Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Would you like to go now? Now would be a pretty good time, as it's not a working day, so we'd have a lot of privacy, so Janus will be more comfortable, too. " Tide offered earnestly. " We could make as many brakes as you feel like, too. We could even bring some food to make a little celebratory picnic when we are done. Would you like that?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, now sounds good," Senecio nodded, closing the book determinedly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Let's go to kitchen to pick up some good food and wine for the occasion," Tide whispered gently, and he offered Senecio his hands, so he can pick whether he wants to carry him this time, or would he rather have them hold hands as they leave.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio nodded slightly. "I'm fine with the carrying," he said, "just don't feel that comfortable doing it in the theatre yet. Is it okay?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You don't feel quite like doing it at work, I can get that, " Being said, gently lifting him up, and holding him close as they went to the kitchen. " How about lowering you down in front of the theatre, then? To be exact, since you aren't sick anymore and there's no danger, I figured taking the carriage would be bothersome. How about after we pick food, I just hold you and we take a quick leap there? " there was a touch distant, cold note in his feelings as he was looking somewhere distantly. " I feel eager to start soon. It's been a while since I broke something. I appreciate all creations, so I usually don't have the drive, but today, things are a little different... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio nodded in complete understanding. "Yes, let's jump there."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide carried him to the kitchen, where they packed a picnic basket full of their favourite food and wine, as well as couple of pies for the children, and a jar of seashells that he and Janus could nibble on.

When they were ready, Tide picked him up once more, and in one light leap, he jumped high above, and landed in front of the theatre. He lowered Senecio gently, and instead offered him his hand, so they could walk inside together.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio took it and headed straigh under the stage, not stopping to look at the stage itself.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

They knocked, and there was a bit of silence before Janus opened the door, always being the one to do it, protective of the children. From tense and fearful, his expression and feelings lit up a little when he saw it were Senecio and Tide, relaxing his shoulders as he straightened.
" Eros returned the tools to me and told me the surgery went well, " he, again, greeted them in his own peculiar direct way. " You look quite physically well now. Does that mean you are ready to shatter the remnants of the old regime? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that's exactly what it means," Senecio nodded darkly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Janus nodded lightly in acknowledgement, instinctively, tensing up a little with the dark tone, in subconscious response, but as far as thinking goes, he seemed aligned with the actor, with a solemn agreement fit for executioner that is waiting to deliver justice.
" Come in, then, " he said, inviting them in, " I talked with the children after you left today, so they would not be startled and dejected by what will happen... Some reactions were mixed, but we talked it through. Still, they decided it's best that they don't take part in it, so I'll give them a late evening reward snack that they could eat on the stage while we do our good work. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"To each their own," Senecio murmured. "I don't think I could eat on the stage right now."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Janus, who wasn't told of Senecio's fears, felt confused at first, but when he realised why actor felt so, he seemed dejected and grieved, but only nodded shortly.
" Alright... Come on, children.... Of you go. We have some work to take care of, the one I explained to you... Here, take those pies and milk," he carefully packed them a meal in a lovely picnic basket and covered it with white cloth painted with hearts. " Be good, and if there is any trouble, don't forget to use the whistles I made you. Do not stray far," he ordered them, with tone with which was hard to figure out if it's practicality or care behind it, decisive but soft. Emmett took the basket laid on the table with his new mechanical hand, and quietly greeted the guests before leading the kids outside.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio watched Emmet, but didn't look him in the eyes as the boys were leaving. He waited until the door closed behind them and then looked at Janus. "Shall we?" he asked.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Being nodded, fully ready, with a dignified professional look in his eyes. From his bag, he took out his flaming sword, that lightened up the air around them with its soft gleam. He placed it neatly on the little table between them, hilt turned toward Senecio. Then he looked at Tide.

