Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel sobbed out loud, touched by Svarik's words, unable to refute him. The pond was growing increasingly warmer anew, under the weight of his stirred feelings. It seemed like he could not wait, to hug everyone, in the only way he knew how to thank them, but Svarik's turn was first, and there was such relief, in being able to hold him and show him love and affection fully, without fear of falling if he were to relax too much, or anxiety of awaking a bad memory with Tarmagil's body as his vessel. He brushed his hair and cheek, and he kissed his forehead gently, his gestures free and unrestrained and full of so much love that it was making his fingers tremble, but no loner falter - his new form seemed that fully rooted and stable, with not slightest loss of control in movements that were slowly growing more relaxed and nimble now that he was no longer afraid of losing control if he does not hold onto it firmly.


He could not see the creature's face that was nestled against his head, but by the purring and spark of tenderness in its feelings, he could feel its warm smile.
" Even if I am not proposing, telling you I am looking forward to one day sharing your name is only right order of things. It's fine if it takes a while... It would only be awful if you got the wrong impression, that I am not looking forward to it just because I am not asking. Either about marriage, or immortality... It feels like matter I should not bring up much when you're just barely learning what healthy bonds are like. But it would be awful if you thought I didn't speak out of disinterest. Just like you said... marriage would be a fun event to look forward to... and perhaps I would be more impatient for it, if we lived apart, and could only see each other for an hour or two per day, and had to part each night... but like this, I am happy, to prolong being a boyfriend, until we feel the time for next step is just right. Regarding immortality... if we can convince Riversong for Demonhood, I would like to try it sooner, because I would like to feel more secure about your safety. I am just saying... I want to keep being family to you, whether we are partners or not. With immortals, the lines between friendship and relationship are thin... And if as immortal you feel like things aren't just right... I just want you to be secure that you won't lose my friendship if you choose not to date me, just like Hans did not lose it, either, " he spoke quietly, as if only able to find the courage to say those words so firmly because of closeness, leaning trustfully against the actor, as he added, so very timidly and vulnerable. " You said you wished to know if something you did reminded me of my past exes, and that's all you wished to know. It's... more complicated than that, though. It is more... that I may appear calm and more carefree because you instil so much ease in me. Your warmth keeps my fears at bay... but the weight of my past relationships... is considerable. You can't stave off my fears all the time. I am the one responsible for fighting them. I am doing my best, and I think I am doing a decent job... it is just that I can not help... against some things. Sometimes, we might have to talk more about my bad experiences, but... You always calm me down when I get anxious, so... you don't have to worry about doing something that's a deal breaker. Deal breakers in my past... were always from the people who took me for granted, or lost sight of my needs amidst their own fixations on other things they found more important. You... always take care of my feelings. I... have very high hopes for us, " the giant creature nestled most gently, against his head, and softly, it shyly licked his cheek, as if trying to see what he could get away with. " So you don't have to feel responsible, to avoid some specific action. For me, things are more... about the context. If I can see you're too overwhelmed by your troubles to pay attention to me, I'd not be upset... If you were cold to me because you're suffering, I would not hold it against you... But if you were cold to me because... you found me burdensome or embarrassing to be with... it would hurt. If you seemed content, but suddenly grew withdrawn because of bad memories, it would be alright, but if I felt like acting content was a pretence, and growing withdrawn was a mask slipping off, I could not help but be shaken. A lot of times... people would be fine at the start of a relationship, but grow increasingly uncomfortable, when they would see a more childish side of mine, or their feelings would grow cold, but they would have no heart to tell me, so they would pretend to be fine for a while. Or I'd show too much monstrous side or tendencies, and they grow to fear me or be disgusted by me, but would not know how to bring it up because they did not want to hurt my feelings. I can't help, not to be coloured by fears, that I might be the only one holding romantic thoughts in a given moment, while the other side is secretly hiding growing discomfort. It is not... anything you are specifically doing, that brings forth those thoughts, "The creature lightly licked his cheek and hair, as its thoughts rang with pain it was sharing only slowly, carefully, as if fearful Senecio would find it unsightly. " It is just my own anxieties, not you. I am just really sensitive, to... sudden changes in mood... being pressured to fit into a normal mould... to being blamed for not being good enough... to sudden distance I do not understand. To... other's impatience, " Tide could not help but shudder heavily with the word. " I just get anxious... when I feel like the other side perceives me... as a lacking partner, " he explained while leaning close. " I... always wish you to tell me when I am lacking. If I can know what I did wrong and get hope I can make up for it, like now, I will be alright. It is just being inadequate and unable to make up for it that seeps fear into my bones. I.. am not saying it's always the case... sometimes, like in my two marriages, circumstances beyond our control would happen, and my wife and husband felt... like they had no choice, but to choose something else, over me. I... hold nothing against them. Their choices were... reasonable in the circumstances. It just can not be helped... that I... felt I was not good enough, to be worth swaying their mind. They hold no blame. I... am just not very... easy or convenient to love, that's all... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik smiled and withdrew slowly, so that Simbel could give hugs to the others, or finally try the wings in a different way.


"That's a familiar feeling," Senecio said. "I don't think I was actually loved before, so I don’t think I'm easy or convenient to love. I want to reassure you that it's untinkable to me to find you burdensome or embarassing when every aspect of you feels so thrilling and exciting or so lovable. I don’t really know how to reassure in something that I've never felt before and is so new to me."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel indeed could not help but embrace everyone first, she was so happy, not able to help but thank them all, giving especially soft and tender hugs to Conrad and Ben, who were other of the few first friends he made here. Despite he was so fearful of demons and could not bring himself to hug Eros and Alpha yet, he gave his best to fight the feeling, and took their hands in his and pressed them while thanking them shyly.

