Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Right, jewelry is never bad," Senecio nodded. "Shall we dress so that we can pick what goes best with it?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" That's... Actually a great idea. We can best see how we match if we try them on." He then smiled a little." Can I watch you dress up, then?" He requested innocently.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Of course," Senecio grinned, laying out the new clothes carefully. "Or would you rather like to help?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Are you asking me if I would like to undress you and then sensually dress you up?" Tide asking, with innocent glee, clapping his hands." What kind of boyfriend would say no to that? I'm in!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Why, that's exactly what I am asking you," Senecio grinned, coming closer to Tide.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Too bad Alpha didn't throw in some underwear into the deal. We could have had even more fun... " Tide teased brightly and as the actor came to him, the creature began to softly and slowly unbutton his shirt, savoring the moment, and despite certain shyness of someone unused to all this, Senecio could feel how at ease Tide grew to feel with him, and how he enjoyed those little casual acts of intimacy and physical affection.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, maybe some other time," Senecio smiled, not helping with the undressing at all, so that it would take longer.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I'll hold you for that word. " Tide said softly, as he gently took off his shirt, indulging in the closeness. As if he was a servant to a prince, he helped remove his pants and socks, theatrically, and lingered a little longer, enjoying the sight, before with slow innocent speed he reached for the tunic first, to help him put it on.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I kept the tunic that you made me for the outfit," Senecio explained. "So that part is matching just fine. I wanted to have something that you have sewn, at least."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh... Yes, you are right. I thought you just asked Alpha to make you something similar. It seemed too good match to not be a part of the set. But... yes, it is mine. I love that shiny thread I used for decorations..." Tide commented a little wonderingly, while putting on the tunic, and then, innocently tracing actor's spine while straightening it out." Did you... Really match the whole outfit to it? And... Did you do it because you liked it enough, or to please me? D-don't get my questions wrong, please. You have just been in too many toxic bonds, and I had a fair share, too. I just need to look out for you, you know..." His cheeked flushed red." Like when you considered gaining some weight just because I mentioned chubier guys are more my type. I just need to make sure it is healthy motivation... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it," Senecio murmured. "I thought I'll wear to the ball and it will be good enough, but then Hans suggested we go shopping for clothes. But I still wanted to wear it because I like it and because you made it, so I just adjusted the rest of the outfit to it."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I know my insistence may seem silly, but... It's so easy for influences to get out of control. If I were single, I'd probably go to the ball in my Being clothes... But now that I am not, I just really want to abide by the social convention. I want to wear a lovely dress and drink fancy wine while doing so and cling glasses in over the top way as we toast to love, like in the stories. " Tide smiled a little shyly. " We all follow some things that feel right... I just want to make sure your choices are fully yours. I wouldn't like you altering your nature or tastes to please me. I want you to always strive to be your most authentic you... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yeah, about that..." Senecio murmured. "That's actually a Belt of perfect figure. And Boots of nine miles. You just don't say no to such an offer..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Really? " Tide said, distracted, as he picked up the belt. " Wow... Alpha is really in the giving mood these days... But what is that thing about you don't say no to such offer? " he turned to the actor, a little confused as if that wording rubbed him the wrong way. " Of course... you do, if you don't want them. The question is: do you? It's not much different than makeup to me. You're not presenting yourself falsely, you're enhancing yourself in a way that makes you feel more comfortable. It would be way different, then if you were putting makeup just in hopes to impress me. I mean, sure, you can strive to impress me... " he blushed as he got tangled in the words, trying to express something important, but as usual, messy in his wording. " But for the sake of the romance, not out of anxiety... that you are not good enough and need to be presentable enough for me. The only difference is what makes you happy. I fell for you, in your messy torn clothes after a fight with Erdel, half-drunk from wine and lust for life. " he smiled, timidly putting a hand on his shoulder. " I don't care whether you wear booths of hundred miles or whatnot, or nothing at all... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Nothing at all?" Senecio chuckled. "I just mean that *I* don't say not to an offer like that. Because of the way I am, not because of trying to be what you would like. I did actually say no to some other offers that I didn't care that much about."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Then what is there to worry about? If you're happy, you should be telling me this like a great piece of news, not an apology. " Tide snickered, and having his hand closed to actor's face, he used that fact to steal a chance to endearingly pinch his cheek, looking pleased with the opportunity. " It's great news that I am worried about nothing, don't you think? I'm so glad you got to get something you enjoy! That's how it's supposed to be. Honestly, I have to admit I have no idea what Belt of Perfect figure means, that sounds new, but the Boots of nine miles are a great thing, especially since you're climbing all those stairs to your room... I should have thought of that myself. " he grinned slowly. " Not to mention it's going to be so fun, watching you hop around in them... so really, what's the downside? It's not making you something that you're not. It is not a lie. It's just a commodity to enhance your-... Our lives... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I said the Belt of perfect figure as a joke, but apparently, Alpha could make it," Senecio explained, raising his hands so that Tide could put that belt around his waist.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide carefully and with curiosity observed it, while he made sure to dress up the pants and belt correctly.

