Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel was able to get distracted a little when trying to wrap his mind around being helpful to someone else. He bit his lip, and pressed Svarik's hand faintly, his fingers trembling slightly, against his wishes. The littlest, fragile smile passed across his face as his gaze fell upon their entwined hands.

" To be able to sit here, like this... and see all those countless years of muscle memory finally have outlet... This vessel has no need to breathe, but White Eagle had to. So, he has left me, this delightful urge to breathe in an out, and I fulfill it, regardless of its redundancy. His need to tremble when feeling strongly about things, or yearning to leap up into the sky and fly... He had... left me so much. The fact that I finally have... an outlet to use it... is already a miracle, to me, " he whispered, so very hesitantly, so quietly. " Those days... surprises never seem to end. It is... hard to put it into words, of this delightful new language. But... you do not know, what relief it is... to move, unobstructed by White Eagle's last immovable memories, " he looked up at Svarik, watching him quietly for a moment with his vulnerable, soft pink eyes, as he confessed, still holding his hand closely. " When White Eagle died... When I was made. So stark are, the memories of the deep dark well, in my mind. Sharp pain, and rotting throbbing flesh... the wings, torn from the shoulder blades, rotting slowly in front of me... and the arms that were torn up to the shoulder, their fingers lifeless and motionless, despite my mind kept urging them to move, so we could climb and get out of there... But we could not. Because they were no longer our fingers. To have a hand of my own again, that can tremble, and grasp and move as it wants to... the miracle is too lacking word, " his eyes were shaking, and he seemed genuinely sad, as he struggled to draw out something helpful. " How can we ever... convince him that his good fortune is real... when it feels so unrealistic? How can we get him to believe it, instead of feeling scared that we'll all fail, and that not only he but all of you will be disappointed, for being so hopeful, only to see no results? The well.. was so small and narrow. The last time I was looking at the world through my own eyes, all I could see were endless rows of slippery dark stone, rising terribly high above me, and all I could feel was wet slimy water that reeked of iron from my blood. To be able to see, such a blessed sight as this, " with his other free hand, ever so gently, the same as he would in a dream, he lightly touched Svarik's cheek and caressed it. " It... does not feel real. I have to fight the feeling of fear that it is not real more often than I do not, whenever it feels too good to be true. The fight... is endless. It is just so unrealistic... don't you think so, too? To get from a point where I was so weak and small, where all I could do is give you all the feeble tiny bit of warmth I could gather from the faint winter sun, and ache as you'd leave the pond regardless of my efforts to call out to you, not able to plead you to stay... not able to scream after you, because I had no mouth to scream with. To get from there... to here, with you, like this? " The creature took a deep breath, trying to steady its voice, as it suggested so very shyly. " For so long... all my world was, was darkness, below a heavy baricate covering up all the light, hungry for streak of light that never came. It was no different... from being trapped in White Eagle's last memory, with no company but the dark, cold, small circle of the well. I... grieve so much, for Janus Eldergod's misfortune. I am so worried, about the distress we will cause him, by giving him the hope he is bound to have given up on already. Three centuries of hunger... must have been so terribly hard on him. After... enough misfortune, nothing feels more unrealistic than holding onto empty hopes. To be able to help him, we must make sure... to make the incredulous truth... feel realistic in his eyes, too. You pray in your mind ardently and endlessly for miracles, and when they do not come, it only affirms your biases... that good things won't come to you, and that you must hold back your tears, and endure, and survive another day. Faith and trust... is so very important, in healing. He... We can't help him if he would only go through the motions for the sake of appeasing us. We have to... put it in a way that... that makes the failure the option that feels unfeasible. When... when you are in a dark cold place all on your own, a warm cosy room, soft bed, and hand holding yours, is the most unrealistic future to hope for, in the whole wide world... It is so unrealistic that it is hard to believe it, even if it's in front of you... "


" My, my, how ungrateful it is, to change your mind after already being pleasured twice. What a selfish, shallow creature you are. Do you use Beast King's name with that filthy mouth? How tiring it must be for him, to handle such a fickle little thing... " General released his bite only for a moment, to mock him, but still he pressed down upon his soul and body, and made a few steps forth, pinning his back firmly against the wall, holding him high up, almost to the ceiling, to add danger from high fall to raise the stakes further. " Well, if you're insistent on acting all reluctant even after enjoying yourself so much, you can always confess. We may always turn this lovemaking into interrogation, if so you will. It's all the same to me... But I must say, your tries to act feisty and hard to get after already being pleased two times are quite adorable. What a pure humorous thought, from such an unpure creature as yourself. Name of Sein Miru suits you well, doesn't it, innocent little dragon? " the creature rasped out more hoarsely, and instead of the neck, it leaned across his face. The shadowed room grew darker, as Miru's vision was obscured by Demon's face that pressed against his own, and drooling needy lips pressed against his own, in a pretence of a kiss - Tide gave him a little bit more space and leeway, to be able to break away a little, so he would not take away his ability to speak up, but he seemed intent to make general's acts of pretended gentleness as humiliating as he could, to blur the lines and continue making light of the horrible situation, to keep acting as if the abuse was nothing but adultery. Lips pressed against his and a large finger raised up to his head and stroked his hair with fake gentleness, while numerous arms and hands kept twisting around his body, pressing against him and caressing him anew, in a dark foreboding of a neverending, terribly long night with no reprieve from the either forced pleasure of growing pain, should things remain as they are.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Maybe it would help to tell him that he doesn't need to believe it just yet? If it doesn't work, then nothing changes, nothing gets worse. But there is a chance that it would work, even though he doesn't need to believe it. And for that chance, isn't it worth to try? He could just... indulge us and let us try, as a favour to us, what do you think?" Svarik asked.


