Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Can you trust me that I'll let you know if I don’t want to be found?" Svarik asked. "And I will trust you that if that if I'll tell you that, you will be as fine as you are claiming. With that trust, we don't have to play hide and seek, do we? Don't hide from me when I barely got a chance to get to better know you..."


"The king wouldn’t like that," Sein Miru said with a hint of fear. "He should be the one to judge me if I did something wrong."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Ben's lip wobbled a little, but his ears were perking up, facing forward, looking rather more happy and energetic, fluffed up like this, and for the first time since the start of the conversation, the happiness in his eyes seemed unclouded, although timid.
" Thank you... " finally, he frailly whispered the words he struggled with so much before - it seemed as if suddenly, they grew a little lighter. As if carried by the atmosphere, he seemed to allow himself to feel a little bit brave and encouraged. Sneakily. he did not pull his hand away, letting it rest over Svarik's wrist innocently, as it was closest to holding his hand without having to ask for it. " Whatever... comes of it at the end of it, though... I want to know, that I gave my best. I can not claim I did, if it is a one-way street, so... Heed my words, sweet mortal, " he grinned a little, seeming to find it a little bit fun, to use more fairytale-like speech, finding it easier to say big things followed by proper theatrics. " My personality is trashy, my vocabulary even trashier. I get more angry when good people take bad care of themselves than when horrible people do horrible things. But rather than learning more in depth of how much of a petty person I am - won't you cooperate with me as I try to do better? " with a quieter, soft voice, he whispered. " I... am barely decently smart, nothing bad, but nothing insane either... I can never compare to scary overachievers like sir Falcon. But... I am good, at putting in effort. I... won't yell or scold you this time. Let me just say - even with exerting yourself... it's good to see you, still this healthy. I do not wish to give you empty encouragment like I hope that you accomplished whatever you strained yourself for, since I dare say I know you at least as much, that your face would be much gloomier, if you failed... so... congratulations, instead. I... am so glad you managed to help whoever you were helping at the Sea, even if it was dangerous to you, " instead of berating or guilt, this time, Ben offered him praise, pressing his wrist in support as one would hand, as he added quietly. " Still, since you have a habit... or worrying all of us that love you... May I ask you to think, if there's anything more you'd like me to give to you, together with immortality? As I said, I wish not overpower you... I know already you wish not to be any less human than you are born as. Still, if it is not tied to giving you any powers, but merely to trying to figure out your trashy energy consumption, would it feel overbearing, if I said I want us to put a pin to remember to address it? It... it speaks trashy, of my temporarily granted test status of your friend, if I pretend it's perfectly fine for you to nearly die every time you try to save someone. It's incredibly hard to bargain with dying when it comes to humans, not Beings, so it's not like I can do anything with a snap of my fingers... But if we could make it at least a couple percent less likely for you to die from overwork, shouldn't I nag you about it a little bit? I have no definitive direct solution to a problem that's bound to reoccur every time you overwork yourself too much, but still, shouldn't your chances for normal life grow if all of us can pitch in a little? And speaking of everyone pitching in a little... " he dared ask with the most timid tiny smile dancing on the edges of his lips. " Would I be overbearing, if I said I'd, you know, like - love to use this expensive chance of life you got me, to get to know you better, too? Why should you go all the way, instead of meeting me halfway? If this road is somewhere you wish to go down... how about telling me about your favourite snacks, for a start? Honestly, I made you healthier at the time, as much as staying within reasonable human strength allowed, but your energy consumption sucks, and you'll always have trouble gaining weight because you often spend more than you take in when you play healing music. Healing music is costly, for human constitution. It's just how you're built, no shame in that. But it would be good, if... rest of us that... live around you would always carry some snacks with us, so we coax you into always snacking, because, where for most of the world it's a bad habit, for you, snacking often is a good one. I can just carry sugar or honey, like for emergencies to hope eating something strong will help you not pass out, but... I'd rather coax you to develop good habits, with things you like. Would you... like to enable my sinister plan, and tell me more? I... need all the help I can get, to keep this insane, overworked, wonderful lunatic of a friend not just alive, but healthy. Thriving would be even better... " he grinned more teasingly and daringly. " But I dare not have such high expectations, because this cute bastard has a knack of overworking himself and treating fainting like it is a afternoon nap... "


" Just because he owns you, how dare a slave presume he owes you anything, especially after you betrayed him? " a voice rang coldly, as the finger tightened around Miru's neck. So slowly, as it spoke, the creature used the grip around its neck, to make him step to the side until the actor was leaning toward the wall, with nowhere left to step back. " Should I trouble my King who bleeds upon the battlefield each day, for every insignificant slave? With what pure intentions would the king's pet sneak away in those late hours, using servants' corridors at times few servant's shifts lead through it? Test not my patience any longer, confess your sins. I know of you, " Danger was brimming, in restrained raspy coldness of the voice, and eyes that were staring, as if baring his soul. " On one hand, a vile traitor that tried to shake our country. On the other hand, a perverted human beast. Do you think I know not, how many hands you have passed through in order to reach the king's chambers, you filthy little thing? " It seemed Tide remembered once before when the actor spoke about being talked dirty to when they were at capital's palace. He could not easily give him insults, not as himself - but while playing the menacing villain, he could. He used gradually colder darker words and whispered them with a tease to his ear. " Old habits die hard. So, are you sneaking under safe covers of the night, while your poor king bleeds for your safety - to meet with his enemies, or to stave off boredom and bed someone else? A filthy traitor of his kingdom, or a dirty beast blinded by lust - which one are you, tonight, vile pet? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"You are right if you give me more capacity for wielding music, then I'll just have more of myself to give when it's needed," Svarik said. "I like fruit and honey, because bees would often lead me to their home and share with me when I had nothing else, and trees would also share their fruits. Bread and butter are also nice. I'm still getting used to the more complicated meals here, I often don't know what to expect."


Senecio took a deep breath to calm himself and stay in the role as his body responded to the threat and insults with a hot wave of excitement. He licked his lips, making Sein Miru pretend to be interested in the general in a two-layered acting, as if the slave saw an opening that could lead to him surviving the encounter. "I... I was looking for someone to sleep with," he said and looked at the monsterous form suggestively.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I see... " Ben listened to Svarik's words with thoughtful wonder. Indeed, it seemed this was the first time, with all the crises they were going through, that they had a semblance of a simple, mundane  conversation, that had no shadow of depression or pain looming over them. " In... the mountains... while I was a child. Food was scarce, and snacks between meals, even more so. If I was able to dig out some half-rotten opinions or edible roots from the ground while guarding sheep and cows, it was a lucky treat. But once, I found the beehive in the wild. I had no fancy bee-befriending skills... I vaguely recalled adults speaking of honey in tales around the fire, so I tried to get a little. I got stung all over... but I have never tasted anything sweeter. I was... six, perhaps? The next time I ate honey, I was already sixteen. Jim... I mean, James shared some of his honeyed cookies with me, a bit after I became his bodyguard. Honestly... I might have been a little too enthusiastic about it, because ever since, Riversong would get me tons of sweets and treats with honey, and whenever I'd come to Crow's headquarters on errands, or visit the mansion here, to get law lessons from sir Falcon, cooks here would bake honeyed sweets for me, to eat and snack on between lessons and missions, " he hesitantly, timidly, shared a little bit of his own private thoughts and feelings, as he added, as if trying to paste together a clearer image of possible brighter future from tiny shards of shattered glass. " I... know a lot of great honey treats. Would you like me to bring you snacks with it now and then, so you can try them out and see what's your favourite? And... were you thinking about perhaps... keeping the bees here, in the garden? I was thinking it would be lovely and handy, if we proclaimed bees sacred in some convoluted way, and had an excuse to keep as much of them as we like. I am definitely tempted to sprinkle in and make some bees pink, to surprise Simbel, and let all of you guys pick your favourite colours, so we can have vibrant, colorful bees, pink and red, blue and back and green... Wouldn't it look lovely, to have bees as colourful as flowers? And, speaking of flowers, I had ideas, of bribing you to like me more, by adjusting some plants you like to be more delicious, " he grinned a little bit as if trying to joke, but there was nothing but sincerity in his eyes as he continued the offer. " Bees work hard, but they can only work with what they are given. How tasty honey is depends greatly on what flowers they can collect pollen from. You can't create delicious things, without a delicious foundation... I was thinking, of perhaps getting some plants Riversong knew for making delicious honey and seeing to plant them in Simbel's garden. Would... it not be... a little fun? To see if we can create, the most delicious honey in the world? " he coaxed his softly, in only half temptation of honey, and more temptation of warmer, gentler friendship. " I think cookies from honey gathered from deep layered plants and Simbel's flowers would be truly divine, God-level type of snack, and... I think it would be a fun challenge, to see if we can manage to make honey so delicious, it would even make you overeat and gain the littlest bit of weight instead of losing it, for a change... "


" How resourceful... Should I play along with you, vile one, to see how deep your lies go? " Creature smirked at his choice of words, its uncanny cold grin spreading unnaturally wide. " Now that I think about it, I have heard our king used his own charms, to make you confess your sins. Are you of such a willful nature, that you'll only admit your plots if they are squeezed out of you? " as he spoke with an earily gentle tone, he leaned closer over Sein Miru, his giant form towering over him and drawing out the light of the room. In the dim light, the man saw the outline of the insect limbs and octopus tentacles moving from the sides of General's back. They reached for him, and wrapped around his arms and chest, and pressed him more roughly against his wall, raising him up just a little bit, from the floor, a little intimidation, promising more. " I shall indulge your vile tastes, and interrogate you, then. If you can keep up your pretence until your body satisfies me, I'll pretend to believe your outrageous tale in return and escort you back to the king's chambers. So, how about it, poor little thing? " hardened insect limbs pressed him more firmly, while tentacles twisted suggestively around his thighs, making his skin burn through pressed clothes, as the creature mocked his resolve and pretended to ask for consent. " Do we have a deal? Will you cave in and say who you conspired with, or will you prove your intentions were truly of lust, with the response of your body? I hate, oh so deeply, to play with my king's shiny new toy, but unless you confess your crimes, you leave me no choice, but to interrogate you thoroughly...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Oh, Melody is just making plans for bringing seeds from deeper layers here, and growing a garden with wonderous fruits," Svarik smiled. "But I don’t think she thought about honey flowers and bees. If you coordinate with her, I think the result would be truly amazing."


