Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, when things are difficult, excuses are the best way to break the ice, and while it's not urgent, it doesn't hurt for him to check the runes sooner. It is easier to talk about work than heavy things when conversations don't come easy, " Falcon agreed, and then, he turned his head and smiled ever so slightly towards Svarik, his expression completely different from how unsure he was at the start. " If you're up for it, let's go for it, then - there's no point in overplanning in some things, let's just take the meeting in a stride and see how it goes. But before it, please tell me if there's anything else you wish, that would be troublesome or embarrassing to say in front of others. I will start, " he grinned more brightly. " It was so awfully miserable, not being able to properly bid you good night or good morning out of fear of being found out. It is belated, but...  Good night, and good morning, Svarik. And it is even more belated, but... thank you, for always supporting me wherever my stubbornness takes us, " he spoke as he innocently leaned a bit and caressed Svarik's cheek. " I will make sure to return your trust this time and support uou. Looking back, I swept you into a decision that was not good or healthy for you, and it was not like it was as grave a matter as someone saying one word and everything we build toppling down... It is not as if you asked me to reveal our relationship in some grand event the whole country would attend, or anything of such grand scale that would be worth my honest pleas to reconsider. We are in a decent amount of daily danger just on account of our positions... so it is fine if it's just a little more. Please, always talk to me when something makes you uncomfortable or unsure, " he asked determinedly, looking most in his element when he was decisive about something. " I did not think much of it due to my different circumstances, but if you had not told me, I would not have realized how cruel it was to ask you to not share your joy with the few friends you finally managed to make after those ten awful years. Please, keep giving me means to make sure I won't cause you needless pain. Can I count on you, to always tell me? " he asked softly. " In turn, I can promise you can always count on me to correct my mistakes as soon as I'm aware of them. I know full well how stubbornly loyal you are... if I drag you down into misery under the excuse of protection, you'd still have trouble letting go of me, for the sake of the past we've been through. But I won't have that. A lot of things are optional, but your happiness is not, so thank you, for speaking to me honestly about your misery instead of hiding it under the pretence of the need for acting lessons and trying to power through it. You do not know how much it means to me, that... you are always transparent to me, just so. It is not... something I have ever been, so it is not easy, but don't worry. I will work hard to change that, " he coughed shyly amid the determination. " So that I can be that kind of person for you, too... so... you can look forward, to my efforts. I don't want us to be the kind of couple that... only stays together because of the miserable circumstances that have found them in the same spot and find it hard to let go even if it becomes painful to be together over time. Ideally, the past should not matter at all, in whether we stay together or not, so you can always count that I will never lose sight of the present and will always keep trying to make my side a comfortable place for you to exist in... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled and pressed Conrad's hand. "It will be okay. Or it won't, but worrying would just spoil the mood, so why should we do it now? Let's just enjoy our time here. So, let's arrange the meeting of Simbel and Janus."


Senecio slept until late in the morning, but then he woke up and for a moment couldn’t place where he was, still not used to living in this house.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

They left downstairs to seek for the others. They indeed found Sage, who had taken on the role of the host, along with Simbel.
They weren't touring around rooms, though - instead, they found them in the common room, surrounded by a couple of human servants man must have brought to ease his guest into meeting new people. They were seated at a table, and there seemed to be some craft supplies in front of them. They were all advising and encouraging the creature that was nervously fluttering its wings, while heavily leaning above the table, tying a bow and untying it back and forth around a box, trying to make it symmetrical, to look as pretty as possible. There were four boxes, one black large one, and three small ones in brighter colours, but they were not wrapped yet as the critter seemed stuck on that step of trying to pretty them up. While Simbel spent the whole night tirelessly knitting his special newly invented scarves to gift to Janus and the children, he seemed extremely nervous about actually giving them, so Sage must have brought along people to distract him from worry by helping him wrap up the presents to look pretty.


