Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" There is so much to see, such variety of little secluded valleys against the background of spring flowers and peeks of snow... It is no wonder lot of Beings like it. It is somehow solemn and mysterious and draws you in with fresh music from the mountain heart... yet while it's interesting to explore, it felt a little lonesome, " the creature explained shyly as it reached for the bag. " I often found myself thinking, that you would like this, or sir Falcon would like that... it feels like a place that would be most interesting to explore in the group, not on your own. Instead of exploring one big city and searching for refreshments across it like at the sea, you find yourself seeking for secluded places, exploring old ruins, seeking little hidden villages.... Both are good, but both seem more... intimidating when explored on your own. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik nodded. "We should go there together sometimes. It wouldn't be as easy as viditing the Sea, since it’s not a part of my realm, but it should be possible to travel in secret. Especially if you can rurn into mist."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I don't think I'm being much perceived as Lowlander, to be honest, so it was relatively safe for me from Highlanders, I think... I would say everyone would be automatically slightly suspicious of one's nature when met with an underdressed person carrying a huge backpack around, and hunting a lot of animals in an unreasonably short time without breaking a sweat, " Erdel grinned a little bit, seeming embarrassed. " It was... sort of fun to act all mysterious and clueless about it, it beats being perceived as Lowlander in the middle of Highlands any day... I did try to get you a taste of Highlands, though, " he said, as he had taken out some things from the big backpack and began placing them on the table. " I got you each of you two gifts, one safe option and one more risky one. Let's start with three safe ones... First, for Melody, I found a herbalist and got a lot of seeds for various healing herbs and spices unique to the mountains. I thought, since Melody lived in mountains for the long time, she may like growing herbs from the mountain in White's garden. Second, for sir Falcon, it was really hard to choose something local, and I didn't want to be suspicious asking around for weapons... and I thought, sir Falcon often eats cautiously out of fear of poisons, so why not get him some good he'll surely know isn't poisoned? So, I got him a package with various kinds of dried meat from the mountains that he can snack on. And for you, sir... " he coughed shyly, and he began placing little jars on the table - there were at least ten, and all were small but were of various different designs. " I thought you may want to have a taste of the mountains, too... It's not much, but I stopped by as many beekeepers as I could find, in different parts of the mountains, and got different kinds of honey from each, so that you can know you tried honey from all over Highlands. Uhm... And so if you like a specific one, I can get you more next time... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"They’re all great presents," Svarik smiled. "I think we'll share them, though. I'll let the others try the honey, abd I hope Melody lets me help with planting the herbs. I'm only not that fond of meat, so I think I'll pass on Conrad's gift."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Erdel nodded lightly as if remembering it for future reference.
" So... you do like the gift in general? " he asked to reassure himself. " To be honest, it's harder picking for sir Falcon... I found some really nice breadmakers I thought he may like, but I did not want to risk bringing him hardened bread, so meat seemed better, and I heard those are healthy. There is some nice dried salmon among other things, too, " he explained, as he reached for something else within the backpack. " Anyway, you can tell me if you don't like something, okay? I won't learn otherwise. I also have a more risky gift for each of you. For you and melody... I got you flutes. I know... you have a lot of flutes and ocarinas... but I thought you may like something from the mountains, and it felt wrong to get one for you and not one for Melody, too, " he shared just a little nervously, seeming rather more shy as he picked up two things from the bag - two large pan flutes, made from many pipes of different sizes, polished, one decorated with a carving of an eagle, the other with numerous mountain flowers. 
" I know it's humble... compared to the magnificent flutes of unicorn horn and platinum you have, but... since you both have an affinity with wind instruments, I thought you may like to have one more way to play, and the flute maker was really nice, he let me pick the carvings I liked... Melody loves flowers, so I meant that one for her, and a nice eagle in flight felt like a proper choice for you, sir, so I went with it... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"You can’t have too many flutes," Svarik chuckled. "It's always a nice present. I know I have some that are more favourite and some more powerful than others, but every flute is unique and carries a bit of the tree that gave the wood for it, a bit of the land around that tree, a bit of the hands that made it... It's fun to discover those things in its sound."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

A little bit of worry faded from Erdel's face as he was listening to Svarik's words, and was replaced with relief and pride - he must have felt this was the best he could afford to give him at the moment but was worried that it may be too humble. He was smiling more widely as he handed Svarik his instrument.