By then, with everyone's reassurance and encouragement, he was already reassured that it will be fine even if he fails, and being able to move them more, he was more confident in his control of the wing, and yearning to try them out grew. He turned to the sky, and he moved a few steps to the clearing, and with a bright, hopeful expression, he leaps high up in the air, as vampires do when jumping across the roofs. He jumped, and seeing he isn't losing the control even though it was too high, tangible bright feeling filled the air, as he spread his wings, and caught the stream of north wind to follow. The start felt a little more like gliding than flying, but just like with wielding the sword, it seemed like muscle memory was kicking in fast, and his moves felt nimble and natural, as he began making more complicated pirouettes in the air, higher and higher within the night sky. Perhaps because of whole lot of Ben's and Eros's intricate power pooled in, and because of Alpha's and Sun Spirit's unique origin tied to light, as he flew, slight glow shimmered across his feathers, and it almost looked as if he were leaving a glowing trail in night sky as he flew, that blended in with the stars above.

High up in the air and clouds, slowly, the laughter of joy bubbles up from the creature, unrestrained,  
full of absolute delight. Everyone that had Simbel's flowers grown and could communicate in thoughts with him, felt a great surge of the bright positive feeling that was too strong to be expressed with words, so they just heard his excitement as a loud, bubbly sound similar to the buzzing of a bee, so warm and distracting it made them a little bit dizzy.


" Nothing was their fault... and nothing is your fault, either. But I imagine, even if I say it, it won't make a difference to you, will it? You will still be sad if you can't reassure me, just like when I am sad I can't reassure you, right? " Tide whispered, leaning against him quietly. " To be honest... I don't know what to do. I do not think I ever passed this point in the relationship. It feels exciting.. but also scary. Most of the time, the feeling is in the background... but sometimes, I can't help but be overwhelmed by fears that I might mess things up if I relax too much. I have so many nice friendships, and people who support me so much that they made me their Demon King... I have Hans, who left the safety of the Spirit world for a life of exile with me... it must seem silly, how much I yearn for true romance. But everyone wants to find something more. It is just that... you have given me so much *more* than I anticipated, and I don't know what to do with myself. I... am afraid of slipping up, and messing up. I... am a very clumsy, imperfect imitation of a human, " he whispered hoarsely. " When I get too excited and happy, I slip up and break things... I lost track of how many plates or lutes I had broken when having too much fun and losing myself in a song or cheer. I... have terrible impulse control. When it's money for food, I could somehow reign myself in... but whenever it is not a matter of knowing Hans will starve if I spend it all, I can't help but spend it all on glittery and shiny things. No matter how much Hans teaches me, if someone offers me something worthless but glittery, I will end up scammed. I gave Hans so much trouble over the years... So much money to earn to make up for my lapses in excitement and judgement... so much... torn furniture, and shirts. I... I am really not human, just human-shaped, you know. I often have an instinct to lick away crumbs of food from your face, or to lick your hair when the flick is sticking out or when you look cosy and relaxed, and I have to stop the impulse when I remember... oh... animals do that, humans don't, it would be weird. I... when I am stressed out, or when I am relaxing and idle when I nestle with Hans, I like to nibble on his hair and ear or munch on his clothes idly, to soothe myself, much like cats knead textures they are fond of. Most... most of the clothes mending I have to do, I do when I munch too much and make tears in Hans's clothes... " he murmured vulnerably as if it was very hard for him to say such things out loud, and he could not watch actor's face as he did it, but it seemed he was truly trying his very best, to return Senecio's honesty with honesty of his own, sharing his own things that were difficult to say in turn. " When we are in Third and Fourth City, Beings are more normalized, so in some measure, we can have more normal dates, but anywhere else, like you have seen in the capital, I have to wear my cloak, and use its hiding capacity to the max, so everyone around me finds it harder to pay attention to me or remember me. And even in Third and Fourth City, I must still keep my mask on in public, because most humans find the direct gaze of my eyes frightening. I am a Demon, hunted by the Spirit world, and I can never know when I might need to run, to protect my people. My marriage to the girl that was my wife ended, because I had to run away suddenly, and could not return for three years, because Demon Hunters on our trail were likely to use her life against me and threaten to kill her if they realized what she was to me. By the time things were safe enough to risk seeking her, she remarried to someone else... It... was a perfectly reasonable choice, for women of that time who depended so much on their husbands, to find a husband who could... properly provide for her. Marriage to the man who was my husband ended when his brother died, and he suddenly became next in line to the throne of his kingdom, and he chose to break away with me because he had to enter a more beneficial political marriage, to join two little kingdoms with marriage to their princess... It... was the only choice he felt he had... a tough choice he felt forced to make,  to build the larger, stronger kingdom, to resist the slowly growing empire for longer, " Senecio felt two hot tears fall against the neck creature leaning against. " When you do something cute, or loveable, you look so delicious and cute in my eyes... I feel you are so cute I could bite you. My mouths keep droolling all on my own, and I am so anxious I won't be able to swallow on time and will embarrass you in public, by being an unsightly dull creature that slobbers around like a dog, not a person. I... drooled so much over you as a General, and indulged myself so much in soothing my hunger, and you were all drooly and sweaty... I... really should have... cleaned you up and took care of you properly first, before we continued playing. It must have been so uncomfortable, but I just kept playing along the role, not considering your discomfort, just because I was having so much fun, engrossed in the fairy tale of Sein Miru and Beast King, so much so that I could not see You, even if you always see Me. What inconsiderate brute, " unexpectedly, caught up in emotion, the creature sobbed quietly, the butterflies it still struggled to maintain trembling lightly. " I... a truly sorry... I am not that smart, and sooner or later, I'll surely embarrass you, whether I break something or do something unsightly. I know carrying you around all around today was something that brings you mixed feelings, so it was hard to ask, but when Hans managed to coax you into joining him, I was just so terribly happy about it, even if you were uncomfortable... Everything... everything is so new, confusing, and conflicting... I want to never make you uncomfortable, but I just... keep getting sidetracked, and forget all my resolutions whenever I get excited... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik cried out with pure delight at seeing Simbel so free and excited, feeling lile the sigt was the best reward.