" I assume you wanted to break things barehanded, yes? " he asked carefully, and from bag anew, he took out a pair of really thick gloves instead, placing them humbly before the demon. " I'm aware it's a more effective stress relief to just mindlessly wreck things, but some mechanisms are built to trap you if you meddle with them too closely with your appendages... as happened to Emmet. I broke couple fingers a few times while studying them, too," he whispered. " So, you should put on some protection, at least until moving parts are destroyed. Once it's all shattered, it's all yours... Senecio, you should be safe with a sword, as it's a weapon that gives you safe distance, but I can also borrow you a helmet with transparent visor, if you'd like, in case some metal part bounce of. I'll watch by, in any case, " he promised, " And step in if anything sharp gets in your direction. I have... fastest regeneration from all of us, so I'll be fine even if something physically unexpected happens. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'll take the helmet," Senecio nodded. "It would be really stupid to die now because of some bouncing bit of metal."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Janus nodded with a tinge of relief and contentment - while he was apparently fully ready and determined to let Senecio choose either way and respect the choice, he was happier with this one.
While he took out the white polished helmet with the clear transparent visor of unusual thick material and put it attentively on the table before the actor, Tide was putting on the offered gloves. The most unusual thing about the object was that it had long extended form on the top that looked rather artsy, with decorated swirls, beautiful but functional, as it was clearly shaped to fit in horns on Janus's head.

" It should be a good enough fit, as if general, it's important enough your head is covered from all angles, " Being explained a little shyly, showing his with gestures where to tie the helmet so it holds firmly. " It just has those hollow forms on top, so my horns can pass through them since I am wearing it when working with hot metals and more dangerous things. I never needed to make a version for human passing folk... But it's rather light, so it won't make much difference to you if there are some shapes on top or not.  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I think it's cool that I can pretend to have horns in it," Senecio smiled just with the corner of his mouth, putting it on. 
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide couldn't help but smile a little despite the seriousness of situation, when he had seen him like that, standing firmly with horned helmet and flaming sword.

" You look almost a bit like some surreal warrior of old. It.. uhm...  suits you," he admitted admiringly, not able to help himself be attracted by the sight, and a little embarrassed since he knew Senecio knows. " So, shall we? Lead," he said with a strange determined mix of fierceness and softness."... And I shall follow..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio nodded and looked around, noting every bit of machinery. He took a deep breath, walked to the one in the corner and started destroying it - coldly and methodically, with precise cuts of the sword.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Neither Tide nor Janus got in his way, letting him indulge in the destruction of everything the man that hurt him made in life. Janus remained close by, and took care to make sure no parts hurt others as they landed, as, the most important thing for him seemed to be safety, as, without it, the purpose of the task would lose its meaning.
Tide, on the other hand, took an active part. He didn't go in Senecio's way, though. Rather, he began picking up the remnants scattered on the floor from the destruction brought upon by the sword, and he began crumpling it up angrily with his hands, with cold wrath, but simple, without any needless aggression. It reminded Senecio on how, as a demonstration and a threat before theatre workers, he ate a metal lunch box to scare them. Beneath his actions was the same cold primordial wrath, but calm outside. This time he didn't eat anything, wanted to display it all for everyone to see. Instead, he crumpled cogs and metal sheets like mere paper, so much that nothing in it could be used anymore, putting force in all he did, to make sure that it can not even be scavenged for parts anymore -while Senecio did the cutting to scraps, it seemed he found purpose and meaning in rendering all the scraps useless.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio moved from machine to machine with the same methodical pace, focused so deeply he almost didn't perceive anything else. His breath was getting faster with time, but it seemed to be more from the emotions than exertion.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

While he worked on dismantling everything, Janus, seeing there is no danger after all, brought a broom and began gathering the scraps neatly on the pile, starting from furthest corner - oblivious to a lot of common sense things, he seemed content with their work and progress, cleaning after them - and on the contrary, there was timid frail sense of relief and satisfaction as after cleaning up the debris he was left with more and more of bare floor and walls.

Tide, on the other hand, was focused on the destruction fully. Step after step, he kept destroying further after Senecio. Normally by the end, his wrath would be soothed, but Senecio's distress kept his anger ever fresh and burning. As the last final scraps flew across the room scattering everywhere, and final swing of the sword was made, he could not resist the overflowing worry any longer, and he hesitantly put hand on the shoulder of the actor who struggled to breathe.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio was trembling as he looked around and saw that there's nothing left intact. He looked a bit lost with the sword then, with nothing more to hit. He sobbed then, overwhelmed by the confining emotions.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide understood there was a lot going on in his heart, and his feelings softened under the actor's lost reaction.
" Easy... easy there... you did well... " he said gently, not removing his hand from lad's shoulder, hoping to have a better look into his mental state. " We destroyed Guliermo's most important life work... The day keeps getting better, doesn't it? How about aiming higher? " he whispered softly. " There is nothing left to break here, but if your anger is not spent yet, we can still break some random things you dislike... anything you feel like. Or if you require a hug... " he coughed, not able to hide that he is distressed with Senecio's distress. " I am... available... "
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