" I hope... you and Melody will have fun playing together. And that sir Falcon will have fun listening because honestly, I brought one more thing for him, but it's more of a prevention gift than a real gift, " he grinned more playfully, as he shared his thought as if confiding mischief. " You see, when we talked once Melody spoke to me of King Zares, and she told me he climbed a high mountain to get her nicest rock he could find, per Highland custom to bring a rock from high place to your lover, because she lived in mountains... but when I came there, I was appalled at the thought of any human climbing them... they are just insanely cold and high. And knowing sir Falcon, there's no way he'd let King Zares outdo him. Soo... " he shrugged innocently. " I climbed the couple of highest peaks I could, and picked a couple of nicest little rocks I found on the peaks. He's bound to lose interest if someone beat him to it and gets the best loot, right? Plus, he can pick from the pile the nicest to give to her. I've heard Beings don't mind you not doing things directly, as long as the fair deal is made, so as long as Falcon makes deal with me to take it, he can still pass on the stone to Melody as a sincere gift, right? " he asked hopefully and brightly, as it seemed, indeed, that he thought it through a lot, and was glad he could find a loophole to make sure Conrad loses interest in doing something dangerous - it seemed he was growing to feel more and more protective of him. " I've tried really hard to find as many lovely stones as I could. I have plenty of pretty ones to choose from, and some look really interesting, washed and torn by ice and snow... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik looked quite amused by the gift. "An inspired idea," he chuckled. "Did you enjoy collecting them?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh, it was unexpectedly challenging, trying to find pretty rocks in such snowy region... for some, I had to dive couple meters beneath the layer of ice, or bargain for, " Erdel could not help but brag, grinning lightly, as it seemed like he indeed had fun, for a change, doing something childish and silly instead, as it was a little break amidst the gloomy things surrounding him. " Would you like to take a look? I have brought around fifteen pebbles, so there's a lot to choose from, I could make a deal to give you one stone for Lipka if you want, it should count as a proper gift as long as you make a deal with me. Though I must admit, I'm not really... too worried about you possibly climbing a mountain, compared to sir Conrad, "demon's gaze grew softer as he added. " No offence to the fact you're his king, but he would absolutely never let you climb anything resembling a tall hill even if you ordered him to let you. It is really reassuring... seriously, I don't physically feel cold, but it somehow felt cold high up there in the vast ice. The rocks you can find are really awesome, though. There are a lot of small ruins or tiny stone altars, too, so I chipped in some tiny rocks from altars in high places, too, after giving offerings. Rocks with memories smell somehow different, it was fun to trace the scents that are faint and distant, washes away by the storms and age. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That sounds very interesting," Svarik said. "I think I might pick one for Lipka, she doesn’t know the tradition but she'll like it when I explain it to her. Is there something particular you would like for a deal?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Normally, I would not ask you for anything, but I have figured out I probably fall under Being rules about deal-making now. I just did not really have anything to trade with to realize it before recently... but there is a growing foreboding sense of discomfort if I feel the situation calls for a deal and I think about not making it as if something is physically preventing me from doing so. It's fascinating, isn't it? Being tied by strange laws of deeper layers... " he coughed, and, while indeed fascinated by new feeling, his voice grew a little quieter, and he seemed a little more contemplative and confiding as he suggested. " It has to be something I'd really want to work, though, and I don't want for much, so there is only one thing I can think of that can quality... perhaps... if you have time now, or sometimes later... would you be able to speak to me a bit about Silver Simbelmyne and give me some good advice? " he smiled a little vulnerably. " It's just that... circumstances between us are very complicated after I've returned from the mountains since a lot of little things happened, and I have a lot of... conflicting thoughts about it. I am not sure what to do when I get back. I didn't get a chance to talk about it with anyone, and since you are as good as advice as I am with climbing high mountains, I feel some brutally honest advice is a fair price for an interesting pebble... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Of course," Svarik nodded. "We can talk now, if you want. Or maybe after lunch if you would prefer a calmer moment."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Whenever works best for you. It's not exactly like it has a time limit... I don't know your schedule, but when it can fit. You can pick the stone now or afterwards, whichever feels more proper, I think the deal should be valid as long as we both acknowledge it, though Beings seem to like to shake hands on it, " Erdel chipped in a little shyly. " How about having breakfast first, though? It seems the others will sleep for a while yet, and I would feel bad keeping you from morning meal, " his lips could not help but twitch slightly upwards then, with protective warmth he seemed to find hard to hide at this moment. " I've been worried when Falcon's report came that you were in danger because you over-healed Senecio, but you look surprisingly... healthy. You even seemed to have gained a bit of weight. You should have regular meals to keep the momentum going so that you can build up some strength, sir... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that would be some special mixture that Conrad got after we got here and has been slipping into my meals since then, as he finally admitted yesterday," Svarik chuckled. "But if they'll sleep longer, we can talk over breakfast, if you want. Let’s go to pick something from the kitchen."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Erdel nodded - while shy with the upcoming talk, his gaze seemed soft and wistful.