After a moment to recall the events of last night and look around, he realized he was in his new room, in his bed there, carefully and gently wrapped up in the softest blankets from when they tucked him in. The curtains were half drawn and it was relatively dark and cosy despite it being late in the morning, so perhaps it added to the actor waking up late. He realized he was not on his own, and he recalled how last night, Hans and Tide put him to bed, demon snuggling close to him while Hans narrated their stories to calm him down after bad memories of his father surfaced. He still found them almost as he last recalled them - on one side, in a large black doglike form, Tide was lying down leaning against him, shielding his face from the sun and gently purring. On his other side, he could hear slight rustling on papers being turned, and feel the light weight of the Spirit lying covered by the corner of their blanket - it seemed Hans woke up a while ago and was reading reports while waiting for the actor. While there was a streak of thoughtfulness in Tide's, and a streak of anxiety tied to Alpha in Hans's feelings, the main feeling that permeated the room was contentment, as it seemed both people enjoyed the little moment of reprieve where they could all just be together with nothing dark happening, just sleeping in and reading. It was peaceful and it seemed that Beings either didn't notice him wake up, or more likely, even if they felt him stir, they didn't want to wake him fully until he chose to.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Do you need any help?" Svarik asked. "Although it seems to me you have enough of helpers... May we borrow a carriage?" he asked Sage. "It would be nice to meet with Janus and Alpha and spend some time on the beach there."


Senecio yawned and wiped his eyes, still half-asleep. "Morning..." he murmured and sat up, his hair messy and face without makeup quite contrasting with the carefully styled look he like to present himself in.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Of course, you may. I'll prepare it right away. I am certain Janus will be happy to have you, and Alpha is very sociable, so things should flow easier with his presence, " Sage bowed his head gently.
On the other hand, Simbel seemed much more nervous as the meeting suddenly grew so close. He looked down on four half-wrapped packages, and then back to Svarik and Conrad shyly.
" Do you think... it will really be okay? " he gathered the courage to speak as he carefully pulled the side of the crooked ribbon in order to fix it. " I... was so confident when knitting last night, but... will it... be enough to show goodwill? When... Beings show favour, one is supposed to match it in equal measure. But even if I wrap it as beautifully as humans wrap presents nowadays, can I really match what he gave me? How do I make it good enough? I knitted a scarf, and gloves for him and his three children... I was quite proud of how they turned out in the morning but... what if he gets the impression I am trying to return his favor cheaply? What if I make a bad impression instead? "


Tide purred a little more loudly, and carefully not to cause him pain by moving his body too much in large dog form, he leaned his fluffy head against the actor's and shyly licked his cheek.
Hans chuckled at the sight, and as Senecio looked up to him, he could see Spirit was carefully folding a sizeable pile of papers in his lap in order to look at him. As soon as their gaze met, the smile on his lips grew softer.
" It is no morning indeed until our cute youngest wakes up, " he teased with a calm, gentle feeling that had but a streak of worry, as he added. " You and Tide played quite roughly last night, so are you feeling better now, by the way, our cute morning bird? The balm should be doing its job well, but do you need some more painkillers? If you do, I'd just need you to eat at least a little something. Last night you said you prefer fruit to sweets for snacks, so I ordered a bunch of fruit you can try if you're up for it... "
" Or we can all have late breakfast together, " Tide wooded hopefully, with a streak of anticipation. " We were waiting for you so we could eat! Hans woke quite a while ago, but he resisted snacking so we could all have big meal instead... "
" I wanted to prepare the documents for Seine by the time he woke up, anyway, " Hans coughed, hiding slight embarrassment. " So it was smarter to push breakfast for later, anyway, to make sure I am done in time... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I wouldn’t worry about that. He was actually very self-conscious about his gift because it was so late, so I think you might actually have to reassure him about it. In any case though, he will want to check the runes on the wimg and maybe tweak then a bit."


