Xia remained with him the whole night, cuddling up close to him in tiny form, keeping him warm. The first thing he saw was her soft fur, serving him as a pillow. The second thing he could notice was that the blanket he was covered with was kept warm against his skin, soft and pleasant... And it was kept warm by Tide, who was sitting on the chair at aside.
It seemed it was a long wait for him, and after Malachite retreated to rest up, he returned here, and right now, he was making himself busy with decorating cookies. The ingredients for them came last night, and Malachite baked a huge portion - and it seemed demon was decorating them throughout the night. His skill in it was not fancy, as he didn't use cooking supplies often, but a lot of the cookies he was making had been filled with rainbow sprinkles, and all of them, besides couple he had left to work on, had colourful cat faces drawn on, with wide crooked smiles and uneven whiskers, like one on children drawings.