"Do you think they will be willing to work with the artisans preparing the stage?" Senecio asked. "Together they will certainly make something appealing both to human and Being audience. And we should do the same with script. But you didn't reply to me about the music yet. Should we choose something already composed and quickly hure musicians, or is it possible we could have a Listener?" |
" Two of them are mute, but the rest know language well, and they are friendly - I'll make a deal with them, to have them work on this, no problem..." Spirit replied to that, but his voice trained of thoughtfully, as he prepared to answer the question about music that he avoided so far. " And, yes... This is story about Beings, and story as well, for some Beings. It would be a sacrilege, almost, to have it without music. But if we had a listener, think about it - it would still be only one instrument, playing throughout whole thing. I'd prefer more instruments, but nobody can play dozen instruments at once, and if you'd tell dozen Listeners to improvise, they'd all improvise their all things. I had other idea. " He paused, as if gathering up some mental effort, before suggesting. " I... used to be a Singer. I am not anymore, but I still know to play pretty much any instrument you can think of. It comes easily, with sensitivity to fabric. And I am master with music sheets, I used to compose simple stuff for Sea Kings, your ancestors, in exchange for favors. I was thinking about perhaps composing the music myself, for couple of skilled musicians, so we could have at least a play of couple different instruments. Some things, you can't do with even best lute. There's a catch.... I'd need to at least see rehearsals, once, to know, and I'd need couple of hours to write all music down. So, musicians we get would have to be pretty quick at learning.... I don't know about human pace of learning music that much, I admit, as I only need to listen once, to play something back. If we can't find somebody who could learn to play from music sheets I provide fast enough, then we'd have to settle for me playing lute all the time, combined with sound effects - but I'd rather have a little band together for that, so not every performance would have to depend on me - if there's a second playing, I don't want to be forced to be there, if I have other obligations, or if I am, um, per se, dead. "
"Musicians that good don't play in theatres," Senecio sighed. "They have their own concerts. But maybe, if you put it as a chance to play for the king, who is a listener..." |
" That could work, if they're really that good. Do you know anyone that good? Because if they'd accept to play in such manner for sake of playing before king for premiere and first few performances, if play is liked enough - if it'd be needed, some slower learners would be able to learn from sheets by that time, so it would not be problem. If you can help me find somebody as good. " he paused, before admitting hesitantly. " To be honest - if this was a secluded event somewhere hidden, from Beings to Beings, not something for humans and Beings both, I'd have no trouble, seeking more of *supernatural* help... But if this is going to have to be repeated more than once, I can't always expect Beings would be willing to indulge in it just for sake of it. I want to depend on Beings as little as possible. And... " he paused anew, before his tone got little grim. " To be honest - I have dark foreboding. It's not often, that me and Tide gather up so many Beings, Demons and Spirits alike, in one place. Usually, we can help them blend in fine, as just our guests - but this is different, in light of Death's looming shadow over us. If he sees, Spirits and Demons, mixed up together among humans... " he shook his head. " I have no idea what he'd think. More Beings I bring in, more of them I could endanger - so I'd like to keep it to a minimum. I doubt even worst criminals would suddenly commit massacre in middle of theater and lovely ball... But you don't want to play with lives of people, like that. This may be last time Tide can see his friends gather all up like this, especially to do him a little treat, so I am willing to take that risk, in... general optimism, that Svarik is right, that when Death would not raise hand at Demons in Svarik's own household where he lives, he wouldn't raise hand at strangers without good reason, specially if that would have chance to let them see and figure out he is weakened and ill. "
"I don't know them personally, but I know of some," Senecio said. "But they definitely wouldn't accept to play more than once, so if we want a reprise, others will have to learn the parts."
" I think I can live with one time, as long as it's possible for them to learn parts I give them on time. Power of listeners is being able to improvise and compose beautiful music right on scene, from scratch. But it doesn't mean that high quality of music is not achievable for human players - we all have same kind of fingers, and all, it's only how you use it. I could compose appropriate music, that would make the toughest on heart shed a tear - I only need performers that can learn quick enough to perform it from my sheets, at least for premiere before king. We could even use those famous ones who accept that one time gig as marketing, as something exclusive that will only happen at premiere - it would give it even more unique attributes, tempting people to buy tickets, as it would be double performance in same time, both of actors, and musicians. We could in same time hire other musicians willing to work on it for longer and more gigs, as soon as we have sheets, so they can get to learning in meantime, and be ready and available to play at reprise that will follow afterwards. Some of our friends would have to travel from quite a far, so probably not all would make it on premiere, I fear, so I'd definitely, if you agree, like to have this play done at least one more time for their sake, even if it would be unpopular. " he said, not as if it was option he believed to be possible, with a little bit of vanity he shared with actor, but like in all, seeming to rather prefer to be prepared for everything as much as he can, to nitpicking levels.
Senecio nodded. "That could work with our timetable. When can you call those five Beings who specialize in light effects?"