Senecio could feel his heart racing with the perfectly crafted scenario that enabled him to feel pleasure under the ruse of an act that he wasn't supposed to enjoy in character. What was truth for him was a pretense for Sein Miru and vice versa, and so he could let go and enjoy the helplessness and being stripped of all options and decisions while knowing deep down that he is safe like this. He shuddered and nodded quickly. "I will... I will show you..." he rasped, opening his legs under the intrusive touch.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh, I see. I shall pester her about it and nitpick about adding more honey-bearing flowers, then, so we can get some delicious things. " Ben could not help but grin a little. " Before anything else, since we speak of plants, there is something I wondered, too... I heard you struggled with the idea of passing on eating plants, instead of meat, while I slept. While I naturally can't just snap my fingers and create non-living meat slices, there is something that might help... That is, there's a plant Riversong was developing at one time, that I still have seeds for kept safe in Solstice's Vault, " he spoke more shyly, as he knew he was offering something unusual, but probably decisive to grab the chance before Svarik retract the offer of friendship, to give him as much as possible that could make him live a healthier life, with less chance of dying from weakness. " It's not good if you avoid eating meat, with your weak constitution, but guilt can wear you down, too... So if you feel guilty about eating meat, how about this? Riversong was at one time actually doing experiments, to see if he could modify plants to grow flesh-like material, so he could use that faux flesh as a foundation, to create limbs for people who lost them. While creating complete creatures was natural for Riversong, there were limits, you see, to making missing limbs of already living creatures. If he just created flesh from random matter, bodies have a tendency to reject it as a foreign body, no matter how well he technically crafted it. What's the point of being able to craft a perfectly looking arm, if the body would reject it? Even now, when I try to replace a limb, I can't do it by scratch but have to use genetically compatible bones and flesh as materials, so the body would have less chance to reject it, and so I could coax it to accept it as its own. In such conditions, hate it as I may, I can't do anything for people such as Mole... No flesh or bones of his dead relatives are fresh enough, and his parents are still too young to die of old age, so I can't build him a new limb until one of them dies. Riversong had the same problem with making new limbs, that's why he wished to grow such a plant - but unfortunately, his experiments ended as a failure, and he was depressed about it and scrapped it. Riversong... often scrapped ideas that didn't turn out just as he wanted, instead of trying to put them to other uses. If it's for replacing limbs, the plant he developed is useless, but if it's for eating, I could grow it for you, if you'd like. It's a slender tall tree, with red and black patterned leaves, and it grows giant red flowers, and from them red fruit the size of watermelon that look like giant acorns on the outside, but when you open it, the inside has a texture and as densely packed nutrients as meat, " he then added little more unpleasant words, looking a little anxious he'd be berated and called in the wrong because of the other circumstances. "Well... There's teensy bitsy minus, that, in order to grow such packed nutrients, you have to plant this plant on top of corpses... because they drain nutrients from all kinds of remnants. But, due to using a little bit of fairy plant as a foundation to make it absorbent, they also purify gathered up negative energy in the soil, so it wouldn't raise up as much during long nights, so all in all, aren't they more pluses than minuses? You could have them plant grow on graveyard, and spin some tales to tie it to religion and Bull rituals, and they would grow faster and more fruit, if you feed discarded meat bones from animal food, too. Plants don't discriminate. Things die naturally of old age, anyway, but corpses themselves aren't a good foundation for most plants, but are for this one - so wouldn't it be good, to have plants that would use parts of what your loved ones left behind, and of bones of meat you could not eat, anyway, to thrive, and to make fluctuation of darkness at Long Night less unpredictable, so the safety of the area around it would not be placed solely on the shoulders of Summer Kings, and so Long Night's burdens would be lesser? Everywhere where humans live, graveyards will grow by natural order of things, anyway. Plant to make healthy food with no cost or watering needed, that would clear out some stale air as it gathers over a year - wouldn't it be something that would be of use to you, so you can eat food with enough healthy things you need, meat like but not meat, so you can keep playing music without growing faint as easily as if you'd only eat fruit? If not this, we... can always pass through other plants Riversong experimented with that still have seeds stored in the Sun Vault, so I can give them to you if you want them. I should be able to give you pretty much anything that you can pass as a sneaky blessing from the Bull, and, " he coughed embarrassedly. " Riversong... had many things he tried all the time, before... the whole Death thing, that overshadowed his motivation to study anything else but soul healing. Before it, he loved experimenting on creating useful life, but he'd often get discouraged and scrap things, if they did not serve the exact purpose he wished to achieve. He... was a perfectionist that hoped to be praised for doing well, and if something did not turn out exactly as he desired, he'd get depressed about it and consider it a failure, and do something else... Just like, when he tried to learn healing, no matter of any useful knowledge for easing or soothing the soul, of useful other things he grew or crafted along the way, it did not matter to him - if it could not make him healer of souls, he'd lose interest and scrap it bitterly. That's why I... am left with a lot of random bits of generalist knowledge in many areas, and various experiment results such as flesh flower,  that are varied, but useless for becoming a soul healer. Still... Riversong did not understand, the concept of counting half success as a success still. Perhaps not flesh plant, if you don't want it - but perhaps something else? I hate, that he spent so much time, gloomy over things he couldn't do, instead of putting to use what he could. I don't know yet, much of.... what I want from this expensive life... but I do know that I want to put things he made to more useful purposes, instead of leaving it all abandoned and scrapped, just because results he got felt not good enough... "


" Do you think me a soft fool? That I would make this a kinder interrogation if you behaved? The line between your naivety and hopefulness is almost invisible, it seems, little pet. Still, let me humour you, " The monster spoke, just the slightest bit hoarsely, its voice bathed with more of Tide's feelings, despite his tries to stay steady and act indifferent. But amidst the cold act, the warmth of Tide's feeling was seeping through, along with growing hunger. General was to act entertained and lustful, but Tide was clearly touched and a little shaky, with how eagerly Senecio yearned for his touch. General used his limbs to raise the actor higher up, fully suspending him in the air with the distributed weight of many different arms so he could pull his limbs apart and make him feel vulnerable and out of control, but Senecio could feel Tide's motive was ever so loving, as he carefully hid that he was trying to make sure actor doesn't feel uncomfortable for being up in the air in an unusual position for longer time, holding him up in the air so delicately. General made the limbs tightly wrapped around Sein Miru, caressing him all over his body with them with fake mocking gentleness, pretending to humour and treat him like a lover, but Tide's feelings overflowing behind the role were real - the creature clearly did not want to just jump straight into hurting him, but give him time to get more aroused and ease him into it gradually. " In king's absence, I shall punish you for not staying in your chambers by giving you this little errand, slave... Please me, and I shall overlook your transgression. This is your last chance to avoid being interrogated by me. Will you confess your sins, or shall I proceed? " under the pretence of giving him one last shot to confess his sins before going further, General said the offer that cruelly anew shifted what was happening to him, to be his fault, cleverly marking any protest and denial would deprive him of a chance to get away with his suspicious night outing. Countless arms gliding over Miru's body spread his limbs further apart, without budging, making him feel more helpless, and they rubbed across his body over his humble garments, inching closer to his sensitive areas, and subtly slipping beneath the cloth - for General, an act of intimidation, for Tide, slow build-up, to tease and get him ready for more, observing Senecio's reactions carefully, so he could see better what from his actions excites him, and to better gauge when the time to go further feels just right.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik thought about it for a moment. "It's true that things die and it's a waste to not eat them," he sighed, "but if they die naturally, they're not good for eating anymore. They need to be killed for food.  But with my Derhain history, I would rather like to avoid even that indirect form of killing something, if I can. I also don't like the texture of meat that much... so if your plant doesn't have that, it's perfectly fine. Altgough, I'm not sure how okay would the people be with eating a fruit that grew on corpses. In that case it might help of it tasted even less like meat, so the association isn't there, you know."