"You didn’t have to wait for me..." Senecio murmured. "Could have an early lunch while I have breakfast. And balm is doing fine, but I promised something to Erdel, so I'll need to call him."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I guess... Maybe, if it.. comes in conversation... it wouldn't hurt to ask about runes... But I do not want to seem greedy. What... do you even mean, about being late? It being a late gift is a silly notion. He gave it to me the very same moment he was reassured I would not kill him... Actually, he's probably not even fully reassured, and he still gave it. It is an early gift, " Simbel could not help but smile a little sadly, as he looked at his hands, before he asked, a little more thinly and timidly, so only Svarik could hear him. " My priests had a soft spot for me and so it is natural they spoke well of me, but I.. was a pretty simple, unimpressive person. I did not know it at the time, but I... know now just how simple my thoughts were in times of poverty and lack of food. I am not as great as the effort he put in me. What if he sees me... and feels disappointed? " he finally whispered. " What if he regrets putting so much time and effort into crafting such intricate runes for a person who turned out to be simple and ordinary? "


" Do you want to call him now if it's something urgent? Should we go outside for a moment if it's something private you want to keep from us? Or did you mean more like you want to call him to join us for breakfast? " Hans asked to make sure, gathering papers in his lap in one place. " In any case, I have some documents to give you, so just tell me when you'd prefer to have them, whether now, or after a meal. Technically, it's a gift, so I originally planned to find a fun way to give it, but when I asked him for advice this rascal confessed he already spoiled you because he was worried it was too big a gift for you to accept as a surprise, " he teased Tide who chuckled with embarrassment, knowing he was guilty in this one. " So I thought about it, and I decided it might be better to just give it to you with no needless pathos or emotional appeal to it, just simply so, so just tell me when you'd like to have it. It just needs our signatures and my seal and it's pretty much complete. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"No, I've met him, trust me," Svarik tried to reassure him. "He's as unsure about jis gift as you are. Will you join us on a mission to reassure him?"


"Uhm... okay then. Just... give it to me, I guess? It would feel surreal no matter what. Let's just have breakfast first, and let me take a quick wash and make myself more presentable. Calling Erdel doesn't hurry, just if he’s around."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Those words already seemed to have a great impact on Simbel, calming him down a little, but even more so, straightening his resolve.
" It... would be a sin, for a giver of such a grand gift to think of it as lacking, " he whispered, clenching his fists with timid, but firm determination. " I... know you would be capable of exaggerating the truth to calm me down, to some extent... but not to the extent of painting the situation opposite to what it is. Even... if I am not that great of a person to pour so much effort for... I am confident at least my thankfulness is appropriate. His gift is not only not late, but it is so early that it arrived before I even earned it, by meeting, acting or a show of trust. Will you help me convey it? " he asked shyly, and just like Conrad, he seemed to share the habit of the timid way of asking, as with a gesture similar to the man he lightly pulled Svarik's sleeve. " I... am scared of being seen as a disappointing, much smaller and simpler God than people built me up to be... but I guess... I am a little more scared, of being seen as an unscrupulous person who thinks little of other's goodwill and incredible work. It... is inconceivable to me, to deem mountains small. But I am worried I will not be able to put it into words properly. Whenever I am facing demons, my tongue gets tied, and words... words become so... so heavy. I.. am not an ungrateful person. I do not know why my voice betrays me... "


" So, do you want documents now, or after breakfast and tidying yourself? Well, I suppose you'd need to get wake enough to write your signature, but it's not like we have to go outside to notarize it when you have an excellent lawyer in the family to finalize the legal parts right here, so there's no need to be presentable for it, I think, " Hans chuckled, pointing to himself, as he gathered papers into a presentable pile. " So, want it now or after tidying up? Oh, by the way, regarding Erdel, he got back to the mansion a while ago after his latest scavenging hunt, he's currently at the garden by the warehouse to the side, organizing spoils of his last hunt. The cute wild bastard is a really scary beast when it comes to his nose, he found quite a lot of remains with pain for Janus, and his efficiency when he gets consumed with the task is uncanny but reliable. Anyway, there shouldn't be a problem whenever we call him for him to take a bit of a break to talk with you, I'm trying to occasionally come up with excuses to make him take breaks as well, so any valid excuse is great to have. It's not like he would ever get physically overworked with his physique, he is so strong that he can't get tired even if he wanted to, but it's just not healthy for the mind to not take occasional breaks. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"We'll help you," Svarik assured him. "Let's go to reassure him that his gift is wonderful, alright? I'm sure that he will think that yours is too."


