Senecio and Tide

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Re: Senecio and Tide

"Yes, I would like the tunic if it would fit me. I would like it on you..." Senecio winked. "It is too big for me. So, I think I would have time for a short swim while you have a talk with Hans, right? This pool right there looks too tempting... Then I will go to my room, so Hans van join me there."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" Deal. I will tell Hans you are in your room, unless he calls you to join him in his workroom. But if you like stars, well - who knows. Maybe I could sew and embroider a tunic for you sometimes, when I learn your measurements.  " Tide winked shyly, and turned to leave - despite all instict to spoil and pamper actor after this intimacy that was hard to resist,  little rush of his step showing that he was indeed relieved to be able to find strength to brake of, to check out and comfort Hans as well, as it was deep instilled in his character to be caring to people dear to him.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Senecio just swam twice across the first pool in a leisurly pace, to refresh himself before the day. Then he dressed in the mended clothes, admiribg Tide's work again in a mirror, before he locked the door with the key that Tide gave him and went to his room.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

He since that moment, waited for around half an hour or more, as Tide must had taken his time to gently comfort Hans and soothe his feelings properly, just like he did with Senecio, not able to leave any of his friends before sure they are feeling better.
It was Tide as well, who came back, knocking at door of actor 's room.    He looked a little bit more emotionally tired after heavy talk, but he beamed a little bit again when he sow Senecio in mended clothes, and was with it again reminded of magic of whole night and morning that had special meaning to him.

" Hans is working on the script in his room. As most of today you will spend on script, he wants you to work with him there... Would that be okay, dear?" Critter bid him hesitantly, as it seemed to feel a bit down, in bad position, torn between Hans and Senecio - not wanting either to hurt the other, but understanding thee is too much uneasiness between them for him to fully protect either of them.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"If you show mw where his room is..." Senecio nodded. He hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "How much does he know?"
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" I admit I might have been... A little... excited.... talkative... " creature admitted little hoarsely, it seeming excitement was his biggest weakness, as in it, it was hard for him not to share his joy, as he desires so much to share it with the world. " I just... Hans is my treasure. He is my right hand, and like my other self. I can't imagine, um... not speaking to him... of things that overjoy me, so. It as always like that, between us - he knew so much more, and I was clueless in love and courting alike, and I would speak to him, and he would give me tips... " he blushed. " I am too... used to it... And it's my joy as much as yours, and... you said it's alright... "
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"It is, I just want to know what he... can imagine, when he looks at me," Senecio said with some embarrassment. "But I'm ready to work with him."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" Please, be kind to him. He's on rough start with you, but he's gentler person than he looks. He just fears for his family. He was ready to straight up start a civil war for Lorenzo, if king dared sentence him, no matter the cost, not caring about Death or anything. We... belong here, with our humans. This is our family now, and we will protect it as long as we live. If he's rough, it's just... out of protectiveness. He doesn't trust you yet, with me, after you brought me to tears. " he whispered quietly, as he brushed of actor's cheek lightly, in support.  "Please, don't be rude to him... Like you, he is my dear treasure. Promise me you will have that in mind, okay? "
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"I promise," Senecio nodded. "He is your best friend, I want to get along with him..."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" Thank you... I am proud of you. " creature smiled at him softly, its worry melting a little anew, in grace, as it measured actor up again tenderly, seeming to enjoy looking at him in clothes in mended for him. Then, it waves with inviting gesture, inviting him to follow so he could lead him to Hans's room.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Senecio followed him towards Hans' room.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Hans's work place was a simple, not too big, not too small room, considering sizes of room, decorated simply, and practically, with shelves with his personal books, and sofas to sit on. It was by all means, humanlike  and ordinary. He was sitting at a table, with script all around it, and rewriting something in silence, not moving as he heard them come into his room.

Tide wished him quietly good luck, and then, he left them alone.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Senecio greeted him and then approached quietly, blushing a little as he imagined everything that Hans probably knows about him now. He hoped to avert and remarks or possible teasing about it with starting the conversation about work. "How is it going?" he asked.
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Re: Senecio and Tide fax y

Hans did not look at him, and it was hard to figure out what he was thinking, his expression reserved and unreadable - wary, actor could realize. He did not reply for a moment, aa if he was deciding if he should turn question around, or speak of work as well.. in the end, he decided.
" All old parts are now rewritten. I am currently rewriting missing parts. I tracked down and contacted all actors you mentioned throughout night, as it was urgent. I got big part of their bits of script restored, not perfectly, but as closely as they could remember. However, that actor that played demon friend - the fool got totally wasted after one play and drowned in the sea. He had lot of speaking parts with Demon King near middle and some more parts in end, according to your notes, so I am figuring out how to mend that hole."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

In reply to this post by VisAnastasis
"I don't remember the exact replicas, only what they were about, and I already wrote you that in the notes. Do you want to work just on the script, or decide about other things as well? Because first that should be done in such a little time, if we already know all characters, is designing the costumes and prompts, so the work on them can start immediately while the script is being improved and rewritten.

(OOC: can you delete the other thread that I made accidentally by changing the title of the email while replying?)