Senecio found the situation surprisingly exciting, more than he thought he would. It was like playing out a fantasy he didn't even knew he had until he actually got there. It felt freeing to be able to let go of the calculations about agreeing to things he didn't really want to minimize the final damage and danger. It was the freedom of knowing the result will be bad no matter what he does, combined with the subconscious safety with the knowlege that he just needs to call to be rescued, that enabled him to play out a fantasy about resisting that he didn't dare to indulge in the past because there was always something to lose. He broke away from the kiss with a sharp move of his head. "I said no," he said defiantly. "I'm not going to indulge you anymore and pretend I want this. I don’t, no matter what my body does. I'm not going to play along anymore."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Anxious Simbel could not help but smile a little bit more, slowly easing up a little, with Svarik's efforts.
" It's... hard for me to judge, whether you ask equally for both me and him to find a common solution, or are trying to appease me first through the distance from my fears, whether I give you good advice or not. I guess... that is one of your charms... adjusting your perspective whenever it's needed, if it means people you love will live better. I know well enough... I know that you'd indulge me, no matter what I would say, as long as you thought it would lead me to a happier life. Whatever I said would help, you'd pave the road for me, " Simbel whispered quietly, as he timidly caressed Svarik's hand holding his with his thumb. " I... to be honest... I am so very afraid, of us getting carried away, and hoping things will work out, only for everyone to be disappointed. But.... those are just matters of insecurity. There's nothing you have to persuade me to do. There's no plea of yours, that I would not indulge, just like there's no plea of mine, that you do not indulge, either, my littlest Sun... My greatest Joy... " he called out most tenderly to him, the ability to be gentle to him and say gentle things to him in person seeming to have as comforting effect as Svarik's encouragement was having, too. " So, I mean... is there ever a world, when I would not let you? Do... parents not let their children braid their hair when they desire, even if braids might end up crooked or ugly? There's... no way I would refuse you, even more so, when having hair poorly braided is the worst possible consequence. My main self... is still in the pond. It's not like... storing some of my energy in runes would trap me in there... There is nothing to lose... In theory. It is just very hard, to... not succeed, when the difference between things staying the same and... the success... is so vast, like the distance between earth and sky. I imagine... it would be the same, for Elder God Janus. It... is too easy to... to fall into the trap, of only seeing the worst and best possible case. As, either nothing changes, or everything changes. It... it is important that he knows.... " he looked up hopefully at Svarik anew - indeed, so easy on the hope for others, while so harsh on himself. "That helping him isn't something we either manage to do or fail. We... have time. So much time. Would it be lovely... if we dug through all the blockages the first time, and later just have to deepen then? Yes. But, even if we go so very slow, and dig little by little, as if with a spoon... why does it matter? If you cry for hundreds of years, you'll cry out the sea. As long as we dig diligently, we'll at worst case dig out one humble channel, after a hundred years, even if we end up having to dig with a spoon. It would be nice, if he could relax enough and trust us enough to let us dig more, and faster, without hurting himself - but we won't retreat out offer of help, will we, just because we may not succeed the first time? Again, again, and again.... We just have to keep doing little at a time. If humans could dig through granite rocks for hundreds of years to build irrigation ways for their crops,  why would we stop, after not succeeding all at once? Whether we have good fortune and do it all at once, or have to do it tiny little by tiny little, to not injure his soul with too much pressure or fright, a canal dug with a spoon is the same as a canal dug with a shovel, the only difference is time and effort needed. I... understand it's hard, to believe you're worth so much effort from someone, but... I mean... I would have tried again and again, if only for the joy he brought you and Conrad, and is yet to bring, with allowing you to borrow his bag when you need to travel. That's just... so much joy and comfort. That is... so much of the time of your life, that you can save up for doing things you love, instead of holding onto the Sun Spirit in great height, liable to falls, overcome with exhaustion ass you fly across the land, whether for pleasure or work. To him, it is just borrowing an object he owns... to me, it is a greatest gift for the sake of your all comfort and joy, " he coughed shyly. " Even if we take it all in isolation - if I never knew him or helped him, and he never knew me - do you think I would not roll my sleeves, and try hundreds, thousands of times, for someone that borrowed you something that eases your life that much, with such pure intentions, without an ounce of greed, just os you can live a littlest better life? Even if I never knew him, even if he was of no help to you in anything else, he had earned way, way more than overflowing help from me... " he coughed shyly" Because he treated my beloved children so generously and so well, even if I never knew him before right now, I'd treat him with all effort he deserves... "


Demon was clearly excited and having the time of his life too. Despite his fierce threats and violent gestures, what dominated his feelings was a playful sense of freedom and mischief. He always had to be most careful how he handled fragile objects and people and how he talked - always to deescalate, always to soothe and reassure that he meant no harm. There were always sad consequences, in either broken things, limbs or feelings if he faltered, but right now, thanks to the trust they built between each other, they could indulge in a violent fantasy with no depressing consequence at all. He could escalate and laugh, sneer and mock, and the scenario would only be more exciting for it. Having a positive result for a negative action was exhilarating, fun and new, clearly something Demon never experienced before, either.
" Sweet, poor, innocent fledgling dragon, spewing words since his fire is so lacking... Are you going to choose torture instead of love, after all? Don't you think it's quite disadvantageous to you, to get me angry? " General pinned him down further up the wall, raising him up almost to the ceiling, as if to add fear from fall to further raise their little imaginary stakes - after all, fall from that high was bound to be dangerous. " No one can enter king's chambers without permission. I clearly did not drag you here against your will... You walked to me with your own two feet. You told me you sought someone to sleep with, and then slept with me... " Tide did not care, for Senecio trashing and bashing against him, trusting him to use safe words if he had to, and so, free to use his one free hand to turn actor's head towards him, as he kissed him forcefully again, bitting his lip, as if mocking him anew. " You're not a person, but a property. Is it wise of you to insist on being tortured? If you resist, you'll hurt yourself, and if I hurt you, I'll have to buy you, and if I buy you, you'll be mine, "the creature was purring in delight, while rubbing its face back against the actor's whenever he'd pull away, in countless brief interrupted forced kisses, rasping in new ones whenever Miru would try to pull away to avoid it. " I am so deeply flattered, that you are rushing to become my property so eagerly... Come on now, keep going. Hurt yourself more...  " drooly, needly, yet so tender gumbs pressed against his face, as they bit against Senecio's cheek innocently, with Tide's endearment, and General's intimidation. " You already lost your virtue when you choose to cheat on your king. You offered to satisfy me with your very lips, yet you deem saying no after already getting bathed with another man's scent will wash away your sin? Lying is ugly, and our king hates ugliness, and you shall be so very ugly in his eyes when I tell him what lewd faces you made for me... Come on, devalue yourself further, with empty protests, you, a shameless man who slipped into a shadowed unused corridor to open his legs up for another man against his king's orders, who got high with pleasure while the king bled on the battlefield. Hmm.. Yes, when I think about it, Sein Miru is too grand a name for such a lacking you. You... you are Nothing, " Tide purred loudly as he nuzzled against him, preparing a pun for him, using the trait of General that they discussed with Hans, of Monster using mocking names for people beneath him. " The more you lower your value tonight, the cheaper I will buy you tomorrow morning, my dear Sweet Nothing... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I'm kind of trying to get you to look at it from more distance and figure out a solution for yourself, that might be also helpful for Janus," Svarik said with a faint smile. "So do you think it eould be okay if we just try? Maybe it won't work on the first try, maybe there will be only small progress. You don't have to expect too much, but could we just try?"


"It doesn't matter what I choose when both options are the same," Senecio said, enjoying Sein Miru's defiance. "To you I'm nothing, but I believe I have some value to the king. Maybe it's not deserved, but I belong to him, and I have a duty to protect his posessions. I tried to fo that, but if it makes no difference, why should I try further?" He let himself struggle against the arms holding him with all of his strength, risking a fall, while knowing that it's no match against Tide's who wouldn’t let him fall. He struggled until he was exhausted and bleeding, but he knew that with the words about belonging to the king and protecting his property, Sein Miru realized something. He just needed to overcome his shame of the king seeing him like this to be able to call him...
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" You... Are right... That certain distance... helps. I was a little too caught up... in how overwhelming everything is. It truly is... os overwhelming, that so many good things are happening at once. I keep wondering, every now and then, you know... If it is possible I actually perished in the Long Night. That, even soulless as I am, if the universe is kind enough to give a littlest piece of the afterlife, even to a creature like me. An afterlife where I can walk, talk, and play with you as if I am a real person... But when I see the two of you struggle, even littlest, littlest bit... only then, I can reassure myself, that this is no afterlife. In my perfect afterlife, my children would not experience even a slight, slightest shade of the worry you two have on your faces, that's how I know this can never be my perfect afterworld, " Simbel spoke a little more hoarsely, as he dared to claim them as his own, with yearning clearly stronger than previous yearning for flying was, and fear that he was overstepping his boundaries, but choosing to speak his mind, anyway, because it was expression of his true feelings, and protectiveness he was clearly displaying towards them truly felt warm and parental. He was already holding Svarik's hand, but very carefully, at that moment, he took Ben's hand too, and he held them both, and he brought them to his lips, and gently kissed them. Ben's eyes trembled with the gesture, and he bit his lip and looked down, but still he did not pull his hand away, letting Simbel hold it. " You... are right... that distance helps. When I think about things from a distance... it does not really matter if it will work or not. What parent, would ever refuse the earnest efforts of their children? I'll do, whatever you think is best. But... could you please promise me... that you'll not be swayed by high expectations... in case it doesn't work? " he pleaded gently, but with clear worry and guilt. " Honestly... it is very hard... to not say out loud, how... wonderful it would be, if... I could go to... the sea with you, " his voice was shaking slightly, but indeed, he clearly tried to stay strong and brave. " But if I say it, and we fail, I'll only make you more disappointed. Nothing breaks the parent's heart more, you see, than being the source of their children's misfortune... Being a source of your two's and our silly Birdie's sadness would hurt as much, as not being able to follow where you go... "