"It's a two-way thing," Senecio said. "I don't really want to hinder your excitement. It feels almost intoxicating, to be able to feel it from you. Some things make me uncomfortabe though, and I'd like to stop there and examine the reason why and decide if it’s something I'm going to accept or if I would rather like to slowly push that line a bit. But some things don't make me uncomfortable. I would actually like some licks and nibbles. I know you're not human, and I don’t need you to be more human, so you don't have to pretend. I just wouldn’t like you smearing my makeup when I'm going somewhere or tearing some of my nice clothes, because I'm vain like that. Other than that, you can go for it."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Creature flew freely for a while, and although after a bit oft time his excitement avated enough for him to control it and not make them dizzy, happiness was just oozing out of him. When he finally decided to land, his heart felt so full everyone with his flower could feel it, as there was a deep relief and joy, as if things felt just right. He made a few circles in the air as he got lower, and landing seems a little harder, like it would take more practice, since weight and shapes were a little different from White Eagle's, but creature clearly did not wish to land on plants and risk tearing them, or running into someone, so he glided into a stone part of the road a little to the side. Still, in high speed, he barely stopped himself, and felt a trail of dirt, swaying and barely keeping his balance, laughing as he succeeded in the most ungrateful landing, tears streaming down his face. He fell on his back, breathing heavily, almost more as if in muscle memory and under strong emotions than real tiredness. When Conrad quickened his step and knelt to him to check how he is doing, he just laughed more loudly, and as if stealing another chance, he pulled man into the hug anew, tears streaming down his face, as he whispered, with genuine childlike wonder. " I... ate a piece of cloud... It was wonderful... So fresh and flowy, and made my clothes misty with dew... Not at all, like clouds in the dreams. Nothing is. Nothing is... The memories. White Eagle only saw endless meadows below him. But the home looks so stunning, from high above. The wind from the sea is salty and sweet, and the mountains far behind are sharp and sturdy. And... I have seen it, " he sobbed harder. " The memory of seeing it in not White Eagle's, or indirect memory of others. It is... mine. it's mine, this once... "


"  If smearing makeup is the problem... I can always nibble on your fingers. I would never want to make you feel self-conscious in public. Hans also had a lot of trouble, feeling self-conscious since he had gotten his scars. I am so very happy, seeing you both look so comfortable in your skins these days, when you get all dressed up and tidy. I... I must sew you many beautiful clothes, then. Countless clothes... so that having to have some mended won't make a difference, " Tide whispered hoarsely, his voice shaking a little, as he timidly nudged his large head against the actor's head, licking it lightly, as if shyly testing his words. He did not nibble or bite him this time, and was only lightly nudging his tongue against him - it seemed that his desire to bite was greater when excited and overwhelmed, but licking felt more natural when trying to soothe and give reassurance. It must have been an instinct from a time long gone, comforting Hans when they were both primordial Beasts. His little tense features were visibly relaxing as he gently did so, as if some of his agitations faded, and the only thing left was a softer anticipation, with curiosity he could not hide. " It is... truly a lot to take in... When nothing I do seems like a deal breaker. Whether I cause you pain or tell you terrible insults ... " She shuddered slightly with the thought of the surreal experience of that night. " Yet we are only getting closer. I know it's just our little games.... but still, the lack of consequences to it all feels so... freeing. It is... strange and dizzying and new, to not have countless dealbreakers, where sooner or later, something too inhumane about me makes the good parts not enough. I don't want to trouble you with doubts, though. I would just tire us both if I kept digging into the same questions. But, if I could ask... Would it be okay to ask you... to take some time in the next days, to consider what *more* feeling you would like me to give you? You give me so much of the * more* feeling. I feel so strongly, that I wish to give you more, but my wits fail me, " he nudged his neck shyly while licking it, revealing timidly. " I have already sewn you the nightgown last time, so it would feel repetitive to always just sew things... and I used to bring you breakfast in bed, but now I no longer have to wake up early in the morning, so you don't need surprise breakfasts. Hans has made you his equal and heir in only thing but name yet, and you have equal permissions to me and him in the house, so it's not like you lack money or means anymore. No matter what makeup I buy you, you can make better makeup yourself, no matter what snacks, Hans has already stacked up half his bag and is excited to feed them all to you and see what you'd love, and now that you said you'd love to eat fruit, there's no way that rascal won't overturn deeper layers, searching for unusual Being fruit to feed you. I used to make you lunch boxes for the theater, but Hans already organized good food for workers, and besides, while he did not ask yet, Janus has ordered some cookbooks for beginners and seems to be interested in trying to learn to cook so children could eat warm meals, not just sandwiches, so I am pretty sure he would be sad if he makes meals for the children and you, Hans and I don't join in. I am truly so happy, that your circle is growing wider. But.... I am still in a predicament, you see. My wish to do more for you keeps growing, but before I even start, the list of things only I can do keeps decreasing... If Alpha also starts snapping fingers and throwing cool clothes at you, my plans to make you feel special will be in serious trouble, " despite his words, he could not help but smile fondly with the thoughts, as he added. " We sleep together, I am pretty good with games, poems, and cuddles, and kisses, and lullabies and lute songs.. I... know that's not little, but if feels little, when I want to give you the warmth of the whole sun... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

It was getting late and Svarik already felt tired, but he was happy to watch the joy they managed to bring to Simbel together.