"You know what, let's get it over with so that I have a longer time to wrap my mind around it. Just show me where to sign," Senecio said.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Finally, Simbel smiled, although still frailly, since he was clearly even more nervous meeting weak Janus than when meeting a powerful Demon like Alpha. " In case... I mess up... Please do not lose fate in me. I... will keep trying to better my impression if I make a poor first one. I am... just afraid, that is all, but... it does not mean I am not a little... hopeful, " he said shyly. " It is.... exhausting, to always be this afraid, so I hope... I won't always be. I hope... I will not make good people always sad, with my fears. But it does not hurt to... try to make the best first impression I can, so... can you first help observe my bows until they are perfect? " his soft timid expression was embarrassed, but truly held hesitant hope. " There was no gift-wrapping tradition thousands of years ago in the way and materials humans now have, so I have no muscle memory of anyone to pull from for it. White Eagle never made wrapped presents human way, either. I do not know what is modern standard for a beautifully wrapped present, but this is my first time having a body that is able to knit, wrap things up, and give them. I want... to give a present, a full, real wrapped present, as real people do...  "


" That's the spirit! For once, I am grateful to Tide for telling on me, because he told on you, too, you know, " Hans chuckled at the comment. " At first I thought a simpler deed would do, but Tide told me you were feeling insecure about not having enough money to maintain the theatre once it is yours. Even if you two did talk about it before I told you that I enabled you the same permissions in the mansion as my own to take from the family vault whenever you like, hearts don't work on logic, and you are a cute damn bundle of insecurities, so I didn't want to put you in a bad place. That's why documents are sorted into three parts and need three of your signatures. This one is my support for your dreams, " he proclaimed softly, handing Senecio the first pile with the deed to the theatre, " With this, you shall become theatre owner instead of me. This next pile is my trust that you love being with me as much as I love being with you, " he handed the second pile, which had employment contact written for Hans. " With this, you will be employing me as your right hand, so we can work together with our roles reversed. You, the owner, and me, your trusted Hand. And this last one... is my unconditional love, " he handed the actor the largest pile of paper as he chipped in proudly, with the softest, passionate grin. " I will not be satisfied with your anxiety, my silly apple pie. It is my responsibility to give you enough security so that you can treat me comfortably without worrying that you are one argument or raised voice away from losing any privileges, like you were worried about the parental relationship with the whole human adoption and what shackles it would mean to you. What is given can be taken away, I know, so I challenged myself how to make sure to give you some more confidence that what I give you is truly unconditional and won't be treated like a symbolic borrow to hold over your head and give and take away at my convenience. So I created a separate account bound to the theatre, where I put in enough money to, depending on the amount of renovation, last for around 10 years without profit. If you happen to overspend my estimation and go below quarter this amount, I have set a failsafe to fill it back up to full. Technically, it is no different from my promise that you can take money for anything you like from our family vault, but it won't do if you feel like you're submitting a budget appeal to the government and crossing your fingers it won't be too much to ask each time you want to take a bit, so I crafted documents so you will never ever even have to ask. You will just be given, " despite his promise of not being theatric about it, it was clear that there was care and gentle passion in every word Hans spoke as he explained the care he went in to make sure to make the situation comfortable, the meticulousness that went into it being clear part of his love language. " You should, of course, read it all first since it is only proper to have the full picture on every detail before signing, but I am happy to inform you that I made it so foolproof without a single loophole at all, that even if I wanted to personally sue you to get theatre back with every card in my sleeve, I would lose the case, so if I can't win it, no one in the world can, " He winked, wide grin and anticipation bubbling on his face, despite his hands holding document were shaking a little nervously as he waited to see how the actor will react to his gift. " Everything I ever give you in future will always have fail saves to make sure you never feel unsure or alone in handling problems, so please tell me after you finish reading if I can write up something more to reassure you if there are some worried you have that I have overlooked...  I am just a man, after all, I can not know what is on your mind unless you tell me, I can only make educated guesses... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Uh... I can't say I have much experience in wrapping presents with ribbons, myself," Svarik said. "Where I'm from it was a waste to buy a fancy ribbon just to wrap a present. But I'm sure someone else here can help you."