The comforting cover of the role enabled Tide to not second guess or stop or slow down to double check if everything was truly alright, even if the actor was trashing against him so violently and hurting himself. From the mere fact that Senecio was treating him like Sein Miru would a General, he felt secure, and even proud and happy, with how decisively and firmly man protested he did not want this, despite reactions of his body. He wanted to give him all the catharsis of refusing what he did not want and knowing that he could voice his feelings without suffering a loss. Even if Senecio were to forget himself in the heat of the moment and not say a safe word, if Senecio called out to him as Tide or Sihil-Tarak, the demon would know to stop - so, in lack of such words, he did not yield, and with excitement, he escalated further and further, with both words and actions.
" Oh, yes... Were you trying to protect the king's property while you were thrusting your manhood against my mouth, too? Oh, my, you looked so defiant, while pressing closely in the rhythm of my touch... " he spoke mischievously, with all the theatrics of a villain he could bring to his gestures and voice, putting it together with all his heart, from all the books he ever read, doing what he could to wound and break his spirit, not just his body. " Why should the king want back something that's already been torn up and covered in dirt, even if it was pretty once? There are thousands of pretty, cheap little toys like you, little Sweet Nothing. He can get ten Sweet Nothings like you at the snap of his fingers. I'll do him a favour, by buying such an unfaithful broken doll and freeing his hands, so he can hold something more worthy in them next time... freeing him from such cheating traitorous misfortune as yourself is my duty as his faithful servant... " He insulted him, as the grip of his limbs grew tighter, getting a little too painful, and the moves of his tentacles grew more hurtful as it got faster. Tide seemed to lack imagination a little, on the matter of torture, as it was clear his mind was racing, to come up with how to escalate things further, but the actor could feel it, in how desperately thoughts were racing in Demon's mind, that he was so purely, innocently determined, to give him a romantic rescue, a rescue that will make him feel true relief, and feeling of finally being saved, at least once. He desperately wanted to give it to him, but he was not sure how, because his heart was pure from true evil intentions, and the only thing he knew was to make his caresses more possessive and needly, to move faster, to put more pressure. It went against his habits of always stopping and slowing things down, but his determination and yearning to give him a special, sweeping rescue was so deep, that he could ignore his habits and fears, and after he spoke his words, instead of between shoulder and neck, he bit the actor's neck directly. Despite doing it with gums and so very delicately, to make sure he can still speak and does not actually snap it, it felt overwhelming, with the pain with the rest of his battered up bruised body growing every moment, and the creature pressed its head more firmly against the neck, twisting it but slightly, as if trying to imitate an attach of the wild Beast indeed, that would break its victim's neck before eating it. It went so against Tide's usual gentle heartfelt behaviours that it almost felt as if it was not the same person, at least on the surface - but even with appearances being like that, there was also, a certain heartfulness even now, if not in his actions, then in his clear yearning and effort, to try to find what he can do, to awaken true despair within Senecio, so that relief of the rescue would be rewarding, too.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

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"Well, I must say I'm glad that we're not dead and in the afterlife," Svarik smiled. "And it's okay. If we don't succeed, we will just try to figure out something else. We have time. So... is it alright if we enearth the wing bones and Ben gives it a try? Can you even get them out of your roots without hurting yourself?


The predatory, animalistic gesture really awoke some primal fear in Senecio, more a reaction of his body than his mind. For Sein zmiru, it finally tipped the scales. He was hurt and ashamed by the general'd words, but even if he would let them trick him into thinking so low about himself, he would never be able to think as low about the king. The king who had the right to decide himself if he wants to keep a shameful slave or not, which won't be possible if the general kills him. "No! Help!" he cried out. "Beast king! My king!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

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Simbel's expression brightened up with innocent radiance, as neither of the two denied his claims, and his tentative worried expression softened with such a worried earnest question.
" When we were taking the sword out... it was different. It was seared into my old roots, and it's a sword made to cut into the soul easily... so it is a sword that causes a lot of pain. Even if I don't have a soul, the plant I symbiotic with does. The pain it experiences is transferred to me... so it hurt a lot, to take it out. But... my bones... I mean... White Eagle's bones are different... They are in the centre, surrounded by my oldest roots, and it would be true that it would be harder, if... skeleton remained in one piece since White Eagle planted the plant into the wound in his stomach, and let it grow from his remaining life force and flesh. But I ate up the flesh, to be able to grow outside of the deep well in that first year... and when priests came, they gathered up the bones around still young plant, and put them all in a cloth, and put bones back into my pond. I needed them close to keep stabilizing myself around them... but it is not like I planned to ever eat them... I just wanted them close, because they were mine, and good for keeping my existence stable, and... I planned to keep them, for my descendants, priests or humans I cared for. If they ever face demons and end up poisoned with miasma or any such illness, eating Being bones can be beneficial, so... That was another reason, why even in last thousand years, I tried my best not to eat them. Being bones... are always good, when nothing else can solve health things... I guess it is good, that I never gave into hunger, and saved them for the future... since that future where they are needed is now, " Simbel smiled failtly, but, while pressing Svarik's and Ben's hand, he seemed to slowly regain his wits and courage. " It... is such a relief, that I kept them. Now, they can be of help to Janus. Now, I am not weak from hunger, like when we were taking out the sword... I have enough energy to move rooths more, and priests would take out bones and change new cloth every century or so, so it's kept unrotting, so they are not as hard to move as it would be if I just left them to stay where they were when... my plant began growing around them. The cloth wrapping them... is more rotten then now, yes, so part of the bones are a little scattered up at the bottom of the pond, but most are in place, and I can feel them well, since they were part of me for so long, and Nammy or Ciel should be able to take them out easily, without much time, " he reassured them, only adding a little unsurely and shyly, as if he tried to seek for their reassurance and advice on what is the moral thing to do. " What I am unsure isn't how hard it would be to take them out. With my Authority and permission, you should be able to do it easily, since I will aid you, not fight you back. It's only... if it would be helpful to Janus... and if Ben could figure out how to build me wings even without it in a few centuries... Would it be better, if I just... gave all the bones to Janus? It... it would be... nice to fly, and it would be reassuring, to know if Demon Hunter's attack, that we have more aerial power, since we are currently lacking. But... I don't like that he's hurting. It's... not a normal state at all, for a Being to be starving and so sensitive to touch. Still... being able to build wings in less than a day, if using White Eagle's wing bones? That... that is indeed, worthy of being called a great temptation... "


As if he were just waiting for that perfect moment of despair as his cue, Tide responded, with a wave of innocent, bright joy, so unfitting the frightening monster hurting him. He howled, and released some of his limbs, trashing and turning over couple nearby sidetables and breaking away pottery and clashing and pulling down a curtain from the side, tearing it up. Tide, who was not versed in conflict, had no confidence to pretend to make a battle between two people realistic, especially when he had to act as both people in it, but he was clearly determined to put as raw, real and earnest performance, and use the music of broken shards and glass and turned tables to his favor. He did his best, to make it as real as conflict between two people acted by one person can be. A strong fierce wind began suddenly blowing and howling around them, cold and fierce against Senecio's bare skin, pulling and throwing tapestries around on the floor - and with the wind, the light of all lanters dimly filling the room suddenly went out, and Sein Miru found himself in pitch darkness, held less loosely, but still, pinned high against the wall with disgusting limbs pressing against him... but only for barely a moment.