"It's fun how your perspective changes when you can afford everything," Senecio said. "Gifts and treats felt much bigger when I couldn’t afford them myself. I'm still getting used to the idea of not having to worry about money, but it's a lot better to not feel indebted for every present. It's much better to not worry about it and be able to focus on the time together."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

After a moment, the creature calmed down, and slowly, it stood up and straightened out its clothes, rubbing its eyes to clear away the tears. They could feel how happiness slowly turned into determination.
" If I knit a mountain of scarves in turn, it won't be enough to repay this... but... it should be good enough for a start, " he smiled timidly, as his eyes passed across the group, and shyly landed on Svarik, and he spoke slowly, as if wrapping his mind around an insane matter. " I... could fly so, so high up... so far from the pond, so I guess... Trying to see if we can reach the sea... isn't an unfeasible idea, " he coughed, with reddened cheeks, as he suggested. " I have been instructing cooks in the meantime, before we tested the body, to prepare some snacks for the road, but... I am sure there are things to prepare, so we should get packing... I need to... pack, too... " he spoke incredulously with wonder as he used a sentence he must have never used before in his life. " I need... to pack a lot of materials, so I could... knit while we... travel... "


" Yes, Hans was rotting his brain out, trying to make the playing field evener. He dislikes power imbalances, and he hates hypocrisy the most - he would not have felt his words of sharing blood, bonds and affections as sincere if he was just accepting you by words, and if he were the one holding money over you, while you were living with few means in his house, your livelihood tied to pocket money he gives you. It would be toxic and grow unpleasant sooner or later, if you had no independence and felt like you're always one argue away from feeling like a guest in your own home, he said. He was really energetic, despite his frail health last days, about giving you equal rights to his... He is the kind of man that has the mental strength to abstain from putting any expectations on you, in case expectations feel like coercion. Even though I am not blind to power imbalance, I could not have his resoluteness... I can not abstain like that, in expectations. From the first day we met, I have told you I dream of fairytale romance, "the creature spoke most softly, as it timidly started licking his ear, and fixed up a loose strand of his hair next, timidly trying out the gesture, as if indulging in it. " Being with you feels like being a part of a not a fairytale, but a part of a watercolour illustration in a children's book. There's no end, to tender, warm feelings, dreamlike, soft like cotton candy. It all feels like I imagine a dream would if I could dream. Is there anything you wish to tell me before we invite Hans? And if we do... would you like him to narrate us some stories to fall asleep to, or would you prefer I sing you guys to sleep? I... could offer to tell some of the stories I like, but I must warn you, my storytelling, and most people's storytelling will, by the rule of thumb, fall behind tales of experienced Singers. Or if not sound, would you like me to pick some other soft form, and be your pillow to hug for tonight? Hans always likes to snuggle up close. Do you think you would like a close cuddle as you fall asleep - or stay under the same blanket, but still have your space, would that do better? " he inquired curiously. " What do you like? We seem to be in a strange situation, where both you and I know more about your preferences in bed than preferences in life. It feels exciting, to learn about things you love all together with you. I love making love with you, but eating with you, dancing with you, listening to Hans's tales with you, and building fort pillows with you were all equally delightful... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's right, you're coming with us," Svarik smiled. "So are we going to sleep here and travel in the morning or sleep during the ride?" He asked, turning to Alpha. "It's up to, since I have to ask you again to carry us. Would you prefer to rest before that?"


"It kind of is lile that, isn't it? It's so easy to share the intimate things with you, but the more mundane ones often don't feel like big enough and worth sharing to me. I like a bit more space for sleeping. I would like to talk to Hans a bit more before going to sleep, though. Is it okay if I tell him what happened?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Alpha, who seemed indeed greatly tired and pale, still did not look unbearably weary. Tiredness was within the limit that was not yet harmful to him.
" It takes much, much more than this to take out a Star, sweet little Sun de Sun. Trust me, many have tried, " He spoke affectionately to the meadow king. " But you would be too weary to properly enjoy tomorrow if you do not have eight hours of sleep, would you not? So how about we do it like this? Since it's nearly midnight now, you can enter the bag and go to sleep, and I can time the trip so that I arrive in eight in the morning at the mansion doors, how does that sound? You should have plenty of sleep in the bag by then to seize the day. I only need a few leisurely quick hours or so to reach the sea without any rush, so I will rest up and raid your cute mansion kitchen first. There's a lot of fruit here grown under Simbel's influence that's healthy and delightful, so I will take the freedom to pick some to bring it to Tide, Hans, and that cute little rascal, " his voice was soft as he mentioned two Beings and Senecio, before he added curiously. " If I understand right, you have a Being friend in a fortress in Wild Forests of the Southwest Lowlands, yes? If you pack some meat and supplies and point the exact place on the map so I don't lose you needless time searching, I can always make a brief detour and leave supplies by the fortress doors for him and his people, if you'd like. Now, I am not usually a deliveryman, but since I am delivering you cuties on the way there, anyway, and since you were all so lovely today, I would gladly make this extra delivery free of charge for you, sugar. "


" I can not imagine a world in which I would not be delighted that you find him trustworthy enough to share such personal thoughts with him, " Tide could not help but chuckle lightly, licking his face gently, in timid support as he inquired. " You two have come a long way... it is wonderful, to see you have made such close connection with someone. Would you like me to stay here and be quiet as you talk? Would words come easier if I am present, or not? If you'd feel more comfortable in privacy, I could always make an excuse to go out for a moment and check on Death while you talk with him. Poor thing is doing very well and is probably sleeping by now, but it wouldn't hurt if I picked out some nice sweets and left a gift basket next to his door. I wanted to pick my flowers and leave a big chunk of them for him to snack on when he's having dark thoughts, anyway, since his body is not able to properly create happiness, so some outside happiness consumed seems to be helping out a bit. Eros also thinks so, so I plan to give him part of them regularly, as they grow endlessly when I am with you... So, I could always use the chance to do it now, and give you two a moment of privacy if you wish for it... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"If you are sure..." Svarik said a bit doubtfully. "It's fine if we arrive a couple of hours later, though. Would a bit of rest make a difference to you?"