Dňa 7. 7. 2017 8:27 PM používateľ "Evka Zahradníková" <[hidden email]> napísal:
Senecio greeted him and then approached quietly, blushing a little as he imagined everything that Hans probably knows about him now. He hoped to avert and remarks or possible teasing about it with starting the conversation about work. "How is it going?" he asked.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" I agree, we should get right at designing costumes and prompts today as well, and have at least some first drafts of them. But having the whole original script circled is very important, as, in same time, it is first draft of whole play, that we yet have to rewrite. You don't know exact replicas, but you know the feel of the play, having been involved into it, even if with that little part. Your help will be invaluable to me in this, as, as I write, as you will be able to tell me if my writing feels organic to original style, as if it could have belonged there. As well, until now, I didn't write any theathe play, only poems and epics, so if text I write is too long, perhaps I will have to add a line of dialog or two to Demon King, to ease it up. That's why I can't do this properly, without you. As soon as we fill in those gaps with close enough dialogs, so we can call that first draft circles, then - we can go on, designing first versions of costumes and prompts. "
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"That would be better done with the one who will be in charge of making them. Those people are artists, not artisans. They don't like when you give them the exact design you want and just tell them to make it. It's better to design it together with them, both to make the costumes better and also not impossible to make. I would pick Benito. He's old, but I always likes costumes designed by him. Maybe you could send someone to ask him to come around noon? Until then we can work on the script."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Hans was silent for a moment, still evading his look. He was frowning but lightly, in thought, and he seemed to be considering to object, as what was unsaid between them was not making it really pleasant for him to focus on the task - but in the end, he just shook his head quietly and somewhat miserably to himself, as if he finished some debate with himself in his head.
" Fine. " he murmured, standing up from the table. " That's reasonable, I agree. I will then tell someone to ask Benito to come around noon. Thing is - being alive at a time, I know quite accurately, how fashion on Spirit and Demon court looked, as I was hanging around both courts. However - I don't think I want to just replicate them as clothes were back then, specially, since it was really, very varied at a time, and everyone liked something different. I think I want us to draw some inspiration from original costumes, as they were when play was performed ten years ago. Not exact, I want them much improved upon, of course, with proper high budget and lot of flair - but still, we need to know those designs, so when with Benito we start designing, we can have them as inspiration... " he murmured, still evading to look upon the actor, gazing instead, at a side, toward doors. " I will  for that need name of original designer of those costumes - see if he has some sketches from that time left in his portfolio, or see if he can draw for us some rough sketches from what he remembers they looked at that time when he designed them... "
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"I don't know who that was," Senecio said apologetically. "My role was too little, I was just given one of the simpler costumes that fit me. You could try asking one of those main roles, they must have worked with the designer, as their costumes were made with their measures. It's actually possible it was Benito as well..."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" I didn't yet have time, to ask about designer, as I was too focused on patching up butchered script, that was priority after buying of theater and finishing all legal paperwork around it... " Hans murmured quietly. " But I will do it now. You can browse through already mended pages while I am gone, see how I am doing so far, make some remarks... Don't touch anything else in the room, only what's already on table, because I will know, and because whole room is booby trapped for intruders when I am not in it. I will go, to send quick messages around, to find out name of original costume designer, before sending for Benito... I will come back soon. " he glanced at door evadingly anew, and turned to leave to do as he said.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"All the work that already can start, should start," Senecio said. "Ask also about who was in charge of the coulisses and prompts. I would guess it was Gnetus, he was in charge of those things in that theatre by then. He is underlined, though..."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

" He's not gonna work on my play, that's for sure. " Hans cut of, simply, without needless dramaticality." At very least, in very worst case, all underlined names will mysteriously stop getting jobs in my theater, till they have nothing to do with us, and fade into obscurity. In very worst case. In cases I prefer, at least some, enough that it won't be too suspicious, will die painfully and mysteriously before fading to obscurity. " He murmured, and shook his head." In this particular occasion...  I will see if I can buy of original sketches or pay him to draw for me as much of what he remembers from that time, for inspiration likewise,v as long as he won't be involved in any other way at all - but if not, well, who cares,  we will start from scratch then. Is there anyone young you know, who has passion or talent for it... but wouldn't get job otherwise? I want someone like that, to give them a job. It's okay if there is no one alone person. If there are like, two or three young designers who have passion, but lack experience, we can perhaps pair them up together, have them work in a group. This is going to be big project, after all, and prompts and scenes have to be elaborate and intricate, so hiring more people, as long as they are compatible and can get along, is alright with me, if you think it's needed to make up in absence of Gnetus's experience. Not one single underlined name shall work with us, even if we had to wiggle around like fishes to make sure of it, and even if I had to not sleep a wink in next two weeks, and go out of my way, and would have to start hiring Demons and Spirits as well."
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Senecio's feelings towards those men were very complicated and he was still confused about it, so he just looked down, not protesting when Hans mentioned he might be planning a murder of some of them, but feeling bad about it.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

Hans seemed to take note of that looking down, but he did comment it - as he himself seemed indecisive, about being first to open up that subject and speak of yesterday, when actor was so clearly not wanting him to speak of it. He just shook his head tiredly at lack of any reply from Senecio.
" Read the script, what I mended so far, boy, while I am gone... It may take me a little while. " he murmured quietly, looking down as well. " It would be too big bite to chew of, with script and everything, to try to do all at once today - specially since Tide wants to have some time free with you in evening. Today, we wrap up first draft of script and work on costumes, tomorrow, we continue working on script, and see whom to hire and start working on prompts and scenes. " he sighed, and turned to leave to inquire about costume designer Senecio mentioned.
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Re: Senecio and Tide

"Alright," Senecio nodded, and sat down behind Hans' table. First thing he did though, was a timetable of the tasks they need to do and when latest they can start to still make the deadline, suspecting that Hans does not even know about all of them. Only then he started reading the script, trying to focus just on the work.
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