Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You know, actually, yes, I would feel very cute in those..." Tide chipped in softly, fluffing up with the statement. He then took out three different transparent shawls from the basket nearby." So, how about these? I think I would feel cute in either of them..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"The third one is lovely," Senecio said. "Do try it with the dress?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Please, do tell me if it looks right... If all is right, we'll only be needing the mask. " Demon said, before first putting on the shoes, and then, the shawl too, placing his long hair over it all, and then looking up at the actor shyly with anticipation to give the final judgement to his full attire.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Hmmm.... the shawl is covering the dress too much, I would say. Do try the first one," Senecio said.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Hmm... Maybe it is too much... Okay, how is it now? " he asked after he shyly exchanged the two. Indeed, this one was more sea-through, and both the dress and the delicate flowers around his neck and chest could be seen easier like this.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's really better," Senecio nodded. "What would you like to do with your hair?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I think my plan wasn't nearly as elegant as it turned out. " Tide admitted shyly, turning a little as he was watching himself in the mirror, admitting embarrassedly. " You see, Death mentioned having worn braids long ago, and how he felt they fit him better than the crown. So, what I planned was to braid his hair in some adorable style, and to braid my hair as well, with violet ribbons matching his eyes. I thought it would be a cute little thing to share with him, but now I am not sure... I feel like a made myself overly fancy to go for cute.. " he seemed at a loss. " What do you think? I mean, all of this was rather sudden for me. I didn't even know I began growing flowers until a moment ago... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Why? Intricate braids with ribbons and flowers can look cute and fancy in the same time," Senecio said. "I'm not very good in making them though."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I am quite good at them, though, actually, and I taught Sage, so don't worry, when it comes to that, I'll ask him for help. We don't have to braid it now. " Tide reassured him. " The rest of the outfit is just right... We only have to get the ribbons. What about you, though? Would you like me to braid your hair too? I have plenty of ribbons for all of us... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Not this time, sorry," Senecio smiled. "Remember I have to play Death before the ball, I can't wear a fancy hairstyle. And I don't think there will be time for it between that, so I'll just go like this."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh... wait... but Death said he used to braid his hair before he was a king... Wouldn't it be cool, actually? " Tide, who had a very simplified idea of how casual or non-casual plays were, chipped in. " You can wear braids during the time he is king, and then, like, have your hair untied after... the war starts, and all that. It could be symbolic, like in poems and all that. It'd be pretty dramatic, I'm saying, if in however much time you appear afterwards, you have dramatically loose hair. Beats just loose hair from the start if you ask me... Braids are much more fun and cute, with all the tiny strands of hair tied together and bound in colourful ribbons, in my opinion... I mean, flowers wreaths are cuter, but braids with ribbons are a close second... "  
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"But hard to change quickly," Senecio pointed out. "The costume has variations for the acts as well, maybe it would be better to stick with that than end with half-unbraided hair in the beginning of the act..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I thought it was the point that he's all distraught... Half unbraided hair would be just fine, too, in my book. But I don't want to make things harder for you, it was just a suggestion of what I thought might look cute. " Tide said softly. " Hey, now that we are all dressed up, how about we eat the rest of the cookies, and then go see While? I can't wait to show him those amazing new clothes you got for him, and I wonder what he'll think of our look too, so would you mind us staying like this as we go? It feels nice, and anyway, you and While will probably be depressed after the play, so we won't be able to enjoy ourselves as much as we can now, before that. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Well, possibly, but not for the whole night, I hope," Senecio said. "But we still haven picked the jewelry. And I'm not sure where the masks are, I think Hans took them into his bag."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh, sorry... I am so forgetful. I was just really excited after figuring out about the flowers... You are going to wear the one I put in your hat to the ball, right? He asked hopefully." It truly is a detail that no one can dispute binds us. We match." He said shyly." Let's pick some nice jewelry on top, and... What do you say we leave masks for later, then?" He suggested." We can leave that little detail in the end, so we can be delighted all anew, when we get back to it. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Okay. And yes, I'm going to wear the flower. So I'll just go with something decent to complement it."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It is red, so maybe we can go with something with red stones? I have a decent collection of ruby jewellery.   Wanna see it?  he offered bubbly, leading him to one drawer. " I just have to warm you, all earrings are clip-on... If I would want to wear the one with a hole, I'd have to pierce my ears every time after passing through the layers, and as I usually pass through the layers quite often, it got old really fast. Oh, and if you like some ring that is too big for your little hand, don't worry. I can just manipulate the gold or silver of it to make it a little thicker but smaller. You can pick whatever you like. I also have red agates, garnets, cinnabar, spinel... I mean, I really like shiny, sparkly stuff. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio picked a pomegranate right that he thought perfect as soon as he saw itĀ and ruby earring that looked a bit like pomegranate seedsĀ .

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide adjusted the ring to fit the actor's finger nicely, warming up and cooling down the metal until the size was perfect. Then he looked around to see what might work for him.
" What do you say about this? " he suggested shyly. " Would it suit me? It's a sweet mom bird guarding the eggs in the night, Hans got it for me, it's one of my favourite ones, and the colours match... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"It's really lowely. Yes, I think it would fit well," Senecio said. "And what about some circlet or tiara?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I have a collection of tiaras and crowns that I wear when I feel like it, mostly in casual settings, or when I have to make judgements. I am a king, after all. But I would feel too pretentious wearing them all the time. I guess a ball would be a fitting occasion? " Tide thought to himself, opening another drawer. " What do you think of this one? It was a gift from Janus, and it shines with a soft faint glow in the dark... " 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Very nice," Senecio smiled. "It's a set with the ring, isn't it?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Actually, yes. " Tide seemed glad the actor noticed. " I just keep my tiaras and crowns separately. Most of my various crowns were gifted to me as a sign of loyalty by my people... It's just really satisfying watching them in their own pile. It's a pity you're wearing a hat, maybe I could have borrowed you some of my tiaras if you'd like... Hans, as a Spirit King, will no doubt wear a crown, too... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'm not sure about that, I feel like that would be a bit over the top for me," Senecio said. "A hairpin, maybe..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Hmmm... A tough cookie. Let me see...I think I may have something just right... " Tide thought about a moment. " What about this one? " he suggested brightly as he pulled something out of the drawer. " I have one crown from Alpha, that is actually made like a puzzle. I have dozens of pins, and I can combine them in a  special circlet as I feel like, to make a different crown every time. Would you like any of those pins? " he took out a batch full of them, all more delightful than the other. " This one is red, so I think it may fit. Alpha Centauri enchanted this one to smell like roses and feel like petals to the touch... I actually considered borrowing one of the pins to D- While, you know, while I was considering his dress. " he admitted embarrassedly. " Before I remembered giving him a piece of one of my crowns may be awkward for him... "
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