"I think I'd prefer you to stay and help me explain," Senecio said.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Only such a cute little Sun would be worried about the health of the Star, " Alpha chuckled, his weary eyes curling like crescent moons, as he added gently. " Do you worry because this is the first time you see my energy spent? My own energy is endless, what looks like weariness to you is but result of passing too much power through a limited body. I could accelerate my recovery if I lifted limitations a little bit, but now, now, we can't just be bending time and space just because I got a little worn out, now, can we? " he winked playfully, as he added in a soft voice as if trying to dispel his concerns. " This vessel's music is just a little out of tune, that's all, since I just spent a silly amount of power. As long as I do not Create things, I should get back to my usual self the next day slowly. I will be back to my amazing self by tomorrow's eve in the worst case, don't you worry, sweet sugar. It is but a matter of time and not creating things in the meantime to make it worse, a little running will not affect it. It's not the physical activity that can get me tired, sweets, just an act of creation, because it messes up this limited vessel, it's just that it's not much visible, because I usually Create more leisurely, by extending my own time, " he explained brightly, snickering like a child that got away with being a menace. " I'd miss Hans and those two sillies at the Sea too much if I extended my own time, though, and it was fun working on everyone's timeline, for a change, and besides, this was one Ridiculous Creation undertaking we had going on - I could hardly claim I gave my best if I did not get at least a littlest bit tired, now, could I? It's hardly a sacrifice, to be littlest bit weary for a day, now, is it? It's what I wanted, so there's no reason to fret much. Tide has taken down lot of Demon Hunters recently with his little misadventure here, so it's unlikely we'd get into any trouble, and even if we do, it's much harder to kill me than Hans, little sweets. "


Tide agreed readily, as he seemed ready to support him any way he bid him to. Demon called for Spirit with a thought, and he made butterflies "fly" back into the water basin, stopping their glow, and dimming the light in the room, to make the atmosphere calmer and easier for talking before sleep.

Hans soon arrived, and the actor could see he had removed makeup, having his scars comfortably visible, and he removed all nail polish and jewellery, and was not wearing human clothes, but a simple white tunic and black pants, Being clothes tied to his form, much like Tide's cloak was. It seemed he chose to remove all excess materials, so he could be fully comfortable and easily change form if needed. As he walked into the room, his step was light, and he almost hopped in, as by a little excited, brighter feeling he seemed genuinely pleased that they chose to invite him for a sleepover. But as he looked them up and down while coming closer, much faster in getting clues to the situation than Tide, his expression lit up with understanding.
" I see... It seems like you had an intense evening, my sweet rascals, " he commented vaguely as if to get a feel the atmosphere, and he asked, trying to gauge what they were comfortable with. " Are we in for gossiping and pillow-talk sleepover vibes, or are we more in - let's all just turn into cuddly sweet animals and snuggle in a pile until we fall asleep vibes? " he asked softly as he stepped forth, as he wanted to make sure he understands their needs and doesn't push them if they need space.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik, who was hoping to ask Alpha if it would be possible to make a dress for Lipka before the ball, decided to definitely not ask that. "Alright then, I'll have the supplies for Cernunnos arranged. Take anything you need from the kitchen or garden meanwhile, and I guess we'll have a sleepover in the bag..."


"Yeah, we didn't actually get through all we had planned," Senecio said. "Could we just talk for a while?"
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Wonderful, come along now, " Alpha waved to them innocently, as if to dispel their worries further, watching Svarik particularly ever since the meadow king's tone changed slightly, as if he had seen a bit through his intentions, and was bemused with something. " Get yourselves ready, and have a lovely fun little sleepover, and I'll wake you up by the morning, at eight, when we are by the sea. I'll get better before you know it, so just focus on having fun for now, after you pack up, deal? "
" I already took freedom through Simbel to have sleeping bags and drinks prepared and packed for us, " Conrad coughed, trying to speak as neutrally as he could while dealing with Svarik in front of others. " We just have to pack food for Cernunnos and pick what snacks we want for ourselves, and see if there's anything else we wish to bring to the sea, like Simbel will pack his water and knitting tools and things... "


" What a silly notion, me not hearing you out, " Hans smiled lightly, as he sat down on the edge of the bed, and winked lightly as if trying to ease the serious atmosphere with soft words. " Now, then, would you prefer to talk to a human-shaped me, or would it feel easier talking to a little critter untied to human shape or face? And are you more in the mood of cuddling while speaking about heavy things, or more in the mood of talks first, cuddles later?" he inquired simply, without any prejudice or pushing, unlike Tide who was more fiercely concerned and burning with worry, himself clearly trying to cleanly figure out boundaries for the moment and wanting to give him precisely what he asked for.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Excellent," Svarik smiled. "Let's just pack now and meet in Simbel's house in half an hour, is that enough time for everyone? We can leave the bag there until it's time to leave."


