Death and Tide

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Re: Death and Tide

"Doing it myself would lessen the dread, but not completely, I think," Death said. "If you have some idea how to get around it, I would welcome it, but if not, don't feel bad about it, please."
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Re: Death and Tide

" I would feel... Guilty, if I did not... Try to work around it. Give you... chance. Options. The pace you need. " Malachite whispered. His words were bothered, but his face, twisted in a frown, was eloquent enough and spoke of his conflict - desire to help, and desperate need not to hurt anyone, upon which, if he failed, his sanity lied and could crack. It fought within him. " I have... A suggestion. The balm offer stands. I wish to better it... for you. But your no is not... an absolute no. It is maybe. A lot of places, between no and maybe. I wish to give you time... to be sure about the place. " he gulped. " I only... Have one instrument. Ever needed one. I need it... But I can... borrow it. For one week. Let me... make you a little liquid dose of medicine. Keep it with you, for a week, with the needle. If you overcome fear and use it... Good. I could make you more from your balm... or experiment with other things... you may like. If not... Also good. I shall then know... I gave you... the proper time to choose. Not like this. On your terms... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"Alright..." Death said slowly. "I think we could make that arrangement."
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Re: Death and Tide

" For... two locks of hair... perhaps? " Spirit grinned a little bit, despite rubbing the edge of the balm jar a touch nervously, appearing suddenly more pleased and open now that he was able to find a middle ground, which gave him encouragement to negotiate, ever so timidly.
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Re: Death and Tide

"For borrowing the needle for a week?" Death asked, a bit unsure if that is an addition to the agreed exchange or a new one. "Alright..."
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Re: Death and Tide

" Needle for week. " Creature repeated a little unsurely despite Death said yes, fixing its glasses." It is... Long time to be without it. I... Am not greedy." He stuttered." Just want a bit more hair... To have more to do...  Pass the time... Better..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"Do you need it?" Death asked with concern. "I guess you could keep it with you, and we would come back if I decide to use it. At least there would be no deadline."
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Re: Death and Tide

" No. " Spirit shook his head, it not being clear if he said he doesn't need it or doesn't want it that way. " I can manage... the old way. Minerals and potions. It'd truly need... unusually bad luck... for all my plants to die... just for a week... without. " he tried to smile faintly, as it seemed to have been an attempt at a joke, although it turned out dry. " You should have the needle by your side... When you are deciding. See it. Touch it. Get a fair chance. If the deadline... unnerves you... Maybe... Perhaps... I could extend? If you decide... to keep it longer... One lock of hair... for every week more? " he asked innocently, and snickered a little bit, hoarsely and with a little chocked sound, as if having a sore throat, but then again, with more openness - it seemed that negotiating exchange was one of few ways he was used to making comforting routine and try to bond with people. " I'll manage, just... Return it before you...Hih... Run out of locks... "
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Re: Death and Tide

"Alright," Death agreed. "I accept that."
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Re: Death and Tide

Malachite smiled a little with that, and his hands shook, not with fear but from anticipation, both from the promise of being rewarded in hair he was eager to experiment with, and not being able to wait to show what he can do. He cleared out his working table, and with a quick hand began spreading out some new ingredients and mixtures that were compatible with the balm.
" Let's better it. " he proclaimed, looking back up at the snake, and back at balm, rubbing his gloved hands as his mind raced with million solutions, with careful meticulous artistry picking out the best ones. " Balance is delicate... We should not overpower it... but complement it. Two more effects... Is what I can give. For the first... How does... effects going deeper and lasting longer... sound? " he suggested, while carefully pointing to all minerals on the table he would use if Death agrees to that.
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Re: Death and Tide

"That sound good," Death agreed. "How would you achieve that"
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Re: Death and Tide

" I will show you. " Malachite whispered, and he pointed to Tide to put the chair at the end of the table, where the snake could watch everything, and to himself sit down at the chair in the corner.

Then, he took his various specialized instruments for crunching, grinding, and combining minerals. Meticulously, one particle at a time it almost seemed, he was making and mixing ingredients with utter precision, measuring them on the sensitive scale - and he tried to explain as much as he could with words, although he would often grow silent, as talking this much seemed to have been a record for him and was slowly growing overwhelming.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death watch him working with focused attention, but no interruptions.
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Re: Death and Tide

Malachite prepared the finely crushed powder, and then carefully mixed it with the balm, until the powder fully mended with the mixture. He seemed absent for a moment, needing to gather up his mind to focus more on the surroundings again, instead of the minerals, and he seemed a little embarrassed for being distracted.

