should not be prosecuted over controversial art. We need to set that law first with a less controversial play, to make sure that later, with more controversial play, people involved with it won't be in big trouble. And more than disrespect to the king, most important is to make sure plays can't be seen as blasphemy, " he took a deep breath, before finally looking up at Svarik. On the surface, his expression looked calm, but in the faint way with which he held onto king's hand, and a dark heavy troubled feeling that was suffocating and painful to observe, Senecio, more than others, could see this was a very last resort to him, and that it was something he allowed but was determined to the last moment not to have high hopes for. " The trial play to cause an amendment of blasphemy laws is a must anyway, so we can start with it right away, but I'll only allow the second play if Otma agrees to help first. Without him, it is not safe enough. So... you must do your best, okay? " he smiled for the first time, meaningfully, with a sad thoughtful smile that was for Svarik alone, from whom he did not look away. " This whole plan of yours... If all parts can align, I am willing to take the risk. But you have to exceed my expectations. Just a moment ago, I lied, " he grinned, with a deep feeling of loss and grief. " If we try this, but it doesn't work out, and things turn out to get worse and people we care for and the kingdom falls into crisis... I would rather want to die, but since that's out of the table, I'm ready to go away to some farm in the middle of nowhere, to... live a quiet century, until everyone who is outraged forgets me... and the political climate gets mild enough for me to... be able to get back after taking on new name and life. It would be absolutely worse than death and it would be hell to powerlessly observe the world go on without me, kingdom reaping benefits of my hard work while hating me at the same time, as bad things I could fix if only I was included, just keep happening. I feel like I will go insane if I have to do that. So... " he pressed his hand firmly. " So, you have to do an excellent job, if you don't want to not see me until I'm 130, okay? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Of course I will do an excellent job," Svarik said reassurigly. "And Senecio will too, right?"

Senecio bowed his head. "Don't expect anything less than perfection."

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon snorted a little with the response. There was still heaviness and depression in his feelings in the aftermath of the talk, but he was grounding himself with the king's hand he was still holding. Maybe because of that, he was able to look back at Senecio with a streak of more good-natured curiosity.

" I will judge what to expect based on the results of the trial play Svarik suggested... My only requirement is that it is a comedy. We will have an easier time passing the law if the outrage it generates feels convoluted. What do you think? "

