Svarik and the company I :)

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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Svarik helped or corrected him in places where he was unsure. "Maybe some demon helped with creating it," he said. "It's good for recording both stories and songs..."
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" It is unusual system, for both Spirits and humans, I can say that much, to record both meaning, and tone with which something is spoken. " Cernunnos commented thoughtfully. " Yes, my guess would be, a Demon may have helped, or in worst case, but less likely, some human with demon blood. If human child made it on his own, I feel, he or she must had been quite Gifted, or had known lot of our runes... This whole language system feels so much inspired by our own language - it's but one song, woven from many little ones. It's similar to our runes. Each rune is complex, while those signs are simple and designed to be written fast, but they share same core - each demonic rune is a tune in itself, with each stroke in that particular rune being one melody of that tune; and in this writing, each sign is a tune, while they all together create a tune containing all sounds your people can speak... " he smiled a little with that realization. " Heh... If you combined all letters of this lovely wavy writing into one big symbol... It would create one tune - one demonic rune, little prince. "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"So all sounds that humans can speak are just one tune of the demonic language?" Svarik asked. "It's no wonder humans can't learn it..."
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" It's just an inborn thing for us. We just have more.. Vowels? I don't know how to translate it... Lot of sounds we make have so many nuances, human mind is just not build to comprehend them. Do not think lowly of yourself, kind guest, please. It's just our nature, it's not mark of something wrong within you.  " demon blushed, explaining a little apologetically. " You are more sensitive to melodies, you maybe would have been able to distinguish more sounds than pure bred humans - but not too many. To give you comparison... Humans have one sound for vowel *u*. To us, there are thousands alterations of that one vowel, and each carries different meaning. Even more complex - the different melodies we create while whistling, allows our feelings to pour between mind of one another - it enables a mental bond. It's literally something you have to be a demon to understand. We are born with it, like we are born with the same source we share, no matter how different we are. You humans are born, like Spirits, in such a way to inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon - and we have evolved in such way to inhale carbon, and exhale oxygen. " he smiled a bit. " We are reflections of feelings, and all the countless nuances feelings can manifest themselves in, and in same way, there are countless sounds we are build to speak and perceive. "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"You breathe opposite to us?" Svarik asked with wonder. "I did not know that... But if your language has so many more sounds than ours, and includes all sounds from human language, how is it possible that Xia can speak one, but not the other? And how can Erdel learn it, if he wasn't born with it?"
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"You have many things you wonder about. I will try to answer them one by one." creature smiled. "  Let's start with the first thing. Original atmosphere of this planet, kind little prince, you see, was mostly made of carbon. We are simply descendants of creatures, both early life and primordial forces, that adapted to live in this environment. Many of us evolved to not have need to breathe at all later on, and I don't need to breathe to live - but when we speak, we breathe in carbon, little one, and creatures that are old enough that had not jet adapted sometimes still need to breathe it. That is one more of things that prevent us from having children with other Beings, namely Spirits. Think of it. " he smiled sadly. " If you mix one creatures that are build to live breathing on two different things, when two biologists try to mix, both so strong that they try to prevail, it only created a stillborn with mix of both, and dangerous unstable mutations... Stilborn so ill and twisted that it is great danger for mother... I never sow union between the two that pulled through. Only humans, for some reason, being more neutral, are more in tune with us. "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"But we still breathe oxygen... I suppose spirits do too? There is no middle way in that, besides not breathing at all. So if demon and human mix, maybe one way becomes stronger and shows in the child? But sorry, I didn't mean to get into a discussion about that, although it's a fascinating topic. Maybe sometimes when we have more time..."