"There is nothing I can confess," Sein Miru said shakily, squirming in the strong hold. "But I can please you. Let me please you..." He consciously relaxed his body, going against the instinct of every living thing to get out of a trap - while for Senecio, it wasn’t a trap at all.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Well, I told you it was a failed experiment for Riversong, as far as making realistic meat he could use for limbs go. The texture... is a lot like in between of sweet potatoes and a slight trace of fish, as a slight fish-like flesh feeling is the closest Riversong could accomplish before he scrapped the project as failing. When you say you dislike meat texture, do you mean red and white meats, or fish, too? You can always use it as a substitute ingredient for fish baked in corn and apples, it should fit nicely to replace only meat in it, while being much more densely packed in nutrients than fish would be. But if you dislike it, I should be able to slightly adjust the base, to make it lean more toward the sweet potato texture. I can have some reasonable editing leeway among the seeds since all foundation is there, but if you want completely different flavour, I would need couple generations and Melody's help to experiment to see if we can get to flavour you like, " Ben spoke shyly, but eagerly, as if trying to draw out and use the chance to glimpse more into Svarik's mind, as they rarely had a chance to have such conversations where they focused on the future, instead of not dying. " As for people accepting to eat from graveyards, well - for s start, it's fine if just you and your friends eat, and if there are leftovers, I'm sure sir Falcon won't let it go to waste, anyway, as yields grow. Hmm... Alternatively, while they can grow on graveyards, they can grow quicker and yield fruit more often if you feed them with milk and blood, and use crushed bones and minced meat as fertilized added to the soil. Don't you need a sneaky way to distract priests to think they are serving Bull, in the way they can see? While some will be willing to do rituals to sacrifice blood to feel Simbel, there are people that would feel unhappy to only sacrifice to Simbel, as they would feel guilty to not give equal attention to the Bull. So, why not use it, to smear their eyes with a convenient red color coded plant? You can spew some fun fact bulshit, about how Bull blessed the acorn seeds you dedicated to him, to grow a blessed plant that Bull priests would have to take care of, so they don't feel bored and have idle thoughts, " Ben was grinning like a menace he was while plotting, clearly thriving in chaotic tries to add to their already growing mythology, from his own angle of being well acquainted with political scene. " Religious nobleman will also like it and participate for show, as they always would so far. In fact, the current atmosphere where religious expectations are ambiguous is bad for calming down the more religious bastards, they need to be given something to show off with. Besides, you'd be sad if Bulls continued to feel antsy and randomly sacrifice young and beautiful cattle for an imaginary God, right? You can claim that flowers prefer leftovers from food already eaten, and that for it to grow best, you need to grind bones and meat from it from creatures that died from old age or disease. Spew some lies of how longer creatures live, more vitality is dedicated to Bull from it, and as for diseased ones, that Bull is so fierce and strong no disease can harm plants he blessed, and his blessing will clear it away for his humans. How about it? Animals that die earlier than they should for food clearly make you sad, and there were presedants with earlier religions, where humans would claim species sacred animals of Gods, and not eat them, but have them live with great honors until they are of old age. Cows are awesome, and little cattle is loveliest, and Bull priests are annoying - so why not put them in situation where they have to keep a pretty sacred Bull alive for a long time and form ceremonies around taking care of it, instead of killing pretty Bulls whenever something in land goes mildly wrong? " he shrugged, a little awkwardly, with only one hand, but clearly animated and spirited with the gesture. " There's nothing that can be accomplished with gentle truth that can't be accomplished better by confidently lying through your teeth to the wicked. "  


" That's what all the guilty ones say before I squeeze the truth out of them... But since you wish to sleep with me so badly, how can I refuse you? " General whispered mockingly to him, as some of his sharp-clawed insectoid arms began to slowly tear and cut through the fabric of the clothes, idly, as if there was no rush, gradually revealing skin beneath. " Since you are so eager, I shall treat you no worse than Beast King. Let me see... I heard Beast King likes to recite sweet nothings of empty poetry to placate his lovers. Let me indulge you, with a song, too, you poor perverted little thing... " he spoke, as he slowly tore through the clothes. General clearly would be mocking the closeness between him and King as false and superficial, but for Tide, whose breath was bathed and full of yearning, it was a desire to give Senecio everything he liked, in a form suited for the role.

" Truth is a damsel in distress,
Hiding away where only I can undress her...
Try all she can not to confess,
In the end, it's all the same once I apply all the pressure..."

As he spoke the last words, before his clothes were fully undone, one of the tentacles that were leaning against his inner thighs slipped through one of the tears in the cloth, and pushed in between his legs. Because he was so relaxed and caught by surprise, and the slimy liquid dripping down it made movement smoother, it pressed firmly and deeply within him. It did not stop, though, but twisted and shifted within him. Quick movement hurt, and suspended in the air, he could not move away, each thrust trashing him against limbs that bound him, in waves of pleasure and pain that were building up. This time, Tide did not touch his soul, prolonging the experience, and presented it as a pure, raw demonstration of force, making Sein Miru feel like a helpless doll in General's hold. Tide, though, with slightest trace of worry, carefully observed Senecio's responses to everything he was going through - he did not yet touch him from the front side, as if he did not want to quicken the process too hastily but work up to it, teasing him and suggestively massaging the rest of his body with his numerous hands slowly, carefully observing signs to see touch of which limbs on which part of his body Senecio had the strongest reaction to, and adjusting what he did based on actor's reactions. It was clear he was only able to be this free and daring because he trusted Senecio's honesty - and amid the visual eldrich horror in a dim room and shadows shifting and swallowing the light, small cuts, bruises, and his mind hazy with sharp pleasure and pain, man could feel poorly concealed sparks of pure and bright joy, whenever Senecio responded positively to something new he tried.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Fish are fine, but I hate beef," Svarik said. "I can't eat it without thinking about the bull they sacrificed for the Thief, and how they made me drink his blood. The less it resembles beef, the more likely I would eat it. The story would need some work to be palatable, but I think it could work if you decide to revive the project."


Senecio stopped trying to pretend anything then. It was Sein Miru pretending to enjoy the interrogation to get away with his life, so Senecio could just let go of all thoughts and lean into the pain and pleasure. He moaned and squirmed with the thrusts of the tentacle as its movements inside him hurt and in the same time sent a wave of pleasure up his spine every time it hit the right spot. His skin burnt with pain of the cuts from thrashing against the sharp insectoid arms, but every time the jellyfish tentacles touched him just lightly, it sent a much sharper sting of intense pain that made his body jolt and cry out. He was breathing heavily now, sweat running down his temples, and it was both from the pain and arousal as the different kinds of pain and textures that touched him outside and inside were making him almost painfully hard as they went on and on without touching him there.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It would be quite silly if I were to offer it only to recline the offer, you know, " Ben snorted with a bit of bemusement, adding quietly. " Alright, it's a promise... Hm... Hmm... It's hard to choose between fishy taste and sweet potato taste, so what if we perhaps grow both, so we can make different equally nutrient dishes with them? We can make one one sweet potato one fishy, one variation red and one paler pinkish in hue, so one plant is in Bull's, one in Simbel's colours, what do you think? It doesn't hurt to have double the propaganda. Of course, don't worry, I won't get to it right away, let's help your new friend, first. I wouldn't delay someone's recovery even if it was for doing something for you... There's no point on having something nice to eat sooner, if you're sad about Mister Janus in meantime. I can just send one of the Sun Spirits on an errand to the Vault, to get me seeds from it in the meantime, while we first tackle this, " he reassured Svarik, while looking down anew at the paper with tightly packed neatly written runes thoughtfully. " To be honest... I would easily grovel and lick someone's booths in exchange for something of use to Simbel. I'd do anything for something this valuable, so it's a relief that all we have to do is help someone. And, uhh.. I am telling this in confidence, as advice to you specifically, but try not to get used to this megalomaniac level of service when it comes to deal with Beings, okay? Scales of deals are usually more normal and evenly tipped, but to get a couple of centuries worth of expert rune smithing as a mere starting point... It is not enough that we just try to do something to help a bit, we must really bring out the best game and do well, no matter how long it takes, okay? " he murmured thoughtfully, looking just a littlest bit more nervous than before. " I don't... really know what he expects when you told him you'd ask Riversong for help, and what kind of person he expects to meet... But I hope I won't disappoint him too greatly. In truth.... all this ardent effort put in with no guarantee of any kindness in turn, for the person that could kill him instead for reward for his efforts... it makes me mad, too, " he shook his head energetically. " It makes me want to take him by the collar and shake him and ask him what the hell was he thinking, but... Lonely people tend to go overboard when they are too idle, and as someone with the crushing weight of Riversong's worry and obsession with seeking for ways to heal Death, I really have no right to berate him over his own sad use of his time... "


Tide was adjusting the touches and pressure to what he noticed Senecio would react most favourably toward, but as time went on, he found it harder to act indifferent. Through conflicting mixing sensations, the actor could perceive wonder, joy and growing hunger that made the creature's mouth water, Tide seemed conflicted with the vulnerable emotional joy he felt, as there was a bright warm feeling behind his monstrous form, one excited and grateful, for its terrifying appearance being met with such stark excitement that had not a trace of disgust or rejection, not even for a moment. It seemed he struggled, wrestling with the yearning to break the character, and to tell him he loves him, but that would break away from the perfect role. So, for a brief moment, he considered what words he could say within the role, to convey the strong feelings raging inside of him. Finally, as the actor seemed to grow restless with arousal without relief, he gulped, and his massive head leaned closer to his ear first.

" You are giving me such a hefty argument, to convince me you want me... But if you want to convince me better, you must prove it all the more. Relax... Don't be shy, little one, " he whispered hoarsely to him, weaving words that would be mocking from General, but were overflowing with Tide's affection. " Give yourself to me, and I'll make you forget every other hand that ever touched you, and every other lips that ever kissed you... " What for General were fake promises of making him forget Beast King, for Tide was as close as he could speak his love in character. Since he could not declare it, he chose to show it . As he said his last words, he raised the actor by the hips slightly, to the lever of his head. He retracted his teeth not to cut him, but still, he pressed around his private parts with his gums to steady himself, enveloping his manhood with his thin tongue and sucking in the air deeply, with relief, like someone tortured with thirst that finally got to drink, and so drank desperately. He did not need to take breaks to breathe, and because the actor was suspended in the air with spread-out limbs, he had full access and control. While he continued the rough painful thrusts and twisted touches the same as before, the way his tongue and lips explored and lingered against his hardened member was the softest sensation, akin to a kiss. For General, it would be mocking fake gentleness to make him feel ashamed and filthy for being treated like a lover by his rough abuser. For Tide, it was only gentleness he allowed himself to show his affection within the role, and ardent devoted feelings of affection and saliva were dripping down Tide's teeth, washing over the actor drip by drip, coloured with Demon's yearning and growing hunger.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I honestly has trouble to convince him to accept even a try at gealing him," Svarik said. "Shall we call White and discuss if we can use White Eagle's remains?"