As soon as sounds of things braking and wind howling became one, and as soon as the last light went out, Senecio felt all the limbs suddenly let him go, and he found himself falling, for a split second - it seemed that was another reason, why Tide choose to raise him so high into the air, so he could give him the briefest thrill of falling... the thrill of falling and being caught safely. If he let him fall too long, even if caught, it would hurt, but almost immediately upon the disgusting limbs of his abuser vanished into thin air, familiar Beast King's caught him, and pressed him against his chest, before landing down on the floor with Sein Miru in his arms with a dramatic jump, followed by shattering of few tiles beneath them. As Tide kicked fiercely at one nearby vase as if pretending he was kicking away the General, the actor felt Beast King's handd pressing him more tightly against the chest as if to make sure he did not fall - Tide indeed clearly thought this through and planned it from the start, putting all his wits and even destroying his things, to make the most dramatic, romantic rescue he could craft for him, with his whole heart. Sein Miru could see nothing, in the now dark endless narrow hallway full of sounds of destruction - but he could all the more vividly feel Beast King's body he was leaning against. Its texture and touch was familiar, but it seemed Tide gave him something new this time - not different body parts, but clothing. He gave Beast King a long soft cloak, similar to his usual one, but much larger. He knew Beast King's touch was not soft and warm, so he made him wear a cloak so he had a soft tool to use for romantic comfort, and now, since Beast King had six arms, he dramatically took the cloak off from his own shoulders, and wrapped it around Sein Miru's naked battered body. The strong wind still blew around them fiercely in the pitch darkness, but Senecio felt the soft silky material shielding him from it and enveloping him in the darkness, the cold silk whose touch resembled water easing the pain of his countless cuts and bruises a little.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I understand that you may feel guilty if you keep some bones for yourself instead of giving them to Janus, but look at it this way: he gets all the other bones. Adding these would only maka a small boon to him, barely noticeable, like a dessert after a big meal that you don't really need. But to you, it would make a huge difference. Wouldn't making a huge difference instead of a small one be a better use of them?"


Senecio gave both himself and Sein Miru a moment to feel the relief. Not shame or guilt just yet, just relief of being safe and protected, of being treated like something precious after being told that he was nothing. He pressed his body closer to the Beast King, trembling a little as he slowly let the tension seep away and relaxed.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel gulped, but then, he nodded, so very slowly, pressing both Svarik's and Ben's hand - it seemed both words and their presence helped reassure him further.
" I guess... I guess, I can accept it. As long as we put great care in taking care of him, that little bones should not make as much difference, " he finally accepted, clearing his throat, and adding a little more brightly and hopefully. " We... need to approach it with great care... but I believe, in your idea. I think... between the three of us, you, me, and Ben... that it can work. We just... need to be careful about his sensitivity. You said he's very sensitive to touch... With... Beings that had gone through bad things... border between soul and body is very poor and thin. Touch is usually the easiest way to bring out bad memories, and it seems he has plenty, thanks to that terrible king, " Simbel whispered quietly, and delicately, caressing the two hands he was holding with his thumbs slightly as if to make sure they are not reminded on anything unpleasant - for both of them, touch and bad memories were not unfamiliar subject. They were not to Simbel, either, thanks to the horrible way he was brought to existence, and creature's tone was more quiet and tense too, but determined. " Still... as long as we are mindful and do our best, I'm sure we can do it in a way that doesn't make it into a bad experience. As Ben said... Digging out one path, and awakening at least a little bit of partiality to feeding on sunlight would go a long way, even if we manage only that much. He... Janus Elder God's favourite offerings were one of fruit and bread. That's why he was even more suspected of being a Star, since Stars prefer food grown with the Sun. Even... even if I can not give him bread made by my flowers... I can learn to bake it myself. I can make him bread, from our harvest... I can... research, what plants are healthy and good for Demons. I am confident if we manage to carve out any path to positive feelings that I will have enough positive feelings of my own to weave into it, so the bread can have a taste to him, no matter how faint it might be at the start, And... and, " he cleared his throat anew, as he did his best to pour his heart into determination to reach for the best possible future. " I... I guess... if the rune things work out... I could... bake him bread, and... bring it to him more often... Me... Myself. To... the sea, " he gulped as if trying to swallow that huge bite of a possible future. " If it works out... I could... bake him things... with wheat... and fruit... and plants safe for him. I could... maybe... make up... for decades, where I.. baked and sent him bread poisonous to him, " his voice wavered but a little, as he added. " And... I guess... having soft fluffy wings... would be good, too. If... he has many horrible memories, of being handled by hands... it could be good, to have something soft and feathery, to be able to touch him with, if we wish to break bad patterns. From all you say, his soul sounds quite tense and inflamed, and having such thin border between body and soul that inflamed while being surrounded by people that might touch you by accident is just a disaster waiting to happen. I am quite surprised he had the guts to start working in a theatre surrounded by so many employers... but I guess, wanting to shield the children, he had little choice but to work despite the risks... "


Demon was not sure what would be the best thing to do - he did not want to interrupt the moment of relief by acting out more words of confrontation between Beast King and General, but it did not feel right to decide on his own to leave, as he could pretend General passed out from being hit, but he did not want to take away the closure if Sein Miru wanted it, by deciding that on his own. So, he made no choice yet, leaving it to the actor. He gave him a breather, and let the moment linger. In the pitch darkness, only the faint glow of Beast King's eyes could be seen, like two icicles of frost. The wind Tide created blew more firmly around them, howling freely, as if reflecting King's distress - but Sein Miru was safe from its bitter cold, carefully tucked away in King's soothing cloak. In the darkness, his other senses were heightened, and Miru could feel the tips of familiar fingers, so very lightly patting and riding up his sweaty dishevelled hair.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I would love to touch your wings, too," Svarik said. "So should we get the bones, so that Ben gas enough time to try it? How do we get them out?"