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" It is great mystery of nature, but us and humans are just more compatible than us and Spirits. Humans have much richer.. Gene pool, I'd say. But that's just my theory.  They are speecie so good at adapting. Their genes just bend so marvelously when mixing both with us and Spirits.  All I know is my research, and that says, that instead of unsuccessful mix of both, halflings from unions are always, either breathing carbon, either breathing oxygen, and more those halflings mix with other humans  later down the line, descendants after couple blood lines only in the end breathe oxygen. Difficulties in pregnancies, while occur as often as when human woman is one that bears Spirit children, do happen, but healthy ofsprings more often than not are possible. Humans can safely bind both with Spirits and Demons, like tiger can breed with both a lion and a leopard... But if you tried to breed lion with a household cat, it just can not work - just as Demons can not bind with Spirits. It does not mean cat is less worthy than lion, just that they are too different. " creature explained quietly. " But I do agree - too little time is there left for us, and I get talkative when I speak of things I am passionate about.. Please, forgive an old demon, king guest. Maybe some other time, if fate brings you to me again; maybe then, I could sate your curiosity more, or maybe from the book I wrote, you may be able to learn more... But indeed we should focus on little Xia now... I just wished to make sure you know this.. One day, Xia may fall in love with fellow man. if she does so, please, do let her love freely.. But take heed, and be careful - please, do not let her fall in love with a Spirit, kind little prince. Until now, such unions never ended well that I know of. Sooner or later, demons always desire children, and more often than not, Spirits desire children too - and it can only lead to ill. "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"I see... Thank you for the warning." Svarik nodded. "Could you just tell me shortly why Xia can speak the letter of demon language but not human yet, and how can Erdel learn the demon language?"
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" Hard to explain in little words. That's why I wrote such a thick book. " demon smiled a little. " Put most simply - your kind friend Erdel has body of human, that is why he speaks human language. To speak human, you need vocal cords of a human, which I have now, that is why I can speak to you as this. He is demon now, though - he was tossed, not born into it. It will take him time to get used to sense the world as deeply as we do, and hear the world with our sensitive ears fully. Only then, with time, he will grow into his nature, and realize himself and his all powers. Only with age and with proper care, can we develop our potential fully. " creature nodded. " As for with Xia - until she develops human form similar to mine, with vocal cords, she won't be able to produce sounds like you humans do. Currently, she does not produce sounds from vocal cords, but from a special organ we demons have in our brains, that sends sound and mind waves around us. We hear those waves in those thousands of variations of melodies, but only we hear the difference, because they are so subtle. Think of it. Try meowing like a cat, but you still won't meow in way cat will understand.  Try whistling a sentence, and you won't be able to make a sentence of our language in it. It will just sound like whistle to you, despite how rich it sounds to us. Xia can learn sounds that can be combined in words, and will replicate them in whistling, surely - but until she develops body where she can  use vocal cords to replicate them with, she will probably try to speak, but you will only hear whistling... Organ we have for our whistling is too complex and different to you, having evolved with our minds, compared to human throat we have not evolved to have naturally - it can not be used to speak human, so until we develop form that has vocal cords, we can't communicate on your level... "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Svarik nodded. "I guess that's sufficient to know for now... How about the letters? Are they clear enough to you and Xia?"
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" That is different. It requires us to understand, not to speak. You can learn to write our runes without understanding language behind it , and we can learn to write and understand your language, even if we can't speak it before we develop form with complex vocal cords. " creature said. " Do not fret. This writing system in particular is very aesthetically pleasing to our kin, if I may say. Start with giving her simple children books.. But sooner than later, she will be able to read and understand them all, when her vocabulary is rich enough. If she soon develops something more flexible than paws, a form that can hold pen more efficiently, then, kind guest, she will be able to write, too... "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"That's good. But I meant with it if you or Xia have any questions or if it's just a matter of practicing now. I can practice with her while you help Erdel to figure out his powers..."
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" I know enough of human language to figure it out faster, so I deem I can practice on my own, since I know the words. " Cernunnos smiled. " But practicing with her while I can still tie in and aid you if needed, that is great idea. Little Xia may need more time, so to make sure she knows everything, practicing with her while I talk with your friend Erdel is best idea, kind little prince. "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Svarik nodded and took the book with more pictures, so she could both read the words to her and show her what they mean in the picture. 
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Xia went to him and sat down on his lap comfortably, snuggling while king helped her learn.