Senecio cried out with the touch, his back arching under it and his hips thrusting involuntarily as he sought release of the unbearable tension. It was the kind of thing that would make Sein Miru ashamed of himself later, a feeling that Senecio knew well, but now the pretended shame felt delightful as he felt getting close to the peak and chased the sensation. He threw his head back, panting, just a single move of his captor's mouth and tentacle from it, fully at his mercy. "Please..." he rasped.

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, let's work hard to convince Simbel for a start, " Ben added passionately, though he did not miss a chance to jab at him, innocently. "Aaaand when I mean us, I mean, you. I have a lot of reasonable arguments, sure, but there ain't no way I have enough confidence I can use logic to reassure him. There's no way my logical arguments won't just sound like firm peer pressure... I am not good at gentle reassurances that all is fine and all, so I'll be counting on you on this one, " he proclaimed, hiding his anxiety over how Simbel would react with a faint smile.


Tide's lips trembled slightly, with joy and desire, with how eagerly Senecio leaned into his movements, how more freely he expressed his wants, and how more noice and agency he held onto. It was a stark difference in his eyes, from their first night, when the actor was quiet and let everything happen as Tide willed it. He would be breathless from excitement if his lungs required air, but since they did not - with the actor's words, he was the one that this time obeyed the plea directed to him, and suddenly twisted tentacles within him more firmly, and the edging and caress of his lips quickened. He did nothing to try to stop or slow down the actor's pleasure this time, but, as if rewarding him for the patient wait, only in the very end, when Senecio's mind was weak with unrelieved arousal, the tentacle that wrought against him pressed against his soul, and tongue curling against his manhood caressed it, both conflicted touches upon the soul affecting him more deeply for being unexpected and for such touch not being gradual, but only coming when he was most defenceless and susceptible to its influence. At the moment when blinding ecstasy, suppressed shame, and sharp delight and pain became one within him, that brief strong touch upon his soul seared those feelings and the memory deep into his mind, as if it was pressed into it with hot burning iron, finally giving him the relief he pleaded for.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I will try my best," Svarik smiled at him as if in conspiration and called to Simbel in his mind to join them.


Senecio cried out with the deep ecstasy of his climax embedded into his soul. Warm seed spilled into Tide's mouth, and Tide could feel the tension under all of his limbs reaching its peak and slowly relaxing until it was completely spent and the body held in his grip was almost completely limp, shivering in the aftershocks.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel was nearly, and he walked in readily. After glancing between them and seeing things don't seem to be going poorly for now, he was clearly relieved and eager to listen to whatever they wished for. Since two of them were sitting on a bed and he had trouble deciding on which side to sit and was too shy to sit in the middle, he brought the chair from the little table and placed it in front of the bed, so he could see both of them equally as they spoke.
He was quite spirited and hopeful as Svarik brought up the subject of helping Janus, and said he and Ben have some ideas, but he grew quieter as the idea of digging out bones was brought forth.

" So... White Eagle's bones... could help... with sating his broken up hunger... and hopefully with restoring up... a bit of sunlight dependence... due to Eagle's star ancestry... right? " Simbel finally spoke up after a moment. It didn't seem like a harsh or negative statement of rejection, but it looked like the creature had trouble resisting the muscle memory or bitting its lips and rubbing its palms nervously - rather than trying to come up with ways to refuse them, he was clearly unsure and anxious because he was trying to wrap his mind around an idea that didn't come naturally to him, much like it wouldn't normally come naturally to humans to consider cutting off a healthy arm. After all, despite distancing himself from White Eagle recently, Simbel held onto those bones ever since the Being was killed, and after such a vast time, it was hard to think of those remains as not a part of him.


Despite he did not have to, as he didn't have to breathe, Tide swallowed up, as if unable to help the temptation - the game was lasting for quite a while longer than it used to when they just started sleeping together and tricking himself by getting a little taste, whether by this or by bites, seemed to help Tide calm down and ease up a little. For him, to whom pleasure was so tied up with hunger, it seemed he was quite affected and burning away with hunger. He was breathing heavily, not to catch his breath, but to steady himself and calm down more, as he released the grip of his teeth carefully, and looked up at Senecio.
His feelings were coloured by hunger and desire that he struggled to reign under control, and although some of his limbs were trembling slightly, a clear streak of slight worry crept upon his feelings. He was not nearly as natural an actor as Senecio, so his mask was cracking up a little, as he struggled to decide what to do next, as his partner was clearly not of clear enough mind of communicate his preference just yet. He was greatly conflicted, for he knew a cruel villain would not stop just because the other party was satisfied, but at the same time, with their previous games, he was so used to stopping as soon as Senecio was pleased, so his mind toiled greatly. How to stay in character, but also, how to make a break, so he can figure out what his partner wants him to do, without having to stop the game? After a brief moment, though the heavy sounds of breathing, a spark of idea brightened him up. It seemed he decided on a solution in the middle. He did not release his grip, or remove his tentacles and scally limbs from man's private parts, but he was careful not to move, to not try to stir him. Instead, to accommodate him, he leaned his head toward him anew.
" I gave you what you want because you begged for it so desperately... What a selfish little thing you are, not paying attention to your lover the moment you get what you came for? Is this how you treat all your lovers? " General teased him, his warm breath blowing in his face. Tide must have felt he could say that much as a villain, as an excuse to pause the torture to mock him, so he wouldn't have to stop the game now, since he didn't want to take away the danger and suspense building up to the rescue Seine looked forward to so much. Instead, he veiled his break as one of looking down and disdain. " If you want to convince me, you have to try much harder... You won't get rid of me this easily. We have the whole night before us... " he rasped out with a little shaking voice, and to not break it anew, he leaned his head against the actor's neck, and slowly and carefully, so he would not hurt him, he covered his neck in warm kisses, nuzzling the giant head against his side slightly, as if to ease his desire and yearnings with a bit more taste of his closeness. He was kissing him only lightly, more leaning against him than what he could do with his usual human lips, but his kisses were gentle and slow, as he waited for the actor's reply to his stunt with a nervous hopeful anticipation, as he tried to see if he's doing it right. He was aware he was stretching their original idea of a brute forceful villain, but he clearly wished to find a way to make sure to give Senecio a scenario where he could keep agency and choose what he wanted to happen, anticipating signs of his reaction ardently. In lack of just simple continuous brute force, he chooses torture of the heart - for Senecio, his boyfriend was reassuring and comforting, waiting for his response patiently so he can adjust the scenario, but for Sein Miru, he was mocked for feeling pleasure while raped, and his abuser was now kissing him with mocking gentleness, to degrade him further and act as if nothing of horror behind his forced closeness was wrong. Tide never kissed his lips, or moved away - he clearly waited to give his space to speak and to hear Senecio's choice, to see if he wants the General to keep mistreating him, or if Miru is afraid enough when he realizes the general won't stop to call Beast King for help, not wanting to either stop or continue until he reaffirms man's consent and wishes.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Yes, that’s correct," Svarik confirmed. "But they are yours and the decision is yours. What do they mean to you?"


Senecio needed the break. He would have called for it with a safeword if he had to, but enjoyed that Tide gave it to him without breaking character. For a moment, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed Tide's kisses until he was ready to get into character again and take things just a little farther. He was excited for it, but just a little scared while looking forward to being with the Beast king again, because Sein Miru wouldn’t just call for him because his captor is not going to stop until satisfied. As long as he thought that he could actually satisfy him and get away with it, he would not call for help, especially when what was happening to him felt shameful and like a betrayal. He would have to see that he won't actually get away. He would have to be afraid for his life to call for the Beast king, because as he saw it, that life belonged to the king.

"I apologize for my eagerness," he said finally. "How can I please you, my lord?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It is hard to explain... I can not... claim that it feels like losing a limb. It is not like it would inconvenience me in the same way as losing an arm or a leg would to humans. But at the same time, it's... a lot, " Simbel pondered, as he slowly tried to put it into words. " Perhaps I could say... like losing a tail? If you lost a tail you had your whole life, your balance would be a bit off, but nothing bad would happen. It is not like... I would feel any physical discomfort over it. At least... not as things stand now, " he explained, revealing his deeper, more somber fear quietly. " It... would not be nearly as inconvenient, as losing this new body of flesh I can express myself thorough... Not nearly the same. But... at the same time... it is the only real safety net I have right now, " he was fidgeting with his fingers nervously while carefully picking expressions to not make them anxious. " From the practical side, it is more like... having safely stored emergency supplies or a strength burst. Like humans can burn away their souls in emergencies to accomplish impossible, like you did, I can burn away the bones, for power in them, to give me a little more strength for a short moment, before they are spent. It... It is pointless to speak of sentimental things, like feeling attached to a body that you have a muscle memory of moving. Of course, anyone would be attached. But.. I have already taken the best things White Eagle had. I took his memories, his sword, his brother, his nephew, and his most brilliant, loveable descendant... Bones can't compare to it all. Yet, " he tried to steady his voice as he added more thinly. " It's not like I doubt your efforts, but... I never expected the city to be lost once, either. I never... expected to be covered up from the sun. Bones... are sturdy and hard, compared to the soft flesh of the plant. They are a good thing to ground myself with. And... in case I had to starve again, and I am without them, my ability to hold on would... be poorer. In case I had to be covered up for centuries again... I don't know how long I could last. I... always ate from my roots and memories when I had to, so I could save the bones when it was a choice between fading away or having to eat them to have a higher chance of surviving a bit longer if a crisis happened, but there are no more memories I can eat without losing something important. When I am fed, it's easy to maintain my presence in a large space. But if I had no bones to ground me slipping away would be much easier at times when I am weak and my thoughts are muddled. When... When Conrad first uncovered the pond three years ago... I was so spent I could barely perceive what was going on around me, or form conscious thoughts. Without sunlight to nurture me back a little, if I remained uncovered even but few years later, I'd have to eat bones away, to even have a fighting chance. The darkness of the crypt... was growing too overwhelming and fierce in the last decade, and it was hard to fight it, even with Conrad taking on a big chunk of the burden dispersing the stale air with his constitution while he lived in the city. So... so it's really not something that... I would feel the difference not to have... now. Now, everything si so abundant that I would not experience any physical difficulty, not having it. But if things were to get that bad anew... "


