Death and Tide

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Re: Death and Tide

"Well, yes, but is there any other way to apply a balm?" Death asked with some confusion.
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Re: Death and Tide

" Not if it's a balm - but what if you adapt it to be something else?" Spirit suggested with a big grin - he was probably used to be underestimated for his weak form, and found a bit of enjoyment in having a high ground on something. " What if I tell you I can make it more efficient for your injuries? Would that be worth some poison... And a lock of hair?"
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Re: Death and Tide

"Yes, I think that would," Death said softly.
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Re: Death and Tide

That seemed to please the Spirit, as he apparently felt more in control and more confident in himself when things would go his way.
" Let me show you, then." He whispered, looking to his house. " It will all be clear soon..." He gestured to his home, as all his equipment was there and he wanted them to go.. but then he pointed at stake, and make an unusual carrying gesture, to which, as Tide figured it out, he smiled. Apparently, Spirit didn't want injured Death to have to move much, so he pleaded Tide to take the chair together with pillow and snake upon it, and just carry it that way. Demon agreed and now that his hands were both healthy, he picked up the chair in front of him and carried it gently, as they followed Malachite to the house.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death appreciated the thought, as he just lied down and didn't feel like leaving tge comfortable position.
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide also seemed pleased that he got to carry him, but also not disturb him from the soft place that suites his sore injuries. He took a lot of attention to not stir the chair as he walked, and to give Death a good view.

They entered inside again, but this time instead of following along the hall, they turned left right away and entered through one of the doors. He brought them into the first room, that was heavily lightened up, with walls of bottled potions on shelves on the side to the wall, and lines of various healing plants beside the windows. They were of common kinds, and looked quite young, as it was spring still - but something was off, although, not in a bad way. That is, all those plants, while not rare by any means, were twice or trice their common size, and appeared much more green and healthy than most wildflowers. Malachite paused before them and absently patted one succulent the size of a watermelon, and explained himself.

" I've first discovered some minerals allow plants to grow better... And then, I discovered, some potions do the same. And so, I experimented. But, you see... tiny snake... Rather inefficient... Watering plants with potions or putting minerals in the soil. Not bad... but not great. " he explained quietly. " I had to do it so for most of my time... But then, I met Janus. Could you know him? Janus, the Blacksmith Elder God. Tall, dark Being, with horns. " he asked a little timidly. " We met a century and a half ago. I explained to him what I do, and he wanted to help me, so he made a new tool for me... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"I remember him," Death said. "It was fascinating to watch him at work..."
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Re: Death and Tide

Malachite nodded, relaxing a little bit with the knowledge they have a mutual acquaintance.
" Janus is nice, " he whispered and reached for something at a side. " He never had me pay... Never made a deal. He just made it. He appreciates what I do, he said... " Little Spirit explained, clearly having a high opinion of the Being he spoke of. From the drawer, he took out an unusual, but not too complex object... It had a push and pull mechanism, simple and elegant, and it had an empty place for liquid, and a needle on top. (

" The needle is hollow on the inside... and pushing this part makes the liquid pass through the hole," he explained a little shyly. He filled the instrument with a liquid potion from the shelf, and proceeded to show how it works, by injecting a portion of it in one of the succulent leaves that appeared a little dry. " That's how you get it directly into the body...  No need for drinking, or topical things... or hoping to get what you need through food. Just put it where it's best suited and needed. I have needles of different size and thickness... depending on their use."
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Re: Death and Tide

For some reason Death got a bit uncomfortable looking at it. "Doesn't that hurt?" he asked.
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Re: Death and Tide

" Not much, and it is short, and gain is g-great. " Creature reassured him, assuming correctly Death's doubts, and by frail smile seeming to feel compassionate to it." I would use smaller needle. I... Practiced on myself. For studying purposes. My hand joints are a bit sore... So I was experimenting with adding painkillers... Directly into flesh ." He admitted shyly." It barely hurts, compared to the gain. You are hurt deeply... So wounds manifest in painful nerves, right?" He asked hopefully, crossing his hands a little, as if anxious of being turned down or turning out wrong." We can just aim directly, at all the nerves and bones that hurt. I only had painkillers, but what you have in much better... And if some pain remains... You can still apply some balm as you were so far, on the surface. By then, it won't hurt nearly as much, with main hurt soothed. Getting to the dept... That's what is important. Only way to reach what hurts deeply before long needles was to cut people open." He shuddered a little, gulping with some distress." This is much nicer..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"Objectively, I see the point. But for some reason it still makes me uneasy to imagine it. It's silly, I know..." Death murmured, a bit surprised by his own reaction.
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Re: Death and Tide

