Death and Tide

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Re: Death and Tide

"Sounds about right... about that wall," Death murmured. "But I'm not used to having close friends anyways."
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Re: Death and Tide

" Well, of course not, with that attitude." Tide tried to keep lighter tone, although his expression looked a little shy, vulnerable." I have lot of people I like to hang out and be with... But who I am really, really close to? I love Llyr. I love Sage. We don't always agree, but we get each other, and I know they love me as I am.  And I feel really good with Senecio, and it feels natural to be with him, but that's already something that needs time to grow. But I have a really good feeling about him. He is real with me. I feel... Like I can be real with him. Two and a half is not exactly high number for real close people. " Tide whispered shyly." I am just saying what works for me... If you are considering trying for more than just a Semai..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"I don't really think they would approve of that," Death murmured. "Shouldn't you be considerate towards them, if you love them?"
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Re: Death and Tide

" Well, Senecio tried to kill Svarik, and I really adore little Svarik, but I am still dating him? I don't see a problem. Should I sacrifice my happiness not to make them uncomfortable? What kind of love is that? " Tide whispered quietly." I know Sage does not like Senecio, but I like him, and I can't give up that love. I know Llyr does not like you, but I do. I am considerate to my family - but I won't throw away other people I care for out of misguided loyalty. Everyone's past in unpleasant one way or the other - but what's important is the kind of future we want to choose. Why should I cut Senecio out of my life for a mistake he did out of despair? " He retorted hopefully." Does it sound like me to do such a thing to you, then?"
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Re: Death and Tide

"Seem like you have some complicated relationships between your close ones," Death said. "We shall see how I can fit in, I guess."
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Re: Death and Tide

" Hehe, yeah, I try not to overthink it. Hey, just... Don't decide in advance. Let us see how it goes. By the way, since you healed my hand, I can now take on different forms easily." Tide proclaimed, with a bit of shy excitement, at finally feeling less hindered and able to be himself. " I have a blue wolf form, how would you a ride on me this time? Xia can finally rest a bit, and we can run and jump upon the water all the way back!"
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Re: Death and Tide

"Alright, that sounds good. I can carry Xia, for a change, if she turns into her kitten form," Death said.
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Re: Death and Tide

" Then it's all settled. " Tide grinned." Now there's only one thing left - would you like to take my cloak and mask now, so you are ready for the big city? Or do you first want to let Malachite know who you are?" He asked, directly." You loved talking about healings plants with him... If you want him to know now or learn later, I thought about it, and I think it should be your choice."
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Re: Death and Tide

"I would rather take it now,"  Death said. "I don't want to pull a *I have to go now, and by the way I am Death* on him. That's something I would like to do more tactfully and don't really feel like dealing with now."
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Re: Death and Tide

" That may be best... I just want it to be your choice, for whatever future may happen to hold, good or bad. " Tide replied gently, without any pressure on it anymore. He then took a step back and changed- into a form of a big, magnificent blue wolf, of soft, long fur. It was almost the same as one Xia had already seen, it only had a mask upon its face and cloak upon its back, so Death could take it upon himself.

Shyly, it stepped closer, self-aware a little, because it was a first time he changed form since back then at Cernunnos's fort, form which was quite massive and scary, so, like always, he was a little self-aware about how other see him.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death extended his hand slowly, sinking it into the soft fur in a shy caress. Then he took the mask and cloak and covered himself.
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide relaxed with the caress, appearing shy, but content, purring lightly. Xia nestled around him too, but once Death was dressed in the peculiar clothing, she looked curious, but despite that, she seemed to be taking many strange things about this world at face value - so she just accepted the new way they were going with, and she took on a form of a fox child, actually. After learning to walk a bit more, she was actually rather solid on two feet by now, so she fluffed up, whistling all proud of herself, as she helped Death climb on the big soft dog that knelt before them, and picked up their bag across her shoulder, wagging her tail, still waddling a little like a child indeed under its big size.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death watched her fondly and made sure that she is comfortable on Tide's back. 
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Re: Death and Tide

It wasn't hard to be comfortable there, because Tide's back was so soft and warm that you would just sink into the glowing fur. Wearing the mask and cloak now that he thought about it also felt strangely protective  - they both seemed to be made of once two separate patches of soul, and it felt a little like a warm embrace from two creatures, enveloping him warmly.