" One more." He cleared his throat shyly." One more effect... Left.  Any... Requests?" He looked up at the snake a little more intently now, fixing his glasses." What do you... Enjoy?"
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Re: Death and Tide

Death thought for a while. "Spice and strong tastes. Warmth..." he offered some options.
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Re: Death and Tide

" Spices... Tastes... Warmth... " Spirit repeated after him, looking down thoughtfully.
He looked absently at his ingredients, passing through each slowly with his look. Then, he carefully began picking out a bit from here, bit from there, until he made a selection. Only then, did he slowly look up back to Death, gesturing at the heap.

" You speak... Of matter. But you enjoy... A feeling. " He whispered in the end quietly, clearing his throat." I don't know tastes... But feeling... I understand. You desire comfort. I can mix these, and a bit of Tide's nails. Through the balm, it will affect... Your nerves and mind. Instead of just numbing the pain... It will stimulate... Certain parts... Of your brain, as it gets..  absorbed. Those that affect happiness. It will make prolonged touch... Feel comforting." His look grew a touch sad." Wouldn't that... Feel warm? "
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Re: Death and Tide

"Prolonged touch? You mean the touch of the balm?" Death asked, a bit embarassed as it was revealed what feeling he actually craved, and even though he wouldn't admit it even to himself, he couldn't deny it.
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Re: Death and Tide

" Applying, or rubbing down balm.... Yes... " Spirit confirmed, likewise, shyly, but with more vigor, as if it tasted good to him to have guessed correctly, and it warmed him up to Death a little to understand him." I thought... If you do not..  use needle... You will have to suffer touch... Of someone rubbing it in anyway. Least this way... It will feel safe and comforting... Not so scary. And if you use needle, you would still... Feel comforted...if cuddled or massaged afterwards. Effects are upon brain... How chemicals get to you... through skin or needle...  is irrelevant. So, whatever you decide... You do not lose. "
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Re: Death and Tide

Death looked indecisive for a while, as he wasn't sure what to think about something affecting the mind like that. But the opposite was to suffer through the applying of the balm every time. "If it's just for the balm, I think it would be welcome..." he said slowly.
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Re: Death and Tide

" It won't alter who you are.. You shall be you. Your thoughts. Your opinions. "Spirit whispered, sensing the question between the lines. " " Just make you more... Susseptable... To feeling certain way... With proper reinforcement." He cleared his throat." But... It is... A. Choice. You have right not to want to feel like that. Some people don't choose... To be comforted. Even when they... Want to. " A tinge of compassion colored his look. " And that is alright... too..."
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Re: Death and Tide

Death kept his look down, thinking. "Can you just... make it vey weak? Just a little bit..." he asked quietly.
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Re: Death and Tide

" A nice little pinch of warmth for a nice little snake... " Malachite whispered, for the first time nodding a little more firmly, as if he was pleased to be able to find a middle ground Death preferred more honestly, despite it was still not wholeheartedly accepted. He put the dish and slowly began to collect and grind ingredients for a little doze, looking thoughtful.

When permitted, Tide took a jar from the side, and he began growing and clipping his nails into it, filling it steadily, not only for this mixture, it seemed, but also so Spirit could have a stash of it for his experiments. If his hand wasn't healed, it would hurt to grow them for clipping, and the demon was aware of this - he was glancing now and then at his once injured palm with amazement and wonder, whistling a little, as if he had to give that pleasure an outlet, a bit of his positive attitude rubbing onto the quiet atmosphere.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death was calned by the sound and the monotonous grinding of ingredients and he started to doze off.
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Re: Death and Tide

It seemed that a lot of stress and tenseness came to the Spirit, from having to communicate so much and so openly. It certainly seemed like tiredness and strain weighed upon him, but slowly, physical work helped clear out those negative feelings. After a while, he was calmed by the reassuring routine, and nice, rhythmic sounds, without stress in the atmosphere. He worked with care and detailed effort until he slowly got the fine powder and was content with it. He then warmed it up on the hearth until it began to evaporate and grew more liquid, and poured it into the balm, mixing it up for a while, with calming repetitive movements, to even it out until it is one homogenous mixture, and all signs of secret addition, besides a slight change in colour and texture, could be seen.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death stirred with that, sensing that the work is finished already. He opened his eyes and looked at Malachite apologetically, a but embarassed that he dozed off when he wanted to watch the preparation.
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