Sein Miru took a deep breath, full of the Beast King's scent. "You came..." he whispered. "He said I had no worth to you, but you came..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

With Svarik expressing hopefulness to see his wings, from being preoccupied with practicality, Simbel's expression grew teary, with suppressed joy.
" I... see.... " he gulped. " Yes... I suppose whether runes work, and I end up being able to fly, or not... Whehter it works or not, it will still be so very fun, to hold and hug you two with my wings, as I used to while we dreamed together, " creature responded with little more colour and slowly growing anticipation in his voice. " Okay... As for getting them... For them to be retrieved, someone who can enter my water without burning up easily, and who dives well is needed. How good diver are you, Svarik? I guess either you or Ciel Moonwalker are best choices, but if you're busy, I think Ciel can do as well as you, I can call him. As for time needed... hmm... I can direct him and work to help him, but whoever is tasked, would need still go, while freeing the bag and gathering rest of the bones, to resurface every now and then, like was the case with the sword. So, normally, with resurfacing back and forth, hm... perhaps an hour or two at worse case, to gather all the bones? It is quite deep where they are, since it was once well, after all. But... I remember Birdie telling me about the Sea Deity, whom you played music for, who gave you as gift in thanks medicine that would help one breathe underwater for a little bit? Whether if used by you, or Ciel, would you be willing to part with little of it? " he asked carefully. " If you eliminate the danger of diving for too long and having to go up to the surface, since both of you are Listeners and good with sensing the fabric around you, I doubt it would take more than twenty minutes, or half an hour perhaps? Not more than that. But... as I said, since it was once deep, once you dive that deeply in, there's... barely any light you can see down there, and you'd mostly have to rely on your listening. True, there's no need to panic since if you take that medicine, you could not drown, but still, you aren't good, with dark places, so, would you rather skip this one? " he asked quietly, with clear warmth and worry, probing carefully, as he knew Svarik was going through many changes trying to get better while travelling back and forth to the sea, outside of his reach. " I could ask Nammy, too, but he's still a bit under the weather, and he's sleeping in a lot these days, so if you'd rather not, Ciel is very fit for him age, and he's just below the rank of Sowdmaster. He's tough, so you don't have to worry about him, he's currently at his home with Nammy and the kids, but it's not that far from here, I could ask Sun Spirit to bring him to save travel time, if we need the bones as soon as possible with the time crunch. I don't want Ben to overwork himself too much, if the rest of us can help lessen the time needed with our help... "


Tide's heart ached with those words coming from Senecio's lips, even though he knew well enough it's a completely reasonable response from Sein Miru. His hold grew just a little tighter, but he could not comfort him with warm words Tide would use, and Beast King could not be too affectionate yet in the public - after all, they were still relatively early in their relationship, just slowly opening up to each other, and even if they did not state it, it was easy to assume some retainers or guards followed after Beast King. In such circumstances when they were eyes watching and walls had ears, since they pretended Sein Miru to be a traitor who is staying with the king to be abused as punishment and example for his collusion with the enemy, he could not tell him any words of affection in front of other people.
" Of course... I came, " as he spoke up, Beast King's voice was carefully neutral, but Sein Miru could feel the hand caressing his messy hair was unsteady. " Traitor to my kingdom, accomplice to my enemies, you must live to be played with and suffer at my hands, for what you have done, for a very, very long time... If you were to die today, your punishment would be too light and short, and I won't allow it, " the voice spoke to him more quietly through the wind swirling around them. Mere phrases might sound cold and calculating on the surface, but because only the two of them from the invisible characters present knew that Sein Miru was never the traitor in the first place and that pretence of betrayal was an act to actually help catch the real traitor, Beast King took a gamble as he spoke like this, hoping the slave would understand the deeper meaning behind his words.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I think it would be best if both of us go," Svarik said. "We can both take a sip from the elixir, and we won’t be alone in the dark that way. We can find all bones faster, if there's two of us. I assume we want to take out all bones, while we are there? We can get the wings first snd get them to Ben, and then continue with the rest so that we don't waste the elixir on a second time."


Sein Miru sighed shakily. "I know..." he whispered. "I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen..." He pressed his face against the king's chest, as if trying to hide and wishing to be far away from here.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes... It's best to take everything from one turn. It's... unlikely that anything bad would happen for two days, especially since Erdel is at sea right now, so he should be out of Demon Hunters's sight for now. Sok, it's better to take everything, and we can take Star Boy's bones and the pear tree and replant it here later. If.. rune things work, and wings work out, too, it will mean much more for strengthening my battle ability than extra Being bones, anyway. I will call Ciel, Sun Spirit should be able to bring him very soon. Just... if it gets too scary, it's okay to bail, alright? " He tried to reassure him gently. " It's always okay to bail if it feels too dark and narrow...Ciel is tough, even if you bail, he'll be able to do it, although more slowly on his own. In either case, we will first take out the bones, and then... ? "
" Then, I'll make the base, the meat parts around it. While you take out the bones, I'll go talk to Mole and Owl to get me materials I need, " Ben tied in quickly, as if to rush in to confirm things before Simbel has a chance to get insecure and change his mind. " Hm... Thinking about it, yes... I am going to meet up briefly with Sun Spirits to get some free feathers from them as well, and I am going to drag that new visiting guy Eros into it too, to see where I can put his skills to use too, so I can make burden easier on myself, and so I can make better wings faster. Riversong was used to working on his own, so it's easy for me to fall under such mindset... but I am not going to let the bastard's memories sway me. I'm going to use everything available, to make everything even better, even sooner, " man was spirited, with lot of hope and determination, clearly, dragging himself by sheer strength of his will, doing his best to break away from Riversong's patterns. " About order, let's decide that, too. Hm.... What do you say that I first create fleshy parts of wings and tail, we get the vessel to Janus to carve out the runes, and then return it, so that I can put feathers and finish it after runes have already been carved on both bodies and wings? That way, we can save time, since I can be making feathers here at home, while Janus is doing the carving there. How does that sound? That way, without time lost, and if I get Sun Spirit's and Eros's help along with ingredients from Moel and Owl, maybe I could even finish the wings before we leave, so we can test them here for the first time, " he suggested more brightly. " I mean, I am fully ready to pull an all-nighter if need be, or to first build wings, and later see about the carving of runes - but wouldn't it be amazing to get runes done in the meantime, so that once wings are ready, we can do the little fly test? Even if we finish wings, if we don't carve runes, if Simbel tries to fly up, he'll falter if he tries to fly up too high, so making runes along with wings would be great, so we don't have to wait for runes to do test flights. Without the ability to store energy, flying too high up would be dangerous... "


Tide pondered quietly for a moment as he watched him, should he try to act a few more words from the General and add more oil to the fire, a few more insults, or try to turn the situation over by insisting on angle of adultery, not abuse - but then, he decided against it. It might be more simplistic and easy way out, to claim General ended up unconscious when he was cast aside, but Tide's decision was more simple and pure - he did not want to overshadow the relief and safety of the sweeping rescue, with dark shadows of another, even brief confrontation. Besides, if Sein Miru wished to tell him more about what happened, he wanted to hear it from Sein Miru willingly, not be forced to hear it from the General.

" You... are mine, " he said, gathering him up in his arms more comfortably, and pulling the cloak carefully over his head, too, to shield him, so he would not have to face anyone. Senecio could no longer see anything, and his hearing was muffled slightly by the soft cloak too, and by the beating of Beast King's heart against his face. " Mine to play with, mine alone to use as I like... I shall not tolerate, anyone using what is mine. If they wish to use you, they can never do so without my permission, if you did wrong, it is on me to educate you. He acted out of place, coveting what is mine... disciplining above his rights. Guards! Take him to the dungeon, " he commanded, with suppressed and quiet rage. " His fate shall be decided... at a later date, " he proclaimed simply, before he sharly turned away, with Miru in his arms, to carry him out of that dark secluded place where he suffered.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"By vessel you mean this body, right?" Svarik wanted to assure. "It never occured to me, bug yes... it would work. Someone who can jump through layers like Eros could take it to Janus in an instant, even if it would be just an empty vessel there. Then Janus can carve the runes while we work here, and save us skme time. And Alpha is here too, if you have some task that he coild help with. I'm not sure if you know him, he's a star and a wondruous tailor who can sew anything. Cloak from clouds, hat from sunset, things like that. I suspect he might be already getting bored, too."


