Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio sat down on the sofa for better balance as Tide put the boots on, occassionally sipping from the wine. "They feel so soft..." he murmured. 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, Alpha is the only one that can make them, and he's a real artist. He thinks of every detail." Tide said, admiring the view. " Would you like to... Try dancing for a bit? You should be really light on your feet by now! You should also be able to jump rather high now, though, so you should probably look out for the ceiling, hehe..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Hell yes," Senecio grinned, eager to try the boots. He got up and started with a slow dance to get a better idea of the movement.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

So soft on the inside, and so light on the outside - the booths made every step light. The first, unsightly bright yellow booths Senecio tried in Alpha's shop were obviously tailored to a much stronger, bigger, firmer creature, much likely heavier too - but for rather light Senecio, and with the footwear tailored just for him, it felt even better than the last time. He could jump even higher, have even better control, and at a moment here and there, in the air, it almost felt like levitating, in its light and graceful qualities. It felt more like a natural extension of his own dancing abilities, rather than an accessory.

Tide just watched him, enchanted, holding his breath, his eyes sparkling - it seemed that watching actor dance, so sparkly and graceful, distracted him from all other thought, as, despite seeing all kind of magical creatures, Tide was so overly romantic, and for him, this must have been a sight from fairy tale.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio enjoyed dancing for Tide and the boots made it a real pleasure to move. He did that for a while before stopping so that Tide could give him the cloak.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide reached for the cloak, taking it out of the box - but as he did so, he also noticed the hat, that was at the bottom of the box.
" You got this too! Oh, and it has a layer of pears! It's beautiful! " he said, as it didn't seem he'll get tired of admiring the attire actor have chosen. " Let's save the cloak for the end, then... " he proclaimed, as he was rather eager to see how broad-rimmed lovely hat will look at the actor. First, he put that on, delighted in the sight... before he finally reached for he cloak. Admiring the feathers decorations that looked as if they were set ablaze, but not burning, Tide sighed wistfully, as he eagerly put it over actor's shoulders, delighted to see the whole look.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Fully dressed now, Senecio posed in front of a mirror to get a good look of the new clothes, trying different poses. 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide observed it with pleasure for a moment longer, clearly enjoying the flamboyance of his new boyfriend, in the new clothes that were as beautiful as comfortable, fitting right like a glove.
But after a bit, he seemed to grow more wondering, glancing at his own clothes. Slowly, he reached for the big dress, and for the light cloak, taking them in his arms and turning them thoughtfully.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio tore his eyes away from the mirror and took a gulp of wine. "Now I can't wait to see you dressed..." he said. "Or actually, I'm fine with waiting if it involves undressing you. May I?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide seemed shy, but he didn't say no.
" You said you haven't seen my bare chest... So starting with the top seems good, right?" He whispered shyly, and he slowly left the clothes aside, for now. He was too tall for actor to remove his shirt while he stood still, so he sat down on the sofa for this, timidly raising his arms so Senecio could help him remove his tunic, breathing deeply to still his restless heart.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio went around the sofa to stand behind him and gently lowered the demon's arms, touching his shoulders lightly instead of pulling the tunic. He started massaging his neck and shoulders then. "Relax..." he whispered into his ear.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide was a little confused when actor lowered his arms, and in his confusion he complied. As actor pressed against his skin, he moaned a little bit, sensitive to touch. However, the repeated gentle gesture brought a pleasant memory of how Senecio did the same for him when he was weary and stressed out about Death, and he began to relax slowly, quiet at first.
