Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Xia waddled behind then shyly, with a timid and frail, but palpable joy, as she watched in anticipation while Hans was paying for the toys. She seemed rather brightened up as he did so, growing less wary and self-conscious, as it seemed the softness of the toy comforted her and replenished her courage, and her fur fluffed up with excitement as she carried it, looking much like one of the soft toy.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"What else do we need?" Senecio asked, holding his big fluffy octopus. "A nice carpet and curtains? Blankets with pretty patterns?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Do you mean for Xia or yourself? Technically, you probably both need all of those things, you are long overdue to get some more personalized things," Hans grinned, looking how Senecio held the giant octopus with clear pleasure. " Let's go see carpet show first, then curtains, then some nice blankets, and then anything you may like. Perhaps some nice hairbrushes, one for your hair, one for Xia's fur? Some nice jars to hold cookies or sweets on a shelf? You both ought to have something sweet by your hand's reach when you feel like it... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio was already getting a bit bored and tired with all the shopping, but getting things for Xia in addition to docorations for his room and for Janus and the boys made it fun again and they browsed several shops and got a lot of things.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

The others were also carried by the pleasant atmosphere, and they bought a whole lot of things that Alpha stored for transport. Since they were so casual about it, despite being worried about spending someone else's money before, Xia relaxed a little, and accepted some more things, like cute fluffy white carpet with pink flowers, and matching curtains, as well as some decorations for the shelves. She was even more excited that she had a chance to help out with picking things for Janus's and children's place, as she seemed to empathize with them, and she helped them vibrantly, oozing with helpfulness.

Finally, after they bought a whole lot of things and couldn't think of anything else, Hans was the first to break, leaning on Alpha dramatically.
" Okay, I think I am dying at this point," he said convincingly." I think we did about a month's quantity of shopping in a day... How about calling it a day and doing something else? I feel like I need to reward us for a job well done, but we were sort of buying ourselves rewards all this time, so my mind is blank..."
" Do you want to fly for a bit?" Xia whistled softly." Flying is good for clearing blank mind... Xia can fly you quickly anywhere for free, she flew around a lot in last days, the coast is really pretty!" She seemed hopeful for a chance to return them for things they bought for her." Mister Senecio said flying is rare for him, Xia remembered! "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Maybe we could fly home taking a longer scenic route," Senecio said. "I'd like to return there already, but I'd also like to fly."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Xia knows good air route around, one where you fly around a circle, over islands, and then circle back over forest in north, to the city, " little Being explained energetically, wagging her fluffy tail." How long Mister Senecio wants to fly? Twenty minutes? Half an hour? An hour? Xia can time it to fly to your heart's content!"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"How long would it take to circle over the islands?" Senecio asked.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" There are a lot of islands. Depends on how many we circle around. Sage taught Xia various strings of islands to follow through the air so she doesn't get lost, " Little Being chipped in proudly, obviously pleased with gaining a little more knowledge that helped her get by. " There are a lot of groups of islands Xia flew Beings back and forth. So, it depends on how big a circle we are making. If we're just flying across closest islands, a bit less than twenty minutes. If we are making the biggest circle Xia knows of, then it's an hour, but when we do that one, you can't see the shore anymore, so it can be a little scary, so decide with care. We can also do anything in between too! Some of the secret islands Beings live in are quite cute from the air! There is one with bluish grass from above, and one has fuzzy white trees! Being islands are a bit farther, but they are the most fun to look at from above. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Could we look at those then?" Senecio asked. "I'm not afraid of not seeing the shore when I have Tide with me."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

( Ooc: sorry for not responding for a few days, just had a couple crazy busy days unexpectedly, hope I didn't worry you <3 )

Tide was flourishing with all the little side comments from Senecio, and his feelings of adoration and growing security in their bond were overflowing and beaming as he patted actor's shoulder.

" Yes, there is no safest place at sea than at my side," he confirmed proudly, with blinding waves of joy and loud sounds of purring.