"Just the familiar you," Senecio said. "Sit down or lie down, whatever's more comfortable. Gossip first, okay? It pretty much went by the plan..." He recounted what happened between the characters, as if it would be a story, until the point of the rescue and the point of stopping the game. "We didn't manage to get further, though..." he murmured.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Everyone agreed, and they proceeded to pack things and get ready. Simbel looked much better, though a little dazed as he shyly went his way, still taking in the fact that he was doing something he never dared dream of doing. Still, determined to trust them, he chose to give his best and went on to pack a lot of knitting supplies, as well as a lot of his flowers to bring as gifts, and to pack a hat and cloak Alpha fixed up for him, as protection from the sun. Ben, on the other hand, was a little quieter when the actual time for the trip was so near, as despite his being decisive in pulling this through to avoid the bad future, it was still hard to go through with it, and he spent almost all his human life since he was seven in the capital, so venturing further seemed difficult. Still, he gave his best to be brave, and he went to his little room to pack, too, though he only seemed to have packed a little backpack by the time of departure. Others were also busy preparing, Conrad most of all, since he was the main person in charge of putting together the package for Cernunnos, making sure he not only packed food but also some more paper and writing tools, as well as some objects that might be of use to the creature and his people, although he hasn't met demon personally yet, having a decent idea about their living situation from Svarik's and Erdel's stories.


Tide felt like it was harder for Senecio to speak of this part, so he continued. In his animal form, he was snuggled closely and protectively against him as he spoke, glancing occasionally to make sure he was okay with what the demon was sharing. He spoke to Hans about how resisting and rejecting fully in the end was pleasant for Senecio but did end up causing more hurt than usual, he spoke of Senecio's request for comfort, and requests for making sounds when tended to, and he spoke of their conversations and how talking instead of being taken care fo first brought bad memories. He did not speak with any scorn or shade of rejection in his voice, and the only shade there was was one of worry. The actor could feel that Hans, who was quicker on anger, had his blood pressure rise considerably as he was listening to a tale about Senecio's childhood neglect, and he was clutching his hands in fists firmly as he listened.

" What mother fucking bast-... unfortunate situation, " were the first words he said with the words as if seemed he gave his very best effort to not call the man that raised him horrible names, knowing Senecio still has many lingering feelings for him. Instead, he swallowed his anger at the dead man and looked back up to the actor. He was sitting on the bed next to him, and as he looked at him, his furrowed brow cleared up a little on its own. " I understand... It would have been nice if not even a shadow of a bad memory ever touched you, but minds are garbage, they can strike one down even in the most romantic of moments. The most important thing is that you voice your feelings and fears and do not pretend that there is nothing wrong while you are struggling. I know I speak for Tide too that we are both proud of you for that, " he made sure to say that first, simply, categorically, with no shade in his voice. Since he was close, sitting at his side, he slowly and carefully reached for Senecio's brow, and placed a hand over his forehead and temples lightly, as if checking for fever, and then, he let it slide to his head and rest on the actor's hair, patting it very lightly. " You are doing splendidly, so don't let those hurdles bring you down, deal? The fact bad memories you always suppress deep down can reach you at all is proof you feel safe enough to have some slip away when your guard is down, so there's nothing to worry about at all. It might feel trashy, but it's perfectly normal, to be weighted down by the past randomly with no warning s at all. Rather than that - how well are you faring, right now? Are you thirsty? Did this silly clueless bastard end up giving you enough water, medicine and painkiller in the end? " he asked gently, patting the man's hair lightly as he spoke. " You don't seem to be having fever or chills, so that's good, it means he shouldn't have overdone it with either injury or medicine, but you're a better judge of it than either of us. Don't worry about the future, I'll make sure I build a proper medicine kit quickly and stack it up full of useful herbs and things, so you'll be able to play to your heart's content, and so even if you go too far, pain relief will never be lacking, " he promised, and unlike Tide, who was mushy and tearful and snuggly when comforting, Hans's comfort had a resolute, dazzling resolve to it, full of same protective determination actor would feel whenever Spriit would talk about Tide's safety. " No matter if things go too far or not for a moment, we'll make sure you heal well, so just focus on what good things you want to experience, and just take them all, okay? Let me worry about the consequences and aftermath. A lot of love has already been poured into this room, and lot more love is yet to pour in, " he spoke softly while patting his head. "Shadows of the past might still be able to touch you even here, because they come from within you, but they won't be able to harm you any longer. No cold word of loved one will ever sink its teeth in you again, so it's fine, that their shades still linger and rage. Once their strength is spent, we'll still be here with you, so just let yourself feel however you need to feel. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik added some things into the supplies for Cernunnos abd then, when everyone was ready and gathered, he explained how the bag worked and led them inside.


"I... I feel like I would like to be comforted, but not in a romantic way," Senecio said. "Maybe have some biscuits and hot cocoa and listen to stories."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Simbel was a little unsure, but he bravely went in, tearing up a little as he realized that runes indeed are working perfectly, and he was not losing control even one bit while on the inside. He watched the space around with wonder, while they were going in.  Ben was a little more withdrawn and quiet, as he had many heavy conversations coming up to face in the morning, and travelling such far distance after being so tied to the capital was scary, but it seemed he was feeling little more secure when he was travelling with others in a group, not alone. He seemed most exhausted of all, but anxiety kept him awake, as well as thoughtfulness, as he observed Janus's realm lost in thoughts a little, probably pondering about its master he was going to meet soon, too.