Tide could not help but be pleased, with being able to see Senecio was taking his own safety seriously and took a break until he felt safe to continue again. The demon could feel in his voice that he thought through to decide what he really wanted first before he talked, and the warm feeling washed over the actor with sweetness, and hunger mixed with joy intensified. He laid a few more kisses on his neck, as he thought about what would be the best next move. From knowing him so far, Senecio could judge it wasn't in Demon's personality to just be a bit rougher, as he wouldn't want them to have to finish the game faster than Senecio wished, just because he escalated and threatened him too fast. So, he tried to come up with a way to escalate things further, without just being a little more fierce. But suddenly, a fun idea lit up his mind brightly, as he made a decision.
" How can I be pleased... when I am so distracted by the scents of hundreds that bed you before me? Your eagerness is your downfall, oh, abominable one, " General rasped out a mocking conclusion, as he began tightening and shifting arms that held onto his limbs a little. " I can't be satisfied, while other scents linger so firmly. How does the Beast King even stand, sleeping with someone so filthy? Since you chose me as your lover and I already satisfied you once, at least you can accommodate me this much, can't you? I'll get those scents off from you first, even if I have to tear them off your skin, until the only scent left on you is mine... " Instead of threats of violence, Tide poured down insults and gaslighting he imagined villains from novels he read would spew to pressure their vistims, and instead of the threat of injury that he wasn't confident in acting believably, he knew one thing he could surely act well - being hungry. So, for Senecio who could feel his emotions, he felt like showing him the depth of his hunger, and fear of the threat of being eaten alive would be more earnest. " In order to reciprocate, you need to give your lovers what they want, too, and I already gave you what you wanted, so you can at least do this much for your chosen lover, can't you? "he whispered cruel sweet nothings, and then, instead of a kiss, he lightly bit into actor's shoulder - not with teeth, so he wouldn't actually tear down his skin, but with his gumbs, slightly, more a pinch than a bite. With his large and firm grasp, it still hurt, and it was full of hunger and yearning, but it seemed it was pleasant to Tide, even if harder in larger form, to bite the actor lightly, to trick his mind that he was tasting him and so that he could ease the growing hunger a little. He covered Sein Miru's shoulder in little careful bites, as he slowly pulled his limbs apart anew, and started to shift his arms and tentacles slightly and move them along his body more slowly, rubbing his injured body down, as if to get him more prepared for the second time, gauging his reaction. " In exchange for your efforts, I shall reward you. I heard you like poetry, so I shall give you much more exciting rhymes that Beast King ever could, with how little time that brute has to ever read... " he continued, and he kept bitting along man's shoulder and then going lower, across his chest, sipping dark rhymes of poetry between the sharp bites as he went lower. The actor recognised it from the first few verses, as the poem Tide hummed to him at the rehearsal while trying to distract him so he'd be able to calm down his fears. But this time, he whispered the whole poem ardently as he bit him all over his body, as if trying to use his mouth to sear each word into his flesh, his words as hoarse as his hunger was raw and overflowing.

" Let me indulge.
I shall smile so soft,
Perfectly content,
As my knife splits your heart...

I dig my nails into the skin of your palms,
Watching, entranced, as the red drips down.
How beautiful it creates a pattern
Across the pale skin of yours...

I cup your face in my hand,
Ghost my lips over your jaw.
Before twisting my hands so lovingly,
Your neck turns with a snap...

I paint the picture of your mangled corpse.
How beautiful, there has never been another
Who could match your nature...
Your beauty is absolute.

I serve your heart on a silver platter,
Carved so gently from your chest.
I lay it in a pile of flowers
That I picked specially from my garden...

I take my time eating you,
Making my way around your insides.
I start with your brain
And end with your heart...

Your lungs and stomach are my favourite.
They taste exquisite and like you.
Honey and smoke...
Alcohol and olives...

After I finish my meal,
I shall stitch you back together...
Empty inside.
You will always remember me...

You will trace the black stitches from my love
And never remove them.
As you remember the care I took,
When I carved out your soul.... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I see," Svarik nodded. "Is there a way that we could replace that?" he turned to Ben. "What Janus needs is the pain stored in those bones, which is hard to gather otherwise. But Simbel doesn't need it to be specifically pain, he needs a grounding point and a store of energy. In the same way that you gave a lot of power to Erdel, would you be sble to store power in something?" He turned to Simbel again. "This is not saying you have to do it if Ben can. Just exploring all options. It's still your decision."


Senecio could feel the real hunger, and with it something stirred in him - an irrational, dark desire, the desire to be devoured. He knew he wouldn’t actually enjoy the things that the verses mentioned, but the idea of them was thrilling like standing on the edge of a cliff. He didn't plan to climax twice in this part of the game, but now he wasn't so sure. With the real hunger behind the words though, he was able to get into the character feeling an actual threat to his life, and started squirming under the bites. "I'll gladly indulge you, my lord," he said with a hint of panic in his voice, trying to talk his way out of the situation like Sein Miru would, "but the King would not like you breaking his belongings..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Regarding powers, I gave to Erdel, it's another thing to bestow the soul with more power using what foundation is already there. Erdel had a great foundation, so upping that to a ridiculous degree was doable, " Ben sighed a little regretfully before he continued. " But storing things in inanimate objects isn't the same. When I say I bestow powers - it's more like giving souls extra abilities by upgrading the foundation, than creating something out of nothing. I can make materials and bodies sturdier and reshape strictures, but it would be unethical, to create a creature and give it some strong powers, only to grow it to store energy over time to be a food for Simbel. No, we should go with inorganic things, so we can sleep soundly at night. Creating two child soldiers was quite enough, I know neither of us wants to make a perfectly shaped sacrificial meat piece with only purpose in life to be eaten, " Man concluded firmly, without any shade of doubt in his voice from knowing them so far, that both Svarik and Simbel would agree with him. " I can always strengthen the plant Simbel symbiote with, to enable it to more efficiently store energy for a longer time, but it would still require us to feed him that energy beforehand, and it isn't easy to just feed centuries' worth of energy for rainy days, unless you make an organism that grows with energy, lives in pond, and can be used as emergency snack, and creating someone to live for thousands of years and grow in power only with the purpose of being a snack is too cruel. So, inorganic it is, and as for inorganic things, if we mean artificial, hm, I guess since there's a scary Star Guy downstairs, perhaps he and Janus could figure out some kind of container they could put some Star energy in, that we could place in the pond, since in matters of raw energy as energy, Stars that make energy by their nature are in advantage over me. But artificial things need maintenance, so organic ones are safer for long, long term we hope for, so... in my opinion, the most practical would be to get Being bones and store them within the pond for Simbel to use in emergencies. For Mister Janus, White Eagle's bones are the best food we could possibly hope for, but even if White Eagle's bones are pretty powerful because they are the remains of a powerful person, any bones to put in the pond can be good. It would be too much to ask someone to die for the sake of our failsafe, but if someone died by accident, perhaps we could make a deal with Tide's kingdom for the dying ones to leave us bones after their death? It doesn't matter what is it, as long as we can get bones of the dead Beings, as death leaves behind an echo of life force that accumulated in Being while it lived. But in the meantime, hm... we could see if we can find anyone that knows the remnants that are already dead somewhere, and if we can make a deal to have them. Hm... I can only think of two locations, from Riversong's memories, since Beings rarely wishes to leave such things for safety reasons. One of them is the remains of Zephir's ancestor. It was a Demon Singer, and their bones were buried in the village they lived in. They used to be part of a hidden shrine his descendants prayed to as their rite of passage when they grew up. Little Zephir is the last descendant of his tribe, though, so there's no one to pray there anymore, if we can convince Zephir, he could lead us and hand his Authority over to us, and we can put them to Simbel. Since it's demon bones, though, we can't place them directly so Simbel would not eat through them right away, but as long as we can place them in a container and put the container in the pond, Simbel should be able to dissolve the container and eat in emergencies. But what is our easiest, best bet until we get more bones... Well... it's not like we have nothing, " slowly, he glanced between the two of them, as what he was to say was a more sensitive subject, and he wished to not bring up something painful, but he couldn't stay silent on it. " Just a couple centuries after White Eagle died, as you know... Star boy befriended one of the first local kings as a Fox, and got killed by him to lift the curse he was under - and upon his remains, grew a pear tree. I keep wondering - would a person that sees the future well like Star Boy really decide to leave his bones behind just for the sake of leaving an immortal pear tree, especially so close to the city, at the graveyard, where people are superstitious to dig them up? And even if he didn't - screw him, right? Let's just use what he left as we want, " he waved with his arm in a defiant energetic way, but his words were gentler and careful. " I gathered from context over time that the little prophet kid Carol told you that he had a vision of you reburying Izmir's bones under the blossoming pear tree... but well, he was not specific, was he? It does not mean that memory has to be so far, in the graveyard outside city walls, just because the prophet said it. You have me, so... we can move both the pear tree and the bones at the pond. Tree would stop being immortal if we just took the bones and left it at graveyard, but if we replant the tree at Simbel's pond, it's compatible enough with Simbel, that Simbel can keep it immortal, as it is now, and even grow more firmly grounded, as he'll have both bones in the pond to focus on, and sturdy old pear tree to be symbiotic with. Things that live long, including trees, are good things to steady oneself with, just as humans use trees to steady themselves in mountains... Simbel can have bones of Star Boy, which is very compatible with him, for emergency rations and a pear tree to steady himself with... And you can bury your friend here in the garden, so you don't have to part with him so far. It won't be moving him far outside city walls from here - it's just a matter of reburying him a little closer to the pond. And the pear tree, isn't it also the favourite fruit of your Semai Conrad? Don't you think it's a pretty suspiciously convenient choice, to pick a pear tree, and have that pear tree be immortal, and still alive at a time we conveniently need something steady to strengthen Simbel, like bones and a reliable old tree? " he suggested carefully. " Well, from Riversong's knowledge of how future lines work, it feels way too convenient for it not to be meant to be of use to us, and in either case, if he didn't mean it like that, what can the bastard do when he is reborn? Come and try to take them away? If he tries, let's just beat him up really well. I don't really care what he wanted, though, if I knew any other grave spot, I'd rob it blind for Simbel, too, but I am just saying, that this one is the nearest one, and as someone with the closest ties to Star Boy, both Two headed Raven and Simbel have authority over his bones, and as Ancient King's descendant, by whose hand Star Boy died, you have perhaps highest Authority, Svarik. As long as all three of you agree, it should be even easier to take the bones than if we had no Authority, but even without Authority, I'd dig them up for you guys, so don't worry about technicalities, and just tell me how you feel about it...  "


