Senecio adn Tide II

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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Hans seemed glad for Senecio's agreement. He didn't seek new clothes, though - instead he washed his face, so it wouldn't hinder him while passing through layers, and he dissapeared and appeared after a moment in renewed form, looking a little refreshed and with casual but dashing new attire.
" What do you think? Am I being too much with the light embroidery? Is the amount of black fitting? " He inquired, sounding thoughtful and focused." I need to look good, but I don't want it to seem like I am trying too hard..."


" Of course, I would not just barge in and say, by the way, this is Death, deal with it," Tide smiled faintly." It's not exactly an easiest way to ease the tensions. But I would like us to put abit of effort before it to make sure we have good chances. I think best would be to go before the party starts, while Hans and Senecio are preparing. We could go to a side a bit, you, me, Eros, Janus and Alpha. We could just quickly clear out some things, and you can wear a mask at first if you would rather decide whether to take it of or not after that talk. Well, often when I bring in new Spirits, they have somewhat bad histories with hurting demons, so I am not a stranger to having peace talks where I plead both sides to behave for my sake, " Tide grinned innocently." Besides, Eroshas calming aura, I will use him to lull others to trick them into being more easily swayed, hehe! Oh, and, naturally, like I made a vow to you, I won't make any defences of you for war, since I swore on my life to keep a secret what we spoke about it that day. But still, can't we speak of recent events? First, there is saving Senecio and holding the world together during the long night. We also have a Sea Deity Being here that held the seas under control during that night and ended up hurt... You will get some reliable impressions for that, too, but," creature's gaze was serious." The main biggest plusfor you right now is the fact that you are holding two demon souls within you without purifying them into Spirits, and that even Demon hunters went after you for that fact. If we make clear that you plan to let Demons reborn as Demons from this point on, and are choosing to go through with it even when being threatened by the  hunters, we have a big reassuring factor... Plus, Alpha is a strong Star Demon, and many respect him. I am the strongest, but it doesn't hurt to gain more than one shield..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I know exactly what you mean," Senecio grinned. "You are fine, but I think I'll go for something a little more formal, to appear more respectful towards the king."

"I think I would like to go with a mask, and maybe put it away later," Death said.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" That is a pickle, yes, but we also don't want to make him uncomfortable by being too formal at a party we invited him to have a good time at, " Hans commented, sitting at the edge of the bed as he watched Senecio picked clothes. " By the way, didn't you forget that I owe you that special Being cake from that restaurant, for successfully playing the role? We promise to share it with meadow king, " he smiled a little innocently. " We didn't plan it specifically for this occasion, but I did order it to be a bigger size so we could have more slices. When we're having a party already, isn't it as good a chance as any to pick it up since it was probably ready yesterday? We could pick it up for the housewarming dessert for everyone. That seems to me to be the more soft show is sincerity than dressing a little uncomfortably. "


" I'll give it to you, then, " Tide promised decisively, with a little brighter smile, as he knew Death would not even entertain an idea to go if he didn't want to. " Oh, on scale of one to ten, how nervous you are with those first talks? I could break the ice myself, if you'd like. I can get us there by a nice little jump, since it's just twenty minutes away, and I can leave you in the garden with Svarik and Falcon, while I talk a bit with Eros, Alpha and Janus first. What do you think? I assume you would prefer me to take you there first, anyway, before the last two arrive? Because Xia will carry Senecio and Hans to the party, I just wondered if you wanted to go with them, or would rather avoid that interaction. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"You're right, I forgot. In that case, I'll go for elegant casual, but not too cocky. So, no hat or high boots, but the rest should be fine..." Senecio said, pulling out the outfit he decided to wear. He changed into it right there, having no reservations about it.


"Maybe it's better if I go there sooner," Death said slowly and a bit uncertainly.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Hans felt relieved that, despite some turbulence between them with the uncertainty of adoption, Senecio did not lose his casual trusting demeanour when being with him. That made him feel a little better about it, as he must have worried that he may have inadvertently caused something to change between them. He remained sitting on the bed, not particularly trying to look or avoiding it, just like before, too. He patiently waited for makeup's turn, looking forward to it, and his tail wasn't wagging excitedly, but it was twitching lightly from side to side every now and then with anticipation.