Senecio knew that in the Beast King's palace, someone could be listening anywhere, so he didn't speak anymore. Sore and exhausted, Sein Miru just leant at the king and let himself be carried in the comfortable safety of the cloak and his embrace until they were away from prying eyes in the privacy of king's chambers.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh, I felt the presence of a Star downstairs and heard some overenthusiastic dramatic whimsy going around. But I don't know him. Alpha, you say, and a tailor? Well, well, perhaps I can rope him in to do my bidding if I can frame it in an interesting way to win my favour, yes. Whether it's to adjust some clothes so Simbel won't be troubled with having any good upper garments to have holes for wings, or perhaps getting him to add some final visual touches to the wings, with some cool fun starry glitter? Yes, I can work with this. Oh, or even better, not flying, since he feels too scary and powerful not to break the space continuum if he tries to pour power into flight - but does he have a form with wings and feathers? If I could bargain to get some feathers from him, too, I could make even more powerful wings, " Ben stood up, springing to his feet energetically to get down to business, waving his hand and raising his fist high in the air, in triumph. " I was originally, by Riversong's instinct, going to gather up loads of feathers of small birds from around the city, and use it as foundation material to build larger sturdier pretty feathers, but it's hard painstaking work that would take most of the time. That's too inefficient, predictable way, for Riversong who always worked alone and tried to do everything by himself... But what if I have better starting materials than I counted on originally? I was planning to get those freeloading chill bastard Sun Spirits to see how much wing feathers I can get from them for foundation, since feathers grow back like nails, anyway, but if we add some feathers directly from Powerful Star, too, it will be even better! "
" You... aren't going to... pressure sun spirits and our guest, right? " Simbel's face paled up a little, as he was taken aback and a little worried, about how casually Ben spoke of it. " Any Spirits are usually sensitive about such things, I don't want to be rude to them, in case they feel uncomfortable.. "
" You worry too much. If we don't ask them, we won't know if they'll mind, and I don't care about sounding a little rude, and, besides, you don't have to worry about anything. Just focus on taking out the bones, and leave materials and bored Miser Star to me, " Ben replied, indeed, sounding much more free and thriving, although quite manic and without any hesitation or sense of propriety - indeed, the way he was carrying himself confidently seemed fit for someone who grew up in chaotic times of the Underground. " Don't worry, I'll not threaten them one bit! There's no way Riversong's powers won't be able to cough out something of use to them, and if not, I am left with quite a sizeable fortune, so there's no way throwing money to help the issue to get them something nice from the human world won't tip the scales, more. And, what if I give them an extra neat future immortality coupon for a person of their choosing? What are they going to do, say no? There's no Being that likes humans, that would say no to a chance to make a human they grow attached to immortal. I have a great bias in my favour when it comes to negotiations with Beings that love to live among humans, so just wait...  While you get the bones,  I'm going to get loads of the best quality foundation feathers, for the coolest easiest flight, and I am then going to up the quality a hundred times! You are going to have wings so great even Stars will be jealous! " he laughed freely and brightly, more sounding like an evil laugh than charming one would expect from Being tied to life, and despite the words he said sounded like he was going to make reasonable deals, the tone really made it sound like he was plotting some dramatic evil deed, like unhinged creature from a fairytale.


Since they did not exactly mark what king's chambers officially were, Tide was unsure for a moment, if should he bring him to one of his own rooms, or in his own - but since the actor was just starting to get used to having his own place here and not feeling like a guest, in the end, that's what he chose. He brought the actor to his room, one they slept in yesterday, closing the door behind them. Only then, did Beast King slowly lower the bundle with Sein Miru in it on the bed, sitting him down carefully, trying not to stir him too much, as he did not know how much pain he was in.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smirked with Ben's enthusiasm. "Alright then," he said, "let's get our job done too. "You've already sent for Ciel, right? Do you know where Eros is? He can take your vessel to Janus, if you don'tmind being without it for a while. Do you?"


Senecio didn’t really mind where they went, as long as it was private. He felt drained by the intense game, and too sore to move, not yet ready for the talk that Sein Miru and the Beast King needed to have in order to progress their relationship. He needed some time to rest and something to dull the pain that was now getting unpleasant instead of thrilling. He just repeated: "You came..." with relief mixed with disbelief, now that they could talk freely.

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, I already sent for Ciel, one of Sun Spirits is going to get him in a few minutes. As for Mister Eros, he is currently in the common room in the mansion, helping two administrators with some paperwork he was to deliver for Birdie. When he visits briefly carrying Birdie's letters, he often lingers around here and there at random places in mansion, wherever whatever future lines he follows lead him, " Simbel said more quietly, appearing thoughtful, but also determined, as, despite a little tense, he wanted to match their enthusiasm with effort from him, too. " And honestly... it's strange, how easy it is... to get used to good things. It will be first time without vessel... but yes. It will be limiting, but I can hold on for a little while. I... did not even get idea, that Eros could carry it... but yes, it is technically... not me, but a dead, souless body, so... I guess there's no reason Eros could not carry it. I can make do without it for a while, don't worry, " he reassured them ardently. " Just.. would it be possible, to not... hang it right away? Wouldn't... it be better, to make foundation for wings first, so... so he could carve runes on wings as well? If we wait until that is done, would I be able to have at least an hour or two, while you guys get materials and bones? he asked, more shyly, as he revealed his thoughts. " I... know it sounds silly... but... let's say that I... am giving your effort... the benefit of the doubt. That... I believe you, that this thing could work. In worst case, it won't work... but in best case... wont it mean that... if I could go to the sea... tomorrow that... that I would... meet him, for the first time? " creature spoke, so very thinly, of such distant, long forgotten dream he once had, of meeting the Elder God that was helping him so much when times were tough and food was scarce. " It... feels wrong to meet him empty handed... especially if... if runes turn out to work. Baking bread before we help him would be of no use, and I can't do much about Demon health yet, as it's something I am yet to research... but.... I was thinking. I can't give him body parts, because vampires body parts turn to dust soon after cut, but... when I made scarf for Erdel by weaving my pain into it by burning hands in my water, from technique I learned from little Nammy, I could make a scarf that sooths his unrest. Perhaps he can't eat it, since it's not a nail or body part... but shouldn't it be soothing, if I make him a little something with pain and water woven into it? Does it... sound like something he could like? " he asked quietly and hopefully. " It... feels wrong, to meet with no gift at all. If you can think of a better gift, I am open to ideas. But if you think my ideas is good... I learned to knit very fast by now, but still, I would need at least two hours, to make something worth having. Scarf could be good, but to tailor it for his problem of sensitivity to touch... what do you say about perhaps knitting him black gloves? I was thinking of asking Mister Alpha if he can conjure me some magical yarn which texture Janus would enjoy and which could be thin enough not to be uncomfortable in warm sea weather, so I could knit gloves for him that would feel calming, and help with his anxiety of being surrounded by humans all around. Do... do you think it would be a good present? I, I can knit really good now, and I am getting very skilled, in embedding pain and my essence into knitted things. I can do it in two hours for sure... We can still time manage it well. You guys can be sorting out bones and materials, while I knit... I mean, if you don't think some other gift is better... "


Tall Beast King knelt on the floor in front of him, so they could talk at eye level. For a moment, he was quiet, watching him up and down even though he was covered up in a cloak as if trying to assert his state a little better, before he slowly opened his eyes.
" Why... do you sound so surprised? Did you not call me right away... because you thought I would not come? " before anything else, he could not help but ask quietly, with a hint of sadness, though a rather suppressed, stoic one - it seemed he tried his best, to phrase it as a question to understand the unexpected situation he was faced with, not an accusation. " Is there anything I did or say... that gave you the impression... that I would prefer less of a hassle more than less of your distress? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I think gloves would be a great gift. He doesn’t like touching people, but with glowes, he would be able to touch his kids, hopefully. But if it only takes two hours, you don't have to knit it now. You could knit it on the way there. We will travel in the bag, since we can't do the trick with Eros like you."