" That... does sound like something sir Falcon would do... " he whispered, as if it was something he was missing, before adding mischievously. " Speaking of other over the top people... I'll just give you a little tease of a part of why Simbel and mine's current situation is complicated so that you can be frustrated with curiosity until I tell you more, " his tone was humorous, but his gesture was unsure as he pointed at the new soft red scarf he had around his neck, " Simbel... among much other stuff, he has been learning how to knit things imbued with different features from lord Nameless, and runes from Zephir... he, Nammy and Zephir joined and made this for me to help me get better. And Simbel especially... well, he was appalled that I don't have a fitting weapon to defend with, and basically ordered me to borrow his own sword for the time being, " he said, as from his bag, he took out the pure white sword that was a pair sword to Conrad's, one from the two that were reforged from White Eagle's original big one, looking shy as he put it on his shoulder to carry it with him. " It looks too pure on me, I know, but... it's finally a weapon that does not break when I wield it, and... Simbel yelled at me and would not let me move an inch from him until I learned to use it properly and promised to always have it with me, and, " he smiled weakly. " That's only, like, 5 percent of Simbelmyne's workaholic ambitions and stipulations these days. Are you curious yet? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Then I think I should welcome you to the club of having a wokaholic overprotective best friend," Svarik chuckled. "Alright, let's go to the kitchen."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Erdel blushed, looking a little conflicted, but still, there was definitely a bit of cautious wonder and thoughtful consideration on his face when Svarik called Simbel his best friend. He nodded, and carefully carrying the sword on his shoulder, he followed meadow king to the kitchen.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik picked something to eat and then led Erdel into a small sitting room where they could have privacy for a talk.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The vampire sat down at one of the seats. He looked suddenly a little bit lost and unsure how to start. He watched as Svarik began to eat, and glanced back at the red scarf around his neck before he slowly started.

" It's... sort of scary... how strong inheritance is with Beings, sir Svarik. I used to think Simbel is more like you by nature... but he really reminds me of sir Falcon right now, " he whispered, shifting a little thoughtfully, as he glanced at the king. " He really looks like him... when he's determined and fierce about something. And I think... that meeting Tide has left a deep impression on him. He... wants to figure out ways he can be of help to demons with his nature, instead of killing them by default, " he said finally. " And so, as he does not need sleep, during days he interacts and takes care of people of the city, and during the nights, he is learning and experimenting on many things with Zephir and Nammy. He... also seemed to have gotten a little closer to the other vampires while they were building his new house. Since they are half-demons, he gathers feedback on his experiments from them, though he mostly experiments on his own vampiric body. But it... does not really appear like he's using them. He seems to be afraid of their company, but still, determined to accompany them and repay them for building him a house. Every night he spends part of his time teaching them swordsmanship of White Eagle... His skills are seriously scary now that he has a body that can use a weapon. He... put himself in a teaching position regarding them, and treats them well. And he made them small knitted bracelets imbued with his power as he was experimenting. Only I have a scarf though, so far... it was the first large experiment that was a full success, and... he really sacrificed a lot to make it for me. And... And instead of dressing in pure white as White Eagle would, of pure pink that he likes, on top of pink clothes he specifically began wearing a black cloak because of me... Because I can't change my form's colours, and he doesn't want people to begin perceiving me in a bad light if I'd give an opposite impression than a local god to the people... It's a clear intentional bias in my favour, for him to order to wear the same kind of black cloak as mine, " his voice shook a little. " And it is really a mouthful of a change to swallow... But he really seems to be trying insanely hard... he has the same unrelenting tenacity sir Falcon does... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Actually, pink with black seems like a rather cool combination," Svarik said as he imagined that. "But you are unsure about the situation, aren't you? What is it that makes you unsure? Is it something about the way he acts? Or something about the way you feel about it?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

There was indeed conflict on the vampire's face as he nervously fiddled with his scarf.
" Well, on one hand... it is an overkill how hard he is trying to prove himself. I almost dare to think... that he is trying to overcompensate for not supporting me when I really needed him. But at the same time... he flinches and tenses up randomly and then pretends it didn't happen, and his voice is more erratic and higher pitcher when he's with me compared to anyone else. So I am in a hard position when I don't feel it's appropriate to address it, but it feels bad that I don't... " he seemed reluctant as he added. " There is... certain distance that I felt ever since he had a chance to write me a letter, and he didn't write anything of his feelings, but wrote pages and pages on the best way to survive against demon hunters. I couldn't define it before, but now I can. It feels... like he prioritizes ensuring my survival over winning me over. It feels like... an attitude of immortal. Like, he wants to do his all to make sure I don't die, because as long as we're both alive, I'll be bound to stop being angry one day if he's persistent. It's like... he's planning on playing the long game instead of making excuses, " young demon's gaze seemed more lost and vulnerable. " And I'd rather he were more apologetic or reserved instead of... so serviceable. On one hand, to make a scarf to help me, he... was knitting it within his diluted waters, and waters were scorching his hands, and he used a lot of his pain to weave his warmth into the object so that it can keep me grounded... he clearly did it sincerely. On the other hand... when... when I got back from the mountain and got everyone some little trinkets, he looked thoughtful but he never even once addressed that I didn't get him anything as a gift, not even with a sad look. So does it bother him or not? Is he just apologetic and I am reading too deeply into it? Perhaps... he just wants to make things up to me and nothing more or less. I... am so uncertain because I just can't read him at all, other than the fact he prioritizes my safety so much he'd rather yell at me until I took his sword than spare himself the emotional turmoil of confronting me about it... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"And why didn't you bring him a trinket?" Svarik asked curiously. "What I can advise you, from experience, is that you should try to make it clear that you can't, in fact, read his thoughts and understand his intentions, and that it's true the other way round as well - he can assume what you are thinking based on hiw you bahave, but there's a good chance that those assumptions will be wrong."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Erdel's pupils shook slightly, and he looked down, avoiding his look.