" It seems... I suck at those things..." He whispered back quietly, timidly leaning against his touch." But... I am not doing this over my will. I hoped you would ask me for it... But it is awkward. You see..." He leaned back against him for comfort. " This is so very early in the bond for me. And... I have nothing to compare it to. All this is new... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's why I'm asking you to relax," Senecio said, continuing his ministrations. "Don't think about it too much..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" But... I can't help being nervous. You were nervous too, weren't you? When you decided to tell me pain excites you... You were so scared my feelings would change. " Tide whispered, and then smiled a little." It is... my dream... To find a partner that will adore me in all my forms. How can I not think about it? " He whispered softly, but unlike at a start, he seemed to feel a little encouraged by the thoughtfulness of Senecio's choices, and he leaned his head to the side and kissed actor's hand shyly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Is it like that for you? Are you afraid of what I will think?" Senecio stopped massaging Tide's shoulders and circled the sofa to sit down next to him, leaning on him trustfully. "Do you want me to undress you then? Or would you rather do it yourself, for more control?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" But it is about lack of control. It is about making this a normal thing. I want it to be normal between us. " Tide whispered." I fear this, but I want it. I want to see where the waters of this river lead... I want to be known. Just like you. It is only... a lot. When we are having fun, it is so easy to forget we are different species. It is just fun... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I see," Senecio nodded. "I just don't want to do something wrong. Alright then... so, may I? I see it's undressing first and relaxing only later..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Perhaps... But your efforts were still welcome. Thank you for the touch and the talk.  " Tide whispered shyly. " I like being reminded why I grew to like you... " He brushed actor's hair shyly, before raising his arms anew, a bit more readily this time, with a little less fear and more anticipation.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio reached for the bottom of his tunic, raising it slowly, acquaintancing himself with what was underneath bit by bit.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide tried his best to breathe evenly, to indeed not make it a big deal. He just focused on the feeling of being touched, saying nothing.
Senecio could indeed see that most of more inhuman attributes of this form Tide has packed up underneath. Like this, from close by, it could easily be seen what kind of patchwork of creature he really was. Fur dominated, and it was soft like in his wolf form, and bright blue, at some places thin layer, at other, long and curly. From up around his shoulders and upper arms, on his chest, and at area meeting his pants, it was the thickest and fluffiest, as it seemed that his clothes weren't actually thich - but that it was what was underneath it that appeared more so.
But it wasn't only fur. Much like freckles, on random places along his skin were patches of scales, not noticeable at first sight that much, as they appeared to be of whitish orangish color of his skin. On closer sight thought, it seemed they were iridescent, bluish, turquoise and emerald shine changing under different angles of light. On closer look, actually, there were many subtle details of what wouldn't be there if Tide came from one flesh - he actually had some scattered white feathers thrown in the mix too, among the thich fur, and his form beneath the tunic was unexpectedly androgynous - he had some masculine features, like strong arms and developed shoulders, but he also has more curves hips, and while he didn't have full breasts, his ribcage and seemed more leaned into that shape, allowing him to be able to wear dresses, and he had two pairs of nipples, but no bellybutton. Indeed, there was much more underneath than outside, besides eyes and the teeth, indicating his origin.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio was raising the tunic slowly and exploring the revealed areas bit by bit, tracing the fur and scales with his fingers, caressing and playing with wonderingly and lovingly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide was tense at first, and he trembled lightly with the touch. Despite the look, just like his skin and fur, touch of his scales was smooth, not slimy as one might imagine. Even if Tide expected negative reaction, and not even to dare for positive one, a casual one was definitely not on the list, and if anything, demon seemed a little confused and not sure how to react. But finally, as actor was removing the shirt and caressing his neck, he giggled, breaking the silence.
" That tickles..." He whispered shyly, looking down on place that tickles him - and it finally distracted him from being self conscious about his body. Around his neck, scattered much like feathers, were couple of tiny flowers, bright red, resembling the one of pomegranate." Oh... That is new. " He said, touching one wonderingly." Cernunnos's first form used to be of pomegranate tree, so this must be influence of that new part of his soul I digested... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's beautiful..." Senecio touched them carefully. "And the rest of it... so many details to explore..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" So... It's really okay?" Tide asked, with a smile that was embarrassed, but grew slowly like a flower indeed." Speaking of details... Would you like to touch my gills? They are here, beside the fur of the neck... " He said shyly, raising up the fire on his neck from two sides, so actor could indeed see two pairs, smooth and regular like ones of a shark.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's how you breathe underwater?" Senecio asked, tracing them with his finger. "Doesn't it tickle when I touch them? And I'd like to do something else too... may I?"
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