Despite trying to remain calm, Senecio could feel his heart beating in his throat and his hands shaking a bit. He started reading the papers, but then shook his head and handed them to Hans. "Could you read it aloud to me?" he asked. "I can’t focus on the words..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I see... So.. it is not just something everyone these days knows, that I missed out on learning? Is it more city thing, or a thing that starts with at least a low middle class? It's... good that I am not the only one who's out of the loop with something. It's hard to judge for me what is... common knowledge nowadays, and what just looks like common knowledge because everyone around us seems to know, " Simbel said with a bit of embarrassment. " I was quite intimidated when I first began learning since everyone in the mansion knows so much on so many subjects, but as I interacted with more people in the city, more I realised I overestimated how high standards for being considered a learned person are... "
" Of course, what is more important than having a lot of varied skills and experiences? And what kind of tyrant would I be if I lived well while keeping everyone working for me in poverty, or forced them only to learn things for the sake of the world? You'll find a lot of random skills in everyone you meet back home that have no grand utility, " Conrad coughed, joining the conversation. " Well, it's not a hobby for me, but with the amount of gifts I gave away, I am confident in my ribbon wrapping skills... Come on now, you both, let's wrap up a few perfect ribbons for the perfect visit, " he waved his hand to Svarik and Simbel, joining to help so Simbel could feel more reassured. " It won't hurt to learn to wrap gifts, too, Svarik... After all, you have a lot of money and friends, so there's no harm in learning some skills that aren't tied to ruling well... "


" I... am worried it will be a fairly boring read, compared to good night stories, " Hans apologised, but he still took documents. " However tempting it was, I decided not to sneakily put any silly or funny conditions in fine print this time, so you wouldn't get needlessly anxious. I chose to have absolutely no strings attached, so I fear it will not be fun, but please bear with me. It is important for you to always read your documents so that you can be fully confident in what you agree to. It is a healthy habit to develop, so I hope little boredom will be fine, " he whispered, and he began reading out documents to Senecio. As he spoke, the actor could feel Hans was tense and emotionally charged as well, a little more sensitive and anxious about his reactions after a man was first conflicted when they spoke of human adoption. But it was also clear it was important to Spirit to reassure him and that he was trying to put his feelings to the side so he could help calm him down. He read the documents slowly and patiently, making sure Senecio understood every point. It was by all accounts quite a boring read, with a lot of legal wording, but Spirit would pause to explain any uncertainty, and the more they read, the more the actor could see how much meticulous care Hans put into it, as much as he did when they were crafting the play together. He closed all possible loopholes one by one to make sure funding for theatre would always be secure, and he closed all the doors of claim for it for himself, so even if he wanted to he could not take it away. There was a lot of work, words and care put to make sure of that one simple thing - that it was a gift given freely, with no conditions, and that not only will it not be taken away if he misbehaves, but if he does poorly, he'll receive more support so he can keep pursuing acting with no fear failure will mean losing everything. There was clear palpable love shimmering within Han's nervous feelings and soothing voice, wrapped up in perhaps the most boring technical phrases Senecio had ever heard from him until now.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's completely right," Svarik smiled and observed the way Conrad ties the bow to try to repeat it together with Simbel. After they managed to wrap the presents in a way that Simbel was satiemsfied with, they took them into the prepared carriage. "Should we let Janus know that we are coming?" Svarik asked.


Senecio listened carefully, feeling calmer while listening to Hans's voice explaining the legal clausules. When they went over the whole dovument, he took a deep breath. "So I just need to sign it and that’s it?" he asked wonderingly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Conrad thought about it seriously, but then, his thoughtful frown suddenly turned into a grin.
" Hm, you know what? Usually, we overthink and over-plan, but when you're dealing with setting up a meeting with two anxious people, overplanning just makes the wait take longer. Janus already knows we've arrived when Alpha got back, anyway, so let's just go there and go along and choose what to do depending on whether Janus, Alpha and the kids are hanging out in the garden or upstairs in their attic apartment, " He grinned as they were seated in the carriage and started the travel, a little more playfulness reaching his eyes now that he was no longer anxious about secrecy after the talk with Svarik. " Janus feels calmer with you than me, so it might be best in either case if you choose course of action here so it feels most natural. I'll help Simbel carry the boxes, " he hinted that he'll do his best to help keep Simbel calmer, as he added with a little softer smile. " It is still recent that they moved into their new home, so it is nice that we can use the chance to give them more things, anyway. Scarves and gloves are very nice housewarming gifts by modern standards, I promise. Spring is still a while away, and it can be especially chilly early in the mornings, so don't worry, I'm sure it will pass well... "