" It... just did not seem right to bring him something after that big conflict... I would feel as if I'm trying too hard to appear like a bigger person who is magnanimous enough to bring a gift even for someone that was unkind to me... If I were ever to make a gift to him, I wanted it to be... when it doesn't seem like I'm implying moral high ground. When scales are balanced more evenly and there is no bitter aftertaste. It didn't feel like the right time to force it, " he was fiddling with the scarf nervously, as it seemed he was at his end's wits. " But then I was suddenly ill, and needed help, and he made a scarf for me, and borrowed me his precious sword... And I feel like a villain of the low ground instead. But at the same time... I have been having nagging doubts for a while now. He... is just too nice by nature. It's... it's not like he wouldn't help anyone who was unwell, so... what if I am making a fool out of myself instead? When I took care of him and his fairies, I felt like we had a bond... it was... genuine to me enough that I felt betrayed because he abandoned me when I became a full demon. But... if I only imagined that closeness.... " he asked over will, slowly, vulnerably. " Wasn't it silly of me to expect support? I keep digging through my mind, and it just doesn't click. I was useful as a caretaker when he didn't have a body, but I honestly can't find any reason why someone like him would want to be a friend to me as he is now. I am not really a match for him in anything, and I have nothing but some raw force behind me, but even that would be useless if I had to fight the hunters. I felt it in my gut... that I wouldn't stand a chance against them. At best... " he chuckled nervously, with somber grief and a glassy hazy expression of uncertainty. " I am barely fit to be a meat shield, really... He gets along solidly with other vampires, anyway, and there is no lack of people liking him. Everyone showers him in praises and glows in his presence. I... am really dead weight in the situation, aren't I? There are only drawbacks to keeping me around himself, and no matter how hard I try, I can't think of any positives... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"You are trying so hard to figure out how he feels about you... Maybe he's trying to do the same about you, too... who can tell? Regardless of how he feels about you though, have you figured out the other half? How do you feel about him? What would you like to be to him?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I... I would... At the very least... I would like to give him a proper gift, " was how much Erdel was able to bring himself to say. But it seemed there was a big weight on his heart after barely avoiding the demon hunters, as he continued sadly, with his eyes cast low. " I am, naturally, afraid that he would suddenly change his mind again... It did feel like a rock bottom when such a pure existence rejected me after I became a demon. But when I see him flinching away from me but still trying so hard... It reminds me of Beings like Malachite and Cernunnons... I am not dishonest enough to myself to not know I am not really good at being petty when another person is being sincere. I am not angry anymore... just wary that I'll get burned again. But at the same time... I'm afraid I'll burn him, too, " he whispered vulnerably, something he only seemed to be able to say because it's Svarik. " He is tied to that one place, and can't even run... Is it... even moral... for me to mingle with him? I... leave my scent on everything I touch. I am constantly contaminating everything I care for. Isn't it better... to keep a distance? If I'm ever attacked, I don't want him to feel a sense of comradery and try to defend me even though it's madness and make himself an enemy out of Spirit folk... I don't want to end up like Cernunnos, whose land was destroyed when Beings teamed up to take him down. I... feel terrible, burning guilt for taking his sword, and contaminating it with my scent, " his gaze was dark and conflicted. " I knew it's wiser not to take it... but I was so scared of fighting barehanded with no chance. It's... so cowardly, isn't it? I heard there is a Demon called Janus that is a good craftsman, that started living in the city, and I plan to go meet him so I can ask him if he can make a sword fit to my strength so that I can quickly give this one back, but deep down I know it's already too late not to implicate Simbelmyne in being in contact with the demon and giving him his sword. While it's unlikely there is any Spirit Hunter with senses as strong as mine, it's not hard to put two and two together if I live in the same city as him. I... am terribly selfish, to act out of cowardice instead of common sense. The best thing for Smybelmine would be if I keep my distance and don't cross paths with him, but out of fear, I dared to take a sword custom made for him that glaringly connects him with me. I... Really have nothing to say in my defence... "
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