" Oh, my, look at just how adorable you are," Alpha chuckled, not needing to sense overflowing feelings in same way as Senecio to find them precious." In order to stubbornly insist on not flying yet, I will not join you. Rather, I will stay here and gather a lot of tasty food for our little celebration of building purchase today. Come on, give me an extravagant list of whatever you want," he proclaimed to the group." And I will buy it all and bring it in my pocket dimension when you summon this unhumble demon star back to the city."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"It's for the party with kids, so something healthy, something sweet, something really caloric..." Senecio smiled. "Then there has to be something really colorful, something black and white..." he continued making up more and more specific instructions just for fun, "something that fizzles when you put it into your mouth, something that makes a sound, something that melts... oh, and milkshakes."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Alpha listened to the requests brightly, clapping one pair of his hands, like always, inspired by unusual or silly demands that made things more fun.
" All others seem findable, but what about something that makes a sound? What kind of sound did you imagine? I am not sure there is a drink or food category that is considered particularly loud, but I can fiddle with that a little. Did you imagine a drink that has a foamy quality of waves and sounds like the sea? " Being inquired brightly, in a festive generous mood. " I can enchant some nice wine and juices teensy weensy bit to make then blue and foamy. Oh! And I totally have to make some nice apple and orange juice that glows in the dark and glimmers with summer sunlight!" he proclaimed enthusiastically. " That cute rascal Svarik is going to love it so much! Oh, and yes, I definitely also have to find some nice star-shaped cookies and enchant them to glow for that scary kid Conrad! Matching things is crucial! "
" Don't you usually dislike enchanting trivial things like food? Who are you and what have you done with my easily bored future boyfriend? " Hans teased, and Alpha unexpectedly blushed a little as Spirit leaned close to him, coughing to hide flustered state.
" Come on, don't make me look stingy in front of my adorable future kid, " he replied, crossing one pair of his arms in a pouting innocent manner. " It's just normally terribly boring to enchant things that will perish in a matter of seconds. It's too short to be fun enough to be worth it. But this is a special occasion. First, we finally succeeded in tricking Janus into getting a normal house after scavenging for centuries, and it's his first time not living alone, it's huge progress! Second, we absolutely must give those cute lovebirds the best memories while they are far from the tight spying ropes of the capital, sugar!" Being spoke fervently, waving his arm around with high spirit, speaking with a passion close to one of a cat lover would show when speaking of the cutest fluffiest kitten in the world. " Things are going so well, but still, you must absolutely fraudulently help me get along with those cute kids and raise their happiness stats, against all odds, okay? This may be my one and only change for making a lavish quadruple wedding! Eyes on the prize, my sweets! "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I was rather thinking about thse lollipops they make in the shape of a whistle, but don’t let that stop you from enchanting the sound of the sea into a drink," Senecio smirked. "Okay, see you later then..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I'll get you a handful of colourful lollipops in the shape of a whistle in exchange for having a blast with me annoying Hans tonight before we eat them, sugar, " Alpha winked, and disappeared into the air with a playful gust of wind, ready to go on an errand.
While he did so, Xia, making sure no one suspicious is watching, transformed into the big fluffy form again. Once her passengers climbed back up, she rose high in the air, before turning toward the sea, flying into the distance that was vibrant and blue and breathtaking from such heights.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio leant forward, observing all the interesting sights from above.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

It was indeed a whole different way to observe the world, and Xia seemed really thankful for the toy they bought her, so she gave it her all to repay them with a splendid flight because they told her before that flying is a rare treat for her them. It seemed Sage taught her well ever since she parted from Death, to help with her insecurities about a world that seemed too frighteningly wide to a little child. Space around the seacoast was particularly full of little bends and gaps in space due to the closeness of the Sea heart, where deeper layers overlapped with the first layer, and there seemed to be places they could only if Xia steered her flight in particular directions, passing through air currents she memorized before.

Tide definitely loved the calm exploration, as, while he often jumped and glided around to travel the vast sea, the flight was much more stable and he could enjoy the sights without doing anything himself. Hans, on the other hand, while not seeing such views often, seemed a little wearier by now since it was already late in the afternoon, and instead, he seemed to much more enjoy the fact he could steal the chance to be clingy to Senecio after he worried so greatly about him when he died. He spent their flight sleepily hugging him from behind and resting his head against the actor's back, finding consolation in that indulgent choice.

As for the actor who never flew before today though, it was hard to resist the temptations of beautiful views. Besides some lovely human-inhabited islands, there were a lot of, as Xia said, hidden islands where Beings lived in secrets, hard to find unless you know very specific steps to access them. There was an island with bluish shiny grass that sparkled in the wind, and an island with soft white trees that made it seem fluffy like it was full of clouds, just like Xia promised. They also saw the island where Senecio and Tide began dating that first night, where old turtle Demon lived, as well as catching a glimpse of the island that was home to Spirit Malachite, from the air looking like a lush forest full of big plants. There were also islands with huge red mushrooms big enough to be made into little houses, where a little Nymph tribe lived, and an island of a young reptile like Being living in a small inactive volcano. Xia did not know everything, but Tide explained about the places they flew above and of people who lived there heartily, glad to be able to indirectly introduce many critters he respected and cared for to the actor. Xia did not know many of the Beings personally yet, as there was not enough time, but she certainly had remembered many locations that seem curious and strange, and she was eager to show them to the peculiar group, with same earnestness a child would love to share the shiny rocks it found to adults.  
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(OOC  I'm sorry, nabble is very glitchy lately, I posted this 4 days aho and only now noticed it didn't go through)

Senecio watched with interest, but his attention started to wander as they were flying over longer stretches of the sea. "Can we get a moment of rest before organizing the party?" he asked after they landed in their city.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

( OOC: Don't worry, I thought you were just busy, but it's okay, it happens <3 I'm a bit worried, though, it wasn't glitching for me, I wonder what it is, should I maybe make a new thread in the forum, to see if the problems will persist? Maybe we made too many posts in a thread, I remember it slowing down for that reason sometimes in the past :)

Tide looked thoughtful.
" I was going to take some time today when I can to visit the fairies, to get some more balms, since you told me I can get it whenever I decide is right, " he said, with a mix of shyness and daringness, as he asserted Senecio's promise as if it were a common-sense fact. " Fairies are good at making all kinds of balms and potions, so I'm definitely going to order one more jar of healing balm, but you can tell me if you're curious of anything else I can get. Anyway, it seems a perfect chance. I could go visit them while you and Hans rest up a little. Hans is perceptive and attentive, and I know he'll look after you, as long as you're with him, I'd be at peace leaving you for a while..."