Tide, likewise, would never wish to cause him the slightest bit of agony - but with someone who had such a close connection between hunger and lust, it was clearly freeing, to pretend to act on it, even if he'd never do it for real. He could not help but laugh, with Senecio's comment, and the actor had never before seen him this exceedingly playful, and this wildly mischievous without a shadow of fear looming over him.

" How bold of you... Truly, the name of Sein Miru suits you. It suits you so much, that I wish to have the ragged unsightly doll bearing it for myself. It's so fortunate, that you are a slave, and have no say in who owns you. Don't you find it silly, to talk of ownership to me, little one? Why so worried? If I break you, I'll just buy you. What problem can Beast King have, if I pay him for a little ragged toy I break? You're bound to be much less expensive than a vase or expensive rug, or fun like a high-quality toy, used goods as you are, so I should be able to get a bargain on you if you break. Don't worry, you won't be killed if you break... If I break you, I shall take responsibility, and buy what's left of you from Beast King's hands, and then, we can have endless long nights, just like this... Isn't that exactly what you want, oh, Unsatisfied, Bold One, for whom King was not enough, so you sought pleasure elsewhere? I can give you so much more pleasure than the Beast King, so much that your mind gets so blank you forget how it feels to not be pleased... " As he spoke, his words came easily, teasing him energetically, sentences flowing from his mouth like rivers, only able to pass through his lips because they were words they both knew were part of the game, not truth. " Isn't it a great deal for you? Shouldn't you rather prefer to be broken? You are truly delicious beyond measure, though... And so I can not help but wonder... what exactly is the threshold before you're considered broken? You can be used as long as there's a place left to push against you, so do you really need both arms? Do you need both legs? " he softly and playfully bit him across the arms, and then, he bit against more sensitive parts of his inner thighs, pulling a little harder as he bit, as if teasing that he'd tear off his limbs. At the same time, his other body parts and arms kept rubbing him down, and the tentacles anew reached deeper within him, and began twisting faster, in a way Senecio responded to well before, as General continued to twist the situation in his favour between bites and hunger washing over him. " Why do you act coyish now? Your empty resistance is adorable. Come on now... You got pleasured once already, and you're already this hard just from me touching you a little, aren't you? Don't be shy, little one... " he acted as if he'd bite off his manhood, but instead, he licked and pulled it, tempting him. " How can you lie, to yourself, when your body is more honest than you? You clearly want this, so stop pretending you're reluctant... You just make me wish to take a bigger bite, acting shy like that... " he used soft threats like that, as if to chain him up, not just with threats, but shame. General's character was clearly crafted to act villainous and to sear shame and fear into Sein Miru's heart and soul, escalating, so he could see what would truly shake him enough, to genuinely resort to calling Beast King to save him. But by how delicately he would bite sensitive parts of his flesh to not draw blood, and how playfully and carefully he moved his limbs in a way the actor enjoyed, Senecio realized Tide was clearly mischievously trying to delay the moment horror and shame getting too much for Sein Miru, to delay the cries for rescue, to see if he'll be able to bring him to a peak of pleasure once more before he is to be saved. It was a strange, surreal experience, to be so clearly washed over with waves of hunger and desire, amidst bites and pain, but also, to feel such bubbly, innocent desire to please him, stored within such a frightening abomination before his eyes - but even in such scary costume of a clear sinister villain, even with overflowing desire, Tide could not hide affection, when General would mix in gentle caresses and occasional light kisses between bites when he felt he could get away with it. After all, no matter how much effort he put, Tide could never be as good an actor as Senecio on his first tries, so, knowing his limits, Demon was bubbly and happy that he could pass some reassuring touches as one General gave in mocking gentleness, to make Miru's shame at being half-heartedly treated as a lover deeper, and to make it harder for him to consider and claim what is happening to him is cruel assault, and not an act between lovers.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"There’s also another option, if we are listing them all," Svarik added slowly. "Two-headed Raven. If you would want justice for White Eagle, you could ask him to die and give you his bones. It would be some kind of justice, at least. But yes, Star Boy's bones under an immortal tree seem like too much of a coincidence, so I would votr for that, personally. It's your decision, though," he looked at Simbel. "If you would prefer to keep White Eagle's bones, we won't use them."


Senecio felt an absurd desire for being devoured, and a freedom with it, just like the freedom he felt when he sought death before in trying to assassinate a king. This time though, he knew he can feel it freely without the real danger, tricking his body into perceiving the closeness of death together with pleasure, which was even more intoxicating than the pain. He also felt safe with Tide knowing that Tide won’t escalate things too much before he reaches his peak again, and so he can let go and enjoy the feeling longer without that much acting. "If you do that," he said hoarsely, between the sounds of pain, as if Sein Miru tried to unsuccessfully control his body and also his fear, "you will only bring pleasure to me without giving me a chance to reciprocate. I don't want to be so selfish, my lord..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel's expression softened, and it grew warmer, gentler, as he seemed truly grateful that they put so much thought and effort into this. Reassured and encouraged, he slowly nodded.
" If you asked this of me... before I became Simbel... I would have been too insecure about about what Star Boy would think of me, and likely refused... His... indifference toward me really... hurt. It... was really hard, to starve, while hoping someone gifted with future seeing like him might help me, only to remain helpless. I... would not dare take such things, in fear I'd turn his indifference to animosity. But... it's alright now. Whether he left the bones and tree for some convoluted pity for me, or so you and your friends would not be too worried for me who would have less lines of defence... No matter his motive, or if he had a motive... Let's go for it. Let's... do it, " he chuckled a little shyly, putting on a determined face - he was speaking slowly, clearly requiring lot of courage, for his first, true rebellion against Star Boy's treatment. " I shan't ask from Two'headed Raven to die, though, " his smile grew a little more thoughtful, but it remained protective. As if to make sure Svarik does not misunderstand his words as scolding, he reached for his head and gently patted his hair, as he explained himself. " It is so very easy... to fall under temptations to get immediate relief for hurt feelings, but as adults, we must make sure we see bigger picture, not reach only for our own emotional satisfaction. Would... it feel nice, if I put him to a test, and asked a big sacrifice out of him, and have him accept it? It would be rewarding, yes... But as an adult, I must see to needs of his heart, too, and craft his atonement in a way that would free him to, instead of damage him. If he were to be asked to die now, with his soul so spent with guilt over what he did, and now that his trust in Death is on such thin ice, who knows, how long would it take for him to be reborn... And it might not seem like much, but he has great aversion to sleep and rest, after what he's been through, but he needs plenty of it, and it is much better help for his health right now, if I can keep helping him rest and sleep plenty without anxiety, than it would be if he were to die and be reborn. Besides, little Raven... loves his Semai dearly, but his Semai choose mortal life. He's bound to be in great grief when little Kalidr dies, and until then, I hope I can turn this incompetent crude shell into somewhat proper father, so he can support him through the tough times. So.. no. For the kind of atonement that I would like him to offer, I wish for his life, not dead, " he spoke the big, hopeful words, but his voice could not help be a little hoarse and break a little bit, as it took a lot of composure to try to see their situation more objectively, and to take care of someone who was so famous for trickery and changing his mind. " I know... I ask a lot out of you. After all, no one can tell if he's truly turned a new leaf, or if he's pretending since we're currently watching him intently. I know he can damage us greatly, if we put more faith in him and he betrays us... I have no basis, for my hopes... but I really wish to hope, that his change of heart is genuine. That when I asked him to distract hunters to help Death, that he did it because he wanted to, not to buy my good will. That I can help him be a better father, and fill the hole in Little Raven's heart that was empty for so long. I... can not claim with clear heart, that he isn't pretending, " Simbel sighed, his caressing hand shaking slightly. " It must sound... pretty pathetic... how fervently I'm decided, to trick myself, into trusting him anew? I am aware of it. It is hard to ask anything of him, because it is impossible to tell what he's thinking. But nothing that I hope from him would come from his death. Having White Eagle's bones is sad enough... Rather than a bag of new bones, I'd rather prefer to have a living him, and if danger comes, I hope he'd help me protect the younglings, than just use his bones to power through a bit longer, " he said, clearly meaning on vampires under his care. " I can't predict, in case of danger, if he'd help genuinely, help a bit for the show,  or run away. But... amids all his deceptions, I do believe, that his desire to stop Demons from Being hunted was sincere. That's why, as long as he sees there's a decent chance of victory, I hope he might... choose to help, if we're in a pinch. I can't claim it would go either way, though. Perhaps even he himself does not know yet, what he would do. I can't tell what he's thinking... Only what I am. His death would be empty consolation... to my pain. I am confident he won't apologise to me with words, and he's a moody creature, and I don't want to cause him to keep retreating further into himself by putting expectations he can't fulfill. For now, I'm... satisfied enough, that he's sleeping well when I tell him to, eating well when I tell him to, and doing small errands when I ask him, no matter how much he grumbles. Even that much obedience is a lot, from someone who never listened to anyone... "