"You were in a battle..." Sein Miru said faintly, not yet ready to tell the king everything that happened and his fault in it. "I thought I could get away on my own, without distracting you. I couldn’t."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh... Won't I... try travelling in the bag, too? I mean... I guess, if I will have less than a day in best case at first, and you wish to invite me to a Ball, I guess it makes sense that I come at a later date... "
" No, no, we do want you to come with us, we just meant that... wouldn't it be much nicer if you didn't have to waste hours you have in travel, and just appear when we arrive there, too? You have no soul to be damaged, so, if runes work and you charge your energy into it, Eros who can carry your body can just transport it with you in it as well. You can just get to the sea instantly, as long as Eros pushes you around, isn't that great? "
" Oh... " Simbel seemed to have no energy left to be surprised, running fingers through his hair. " Huh... I.. I guess... It is not that big jump, to think Eros can carry the empty vessel, to conclude he can... carry it with me in it. I... guess I have no... soul to be hurt by the jump through layers, so... so... it should work, right? he laughed a little weakly, as his pupils shook as revelation sank in. " Will... will I even have time limit, like that? If.. If Eros can just... take me and toss me like a ball, from one side of country to the other... if the runes are able to work on long distance? Doesn't that mean... if you ever need me to be somewhere... Eros can just... hurl my vessel and throw me in from of you, clothes, sword and all, with the same ease he chugs thick books for Conrad back and forth from the sea? I can just... come to you if you're in trouble, even if we don't go somewhere together from the start. Wow... " he shook his head blankly. " I... I guess personifications are really something else, even compared to Stars. How scary... I must definitely not get in his bad books... "
" Don't worry, " Ben reassured him decisively. " You don't have to worry about such things. Technically, even Death can carry you, if Eros isn't available, it's just that since he's ill now, that guy Eros is a better choice. But if Eros ever refuses, " he grasped hand in a fist, looking quite young and childish, although a bit scary in his enthusiasm. " I'll make that depressed bastard carry you, so there's nothing to worry about. As long as I extend your time to a day, and Eros returns the body here to the pond to recharge it with your energy, no matter how long trip we happen to take, won't it merely feel like you're taking a short brake away from us while we sleep? You will never be limited, to just having a day somewhere nice before having to struggle without a vessel until we return it to the capital. You'd get it back instantly, and be able to return to us instantly after you recharge. Don't, don't worry... We.. I have lot of money now, so I'll definitely make sure that Eros guy is overpaid, and never gets tired, of carrying you around, everywhere you want to go... "
Despite dazzled with yet another new insane revelation, Simbel could not help but chuckle weakly, at how casually Ben was plotting to exploit yet another person for his benefit, and tears gathered up in the corners of his eyes, but he managed to keep his expression straight and not cry, because promised them that he'll keep it together and give their idea a try, so he did not want to get emotional and distract them when there was so much to be done.


Beast King looked him in the eyes, clenching his hands in fists, as if trying to fight off a wave of anger - but then, he released them, and sighed.
" Sein Miru... It is flattering, that you think me omnipotent... but surely, if you think it through objectively... even someone who thinks as highly of my abilities as you must realize that I am not able to get from the battlefield to the random palace corridor in a matter of heartbeat? You presumed I was on the battlefield, as I was supposed to be until the morning light... yet still, you waited to call me when you were but a moment away from death? You presumed me so far away, and still, you gave me so little time? " he asked quietly and carefully as if trying to fill in that glaring loophole of suspiciously quick rescue, so it would not seem like Beast King waited to be called before he saved him on purpose, even if he was near. " Do you not understand, how precarious your situation would be if I was not already on my way when you finally called out to me? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I thought that you could travel with us in the bag and knit there, taking some of your water with you. But this way works too," Svarik said. "There really are many exciting possibilities, it'đ hard to even think of them all."


"I didn't want to distract when I thought I could get out myself... didn't want to to get hurt if you're just fighting..." Sein Miru said, and then sighed resignedly, and suddenly, everything was coming out as if he wanted the king to not have illusions about him, wanted him to know everything and punish him as he deems fit and decide if he wants to keep him or not. "I'm sorry... it's not the whole truth," he said, trying to sit up. "I didn't want you to know that I disobeyed you. I didn't stay in your rooms. You've been away for a long time, and I had nothing to do, and wanted to go out, just for a moment. I... I did it several times. It was the servants' corridor, I never met anyone there... until now. He caught me, and thought I'm betraying you again, and I tried to convince him that I'm not and give him another reason why I'm there, and... and..." he hid his face in his palms, unable to speak about what happened, seeing it as really betraying the king.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh... yes... whether I come with you, through bag, or... through Eros directly. Both... sound equally wonderful. If.. if I have more time, perhaps I could knit different types of gloves, with different textures, so he can choose through his favourites. Whether I do it here, or together with you, on little interdimensional trip... it's so wonderful, to be torn between two good futures, instead of any bad ones, " Simbel rubbed his eyes, trying to steady his hoarse voice, as he stood up. " I... am sorry. I am such a crybaby, aren't I? " he whispered shyly, as if apologizing. " There... is just so much of everything, on pile. There's so much new, that I never experienced as White, and I have.. no guidelines, how to respond. Being... Being Simbel is scary and so new, but... " his gaze was sentimental and soft, as he watched gratefully and shakily, two man that were willing to go that far from him, that determinedly. " It's wonderful... Whether we succeed or not. It's so wonderful, to have you all on my side... "


Silence lingered but for a moment, as if in hesitation, before he felt the slightest touch upon his shoulder, as if someone carefully put a hand there, to try to draw his attention - not the more injured shoulder General was biting, but the opposing one. Then he heard so very quiet voice.
" Sein Miru... When someone calls for a Beast... Beasts can feel it, if they are close enough. But likewise... if someone thinks very intently and desperately of them... sometimes, they can pick up on it. While I was at a battlefield, I got a hollow, foreboding feeling I could not quite place. I was sure I was paranoid... And yet... I could not find peace. It must be that some of my retainers got in the fight and felt wronged, so they happen to be thinking more intently of me, I thought. Surely... Sein Miru must be sleeping soundly by now, so it can't be him. But the feeling was too urgent and restless, so I decided to call a ceasefire for tonight, to check on you. I came here, to my chambers... but you weren't there. I felt so very intently, someone thinking of me, and I wished ardently that it was not you... But you were not here, " the voice spoke, ever quietly, tensely, but patiently - as if trying to explain the situation to him. " The feeling was close by... but all I knew was that it was within the palace. Hoping to get to you was like hoping to find a needle in a haystack, with only so little to go by. So I searched and searched endlesly, screening every nook and cranny, and every shaded corridor, looking for you... I could only come in time to your call... Because you thought so intently of meto comfort yourself, and because you bought me enough time, before you called me, so, " a large hand upon his uninjured shoulder patted him very lightly, as hoarse voice continued, as if trying to twist and turn the harsh reality of the situation, into one where he can give him credit, not blame, as if backtracking on his previous demand for explanation. " Good job... Sein Miru. Your despair and patience saved you. You did well, enduring, until I got to you... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled. "So, which way we do it? Should we ask Eros to take your vessel to Janus now? It might be best to get that done first, and then you can knit while we're on the way there, whether you're with us im the bag or here and arrive with Eros when we do."