" Okay then, let's go for it, "Tide agreed brightly, and he took off his mask and his soft cloak and handed them to Death. " Get ready then, and make sure to pack some of those special energy cookies with you, there'll be a lot of food at the party, but I assume it won't be as filling to you since you are ill. Oh, and don't forget to put on the neck brace and the scarf, so you'd be straining less. I'll just briefly stop by to take Xia to Hans and Senecio, and tell them to not have to hurry too much with getting ready. Do you have any other requests? Anything I can do, get, or say to you before we go? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio finished dressing, and then prepared his makeup and did it first for Hans and then for himself, choosing a look fitting with the outfit, elegant but not too fancy.


"Do you think Xia will be fine with me being there?" Death asked.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio could feel that even if he was slowly getting used to it, that Hans was still brightened up whenever the actor would do his makeup. It felt almost as if the process of preparing and putting it on him was soothing and reassuring to him. His aura was rather lit up and had timid excitement as he watched the reflection in a mirror that had no scars, and as he turned to watch how Senecio was doing his own makeup, the emotions reflected were thankful and proud and full of admiration for his insane level of skill. His tail was wagging ever so lightly with emotions as he watched him.


" I feel like that is the wrong question, " Tide replied honestly, with a more sombre, wondering expression. Now without the mask, the foamy eyes gazed back at Death intently, as he added. " Do you think it will be fine for either of you if you keep avoiding each other? If you feel too hesitant to call for her, and she feels too hesitant to come on her own - isn't it better to grasp this chance? I did tell Xia that there may be a chance you may come and asked if she was okay with it. She seemed about as conflicted as you, but in the end, agreed to come. I plan to have her sit with the two younger kids since she asked for it, so you will be far enough not to have to approach her if you choose not to. I honestly don't really know how much she'll fit in with them with her current mentality, but I still think it is a good choice since she wants to avoid speaking with Svarik. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Senecio smiled with it, not pretending that he didn’t feel it. "Okay, do we need anything else for the party?"


"Then I will agree to come as well," Death said. "But I really don't know how to interact with her. I don't want to make things worse and I don’t know if I can make them better somehow."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" It's not like there are rules technically, but since our surprise party for Janus unexpectedly turned into Janus's housewarming party that's a surprise for us, " he smiled a bit mischievously then. " We did buy them furniture, but Janus likes following patterns and I want to coax more favour with him, so I plan on giving kids little symbolic welcome gift. Money is the best gift, though, and I am sure sir Falcon will give them money too, so we just need to check with him to make sure we give the same amount, so it doesn't turn into competition. It's only dry thing to give money directly, so we have to present it properly," Hans explained, and reached for his dimensional bag, before he took out something unexpected - a white ceramic piggybank. " I always keep various money containers at hand just in case. I just need to permanently borrow some cute bow to tie around it from Tide's sewing room." He grinned innocently.


" I can not just tell you exact thing to do, because not making things worse isn't exactly a concrete goal," Tide smiled a little, although the smile did not reach his a little saddened eyes." How can we plan for a way to achieve best results when you aren't even sure what you really want? Do you want to be happy with Xia again or do you rather want Xia to be happy without you in the picture?" He paused, before adding slowly." I can tell you something clearly, though... She is... Confused and unsure about many things these days. Since she realised she didn't understand her situation clearly before, she is anxious to always understand situations she is and its context, and is training to restrain her instincts and not expect things unless they are promised to her beforehand with fair exchange.... So while it may turn good or bad, for her sake, make sure whatever choice you make or words you may say are fully truthful and leave no space for unfounded doubt or hope. Don't make anything prettier or milder than it is. It can be bad if she grows to have warped view of the world. Sage is doing his best to course correct the situation, but she is slowly solidifying as a creature and it's going to get harder and harder to change the foundations..."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"That's both practical and nice gift," Senecio smiled. "Okay, let's go find some nice bow."