" Don't concern yourself with technicalities, shy little thing... There's no rush for me. King will not return until the morning, after all, so we have the whole night to ourselves... After all, you sought another's company in his absence, so whether I break you or not, we can keep seeing each other, whether as my night lover or night slave. I am one with the shadows... Whenever you leave your room, whenever shadows can reach you, I shall know, and I shall seek you... In every shade, whenever you worry you might be alone, I shall reassure you, that you aren't. It's the least I can do, to reward your interest in me, isn't it? Let this pleasure on our first night be my gift, in honour of all our future encounters... " Tide seemed to be having the time of his life, cackling innocently, as he came up with more words to block Sein Miru's routes of escape. One could think he was happy to corner him and be cruel, but knowing Tide, Senecio could see in the little shy streak of pride that the demon was quite happy that he was able to use the novel reading experience he had to keep up with actor's retorts, even if he was usually insecure about how slower and not that witty he was, especially compared to Hans who was so good with words. But he clearly read a lot of romance and adventure books, and was confident in his knowledge of tropes, and so, words came easily and excitedly to him, as he used them to humiliate Sein Miru more, by pretending he acts like a generous lover, acting benevolent, despite his victim's body kept being covered in bite marks and bruised up with rough handling. " You don't have to refuse out of courtesy. Your body speaks of your true nature and desires. You can't be this hard if you didn't want this, after all... Don't worry. I shall reward your obedience, and not report your outing to the Beast King, if you don't break. I am sure he would be greatly disappointed, to see you roaming the halls seeking for other lovers, when he ordered you to remain in his chambers. You're wicked, yet I'll overlook it, and not report you... well, unless I break you up. I'll have to purchase you if you don't endure well and end up damaged, so in that case, I'd naturally have to explain why I'd want such damaged goods, so I demand your understanding if things end up like that, sweet shy little thing... " he teased him, as he kept burying the truth, and treating the forceful encounter like adultery. Since the scenario gave him an excuse to pretend he was considering eating him or tearing off some part of him to eat, Tide felt freed from inhibitions of fear of being perceived as doing something improper. He was drooling, weak with hunger and pleasure of tasting him, indulging in it, not as one indulges in eating a slice of meat, but more as one indulged in nibbling on hard candy - just trying to take the light taste, careful not to break the skin and damage him as one would be careful not to break candy shell. He seemed so playful that he was a little distracted, in both his moves and evil monologue, that he just strung lines of cruel words in between bites freely, and had a hard time deciding where to bite next, as he enjoyed how much Senecio squirmed and enjoyed each his bite. But even more so, amidst his seemingly chaotic behaviour, was a firm, blossoming, deepening trust - Demon knew that if he was really, truly repulsed or scared of him, that actor would stop him with a safe word, not try to match the scenario further with him. That trust and feeling of being accepted brought a dizzying, feverish excitement to waves of hunger washing over him. He was bitting along his sensitive areas and inner thighs, and whenever he could reach, licking and pulling against his manhood to arouse him further, not rushing, letting Senecio enjoy the chaotic atmosphere and sense of danger as they were slowly building up towards more. Still, being a beginner actor, and having so much fun, he could not hide his feelings on the inside as well as an actor could - as he kept going, Senecio felt that creature began purring, more and more loudly as time went on, not seeming to notice when he started, because he was enjoying the dramatics and growing scale of the game so much. Luckily, it wasn't breaking the atmosphere, as, coming from such a monstrous unusual form, purring sounded more coarse and rough, more of a threatening growling than soft sound, and would be scary if you didn't know what it meant, but actor who had heard Tide purr before could easily recognise what the sound was- not that it was not clear how much fun Tide was having, with how eagerly he observed reactions of Senecio's body and matched his tempo to it, so immersed in observation that he failed to notice sounds he was making himself as he did it.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'm not sure if Raven actually wants him as a father anymore. It might be too late for that... but that only depends on Raven, and what you do with White Eagle's bones depends on you. If you are alright with giving them up when we find a replacement, then we can help Jenus, and he will be actually able to eat them, unlike the bread you sent him unknowing that he is a demon. But Ben for some of the bones, Ben has a special use," he smiled, looking at Ben. "Would you tell him?"


Senecio decided to leave all acting and plot for later, when Sein Miru will be ashamed by the reactions of his body, feeling dirty and unfaithful -- he knew too well how Sein Miru is going to feel, and so he just let his body lead and savoured the moment until he was getting close. He did not act needily this time, although he was trembling in Tide's hold. Instead, he tried to prolong it, as if resisting the general.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It's fine if they don't end up close... It is Raven's decision. But he is a lonely child, and he looked after his cut of head dearly, and was full of both fear and yearning when interacting with him... So, I should free him of worry, that he always has to look behind his back, so his father doesn't commit something terrible in his absence. They don't have to be close... but if he's ever in trouble, he should feel like he has reliable adults to turn to. It's... terribly sad when your mind is scrambling, wondering who to turn to, but not being able to come up with anyone you can lean on. That... was the little kid's life, for way too long, " he shook his head slowly, admitting with a little blush. " To be honest, I... so very much wish, I could be part of that child's life. It would have been wonderful if he felt the need to visit sometimes... But he is a kind that finds it hard to open his heart. One can't force such a thing, and the only thing I can do is wait and... hope I've left a good enough impression, that I'd be worth visiting if he feels the need to. But two-headed Raven can get there and back with relative ease, so I'm going to use that to send him on errands to get them things. Medicine is always a given, but Kaldir's raising a small kid, so I was thinking on picking some sweets and toys to send... if the situation in the capital seems to turn stable, and no new Demon Hunters come for a while, " he revealed shyly, as he looked up to them. " But those are just some wistful thoughts... The child seems content in the mountain now, so I shall be satisfied to try to let him know we did not stop thinking fondly of him, just because Long night passed. But yes, right now, the most urgent thing is making sure younglings here don't end up in danger, and for Janus to be taken care of. To be honest, I'd have agreed to your quest for the bones even if we had no other solution, I just wanted to share my worries... I did not actually think we'd have a solution, " he chuckled mischievously, sounding a little more hopeful, despite all the uncertainties. " But what do you mean to say about bones? If they are such fitting meals, should we not dig out every single one? Some, like... like arm and leg bones are a little broken up, and time scattered them a little at the bottom, but all are there, we should be able to gather them much more easily than that sword that was stuck in my roots... "
" Well, what we mean about some bones, you see... I was thinking, about the wings I mentioned to you, and the tail. It would take me decades or longer if I were to build them from scratch, and they would not be as strong as White Eagle's were, but if we use them as actual material, then... " Ben tied in, with more feverish, nervous hope, as he explained his plan and how easy building wings using what was left of White Eagle would be. From previous more bright and hopeful, as Ben spoke, the creature grew silent anew, tensing up - he could not hide longing and yearning in his gaze, and, just as the man explained, perhaps something of muscle memory was responding with the explanation, as he shoulders were shaking slightly, as if under a great alluring temptation.
" Heh... I see.... " he couldn't help but release a weak, tense laugh, with a shaky voice, as he passed through his hair slowly, to gather his thoughts. " I... guess today is... a good day of surprises. Indeed, when... we mentioned it before, it felt more like something that would require a lot of research and many years to maybe work... not something that can be solved with the right material... "
" It is not just any material... It is the only thing so compatible with you that it requires no alteration. It can be just taken as is, strong as it is. But... I know how attached you were to White Eagle's remains before, so... " Ben gulped nervously. " I did not know how to ask... "