" My, isn't it wonderful, then, that you're talking to a man of countless tales and countless kinds of biscuits all stacked up? Isn't it nice, that you have a mountain of cocoa stacked up in the pantry? Tide can cook up coco with his warming powers, so why don't we pick out what kind of biscuit you'd love the most first before we pick out the story genre? " Spirit said gently, as he summoned his endless bag, and dramatically, as if performing a slight hand magic trick, he began pulling out various kinds of biscuits from his bag. Some were more simple, some glittery, some with special ingredients - as if to distract him with something nice to focus on, Being would bring cookies up to his face to smell them and assess them, while telling him the ingredients. It was obvious some of the biscuits stacked up in the bag were because he and Tide liked the kind, but for a lot, it was clear it was packed up based on Senecio's taste, in Hans's effort to slowly figure out his tastes through trial and error. White they were doing that, Tide summoned some mugs and cocoa and used his power over liquids to mix them up before he started to warm them up to prepare them. Since he was in his monster form, and he must have licked cocoa a lot, Hans's and Senecio's mugs were big, but of human size, while his mug was very large, more akin to a basin. With so much cocoa in the air, a pleasant scent soon began spreading through the room, soothing and inviting.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik arranged the blankets into a circle so that they could be close to each other and share some snacks and songs or stories before going to sleep and hopefully relax with that. "Come, let's just telax a bit before going to sleep, shall we?" he invited the others.


 Senecio picked some ginger flavoured biscuits and took the cup of cocoa, shifting a bit to alleviate some aches.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Everyone agreed, gathering up. Simbel did not have to technically join in, as he needed to sleep, but he seemed so blown away and happy to be able to participate, bringing his knitting tools on one blanket and sitting down on it, and observing the little artificial garden with wonder. Ben was more shy and hesitant to intrude, but after being invited he weakly sat down on an offered blanket. Melody was as playful and free as ever, and it seemed she put more effort into drawing attention and talking and chatting with others than usual because she was trying to ease Conrad's worries. Conrad was quite aware he was acting more noticeably distant while trying to hide the truth of the unusual situationship, and it seemed he just now realized that inviting Simbel and Ben to the sea and Ball would most likely end with them realizing the change in his and Svarik's relationship. As if it just dawned on him now, after they were all gathered up, he seemed to keep his guard up and was trying his best to keep acting neutral, looking a little insecure and worn out from the big chunk of the day of pretending nothing had changed when it could not be further from the truth, himself painfully aware he's doing a horrible job at it.


" Tide, be a darling and do your part as a cute little pillow you are. Adjust a bit to the left, " Hans directed him with a dramatic wave of the hand, as he himself climbed onto the bed. He ordered more blankets from the room, folding some huge ones over Tide, taking one for himself, and tucking in Senecio with another softy layer with soothing texture over his current one, carefully adjusting man's pillow, too , and instructing Tide on how to lie down to the side better, to support Senecio's neck with his body a bit from the side, so he wouldn't have to struggle to not spill the drink - it seemed he was a good judge of that thanks to his insight into the fabric, as even if he could not Sing, he was quite perceptive of what adjustment made Senecio's music more at ease. " Tide, while the balm you picked is good, it can feel a bit cold to the touch when you apply such a silly large amount. Wrap us up with a layer of warmth, to ease the chill a little, " he kept giving instructions simply and naturally, being careful actor did not spill his drink while adjusting his pillow and tucking him in. Soon, the pleasant soothing feeling of being warmed up filled the air around them, mixing with the warmth of the drinks. " Forgive this silly critter, he can't feel the cold the same way as we do, so he's a bit forgetful when he's distracted. I will tell you in on one cool little snippet about him in turn - when he chooses to, since Tide has one small part of volcano Demon chewed up, while you already know he can warm things up to a small degree, he can also manifest those warming powers more visibly, and make a blue flame appear upon his tail.  It would appear like a blue flame is dancing upon tip off his tail, one that does not burn you unless he chooses to.  How about we order our silly little rascal here to use his tail to light us some nice ambience blue fire, and we dim the other lights? " Spirit inquired gently, with a relaxed, particularly soft expression upon his face, while carefully observing the music of Senecio's bruised-up body and making sure he was lying as comfortably as possible. " It's no secret that tales spun by the cracking fire are the most fun ones, you see... When we were too lazy to collect wood and there was no danger of attracting Hunters nearby, Tide would light his tail at night for me often, so I could use it as a lantern to read while I snuggle next to him, since his glitter is more bright that his blue flame and the flame would hurt the eyes less during long time reading sessions at nights, " Spirit shared memory of the past fondly as if trying to lift his mood by giving him something soothing and shiny to focus on and share with them. " Our times of travelling and needing to use his flame as a free substitute for an oil lamp are over, but we still love it. Tide sometimes conjures up the flame for me, so I can use it to roast marshmallows on it for us while we read. Would you like some nice roasted marshmallows to go with cocoa, Senecio? Wouldn't it be tasty? I am pretty good at making them, I can roast you guys as much as you'd like...  "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Svarik didn’t know what he could do about it. He wanted to talk to Conrad, but they didn’t have privacy for that, so he just lay down instead and let the weariness take him to sleep, so that tomorrow when they wake, they can find a room in Sage's house and talk properly.


"Yes, that would be nice," Senecio agreed. "I didn’t know you could have flame as a part of your form. That's awesome."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Conrad seemed a little regretful and apologetic but knew he could not apologize or show gentleness openly either, without drawing attention to the situation. Indeed, it was surely a little strange to everyone, that the two did not wish each other good night warmly, but they must have thought they perhaps argued, while Ben probably assumed there could have been some things that strained their relationship while he was sleeping as a flower. But everyone seemed to have trusted them to figure it out and tried not to make them uncomfortable by bringing that up. Melody remained awake for a while, to keep Simbel company, and she brought out a flute and began playing them all a soft song on it, while Simbel shyly joined in. As he was working, quietly and soothingly, he began singing upon spirit language, knitting his feelings and song tenderly into yarn. Slowly, with sounds of a girl's flute, Simbel's soft captivating lullaby, and occasional clicking of the knitting needles, the group ventured to sleep.