" Alpha can make a lot of things that defy laws of physics, it's really fun to watch him sew with abstractions, dimensions or whatnot. Stars are really quite unique Beings," he commented casually, as he admired the sight slowly forming before him. "  He's old fashioned and modern at the same time, really, so while you can get really conversational and casual with him, he is really into making old types of deals, and only doing things that don't bore him, being flamboyant, putting up a show of omniscience and mystery... that old-style, fairy tale Being classic elements. You summed it up well - he only makes what he thinks is interesting, and won't budge. That means he only makes enchantments when he feels circumstances make it appropriate. You really scored with that. Pretty much everyone would try to coax him every now and then, but unless it's something that will create interesting situations, or stir up some drama... " he snorted. " He'll just say he's too bored to do it. I love the guy. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, it was really fun coming up with it. He was also kind enough to put the comforting and strengthening enchantments into While's clothes. That was supposed to be a deal but he made it a pinky promise, because it would be hard to formulate into a real deal properly. Basically I have to make a funny private play about him, for the price of a ham sandwich."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Awww, that's so much like Alpha!  " Demon chuckled heartily. " That rascal really likes having fun, alright... But he's also so nice. He never asks for anything that'd harm others or be painful to give, and when he chooses to give back, he gives with joy indeed... " Tide's voice trailed off, as he grew a little wondering, and looked back at the box. " Do you think... the package named "Tide" contains While's clothes? It would only make sense he'd send it to me if you told him he's a new Being in my care. What kind of clothes did you order? " he asked shyly. " Not that I am worried, but if it has comforting and strengthening enchantments, I really hope it's something he'd like to wear. He's been through thick and thin these days, I'd really like to make him comfortable... No, I really long to make him comfortable... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that would be his. I told him he's your guest who wants to stay incognito, so he didn't ask more. You know, I'm really curious how it turned out, too. Let's take a look and finish dressing afterwards," Senecio suggested, reaching for the box.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You're lucky I have soft fluffy carpets around... It's fun and all to walk barefoot, but not when you catch a cold... " Tide smiled a little, but he too, shyly, followed him, watching him as he opened the box.

As soon as the actor did that, and began pulling out the clothes, he could feel there was something different about them. There was a certain soothing softness to it, that was subtle but pleasant the more one held them - it looked like common textile, but it felt like a layer of feathers, one only could imagine a mother bird would lay over her eggs while singing them of flowers and trees, as they grow safely under her warmth. The whole texture just felt so loving... it must have been a part of intense protective spells woven into them.

Clothes were of soft, calming grey, like tears or mist. A doublet, with just a hint of broadened sleeves between the shoulder and elbow. Mother-of-pearl buttons in two rows... A tender cloak of sake texture, with a delicate veil over them... Everything looked just like Senecio and Alpha spoke of, or even better, like a fairy tale version of what they spoke of.

" They... feel to the touch like soothing lullaby sounds to a weary ear... " Tide murmured, with pleasure caressing the fabric. But when he looked at the tunic that was first on the pile more closely, he teared up, appearing smitten." Seine... L-look... It has... all those tiny kittens... embroidered around buttons and s-sleeves..." he whispered hoarsely, touching one kitty gently with his forefinger. " It's perfect... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio smiled, as he was just checking the kittens as well. "They should be moving, too. Prancing around and playing with the buttons, but just the one you are looking at. But only when he is looking, not someone else, so I guess it would only work for the one who has it on."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Alpha can't weave illusions, he weaves actual stuff, not unless he can collaborate with someone that can make illusions. It's more probable the threads are enchanted to move, although only based on the sight of the wearer. So, it's probable we'd see it too, once he puts it on and based on where he looks... " Tide smiled slowly, clutching the package like something precious. " Thank you... so much for ordering this for him. I am so forgetful... It wouldn't even cross my mind... It always wonders elsewhere..." he whispered hoarsely. " May... May we go to him after we finish dressing up and choosing jewellery, please? I can't wait for us to give it to him... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that would be great. Don't tell him about the moving kittens though. I'd really like to see his face when he finds out. I wanted him to have something he can look at to cheer him up when he's upset."
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