It was not easy for Senecio to fully interpret the richness of emotions Tide was feeling right in this moment into words. He perceived them, but they were ever-changing, elusive, and hard to put to words. He was not immune to desires, and with the prolonged game, his breath was getting bathed anew, and he was trembling a little and breathing more heavily, and without the ability to bite and taste and tease him a little to relieve his temptations, it would be hard to remain as collected as he was. Yet, his thoughts were muddled, with great joy, when he glanced for the actor's reaction and realized the game turned the opposite from the last time, and it was Senecio who was trying to prolong it, while he chased to bring him pleasure sooner. He revelled, in those little twists and turns of their game, and even more so, he was happy that they were able to understand each other, even without words. That thought made his knees a little weak, and the limbs suspending him in the air trembled slightly, before readjusting balance to keep him safe. He opened his mouth a little as if intending to come up with more banter, another insult - but words were stuck in his throat as if he was stuffed full of sweet potatoes and could not speak. Instead of banter, he laughed, but what should look like an evil laugh on a monstrous face, looked so impossibly soft, despite the horrid appearance, because the smile was full of Tide's sparkling joy. Instead of saying anything, he just purred louder and adjusted the hold so he would raise the actor's hips more, under an angle more fit for his mouth. As if not able to keep himself from it any longer, from biting him all over his body, Tide suddenly again bit along his inner thighs and enveloped him in a large bite up to his belly, and put his aroused member in his mouth, this time squeezing and pulling it more fiercely, and even nibbled against the tip ever so slightly as he moved - almost as if with a threat that he'd bite it off and eat it if actor jolts away too quickly. But despite the fake pretences, his tongue moved in a way that Senecio liked and that only made him harder - for General, a way to with gesture, if not words, more deeply humiliate Sein Miru whose body clearly responded positively against his wishes, for Tide, a more dangerous pretence of a bite that was rough on the surface, but was full of same trembling delight, yearning and longing Demon would feel whenever he'd hold him close. For Tide, something raw and bare like this felt like more ardent, honest admission of affection than a kiss would.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"But there's more," Svarik said. "Janus has given me the designs for the runes that will enable your vessel to store your energy and leave the city. They're meant for this body... but Ben can give you the wings and tail. With runes on them, you could have about a day of freedom. You could go with us to the Sea. You could come to the ball..."


Senecio cried out, unable to restrain himself any longer as Tide's teeth and tongue sent him over the edge. It felt raw and tinged with hunger, a bit like dying and a bit like living. He shuddered wth the last tingle of it, and then took a deep breath, slipping into the role with a surprising clarity. "That's enough... please, no more..." he whispered. "Please, let me go..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel's face crumpled up in an expression beyond longing - it was a yearning so strong it made his previous innocent hopeful desire for flying pale in comparison.
" What do you mean that... I... could... go with you? " slowly, he asked. " I... don't understand. When you said 12 hours... even that seemed too much. It... it is so much. It's... Unreasonable, to expect rune output would not get faulty, if I get too far from the pond.. right? No matter how many hours you can give me outside of the pond's closeness.... there's just no way I can go too far from the city walls... right? That's just.... too far, " he spoke up vulnerable, revealing his fears about it, making it clearer why he did not put much thought into it before - he did not dare hope for much. " I would have been happy... I mean.. I tried not to think about it, because figuring out how to help Janus was a priority, but I was playing with the thought that... it would be nice to... to try to see, if we could go a bit further outside of walls. I wanted to see, if I could manage to see the river outside. Everyone seemed to like the river, so... so i thought it might be close enough for me to be able to go see it with you... And.... and.. even if power output turns a little better, I... it takes a day of flight to get to the sea, so I thought... there's no way I could even get that far, least keep control when the sea is so far from here... a day of flight far... it is so unimaginably vast... "
" If we make you wings and tail, we can get those 12 hours to a day of freedom, I promise you. And runes are insanely good, they will definitely not be faulty, and will keep your mind firmly within, even if we drag you to the other side of the world. There's just no loophole to them that could make distance matter, " Ben whispered hoarsely, appearing tense, worried and a little lost, glancing to Meadow king for help, as if he did not know how to reassure the anxious creature. " I... I promise you, it would be harder to lose control than keep it, with how tightly they are strung together. And, even if you had no other travel alternative, we don't have to fly on Sun Spirits and have flight slow us down anymore - with Janus's bag, at full speed, specially if we coax that scary star, it only takes a couple of hours, so even if you would rather just come with us as we travel, you can definitely come with us to the sea, I promise. Travelling in the bag is much shorter compared to flight, so you would still have plenty of the day left, even with it... "
" Oh... I... did not really... think that I could... travel through the bag, either. Being able to maintain control, even though it is... another dimension... isn't it too much, for me to want? I... I would have been satisfied, even... even if I could just get to go outside... just a little bit outside. Just a bit further than the walls. Just to see... What it feels like, to see different kinds of trees and grass and barley in the distance. How it feels, to hear the splashes of running water against the shore, and to see little bugs flying around the streams. You... you... you can't see quite the same bugs, birds, and fish in running water as you can in ponds, you see... " Simbel spoke a little more disconnectedly and faintly, with a weaker, more lost voice, his voice breaking a little, as he scrambled, to keep his expectations in check. Svarik could see that, unlike for him and Ben, for whom it felt perfectly reasonable that Simbel's restrictions could be lifted with enough effort, for Simbel, all thoughts revolved and returned to his complete inability to imagine himself being able to break away from his inability to exist if it was outside of the influence of warm air of his pond.  Even now, with a vessel that would falter and fall if he walked too far or jumped high enough in the air for pond's influence to vane, mere idea of being able to venture too far, no matter how many hours they say that he can get, was inconceivable to him. After thousands of years of his whole world being a tiny stone circle around a humble covered-up source of water, it was hard to break away from putting his expectations in very small circles, too.


Tide swallowed up, his feverish, foamy eyes looking up at the actor, even brighter and fiercer in this more archaic form. He listened to his words, and he tried his best not to laugh, as he slowly released his manhood, so he could speak. In truth, Tide seemed surprised at how quickly Senecio picked up the pace and delivered lines as if they were written up long ago and he just waited to deliver them, only waiting for his cue. Demon raised his brows high up as he tilted his head at him - it was quite a surreal experience, to realize that this was the first time Demon genuinely watched him with incredulous suspicion, as if he did not buy it even one tiniest bit, that he was scared. Usually, whenever he would act, Tide would look upon him with great awe and would be clearly impressed - but for the first time, he watched him as if he did not believe he was a little bit terrified, and he was trying not to laugh about it. He seemed seriously concerned about how to push the current situation to rescue worthy situations, instead of just situation that looks dangerous on the surface.
" How humorous... " he could not help but tease, his voice raspy and hoarse from the heat of the moment, trying to hide the humour of the situation with the foreboding threat that was veiled in jest. " You expect me to believe the king is satisfied with only this much? There would be no reason for Beast King to ever gaze upon you if this is all you could amount to, " he tied in an insult to the threat, his mind racing, as he tried to figure out how to do a good job, how to do well enough to be praised, pouring his whole heart into doing his best. He did not pause the movement of tentacles and arms, but kept pushing against him in the same repetitive rhythm, as if in a threat of violation seeing no near end, he tightened the hold on his limbs, and with one of his large arms, he enveloped one side of Senecio's chest, and pulled and pinched his nipples, as if to mock him. " Your empty words are quite unpleasant - do you have a habit, of making things unpleasant for your partners? Why should I listen to your empty words, when your body begs to be handled, and you get hard when I barely touch you? I shall stop when your body stops responding so deliciously... Or would you rather prefer me to eat you? My... with such work out, I feel a bit peckish, " he grinned the widest grin he could, showing him all his teeth, as if to set stakes higher, as he continued without mercy. " You would be a beautiful mangled corpse, but you would be a tasty snack, I am sure. Why do you keep squirming like that? Is your skin an annoyance? Let me get it off for you if it'll put you more at ease... " the creature mocked him, as it bit more firmly into his shoulder, slowly inching closer to his neck, and pressing more firmly - not firm enough to stop him from speaking or actually suffocate him, but in an ardent, earnest try to scare him, to take at least a little of his breath away, to make his heart beat a little faster, to make him little more concern. Like a beast preparing to strangle its pray to eat it,  Tide was clearly doing all he could to make the situation more urgent within borders of not hurting him, to make danger feel more real, and to see if he can actually find something that would truly awaken Senecio's desire to be saved and feel urgency of it, to call out for rescue with meaning, not just because scenario required it, scrambling to come up with something for the actor who never truly got scared no matter what he did or said - because, in his rose-tinted, novel-loving mind, rescue trope was only as sweet as desire to be saved was desperate, and he clearly yearned to give the actor the true dramatic rescue they both talked about, not just give it as a souless bullet point in the scenario. Along with force pressing tightly against his neck along with drool and low sounds of growling mixed within suppressed purrs, actor felt a great, suffocating pressure upon his soul, as if something massive and much larger than him was pinning him down, despite he was held high up in the air, conflicting signals between how high he was in the air and how heavy pressure felt making him feel more disoriented and dizzy.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik took Simbel's hand and led him to sit down. "It's too good to believe, isn't it... I know, right? Can I ask you for something, though? I need your help with something..." he paused, giving Simbel time to focus on something that was more familiar - helping - instead of being overwhelmed. "I suspect that this is how Janus will feel when he tell him that we are able to help him. Too good to be true. Hard to believe that things could change when he's been limited like this for so long. So please, could you examine the feeling? Imagine stepping away from it for a moment and looking at it from outside. Could you tell us what would help you to accept the possibility?"


Senecio knew he had some time before he could get hard again, and in the clarity and oversensitivity of the moments after an orgasm, he was able to really get into the character, and saw the hopeless situation Sein Miru was in. If he keeps trying to appease the monstrous general to get away with his life, the general will only want more and more from him until he's really dead or broken. He saw he had no chance to walk away as soon as the general caught him, and was ashamed now of how he tried to appease him, betraying his king. At least in this moment, he decided to resist, knowing it will make no difference in the end anyway. At least he wanted to get a chance to say that he does not agree to be used anymore, although the thought of calling for help did not occur to him yet. "My body may be responding," he said, straining against the hold, "but I don’t want it anymore. Not from you. Let me go!"
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