" Well, geese, when you put it like that, I sound pretty unreasonably reliable. Okay, I'll pretend I am falling for your flattery and keep my half of the suicide watch while you're gone, " Hans, who was still a little faint but seemed high in spirit, proclaimed, nonchalantly clapping his hands. " Just doing you a favour, got it? " he crossed his arms innocently as if he were pretending to be burdened, but the actor definitely felt the smugness and brimming protectiveness and pride in the gesture, as well as determination to look out for him well. " It's totally not because I have aspirations about monopolizing Senecio's time when he's away from you.  Ah, such a total bother of a task, but I guess I'll help you out this once to do your obligations with a peaceful mind. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(OOC: I'm used to replying by email and that's getting more glitchy lately, the site itself works fine)

Senecio was actually hoping to talk with Hans about the adoption, so he was content with the plan. "If you want to go to the fairies, Xia could drop you there before we head back to the city," he told Tide.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

( It is a strange issue, yes, I don't reply through the mail, just through the site, and don't have the glitching :( should we maybe make a new forum to continue the RP, since we've been using this one since 2017, so maybe there's an issue with the forum itself? I really don't know if it will help, but it doesn't hurt to try :) I won't have much free time until August so I can't do it right away, but I'll try making a backup of all text here when I find time, it was a plan to do it eventually anyway :)

" Oh, yes, when I'm on my own, I can travel really fast on the sea surface, but flying is much easier. Would it be alright, Xia? " Tide checked, and the creature nodded her head earnestly.
She left the demon on the fairy island and then flew Hans and Senecio back to the city. Since the two were rather active today, she seemed to have felt bad to let them tire more before the party, so when they landed in a mansion, she took on her large fox form, and she carried them up to the stairs, only letting them down in front of Senecio's room. Hans patted her on the head and thanked her, promising that later, when they call Alpha to the party, they'll have him give her the toy and things they bought for her to her room.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(I'll just try to remember to reply through the site)

Senecio sank into the bed with a sigh. "I wouldn’t believe it possible, but I'm actually tired of shopping," he murmured. "How many shops did we even go through? I lost count..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I have the bookmarked on the phone and computer, I tried with email but in the end it felt easier for me to go directly through the site. :)

" At some we stayed a bit, at others a while, but yeah, we did a number on our sanity this time... We did go through 42 shops," Hans replied, following Senecio's example as a permission, and lying down on the other side of the bed. He laid face down, and murmured into the pillow. " To be honest, I more feel exhausted by Tide's intense excitement at the fact he could go out with all of us, Alpha's cheerful flirtations, and not to even mention the sheer mental effort it took not to say bad words in front of that little fox kid," he smiled faintly." It's so damn hard not to casually curse... But I really don't want to have teaching a child to cuss to be one of my achievements. Definition of fun but secretly exhausting day, really...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That child," Senecio frowned, "needs a parent, not an employer. Who the hell just... creates a child as a present to someone? I like you, here, have a baby you didn’t want or expect..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Hm.. " Hans murmured in thought, moving his head a little, as he spoke. " Well... it's a little too late to avoid giving her a job. It's a pity, but it appears people she was around till now taught her importance of usefulness before teaching her importance of selfishness. I can't really blame her for wanting to be useful. I can't imagine myself doing anything different in her situation than trying to find something of value to do, " Spirit murmured, curling on the bed tiredly, as he continued. " But nonetheless... It's hard to comprehend the minds of some Beings. What if you were to meet a Being with little to no concept of parenthood, but who is able to create life with the snap of his fingers? If he sees you and thinks, wow, this is a pretty and cute critter who is nice to me, what should I get him - would you not think about giving him the most precious thing you can give? " he spoke quietly. " We are... not humans. If we have amazing talents, is it not natural that, when we feel the urge we give, we want to give the most precious thing we can give? I don't dare to claim what such insane existence as Riverong was thinking, but... I'm sure any Being would guess something along these lines. All Beings value equal exchange... but they also, deep down to their guts, value returning important kindnesses tenfolds. " Being shook its head quietly. " If he had given little Svarik something as preciously crafted as that kid, I'm sure he considered it the most precious gift he could give. Well, we know he wasn't in the right state of mind, but did he? If he were to know what we know, I'm sure he'd realize Svarik would much rather he had made him a giant pearl to sell for sweets. But can we really say he was in the wrong, even? What common human would not love a gentle giant fully loyal magical creature that can fly and defend him from harm with iron teeth? A creature made with a disposition to love and care for others? She really has bad luck, to have ended up loving the most the two people that are unfazed by her charms... "
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