" Well, after signing it, I have to submit it to the local administration office, too, so it is official and the state can classify it as your property, but I don't have to do it in person, I can just send a representative for an errand with documents. I am a high-priority official, so it will be processed right away, " Hans explained. " So, from then on, it's only a decision of how and when you wish to announce it. I can pay a fee to the administration office to make copies of the document and deliver it to all your employees so they are aware of the change if you'd like to stick it to them and show off dramatically so they learn all at once, " Spirit smiled but slightly, as he cautiously tried to tempt him with some mischief, gauging his mood. " Or, we can not do that and wait for some moment during talking when some of the bastards try to bring you down and tell you to not get ahead of yourself because I'll kick you out soon once I get bored of you. Then, you can casually tell them you own the theatre so "you" will kick "me" out if you get bored of me, " he winked innocently. " Naturally, you know those people longer and better than me, so I imagine you have a clearer idea of how exactly you'd like to mess with them. Please, feel free to do whatever will make you happiest. I'll support you in whatever you choose. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Okay, let's just go then. When we arrive there, I'll just go ahead and tell him that you're here," Svarik said.


"Right... they won't just magically know when I sign it..." Senecio muttered. "I don't really feel like doing some display of power. I'm more in favour of some official note sent to all employees of the theatre, saying that the leadership change, and if they see it as a reason to resign, they can. It just needs to be official enough so that they don’t consider it a joke..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

They began their ride toward the other edge of the island, where a secluded little forest with a building for the theatre staff was purchased. Simbel was still nervous, but encouraged by their care in packing the gifts he seemed to have gained a bit of courage, and he looked determined, even if quiet, as if he was rehearsing what to say in his head as the ride went on.
Still, he could not help but look around a little wonderingly as Conrad helped them get down the courage as if it only then dawned on him from all anxiety that they were in a whole new place in the world, it being more apparent here than in mansion that was as luxurious as one back home. He looked around the trees cautiously, with timid interest, as they were of a different sorts and shapes than the ones he knew in the capital, and all scents and salty wind of the sea seemed new to him.
As Svarik went ahead a little, he could see people outside, around the little treehouse that Janus and Erdel built. There, in the little circle, it seemed that a class was held, as sitting on one of a couple of logs leftover from the camping from homewarming party, was Janus, and he seemed to be giving a lesson about gears. Two smaller children were listening from the treehouse, Xia was listening too while sitting on a swing, and Alpha was behind her, swinging the swing with one arm slightly since she seemed to like it. Star-Demon clearly noticed Svarik, but he acted as if he knew no better, as he must have thought it would be wiser, or more fun, at least, to not give Janus a heads up.

And Janus indeed seemed not to notice quests, and as he looked at Being's hands, Svarik could see why. Emmet was next to Janus, holding what seemed to be a basket of apples and he would hand Janus an apple every now and then. While patiently and quietly talking, Janus seemed to speak in human language for the children, and then translate what he said to demon language for Xia, and he would ask them questions, and whenever they answered well, he would give the children a little slice of apple he would carve to have rabbit ears - something he surely must have seen in some storybook, so he learned to make it for the kids to give them something more direct to look forward to during snacktime than just points.


