Re: Svarik and the company II

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Re: Svarik and the company II

Svarik nodded, understanding how she felt. "It is yours, so you can give it to whom you like. But after you give it to him, it is his and he can also return it to you, if he feels it is not needed. Maybe it would work, giving him the alternatives - your apple or Tide's help. I think he would first accept Tide to do what he can for him before accepting your apple."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

Erdel nodded quietly and sadly. He seemed shaken and miserable about Melody refusing him, as he really wanted to give her this treat, but while glomy and sad, he accepted that she could not decide otherwise eith her beloved former king in danger, and when she hugged him vulnerably, he embraced her back, with tears in his eyes.
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"If Death needs that second apple, then we will come back here after he is healed and ask if we could get for one apple for you," Svarik promised.
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" Hm... It's a bit more touchy thing. It's not little thing to ask, I mean, for golden apples of immortality, as you must assume. " Tide shifted from his legs a little uncomfortably. " Doubt you'd get any, if I die... But if I live, I'll see what I can do. It's a really big *no-no* question normally, as those apples are connected in life force to Hesperides, my friend's and his wife's children, and they protect each single one fiercely. They have never given away three apples like this, even that in unprecedented. It is great generosity, specially since they hate and frown upon Death for starting war. Give it few years of rest, please - and then, I'll see if I can maybe coax one more apple for you, but I can guarantee nothing, I fear. You are a sweet little Spirit, though, and your kind heart should not go unrewarded... " he smiled sadly at poor little good creature. " Give me few years when it would be more proper to request anew, and I'll see if I can do something for you. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"The decision is theirs, I would just ask humbly, to consider it whenever it suits them. But I need to ask for Melody," Svarik said. 
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" We will see how to cross that bridge when we get to it. " Tide smiled gently at him, seeming pleased to see the healthy concern and care for little Melody. " For now, let's focus on Death.... Is there anything more you wish to ask me of this? That could help? "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I can't think of anything more now," Svarik shook his head. "I will ask you if I think of something later, before we leave."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" In that case, there is one thing I wanted to shortly advise you on, actually, before I leave, if I may. " Tide said simply and humbly, with apparent care. " Erdel showed me, that glowing little emerald fruit that Cernunnos had given to you. I had been thinking what would be best, to advise you, on how to eat it. " he admitted. " We are friends now, and I hope it is beyond point - that you know that you only need to ask for me to lead you to Heart of the Sea, to have me lead you there. That being said, that is my point. I think that you should safe that fruit for yourself, please, and to eat it when you feel ready, next time I lead you to the Sea Heart. " he suggested pleadingly, as if little tense that king might want to instead do as Melody, and share it further. " I know you are a gentle, passionate soul - but that soul precisely, needs help and care still. I want you to grow. If you wish to grow strong and be able to grow into a person that can help others and that others can look up to, hear me out, and do this, as I instructed you - it will be best for you. I only ever would advise you, as a friend. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I did not think I needed it," Svarik admitted. "Ben... Riversong has amended everything that was wrong with my body and even made it stronger. I thought that someone else might have bigger need of it."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