" It is not silly. No fear is silly.  " Spirit Spirit whispered quietly, but with a touch timid gentleness, good natured, although frail, tense, ready to retreated in a moment if not welcome." Do you want this? You can take time. To think. To consider... It is.... alright. We would need still to adapt the balm. It is too thick for smaller needle. Should just add some nice liquid ingredients to it. Good balm structure, so won't be hard..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"Some things that are fine on the skin can be dangerous when getting directly into the bloodstream, though," Death noted. "And poison *is* one of those things. Are you sure about this?"
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Re: Death and Tide

" It would be dangerous to just push real poison into blood. Of course. But this is different. Poison is already neutralized by the other things in the balm." Creature reassured, but he seemed more unreatful with Death's distrust, and he looked shaky about it. He gulped, holding onto the syringe a little more tightly, as he offered." If you do not... Believe me... I can.. test it. On myself. So you won't risk anything." He gulped, looking down sadly." I just didn't want to...  waste your supply of balm on me. You said you don't have much..."
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Re: Death and Tide

Death took a deep breath. "I believe you know what you are doing, but that thing still scares me without good reason. I'm just trying to invent one that would be logical, I guess..."
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Re: Death and Tide

" Fear is good enough reason.." Spirit gulped, and turned to Tide for help. Demon lowered his head so he could have better look at the snake.
" Are you okay? Does it remind you on something unpleasant? Like teeth or claws?* He whispered to him soothingly." It doesn't matter that it is good solution. If you don't want to do it, we don't have to..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"It reminds me... I don't know what it reminds me of... It just makes me uneasy," Death murmured. 
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Re: Death and Tide

" Let's get in the fresh air a little bit. We'll get you some nice tea and fruit, okay? " Tide offered him quietly with some concern. " You don't have to decide right now. The day is still young, we have time... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"Yes, alright," Death said, sounding a bit relieved.
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide nodded, and he apologized to Malachite gently, pleading him to leave the conversation for later. Spirit nodded, and with that, Tide gently carried the chair with the snake on the pillow outside, on the fresh air.

Malachite seemed a bit shaken by the unexpected turn of events, growing silent all of a sudden. He left the instrument back on the drawer, and he followed them quietly, on more comfortable distance, not commenting anything.
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Re: Death and Tide

"I can't think of any reason..." Death muttered, as it seemed to bother him still, as well. "It's like some people being afraid of spiders even though they are small and not poisonous... or of closed spaces or of the colour yellow for no reason..."
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Re: Death and Tide

" For a reason or no reason, it is only relevant that you are afraid. That is plenty enough. " Tide whispered, seeming a bit relieved when they got outside, but still worried. He laid the chair where it was before in the garden, and knelt beside Death. " Is it about the instrument, about the needle, or about imagining it reaching deeper? Can you put a finger to it? " he asked quietly. " I know you dislike enough even being touched. Don't forget you have every right to decline if you choose to. We can just keep applying it as Emil meant it to be, and you can still make a deal for the hair for some other nice potion... If you choose even as much. It's your body and your choice, through and through... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"Piercing the skin and going deeper..." Death murmured. "Into the muscle and veins... spilling a liquid there..." He bit his lip, which looked a little comical in his snake form. "That's a whole new level of touch... I guess, maybe, if you do it..."
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide's face brightened up with the idea as if it didn't occur to him before.
" Yes... I have already touched you before and examined your neck before. I know which muscles are hurt and where your injury manifests the worse... So I guess... I would be able to do it more fit to your pace, find the spots the best... " he added shyly. " But only if you are sure. I know it is a lot... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"I would like to examine the mixture first," Death said. "I trust Malachite, but I would just feel more in control if I knew exactly what it contains."
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