" For a start, yes, I did intend to suggest a law amendment that will protect artists as a part of theatre reform, but the change will indeed be more poignant if we make a dramatic outrage on a smaller scale that's enough to make the law easier and firmer. As for the subject, Svarik suggested that play, " now that hardest part of the conversation was done, Hans finally dared to look at meadow king and managed to bring himself to smile a little faintly, although it still came as an effort to him to try to be more daring before him. " Shouldn't he tell us what he had in mind? We can discuss and decide on the plot so that I and Senecio can take care of the writing in our free time. Since you promised me you'll consider the theatre reforms as soon as you can, I imagine it would be good to do this play soon, so it will appear to comfortably fall close to new reforms... it will look more organic if it looks that some changes happened to inspire other.... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I didn’t have much in mind since I just thought of it now," Svarik smiled. "But I remember there was a play you particularly didn’t like that you were supposed to do as your punishment, where you played a king. So consider this a replacement of that one, with a different king to play. A silly king talking to bees and dancing among flowers, maybe. Never named, but pretty obvious who it's supposed to be. We can think about it more while we're here and go for a dinner tomorrow to discuss ideas if you want. I don't want to dictate you much though, it's your play and I don’t want spoilers, just hope it will make me laugh."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It would be best if, together with disrespect to the king, we weave in some good old blasphemy," Hans dared to suggest carefully." It will rile up priests, out most outrageous demographic, most effectively, and guarantee success in law passing the most. We need the drama from them. "
" I agree," Falcon nodded." How about part of the play being focused on high jinks of dandy carefree king evading clumsy priests and soldiers, in lot of funny unlikely situations, just as it actually was?" He spoke the jest softly as he observed Svarik, but stil pressed his hand lightly, knowing it was not funny at all in the last ten years for him, either, as he continued." I think best way to rile up outrage is to depict Bull as a major character in the play," he grinned, as he was leisurely coming up with ideas on the go." How about making the Bull a dejected middle aged man with oversized horns, who is constantly running after Svarik to prevent the priests and soldiers from catching him, and often ends up battered and beaten up in his stead, while the king with a flower crown just cluelesly hops away as he plays? With proper setup it could be quite cute on the surface, but also a soft unassuming propaganda. Through that, although making Svarik appear sheepish and clueless, we could spread the idea and make it common knowledge widely thar he is beloved and protected by the Bull. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik chuckled. "I like that!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, it is my job, after all, to make sure your ideas work out," Falcon responded, with a little brighter grin, and incredibly, unexpectedly warm feelings behind it." I also vote for not meddling with the process much, but it would be wise to give Hans and Senecio a list of things they should include, like a reference to specific event or interesting character."
" Yes, at least couple of details or interesting bits that actually happened to give us inspiration would be great. It will be more interesting if we sprinkle some truth to it. " Hans agreed." By the way, if I understood right... Alpha said you two wanted to organise a little whale sighting trip?" He asked uncertainly, as he tried to confirm information." Is that true? If so, we can maybe discuss some details when we go there, brainstorm a bit. Since I assume your new propaganda about Bull and Simbel is delicate, should we include Simbel in this one, or are we pretending he doesn't exist? If he is to be important, treating him like a character expected to be there in your tale may be more tricky, but interesting. It may get people that don't know of him yet to begin to wonder and want to find out why the hell does the Bull have a secret brother."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I think that depends on timing. If we reveal Simbel before the play, you can use him if you want. I think he would like that, when you come to play it in the capital. As long as the information about him spreads to your city naturally so that you could have known it without us telling you, it's fine if he fits the script. And yes, we're going to see the whales. It's a part of a rather fun deal I made with Alpha. We can discuss some ideas afterwards. I'll think of some details that you could have found out from someone else than me."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, that should be an interesting collage to piece together. Perhaps Sir Falcon can talk to high priest Selagon to send a memo about Simbel to some key religious centres to inform them of new revelations coming in recent months? I am sure some rumours are already circulating between priests and some are in process of coming to the capital on pilgrimage. If you generate some rumors about Simbel is local priesthood, it will spread to rumours around nobility and I can claim that as inspiration. I can also buy all possible info on you and new religious developments from information guilds so that it feels authentic that I got inspired from various things said about your life from all possible sources, " Hans suggested. " I don't wish to trouble you any longer, I am sure you're already looking forward to going out and getting some fun new outfits for you all, and for Jake. I assume Erdel will probably be done with his task and come to the sea by the time of the ball, too, so are you planning on buying a surprise outfit for him as well? I think he'd be happy to participate, and a lot of our Beings are curious about a new Demon with such high potential that is so unusually young. It would be good for him to meet some of his kin, " Spirit adviced briefly. " So I imagine you'd be quite busy this morning with buying clothes, right? Me, Alpha, Senecio and Tide are planning on going to the Fourth city to buy some furniture, so we are going to be pretty busy this morning, so are you planning to go whale watching in the evening? We just need to set the time, so we return by then, as Tide can arrange Sea Deity to call you some nice whales whenever you feel like. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh, so it actually depends on us?" Svarik smiled, a bit embarrassed. "I thought it depended on the whales and Alpha will call us when they're close. But if we can pick any time, does afternoon suit you? We don’t have any firm plans, so we can coordinate with you if not."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Since Senecio died that day and I just sobered up from feeling half dead today, too, we are going for a whole day of hedonistic indulgence in joys of being alive, " Being managed to smile a little more freely, as it seemed Svarik's embarrassment helped a little with his awkwardness. " So, we're probably spending most of the morning ourselves in indulgent shopping and we planned to improvise as the day goes. I do expect we can make it in in the afternoon, but since it's so soon, I think Senecio should decide if he is alright with it, " he finally said, despite he knew he is being insensitive about leaving such a choice to a person that tried to hurt Svarik, wanting to stay honest and true about his intentions. " He is important to me, despite how much of a troublemaker he is... and I don't want to push him too much right now. Even for Beings who are meant to come back, dying is stressful... we are all making our day free for him today to do whatever he feels like. I know it may sound a silly requirement, but after losing him and just waking up, that's how I feel today, " he shared his feelings quietly. " Is it alright if Senecio decides it today is alright with him? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Of course," Svarik nodded. "Maybe it would really be better tomorrow, if you agree. It's a bit short notice anyway, I don’t want to rush Alpha to arrange it either. Would that be better?"