In that time, demon turned his attention to Erdel. After the tea he was made that soothed him after the bitter cold of the forest, Erdel seemed a little dazed, and comfortable and warm wrapped up in a blanket, and ancient demon spoke to him kindly and quietly, promting him to speak of himself and giving him advises on his nature and powers, quiet enough not to hinder Xia and Svarik.
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Svarik for now picked the easier words in the book, not whole sentences yet, and made sure Xia understands both the meaning and the way they are written.
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Animal marveled at the new peculiar system, it being an entertaining game for her to learn on new way.

Cernunnos was patient with Erdel, and kind and gentle when dealing with him, answering all the questions he could in little time they had. Vampire seemed particularly pleased with it, enjoying both gaining understanding of what he was and insight he desired about his new nature, and the kind familiar tone of an old demon, who talked endlessly with him, for all the remaining time they had left.
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D


Svarik tried to keep track of the time, so he could play to him for an hour before they have to go. When it neared, he asked how much more time they need with Erdel. 
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

" I'd say, couple of years, but whatever time we have, it will be of help. " Demon actually chuckled a little, but then, his gentle peaceful look grew more serious too. " I know your heart is true and kind, young king, young little prince. But please, do allow me to bid - maybe you could play to me some other time? " he asked with some timid hesitancy. " I desire to listen to your music very much so - but I'd rather help you. I dare to think of myself as a good host, and best thing I can do as a host, is help your friend by all means I have, with this little time I have left with you three, little one... "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"Even if we stay tomorrow until lunch?" Svarik asked, hoping he could offer at least some reprieve before the old demon has to suffer through the night.
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Demon seemed to sense the kindness behind Svarik's motives, and it pleased him, and he smiled softly at him. Maybe it and the day they spent together closely had provided him with courage, or maybe just some sadness at fact he'd leave so soon, but he leaned forward a little to him, and slowly, with his forefinger, he dared touch him for the first time since they met. Nothing but his razor sharp nail passed along Svarik's cheek, not cutting him, but ending as a light lingering caress, precise as a blade. From such closeness, king could clearly gaze into demon's bright emerald eyes that were in his level, shining warmly, and he could feel demon's breath upon his face, and he could smell the oxygen coming from his lungs, that was fresh, and brought scent of spring.

" Pay heed to my words, kind little prince... " he whispered, the calling seeming to progress from previous formal addresses of guests, to this that was almost his version of an endearing nickname. " Your concern warms my heart, but I have been through hell and back, and I will go through it again, evermore, as long as world lasts, perhaps. I do not mind that. But while you accompany me through that hell for this little short while.. " he smiled and leaned closer, as if confiding to him, trying to tell him something important. " Know that it is my passion to bring good to the good people. You have a good, pure heart, and fervent ears. Listen carefully - I can do so little now, but I desire so still, to bring good to you. " he smiled fondly and vulnerably, observing Svarik's reaction as if it was important to him, as if he searched for something in it. " Even if you stay tomorrow, or for thousand tomorrows - if you know what good heart is, you know why I can't possibly choose to hear your song, over having honor to help your kind friends, do you not, little prince? "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Svarik saddened with it a bit, but nodded. "I understand..." he whispered. "Although I could tell you the same reason why I would like to play for you. Will you allow me to do so at least tomorrow, while you make lunch?"
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

Demon considered it for a moment, but he didn't have time to reply, as suddenly, Erdel stood up from
the chair, and his eyes were teared up.
" Do I not have saying in this? " he bid quietly, not ready to let go. " You have helped us plenty. Both Xia and me learned so much from you. You said I should follow my feelings, and all I know I would leave you ashamed and saddened, should we leave you like this, overusing your good will. Please, kind host - while we are on this same path, let us return your kindness. King Svarik has so much to do, who knows when he may come again.. " he gulped. " Please, use the chance of this free time he has, to let him give you some of his music... "
" I hear your heart, little one.. " old demon sighed, seeming unhappy, retreating back a little in thought, feeling he had upset Erdel with trying to neglect himself so much in their favor. " But I just.. wish to help. I have little chances to help kind little children of night such as yourself these days, do you hear me, little one? I have too little time left, and there is so much your ears need to hear, to make sure your life is paved with happiness... "
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Re: Svarik and the company I :D

"Erdel is more free with his time than me, and he can travel much faster," Svarik said. "He can come to visit you even when I can't. This is not your last chance to teach him..."
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