Not even to count Xia, for tiny fox child decided to be all important and responsible, and she actually sat down behind Death, like a knight she sow in a picture book that stood on a horse behind a princess to protect her from falling, she enveloped her tiny paws around Death's waist, looking all proud of herself for coming up with it all on her own.
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Re: Death and Tide

"I appreciate the intention," Death smiled. "But your form is a bit short compared to mine for it." He leaned forward into Tide's fur instead.
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide fluffed up with that, seeming to feel much better now, and happy he can carry his friends, especially after how much they tired Xia when they had to escape. He let both Xia and Death lean close before he stepped front to the door, opening it with his nose, and closing it with his massive tail. Malachite must have stayed late last night with Tide, as he wasn't in the garden, and probably sleeping or working in the house. Tide woofed his goodbye from a distance, and then, with no pain anymore and freedom beneath his feet, the massive soft dog run into the distance toward the sea that was calling to him.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death was a bit lost in thoughts, as he was coming into unknown looking for asylum and it was hard to perceive the beauty of the sea while feeling nervous about it.
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Re: Death and Tide

Tide felt free and unrestrained, though, after long uncertain travel through the confitent, finally feeling a man on his own. The sea greeted him like a friend, and sang to him, bending to his will, as he glided across its surface, waves foaming around places where he would land.

It seemed like around an hour passed, despite this endless ocean felt timeless. After a while of running, they sow a city in the distance, lightened up by the morning sun. It was not the biggest one, but it was refined and beautiful. Tide's heart raced with the sight, and he woofed long and happily as if greeting his home. Something else greeted him back - a human voice that called out for Tide's name. In the distance, getting closer in a walk upon water's surface, a man was coming to meet them. It was a tall man, of dark skin and delicate foreign clothes and head covering decorated with shells - and he walked evenly at first, but his pace quickened as the wolf run to him, running forth too to meet his old friend.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death felt like hiding in Tide's fur, but instead, like many times befire, he did not let his feelins show, appearing calm and collected waiting for Tide to introduce his friend.
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Re: Death and Tide

When the beast and man met each other, they laughed, and the man enveloped his arms around Tide's enormous head, caressing him longingly.
" I have missed you terribly, little one..." Wolf whispered with warmth so deep it could melt ice.
" I have missed you too, my dearest... " Man whispered hoarsely, caressing the soft head, letting demon lean into his touch, as both seemed to need it to reassure each other they are okay.

Xia squeed pleasantly at the sight on a man she knew, slipping from Tide's back freely and embracing him around the leg, purring and saying hi happily. Man chuckled at that, and caressed her head fondly.
" It's good to see you too, Xia, dear..."
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Re: Death and Tide

Death just sat quietly while they greeted each other, observing.
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Re: Death and Tide

After first impressions calmed down a little bit, the man finally turned to Death. His bright eyes were piercing and thoughtful, yet mild, but it was obvious no eye can Pierce the shielding essence of the mask and cloak. He appeared thoughtful, though, gazing at what must have been a misty hooded figure in his eyes.
" Is this... Our new guest?" He asked Tide more quietly.
" Yes. " Wolf confirmed. " You don't have to worry, his mind is still intact, and he won't hurt a fly..."
" It would certainly be nice if that was the case. " Man smiled at wolf appeasingly, before turning back to the hooded figure, and whispering quietly." Hello. I am Sage, Tide's friend... Hmm,  and heart keeper, you could say. I hope that isn't causing any trouble in your department, is it? " He said more lightly, and indeed, Death could clearly see this man was alive far beyond his designated time, a strong demon heart beating in his chest.
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Re: Death and Tide

Death looked at him carefully. "I know you..." he said. "I know the taste of your heart. But there is no trouble with that. What has to happen, happens."
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Re: Death and Tide

" I wouldn't ascribe such things to destiny - more to Tide's mad generousity. But it is nice to know I didn't create you some awful paperwork. " Man smiled faintly, trying to keep a lighter tone still, but he was little tense, and seemed purposely vague. When his look grew more meaningful with emphasis, with gesture to ears marking he does not know if someone may be listening to them. " I know you too... I know the taste of you." He said innocently." But for not, it may be easiest if we don't dwell on formalities. May you tell me which name would you like to call yourself while you are here? So my men and servants can be told not to bother you and to know that you are staying with us, dear guest..."
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Re: Death and Tide

"I haven't thought about it yet. I quite like the sound of Guest, through. Could I maybe use that?" Death asked.
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