"I think it would, thank you," Senecio nodded. 

"Right, I guess some extra rest would do us all good today," Svarik smiled. "We won't have much chance for it when we get home. So, I've got a plan for the afternoon," he looked at Conrad mischievously. "Let's find a sunny spot by the sea, lie down and do nothing. I'm taking bets about how long you can last."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Despite he was easily keeping a neutral face during a serious conversation earlier, this time, unprepared, Falcon subconsciously grimaced, thinking about such sheer level of inactivity, that felt much more extreme even compared to one of observing stars.

" When... you put it like that, I feel like I want to be spiteful and last longer than you're betting on me. I guess I'll just... do taxes in my head or something, " he managed to tease a little as he was coming up with the proper plan, and Hans snorted a little with a strong reaction.

" It may be easier to stand being idle for longer if you bring some nice food with you, " he suggested, adding unexpectedly. " Actually there is a Being restaurant nearby that is tied to us, that makes all kind of special food you won't find anywhere else. If you'd like, you can order a packed lunch of something you fancy with you, and eat it at the beach. Since it's my suggestion and it's inhumanly expensive, it's my treat, just say Lllyr said they should put it on his tab if you're willing to accept. I just have a request in exchange. It should be easy, as it's tied to food there as well, " he brought it forth with a touch timid, playful note. " My request is to just avoid ordering the most expensive cake that's on the dessert menu. To be truthful, it's a special treat I promised Senecio if he does a good job, and he asked for it because he wanted to share it with you as a token of goodwill that is definitely totally not a sign of remorse and apologeticness, " he spoke innocently, with a tender gentle feeling as he spoke of Senecio, that didn't prevent him, though, from revealing Senecio's intentions in an embarrassingly candid way. " So, if everyone agrees, I think tomorrow when we go whale seeing on a nice stable boat would be a good picnic choice to share the cake? Since it's for the sake of everyone getting along, I planned to order a special larger size, so everyone could get two slices. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik chuckled. "Alright, cake tomorrow. And today we'll get a picnic, just tell us where to find that restaurant. Don't worry," he winked at Conrad, "I'll find something for you to do. I remember clearly that you're capable of doing nothing, and with a rather great focus... like when I found you sitting upside down in a chair, not moving because Nela was napping on you. Well, we don't have Nela here, but I think I can take the place of a cat rather well. I too would like a nice doze of sun and warmth before we get back home where it still doesn't have the strength like here in the South."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Falcon tried to keep a straight face, as it seemed the way Svarik described the event was a little embarrassing.
" Well... That was doing nothing with a purpose. It was an experiment to test the premise of how long the situation was sustainable. Having you in place of the cat? Well, I guess you are more demanding than a cat and would make a good test subject, " he coughed, and, partly in a test of what is the new normal, partly in an innocent try to embarrass him back before guests, the man leaned a bit towards him, and pinched his cheek, not able to hide an endearing note behind him. " You are cuter than a cat, though, I suppose, so I guess it will do... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik didn't look embarrassed but pleased with the reaction, as if that was his goal. He pressed Conrad's hand more firmly. "Okay, so," he smiled, "since we're all going to the shops, should we go together and split when we're in the city?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" If you are not uncomfortable with us, it would be a relief. I would feel bad as your host leaving you to your own means. Xia is with Sage, currently doing a job for us, so unless you ask her you can't fly to the fourth city, and Tide, who can bend water, can move a boat much faster than conventional transport. It would take any human boat you rent around two and a half hours to get to the Fourth city, while it takes Sage or Tide less than one," Hans explained." If it's not a bother, it would be most leisurely trip if you go with us, I think. Also, if you plan to buy something heavier, Alpha is going with us, and he can pretty much store insane quantity of things with him, so if you don't want to drag lot of things back, he could store them for you and manifest them to your room. "
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