" They don't live as close, and also need to gather their tools, crystals, rune making materials, and everything. I will send a quick messenger to them after we finish our session today, before I go to Janis. That way, if they start packing right away, they could be here, not by tomorrow, but by day afterwards, though probably not before noon. Would that be acceptable? "
"It will have to," Senecio said grimly. "But the human artisans should at least start working on the pillars right away, there will be many of them. And you could also ask all the musicians to play at the ball as well. The master ones could have a solo performance, I think that's a bait they would take and even play for it in the theatre. And the others can provide dancing music." |
" We will do it that way, then. We will start arranging for musicians as soon as possible, so we can use them in marketing. As for prompts artisans, yes, they should start working on pillars at least right away - if you agree, we can go to hire them first thing in the morning. " he allowed himself a little smile of pleasure. " Right after you make a quick stop to the tailor quarters, and bring Master Benito his glasses. I'll have to use every additional second I can get, to stay here, and work on script, so I won't have time for that stop. " he shrugged innocently. " So you'll have to deliver them instead of me. "
"I can do that," Senecio nodded. "So with the rest of the time today, we can focus on the script?"
" Yes, we focus on the script today, until nightfall. You don't have to just sit when you're on brake from reading - it'd be useful if you'd take paper, and write down all musicians and other people we are supposed to speak with tomorrow. As for musicians, I think I'm going to talk with Sage and see if he can speak with them on this matter tomorrow during the day, as he's quite famous in all those circles around city, and so I'd not have to do that as well, but focus on continuing rewriting the script. " Spirit said, while placing papers of current progress on script around them, so they could continue.
"Then you tell me how the scene should happen as if it would be in a book, and then we will figure out together what would work best on the stage," Senecio suggested. "That seems to work well..." |
" Let's do that. Before we go for it, though, you should write that list of people needed to meet tomorrow and all, and add obligations needed for making ball to our timetable, while I first patch up the last few holes in original script quickly, okay? It would bother me, to start rewriting, before that is finished completely. " Hans said, and he offered quietly couple blanks sheets of paper to Senecio, while he himself immediately got down to filling in the last couple holes in the script, having filled quite a few already, this coming to him with much more ease when his mind was sharpened up with the talk for it.
Senecio nodded and started doing that while Hans worked on the first draft. "Could we maybe get some lunch sent here?" he asked after a while, remembering it only when he started getting hungry. |
" Just... hm... a moment... give me a ten minutes, I am almost done.... " Spirit murmured, using few words, as he as fully focused on work - his passion was little renewed after the talk they had and with some eagerness to get to rewriting the script sooner, it serves as great motivation for not stalling this; he was writing almost as fast as one could read, and it was marvel to watch his hand fly against the papers, stopping only short by when he would need to fill it with ink.
Senecio just nodded, not wanting to disturb him, and finished the timetable and list of musicians and artisans. |
Hans, true, being a perfectionist, did not let anything go before he was content with it, so instead of ten minutes, it more took him almost half an hour, but work was at last done, and he seemed pleased with himself, and neatly put his papers at a side.
" Alright then - we really did deserve a fine lunch, after this. " he said as he handed papers to the actor. " You can beta proof this and scheme through those last few pages, while I go bring us a meal, deal? " he bid, it not being something he'd probably suggest otherwise, if they didn't have a good talk, in which case he'd probably inconvenience and annoy actor with hunger a little longer - but he seemed to, in these circumstances, feel man, and both of them, deserved a good brake. " What would you like me to bring for you? Anything specific? " |
"Maybe just some wrapped sandwiches so we can eat while reading the papers and won't get them dirty," Senecio suggested.
" Deal. " Spirit agreed simply, and he went away, for a little while. He returned soon, with a tray plentiful with sandwiches - half of them were with various tasty cheeses and sausages, and the other half was filled with some sweet jams, and he also brought them a bottle of white wine. After he closed the door behind himself, he neatly placed tray on free space on their *table*.
Senecio was still reading the last part that Hans wrote, so he just took
a sandwich and read while eating it. "So this is the original play,
more or less..." he said. "What parts do you want to change?"
" Beggining, as I told you, shall be changed in way we agreed. There is also a story of two lovers, demons, one of which dies and becomes Spirit, and they are forced to fight each other. It's important part of story and I don't want to leave it out, but in original play it comes pretty much out of nowhere. I would like to include both demons on Demon court before it, and give them some speaking parts or little scene, perhaps when they are worried and discuss tensions between races, or scene where they help out Spirit messanger that will become. Grendel 's wife - we need to show what kind of people they are, so we feel more compassion to courts and fel legitimately bad when they clash together. Also, ending must be rewritten more cogerently - I don't want to change much, some chaos and gory details are good, but we need clear strong finish. We need closure for main characters, Death, and demons both. "
"It's clearly missing, but I don't know how it could end... Do you have some kind of closure in mind? Happy or sad?" Senecio asked.
" We need to work with what we have, I fear. If this was fictional, I would probably end it bittersweet - Spirit and Demon friend would reunite, Spirit not remebering anything, but two of them deciding to start anew, find their place in changed world without help of any king, run awayvto fredom... but it's, like, too much of placing my own view in there. There is too much pain in text, for it not to be based on someone else 's pain, and such pain must be respected. Both Spirit and Demon died in end, so I want to keep it that way - though maybe put it a little more hopefully, with idea that this time, they may end up together as Spirits, give in sadness a little hope in knowledge their fates are tied together in their suffering. But we alao must work in and conclude Death's character arch, through it, perhaps, as he is too important character just to ignore him altogether till end. I thought maybe last scene is in Death's realm, right after Spirit and Demon die, where ge rwflects on war in last monologue. "
"As I understand it, it is not concluded until now..." Senecio remarked. "Do you want to force him into a conclusion? What if he finds out about the play?"
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