Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Xia and Jake let him sleep, cook taking in the protective role, taking care of Xia, so he could rest. He only left for a short while, to bring her more sweets from the kitchen, but he spent quite a lot of time with them, as, not having strict roles, he didn't feel he was more needed in the kitchen than there, for the needy little critter that, in all the flying around, had her language skill quite neglected, and after the turmoil, needed lot of care and attention to feel a little better.


" Aww, come on, that's one terribly big package, I am dying of curiosity. Is it your and Hans's clothes both? Or is there some big awesome cloak in it? And you want more suspense? " Tide tried to peek in, and then, he unexpectedly took the packet out of Senecio's arm, and took actor by the hand, and began running toward the stairs, dragging actor excitedly with him. " To the mirror room, then! "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio ran with him, as he couldn't wait to see what was in the package either.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide was excited, and in his excitement, he almost tripped the actor over, before he slowed his pace up the stairs, with a shy giggle. As soon as they reached the room, he closed the door behind them, rubbing his hands excitedly, peeking under the shiny packaging with the curiosity of a cat. As actor began opening it, he has seen two little packages - both had names scribbled on the top with elegant cursive golden letters, one for Hans, the other for Tide.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Sorry but I'm going to open mine right now," Senecio said, searching for a package for him.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

When he took out the boxes for Tide and Hans, Senecio realized that while high, they were not high enough to justify being in such big box - and he realized the box had the false bottom. When he removed it he found the equally sized box that was wide instead, so it could fit inconspicuously - it seemed the Being clearly delighted in teasing him a little and making a puzzle out of it.

" Got you worried for a moment, didn't I, Senecio? " the cursive letters written on the box lid said, and there was a little drawn heart, as it added. " Enjoy. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio snorted at that and hurried to open the box.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