Yes, it's thanks to a lava Being soul piece I ate long, long ago. You don't necessarily need fiery powers to manifest fire in the form, but it's usually pretty hard to do it if you don't have some exception that makes it feel natural, " Tide explained shyly.
" Indeed, Solstice can also manifest golden flames all over his body that float around and do not burn his clothes, or other people, if he chooses to. He just does not wear them often outside of public events, because he prefers looking more down to earth, heh, " Hans confirmed with a grin while gesturing to the room to manifest a whole huge bag packed full of marshmallows. " Alpha can also show you if you ask him... He has... pretty cool white flames, but he doesn't have mild options like Tide that can cook things, his flames either don't burn you, or they fucking turn you to dust, there's no in-between, so he positively can not roast marshmallows, while Tide can... "
" Yes, while the lava Being I ate from was quite powerful, I only ate a tiny piece, so I don't have much warming power. I can fluctuate between nothing, or up to the temperature of being able to cook something, so even in the worst case, the worst thing my flames can give is a burn. I don't usually put many flames into my form because I can accidentally activate them and burn things a bit when I am excited, but it's fine when I am focused, " he coughed shyly, and slowly, he focused, and wagged his soft tail, before making it shift through the fabric a bit, and as it did, bright, almost slightly glittery soft blue flames danced upon the end of his tail like a little fire was lit there, shimmering with similar shades of blue as his eyes. He gently brought it closed to Senecio, timidly, but without fear, as if hoping he could distract him from pain and dark thought with something that was shining bright and pretty amid the now dimmed lights of the room. " Don't worry about getting burned... You can touch it safely until we start roasting marshmallows... "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio touched the flames curiously. "They really aren't hot..." he smiled, and passed his hand through them a few times and then he brushed his cheek with the tip of thd flaming tail.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

This post was updated on .
Despite the creature's face having no human-like expressions, Senecio could feel a bright tender burst of joy, as if it was touched with the actor's trustful free movement. The warmth from the flame that caresses his cheek did not burn but was warm, giving a soothing comforting feeling.
" I would never burn you... against your will, I mean... " the creature teased innocently, and Hans chuckled, letting the actor play with flames for a while and enjoy himself, while he summoned multiple marshmallow roasting sticks, so he could, as promised, make them both plenty.
" Indeed, it would go much against the narrative if a fire burned anything away, for right now, we are not in the hidden tragedy genre. We are obviously within a good old slice-of-life play, " Hans added while picking the most colourful, fun shapes for marshmallows and putting them on sticks, and he spoke, softly and conspiratorially, gently setting the mood. " Scene opens on a little cosy bed, where sweet little Senecio Moonthorn is surrounded by his loved ones, Aellaír Moonthorn and Tide, Moonthorn-to-be, and they are bathed in pleasant foamy blue flames. They are to drink the loveliness cocoa and eat the tastiest marshmallows on this side of the Coast together. Tide fluffs up to keep them comfortable, Aellaír fiddles with marshmallow roasting sticks, while Senecio Moonthorn rests up with no care in the world, because there is nothing scary or suffocating in the night they share. The script clearly says, you see, that it is merely one among countless nights he will spend just like this, safely sandwiched between his favourite people in the world, " Creature grinned mischievously before it coaxed softly. " So, what does my loveliest Simay reply in response, when his loveable cool family member asks him - what kind of story would make you happy tonight? I, Aellaír, the greatest storykeeper of this world, surely must have the story your heart longs for, so won't you help me find it? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio did not answer for a while, just staring in front of himself as he got overwhelmed by the image evoked by the words. He shook his head, trying to find the words. "S-Sorry..." he finally mamaged to whisper. "I've never been in a slice-of-life story..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Hans's eyes closed slightly with pleasant, tender emotion that Senecio would always feel from him whenever the actor would become emotional or tear up in his presence. It was some kind of satisfaction hard to name, that was filled with quiet delight. Spirit moved marshmallow holders in one arm, so he could free one hand, and he leaned slightly to the actor, laid it upon his hair, and patted it gently, his gesture overflowing with endearment.
" What is there to apologise for? Senecio Moonthorn is the greatest actor I know... He may stumble a bit, but honestly, even if someone could play the role better, I don't care. This is a role I have written in just for you, and no one else in the world. Who cares if you're good at it? I rigged the game for you, so you can play any role you like, regardless if you're good at it or not... " he spoke conspiratorially, his smile warm, with just a tinge of sadness, as he kept caressing him gently. " I will let you in on a secret... Hans Eldergod and Tide had not really... been in the slice-of-life genre for... for a long, long time. It has been pretty much melodrama all the way. You... would surely not like Hans Eldergod, even just three years from the past. He was a sombre bastard who did not know how to smile genuiely, only to push himself like Death was chasing him. He never got hungover, not because he did not drink, but because he would drink himself wildly, and then pass through layers, only to get drunk again. He was... not a person you would feel at peace with. But does it matter? " he grinned innocently. " Aellaír and Tide Moonthorn are quite lovely company instead, aren't they? Senecio di Parvaio was not fit for slice of life, but why Seneciio Moonthorn should not be? It does not matter that none of us remember how slices of life taste anymore... We can just share them, I am sure we'll find them delicious enough. Who cares if we're all miscast? The whole world is our theatre. We can play any roles we choose... "
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