" If the official administrative office sends a note there will be no doubt in its authenticity, so we can go that route if you like. Today is the second playing of the play, would you like the note to arrive right away, or would you rather have it happen after the play, if you don't want additional drama? Is today more of more drama, or less drama kind of day? " Hans asked with a little smile. " Please, tell me exactly how you want me to handle it. Are you concerned about how people will see it? Well, some bastards will surely think you slept your way through it and pester me, thinking they can get expensive things out of me if they please me, but they will realize soon enough you're an exception, so it's not really a problem for me. Would you perhaps like for me to spread rumours that I am trying to adopt you and that I gave you a theatre as a gift to temp you into realizing how good being my heir would be? " he probed gently and a little carefully, knowing Senecio is self-conscious about people thinking behind his back about his sleeping around for roles and favours. " I was thinking - even if I do not adopt you right away, the knowledge I want to do it soon should protect you more, and besides, people close to us know that we're waiting to be *sued* by the state once we make that play about king so we can more safely pass laws about safety of criticizing Bull and religion and that we are waiting for that sibling adoption law change, but the general public does not. What the general public knows is that you approached me after I began working on a play, trying to coax me for personal gain, that I realized your intentions and turned you down, but that we ended up enjoying working together, and that you ended up dating Tide in the meantime. They know I bought the theatre and made a play for you as the main lead. They know I started renovations and renovated the stage for your comfort. So, well - all I am saying, if you're worried about how it will be seen, we can always play it so that I am very fond of you and wish to adopt you to be my heir, but that you're uncertain and still deciding and that I am doing nice things for you to convince you, and when the law is passed and time is right, we can just act like I finally convinced you, " he tempted him gently. " I do not mind any little game that would make the transition more comfortable for you. We are the writers here. It is up to us to shape up the narrative however we like, and well... it is not exactly a lie. I do wish to adopt you dearly, so sticking close to you and coaxing you with nice snacks and gifts can hardly be called acting, you know... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Hi," Svarik announced his presence. "Is it okay if we interrupt your lesson just for a little while?"


"I would like the note to be sent after the play," Senecio said. "But I don’t really care what they think. I don’t feel like dedicating any effort to placating them. Let them think what they want to think, and decide if they want to stay or not."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Being, who only then heard his arrival, tensed up, his movement of cutting the apple freezing up a little. He was by now much more used to people moving around than when he just joined the theathre, but new events still made him unsure.
" The children... need to receive at least thirty minutes of sunlight to grow well, Eros told me... So, as long as they receive their due sun, it is alright if not all of it is tied to learning, " Demon replied quietly as his eyes met Svarik's, carefully trying to read his expression, not daring to assume anything. " Little Svarik... would you like me to be your host, or is it my words you seek? Or my aid? " he bid carefully, in his characteristic unusual way coming from how new he was to the current world's customs and language. " Alpha told me the visit back to your home was a successful one, but he does tend to exaggerate a little from time to time, so... by your standards and hopes, not his... did everything go well? "


" As long as you're not troubled, nothing else is of consequence, so let's just go with a note then, I shall make sure it arrives after the play. Oh, and by the way, I left the name the same, and you can change it later if you don't feel like deciding now. Still, if you have a name in mind, I can also submit the additional document to change the official name and commission a new nameplate at the entrance, " Hans explained simply, indeed, as if making sure he had everything covered " If there's anything else, tell me that too. Ah, and just to make sure, you don't have to worry about things like math, ticket counting and so on. As I said, if you sign a document to employ me as your right hand, I'll take care of it until we assign someone to work on accounting and taxes instead of me. As for who, currently laws for accepting non-human-passing Beings as citizens are as strict as poor Highlander refugees, but Svarik said he plans to address it, so when the situation gets better, it would be nice to employ some reliable Beings to take care of it. I employ quite a few guys in Underground and in smuggling operations since they can't easily get legal papers, but if things get better, a lot of them would love more to be on the lawful side of the world, and we'll be much more secure some of our guys won't stab us in the back. Of course, naturally, this is just a suggestion in case you don't have humans in mind to employ, " he added firmly, to reassure him. " I am only suggesting so you can know you will face no hardship, especially in case some people from the theatre quit with you becoming the owner. We can figure everything out together if you have no one else you wish to employ, but if you do, you should. It is yours, and you need not justify what you do with it to me, all you need to do is do what your heart tells you to do with it, no more or less. "
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