When he unpacked it, the first thing to come out was the tunic and pants, and Tide seemed delighted at those, and when the belt was taken out, he admired it, but as the soft cloak was taken out, he gasped, reaching for it in awe, as all those things together plus that jewel on top was just too beautiful.
" Alpha really... made you enchanted clothes? This has to be starlight! " he asked wonderingly. " It is so sparkly! "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio touched it as well, examining it eagerly. "Yes... It was really fun, coming up with the design with him, and he was willing to make the ideas that he found interesting real."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" He is really fun to work with, isn't he? He is so imaginative. " Tide asked a little wistfully." But... maybe too imaginative. This is too pretty... I am not sure I can find any of dresses that will go well enough with it... " He said with a bit of worry.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I fear that equal measure of guilt in that is mine, although I tried not to get overboard," Senecio said, tracing the shadows on the cloak admiringly, not sounding too sorry about that. "Like, he offered me a real phoenix feather, but I didn't find the occasion fitting something like that. But are you not proud of your dresses? They are beautiful, and you made them yourself. These are enchanted but also bought, not showing any skill that would be my own. I assumed you will want to wear something of your own, maybe with purple, so I tried to match that..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide blushed.
" Well... Yes. I hoped to wear that puffy dress, of black color and purple ribbons and highlights. It's one of my favorite, I adore that color combination." He admitted, looking down." But it is more leaning on cute side... While this feels so refined. Colours do match beautifully, but your looks divine. I hoped people will see us and think we are cute... but I fear I will look uglier, compared to you..." He whispered hesitantly."  My relationship to clothes... is complicated. For me, it's more about image of me. I like Alpha's skills, but wearing his clothes, I would feel like presenting like someone else, not myself. You know... Like I pretend to be someone fancier than I am, not the real me. Clothes in Being culture is important. Those are very sparkly and etherial clothes, while everything I manifest is more material and down to earth, so I would feel dishonest dressing in anything that's enchanted to be more appealing and magical, like a ugly bird adorning itself in another bird's feathers. And so... " He explained shyly." I sort of hoped... I would be sewing you something to match me, instead. That's what I hoped to suggest, if only we managed to arrive yesterday. But I know it's too little time now..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio sat down next to him, putting the clothes aside. "Oh dear... You are the demon king, and not because of some ancestry but because they chose you as their king, because they see you as one. You could go in what you normally wear and you would be shining simply with who you are. I didn't know that Alpha could weave enchantments into the clothes at first, but he suggested it himself, so that I would be matching your splendour at least on the outside. I picked them so that I wouldn't embarass you, in your beautiful dress and the magnificence of your position. I thought I needed to look representative to do that. It's all someone else's feathers, even if I didn't get the phoenix one. I don't hide that and I'm not pretending it's my own. I know I can't equal you in that, this is intended to be more like an accessory piece that would be worthy of you. Not too cute, I admit, but you have enough cuteness for both of us. I'm just a peacock that likes to show off. I think Pavaio literally means peacock in the old dialect, at least that's what I've been told. I picked these because there will be many Beings there who love you, and they will be judging me, wondering if I am good enough for you. For you, it's enough that you show up wearing something that you are feeling good in and they will be happy to see you and adore you. And that dress is really beautiful. You will look so great in it, you don't need any enchantments."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide's lip trembled with that. He put his hand over Senecio's, tearing up.
" You silly... You don't... Need to worry about that. You are worthy of me by the power of your love. That is what everyone will look at - as long as you display it honestly, they will love you, too. I phrased it poorly. I spoke selfishly. Of course you should dress as beautifully as you choose. To us, it's different, as clothes are part of our essence. But when humans bathe regularly, and dress themselves pretty, it's more seen as responsible taking care of your form, as your form is your body. What I feel isn't their insecurity, but mine. I just want to come across as honest as possible, and for me, it would feel fake to go overboard like that... I would feel like presenting a false image of myself, to coax people to like me, like a king wearing fancy clothes that hopes they would buy respect. You... don't want me to turn out like Death, do you? It's a slippery slope. That's not how I am. Yet, my contradiction can not be denied... I wanted to be pretty enough for you. " He said embaraassedly." I wanted all of your friends to look at us and be jelous of how great we match and how lovely we look together. You... Are such eye candy. I feel like in everyone's eyes I really am just a rich ugly nobleman, giving you money and gifts in return for bringing you around as a a pretty accessory... You... you are so above my league. I... Hoped I could look good enough next to you, so that everyone would see I am good enough for you... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'm sure they would... I hoped I could look good enough for you, too. So, if we are aiming for that and you think I'd look good enough for you, I guess we should be fine? You dress like you and I dress like me, and we should be good enough for each other... And gorgeous as a pair, what do you think?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I think you are still way over my league, but... You know what? That's my problem. I really need to work on it. I... don't want you to feel like you have to dress even a bit more humbly than you want to, just for me. You should glow... As much as you want, my star." He said shyly, standing up suddenly." Let... Let me show you my purple dresses properly. The one with ribbons is too cute for this, I would rather save it for more fitting ocassion. I wouldn't feel right wearing it when you are wearing so intricate clothes... To heck, I feel like being fancy too. There are three black and purple ones I am considering now, but you have good taste, and you know how others will perceive us. I... Would like you to see those three, and pick the one I will wear tonight, the one in which I will be prettiest match to you... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Okay," Senecio nodded, "if you really don't feel like wearing the cute dress. Because you would totally rock it, if you would decide so."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The adorable blush kept adorning Tide's face, and he chuckled, seeming embaraassed but placated.
" It's... not about cuteness... But matching. If one of us wears something cute, the other has to wear cute too.  It is very important to me that we match. I know it's clithe, but I find it very romantic... I... just like all sorts of public displays of affection, and this one is a big deal to me..." He said shyly, and he had shown the three gowns to Senecio, a little vulnerably looking out to see what he will say and think of his romanticized idea of what fancy is.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I really like the second one," Senecio said. "But it doesn't have frills and you love frills... How about I add some frills instead?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You mean on your clothes that Alpha made?" Tide was a little confused." No, no... You specifically made them like this because you love it like that. Which means this is the time I adjust my outfit to you." He said, as if it was most natural thing, observing the second dress."  It's not too big deal for every dress to have frills... This one, for example, I made to have lot of sparklies and details. I loved sewing each individual butterfly... But I admit it was made more for my personal indulgence. I make most of my clothes to feel pretty here on my own. I would feel too revealed with shoulders bare like this in public.... But you have a cloak, so maybe we could combine it with some nice flowy cloak, so I have one too? " He asked with a bit of concern." Would it match?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I think it's an amazing dress. If's both showy and elegant. And a light cloak would go nicely with it," Senecio said.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide smiled slowly, clearing his throat.
" Well... I guess it's not too bad. It doesn't have your magnificence, but it has enough detail and works put into it to match it, so that's good. " he nodded slowly. " Let's go to the section with cloaks, and see if we can find a right match, so I don't have to sew one right now if it can be helped. I don't think I have many purple and black ones, but I do have some nice purple OR black ones, in individual colours," he said shyly. " If you look over there, you can see a rainbow. I arranged all my cloaks by colour, I like to have all the colors because one never knows when he feels a little green, or when he's in the mood for a nice bright orange... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Please, don't belittle my boyfriend's amazing handiwork," Senecio said. "And about the cloak... do you have something from black silk? Or very dark purple?" 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Hmm... I guess most of my cloak are on the heavy side... Your boyfriend is a real slut for heavy ornaments and embroidery... " he chuckled timidly. He looked around. " On the lighter side.. Maybe... Maybe something shorter, more like a shawl would suit better than long cloak that would cover up all dress? What do you think about these? I like when clothes have those loose fluffy parts that look like sleeves, would they fit? " he said uncertainly and had shown him three examples.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"No," was the response to the first one and "Maybe," to the second one. But with the last one, Senecio said: "Perfect!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tode beamed, as he was getting worried they won't find the right one.
" I guess it's not too bad when you combine the two," he said shyly, and then he observed the combination, before coming up with an idea. " Maybe we could also wear some matching jewellery? " he suggested hopefully. " I think that would complete the look. I still feel like it's missing a little bit of something, that could be it, what do you think? "
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