Sein Miru shook his head, turning his face away to hide his tears. "No... No, I didn’t. I offered him my body to get away. I betrayed you.  I only called to you when I saw it wouldn’t work and he was going to either kill or maim me anyway. I betrayed you twice, not obeying your order to stay in the room and then taking him a lover to get out of it without you knowing. I betrayed you... I'm sorry. I'm Nothing..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

This post was updated on .
" Then I guess I can... take on the task of... taking the body to Eros, for... such express delivery... I... hope Janus would be okay with it... " Simbel chuckled, just a little nervously, at the absurdity of the situation. " Ciel has just arrived, so... I guess you can focus on the bones... "
" I'll go do my part, too, " Ben agreed, " Would it be alright if I go meet Alpha before continuing to gather more feathers and materials? I was thinking of roping him in first and having him follow me to entertain him, as he's going to have to go around meet Sun Spirits, so they aren't tense with his scary overwhelming presence, and it would be good if that Eldrich horror of a Star has someone Beings around know when having a first introduction, so we don't get needless fighting and end up rude to our another future fast transport bag delivery buddy, don't you think? While I do not see myself as Riversong, Sun Spirits perceive me as such, with my soul and all, so I should be able to reassure them the chilling guy is actually chill and perfectly safe to leave to hop around whimsically, so some unfortunate bad encounter does not happen. What do you think? "


Tide knew he could not use soft, comforting words as he could, for Beast King was calloused, lonely, and with no one to talk too much to learn warmth and reassurance from. So, he chose his words so very slowly and carefully, one by one, as Beast King, unused to comfort, would, not moving his hand away, from the wounded man's shoulder.
" You... are not Nothing. You are Sein Miru. Did you not ask for me to name you yourself, here, in this very room? Do you deny so easily, the name I have given you? " a hoarse voice spoke, lightly patting his shoulder with but tips of his fingers, hesitant to do more, using stoic restrained gestures and words fit for someone unused to this situation. " Sein Miru... The day we met, did you clearly not say, that you'd do anything to release my frustrations if I were to take you in as my consort? Yet, why do you contribute instead, to my hardships? Did you not hear my words? If I said you did a good job, it means you did a good job. Or do you wish to challenge me? Does your word weigh the more than words of your king? " he paused, before adding more melancholically. " Let us take a look at your charges... You let him take you. You have no claws, strength, or sharp teeth... what could you use to defend yourself, but your body? Rather, the one who was shortsighted is me... I should have assigned someone to guard you, but... I could not feel like I could entrust anyone, with the truth of where things stand, so I did not want to appoint someone to you that might mistreat you in my absence. Let's examine your other crime. You left your room against my orders. Yes... I can not say it does not sting... but what right do I have, to get angry at that transgression? The situation is dire, and I tried to keep you as safe as possible... but it is true that I failed to provide you with any enrichment to soothe you. I wanted.. to hire a companion to make you laugh, but I could not trust anyone I thought of. I considered bringing you books, but... it would look if Beast King was slacking off reading in the middle of War, and I could not bring books for you alone, least others begin suspecting you are not actually just at my side to be punished. Any bird would struggle against such a gilded golden cage. I.. am sorry, " the voice paused before it asked quietly. " Poor unfortunate Sein Miru... it is so sad, that you fell into my sight. Any mistress of a high-ranking official would be in a better position and have a more rich life, than you, who beds the vile Beast King. I failed to provide any joy, to distract you enough, to endure the loneliness here... what right do I have, to be angry, that you could not bear to stay in one place? For both your loyalty and favour in catching the real traitor, I returned your good with ill, so don'y you think those two crimes you agonize so much over are the fault of my own? Do you not blame me, Sein Miru? For I find myself perfectly justified, blaming myself for it, you see...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"It seems that all of us have a clear task," Svarik said. "So I'm going to the pond to fish out some bones. Should we bring them here when we are done?"


"No," Sein Miru shook his head at the absurdity of it. "Of course I don't blame you. It's not your task to provide me with entertainment, you are the king. I should be here to serve you, not to cause you worries. I'm sorry..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Hm... This room is quite small, and the wings are large, bigger space to work would be better, besides, I will have to give enough space to Alphas and Eros, since I'm roping them in to help me work easier and make wings cooler and more powerful. I am going to go all in and pour all that I can out of Personification and a Star. Would you like to watch and take part too, for the sake of doing a better job, or if you feel like it, so you can keep it as a memory? Immortals... usually make sure to make such things into good memories, so I would not mind if it was more of a picnic thing than a dramatic surprise thing, " Ben said thoughtfully. " I heard sir Falcon got the power to warm things while you got the power to cool them, so he can help dry you and Ciel up and you can chill and help me sort out the prettiest feathers, if you two want to remember that you took part in it - or instead, while I, Alpha and Eros work, you can discuss with Alpha as we make wings about what clothes cut would look nicest to adjust so Simbel has clothes with wing holes. Melody and that girl Lipka that you brought could join it too, if they feel like, but it's not mandatory, of course. Just trying to make sure I'm inclusive and don't hoard a group project all for me, as Riverong would if others happen to want to join, " Ben smiled faintly. " No pressure though, of course, if you have other things to do in mind. We can't let anyone see us making wings though, since we'll claim the wing mysteriously growing on Tarmagil's body is Bull's blessing and all. Hmm... Falcon's mansion is still the most populated place, there are eyes everywhere, but your new mansion is still relatively empty, some parts of it still being renovated from the inside, " he coughed. " How about we pick some large room that still has no furniture in it, so there's plenty of space on the floor to spread out all the materials, and just pick some pillows to sit on while we work? Again, you don't have to take part if you have other things you want to do or other kingly stuff... as long as you make sure you don't miss even a single wing bone, so we don't have to dive twice, it will be a huge help... "


" Is sorry the only thing you know how to say? Is our division of labour the only thing you aspire to keep? Is reward and punishment truly... all your heart can ever recognize? " Sein Miru could hear voice grow more weary and distant, suddenly feeling many miles away. Yet still, he felt the hand that was on his shoulder did not withdraw, even though it stopped patting him, and grasped him more firmly instead, as if holding onto straws. " Alright.... let me speak in your language, then. Let us speak of punishments, first. If you wish to call what happened adultery, if I say I'd forgive you, would you be relieved? If I called your sneaking away from our chambers betrayal, and tell you to repent by never going outside on your own again unless someone you think trustworthy is following you, will you calm down, knowing you're paying due penance? Or, if you feel guilty for sleeping with someone else, if I tell you that having to suffer through those injuries and self-doubts is self-imposed punishment enough, will you heed the words of your king, or will you defy me still, taking light of my words? " distant voice bid him quietly. " Will you keep looking down on my punishments, claiming they are too mild? Would you truly not feel severely hurt and let down, disappointed with your lack of good judgment, " he said unusually sternly. " If a person you choose as your partner saw you like this, in a state I am seeing you and imposed anything but the lightest scolding? If I dared belittle the suffering I am seeing with my own eyes, you'd have every right to gouge those faulty eyes out, curse me away and demand to never see me again. Or do you prefer a rough, cruel, senseless person to bed you, one blind to your suffering? Will you only agree with me tonight, if I feign blindness and tell you it is all your fault? Will you only feel my words and actions make sense, if I scream at you and beat you? Is that really the only way out of this that makes sense to you? "
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