"I want her to be happy, but I'm not sure about my position in this," Death said. "I would need to put a lot of effort into it and I just feel I don't have the energy for it. I fear it would just hurt us both."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Hans nodded, and together they went to Tide's sewing room and picked the lovely blue glittery ribbon that Hans seemed to like because it was in between his bright blue and Tide's darkish blue hair.
" I've learned to make a perfect bow from Alpha, just watch, it's going to be cute as heck, " he exclaimed, as he tied the ribbon into a bow around the piggybank, that indeed looked rather lovely, with both symmetrical ends.


Tide was quiet at first, but watching him. He suddenly asked a different question than before this time, a question more presumptuous and daring.
" Was it such a high effort... to cuddle with her? Did you even notice how many times you would just absentmindedly stroke her chin or scratch her behind the ears? At nights, when everything was asleep, and her alone awake, when you curled weakly at her side, taking her body warmth - were you really struggling beyond your capacity, when you would lend her the reliable weight of your body? " he whispered with a compassionate light in his eyes that brimmed with quiet sadness. " Do you truly not miss anything you shared enough to even voice bias of wanting it? Or was it truly just a minimum effort to placate a child that she merely misunderstood? All the cuddles and caresses, all the scratches and pats on the head...  can you really say your hand will never ache if you were never qualified to give them to her again? " he asked, not without wonder. " If she were to steel herself to forget all that, and treat you like a stranger - wouldn't that hurt? If she were to smile at someone else with the same bright smile she used to give you, while she avoids your look - are you really sure you won't regret your loss? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"Very cute indeed," Senecio smiled. "Let’s go then."


"Not me. Not now," Death sighed. "You should know... I am not a person. I am a process. I change constantly. I don't long for those things now. In that moment, I did. In a few years, or months, or says,, I could. But... that's not really what she needs, such kind of uncertainty."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Tide still seemed to be with Death, so they went to Xia to ask her about her choice. She explained that she agreed to come, and after Hans told her that they wanted to pick up cake from nearby, she offered to fly them there to help.


" I understand it can be said you are constantly under influence of many life forms, like Eros... and like I am, from all my parts. But isn't it a little too much to claim your shortcomings are there because you are not a person? It is perfectly fine to admit to yourself that you are just unreliable. Many nice enough people are unreliable. You are not a formless lifeform. You just aren't really reliable," Tide said simply as he had seen things." It is really hard to help you become of that, though. If what you want changes all the time, and the only constant is your desire to help people, aren't you setting yourself up for a shallow life right from the get go, where lot of people are somewhat thankful to you but none are close to you? Or even worse so, merely a life where you are constantly taken advantage of without creating bonds? " Demon asked with wondering sad expression." Aren't you sabotaging yourself a little too much in general? Isn't it exhausting to be that self conscious all the time? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"I am unreliable, that's true," Death said resignedly. "I am not constantly under influence of many life forms, though. I am only one, but the facetes of it that are expressed change in time. Especially those connected to the ability to love and form connections. It used to be in the timescale of decades or centuries, though. Not as fast as it seems to be now."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" I don't like to constantly pull this card, but... no matter how facets may or may not change with time, let's just say it with food because it's easiest - if one facet is ice cream and the other is meat, some people will easily go along with both. Different or similar, there are some patterns and long constants in your life - there were your fairies and there was Riversong. This means, while you change, there can still be some things that stay constantly pleasing enough for you to keep wanting them. You may not have wanted Riversong romantically, but you still wished to keep him at your side, " Tide noted. " But now, without those two both... I am saying it is really bad that the only constant you're holding onto is your nature and inclination of healing. Don't get me wrong. If I were dying, I could bet, if it didn't risk the world, that you'd run stumbling to help me. You're pretty reliable in that aspect, and I admire that as a fellow fool... but it's a trashy aspect to carry every second, " Tide smiled gently, but recently, it seemed he really allowed himself more freedom and didn't have trouble to berate the great personification of healing. " You're doing that whole damn unhealthy thing again, where you're calculating what you should do based on how badly it can affect somebody else. You are too smart, and that can be a flaw too. You keep overthinking things. Life is supposed to be messy, isn't it? " he inquired as if things were simple. " Xia is literally a Being that came out of nothing. Of course, she will hit some obstacles in her way of learning as she did when she felt conflicted about eating animals. Everybody without experience hits obstacles at first You shouldn't feel bad to refuse her, if you want to refuse her friendship. It is merely important that you figure out if you do want to refuse her or not. Whether you accept her gently or refuse her gently, is it not both alright? But if you refuse her, i'ts important you work on finding some other constants to cherish in your life, other than healing, " he said sternly. " Because being used by others as a free energy source without any other constants sucks for your heart. You are not obliged to be Xia's battery just because she is sad. I am not just going to let you turn from an overused administrative battery for the Spirit Kingdom into a Freelancer free battery for whoever happens to be grieved in the moment. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(OOC: sorry for late reply, I was visiting my parents and didn’t have the mental energy to write for Death. I'm really considering just leaving him in the Sea Heart because writing one paragraph with him takes about as much effort as 10 paragraphs with another character)