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" You know it's, like, a spiritual plant? One literally grown from saturated sugary life force and all positive and pleasant feelings of joy and love a demon can master... And you deem it's just for fixing a body?" creature raised its eyebrows, as it added slowly. " No.. Silly. He must have felt you were not alright, spiritually. He gave it to you for your soul, not your body. I know, this kind of tree demons - rare they are nowadays as they suffered great losses in numbers during wars, but their fruits are rare and exquisite, and can only grow when they're healthy, and you have a fruit of demon that used to be quite powerful one. I know how it'll work. Didn't your little fennec fox receive one fruit of him? After she ate, as you noticed, she feel into a deep slumber and slept for a long while, but upon waking, she was much calmer and tame, wasn't she? Eat the fruit, at the Sea Heart, when you are ready, please. It will throw you into a dead like sleep, on the outside, but on the inside, you'll feel your soul flowing free from weight of your material body, in pleasure and content and in ecstasy. When you finally wake up, you'll wake up with tears of joy on your face, pleasure in your body, and complete relaxation of the soul. That's why Cernunnos wished to give you the plant, I believe. To give you that. He must have seen how scorched and dry your essence was. " Tide noted. " I think he hoped that, with nourishment the fruit he grew in his joy can give you, your soul may flourish and get a bit more green, or perhaps even bloom again, even if a little bit. You should do this, for yourself and for sake of his love for your. If demon gave you a precious gift like that, it was for a reason, and his reasons should be respected. He gave one to you, one to your fox that bears kits, and one to your friend Riversong. That is what he intended, and it should be respected. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"Melody would also respect Erdel's wish if the situation with Death wouldn't be so dire," Svarik sighed. "I would like to respect it, but if the world is at stake, wouldn't it be better to give it to Death?"
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" No. This one is yours. This situation is different, though. Don't you see what I see?" Tide smiled innocently. " Well... Cernunnos does have little fruit left, but he still has more fruit. It would be very rude, to use fruit he had given you, to feed his greatest enemy, one guilty of his current state, against his will. But.. I don't know... " he shrugged. " It is something that would come more useful to Death later on, when his soul is better. And at that point of time, when he gets better... If Death turns out to need Cerunnoss's fruit, well, he should made deal for it with Cernunnos himself, shouldn't he? That is only fair. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I'm not sure... he could make a deal with him... or he could kill him. And the same is true with the apple..." Svarik murmured uncertainly. 
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" Just trust me this once, alright, little one? " Tide asked softly. " We wouldn't tell him of Cernunnos, of course, unless Cernunnos's fruit is able to help safe his life. And we certainly won't tell him of Cernunnos, right away. You need to wait for the right moment, and right moment would be, I deem, when he'd learn to trust me well enough, that when I bring up Cernunnos, he would agree to spare him and hear me out when I bid him to. If he agrees to spare me, objectively an abomination as I am, certainly war criminal by many standards - then he has to spare Cernunnos. If he kills me as a first call, though, well... Then it would mean Cernunnos never had a chance, so it would never matter. If Death still will persist on killing a demon, even when said demon lives in rundown castle in middle of nowhere, is barely alive, and each night fight with shadows of decay to keep them from running rogue, then, by all means, fruit or no fruit will not change an opinion. If you would give Death Cernunnos's fruit right away, it would probably even be a cause for his demise. Death would know who it's for, and he'd naturally seek to kill him... My hope is one, though, for Cernunnos - that Riversong seemed to have known him, as demon seemed generous enough, to give you one fruit for Riversong. My hope is that Death may not kill Cernunnos, because he wouldn't want to hurt Riversong's feelings. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I will trust you," Svarik nodded slowly after a moment. "The day before we leave I will play for the Sea Deity again, and then we can go to the Sea Heart.
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" You are a lovely human being... " critter whispered, seeming pleased, with his trust, as if finding it something precious and valuable. " Like... cotton candy. "
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Re: Svarik and the company II

Svarik chuckled. "Thanks. Cotton candy is very nice."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

Tide chuckled as well.
" I just love cotton candy! " He proclaimed softly. " There is a shop that sells pretty nice one, at the market. I can eat tons of it, which is awesome for me and annoying for the walet, ha!  I can show it to you, so we can get a tasty colorful treat, as sweet and sugary as you are! "
" Do you really like it that much?" It was Jake that voiced himself quietly and little hesitantly, glancing between king and demon." Kids of lord I work with love it very much, so I learned to make it quite well. If you could find proper equipement and ingreedients I could mix up for all of you as much as you would like. It is not hard, and I like to mix up different colors, too."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I don't think I have ever eaten it, actually, I just saw it a few times, and it looked so fluffy..." Svarik chuckled. "Do you know where we can get what Jake needs to make it, Tide?"
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" There is some machinery needed, but if you really know to make it, then I would be happy to get you the needd equipement." Tide's face beamed with joy as he unexpectedly seemed to find something to enjoy, lke a man that remember something half forgotten but pleasant." I'd love you to make it to us. It's so soft, fluffy and colorful! It makes me happy. "
" Okay, well, if it makes you hsppy, I'll make it often. It's not hard for me...* cook smiled a little faintly, Tide's excitement being as contagious as ever.
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"Where can you get such equipment?" Svarik asked. "I saw shops selling cotton candy, but never shops selling equipment to make it..."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" Just like ovens come from somewhere, did it not occur to you that those machines have same origin as well?" Tide bid, bemused." There are specialized blacksmith and craft shops. Do not worry. I shall go bid it from Hans, right away, and he is a sneaky fox that can get you anything. He will figure out something by the morning, I am sure."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"Good, it will be fun to watch Jake making it and taste it," Svarik smiled.
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Re: Svarik and the company II

" I shall go to speak of it with Hans imediatelly, then, so we can be sure to have everything Jake needs by the morning." Tide proclaimed, standing up, and then blushed." If you agree, and have no further things to speak of, of course."
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Re: Svarik and the company II

"I can't think of anything else right now," Svarik said. "Thank you for coming and having dinner with us, it was nice."
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