"I don't feel a need for relationship now," Death said. "I would rather like to observe instead of taking an active part."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

( OOC: Don't worry, I understand, when I was writing for Riversong, I was feeling the same way - while it made sense to play him as depressed, conflicted and not knowing what to do, it was rather draining and not really fulfilling. We just need to find a good place for him to stay at the status quo :) There is an unresolved matter that he's faint and close to corruption, but in Sea Heart technically no one can die and time passes much slower within it, and he can focus on accepting his pain and existing without pressures or obligations, just focusing on himself for a bit, instead of everyone else - and because of his nature to appear and reappear at will, he can leave the Sea Heart on his own to get back to the mansion when he feels like seeing Tide. We would be putting on hold Senecio's question to ask him to help Hans, but we can treat it vaguely like the thing with Xia, open-ended, where they may with time become close but it doesn't necessarily have to happen. There is only the problem with lord Nameless because last we left him he was ill under effects of Death's faint state, and was left at the city when they escaped. He is genuinely worried about Death and wants to help him, but he is far now, so he can't take part in closing on the arch unless someone brings him. It would be a little sad if Death would take years without seeing him after they parted without proper goodbyes, and not see him or big part of his life, but if we have Death at least write a letter to lord Nameless and promises him that he will see him from time to time when he misses him would be okay :) It would just be a sad thought that they may not see each other for who knows how long without parting well, and being isolated at the Heart all the time without coming out to see other people sometimes for a bit while they are growing older meantime would be a bit depressing, and it would be sad if he didn't miss some people sometimes enough to leave the Heart sometimes :)

" Alright then, instead of overthinking everything in the process of deciding, why don't we just make it simple? "Tide leaned to him lightly as he suggested with a soft voice. " You can just come, and not speak with anyone, just observe. You've been reading some books recently, haven't you? How about sitting a little aside, bringing a nice book, and reading while you observe around? I don't mind you not making merry, " he cleared. " I just don't think it's too good for you mentally to only have one person you can count on that knows of you at the whole sea. I believe telling Alpha at least and knowing you can count on him would be good, too, since he is the strongest Being we have, combat wise. What I am saying, he is very reliable. Since you are in a strange land, and lord Nameless is far right now, you need to have more than one person to be able to rely on, don't you think? "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(OOC: Since he can be everwhere, I think with his current limitations it might work so that he can only have a material body in one place, but can appear anywhere in an immaterial form. So he can stay in the Heart wherw his body is safe and still interact with people outside)

Death nodded slowly. "I think I could do it like that, yes."
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

(OOC: All personifications can work a little differently, so as long as he is not completely alone and isolated I think it's okay to leave him at the heart. As long as when he feels like he can interact with others outside in immaterial form so he's not isolated and lonely I think the heart is a good choice :) Actually, the more I think about it, it seems like a good idea - ever since he was hurt, Death was always terrified and tense about the future where he is killed because he is weakened by the injury. But dying is impossible in the Sea heart and only those blessed by the Sea like Tide and Sage can enter it, it is basically a perfectly safe place where he can finally not worry about being killed through his form, or be in danger of dying, and can finally relax and not feel starved as there is no hunger in the Heart :) As long as he can still have contact with the world, whether through immaterial forms or thoughts or both I think it's good choice for place where he's safest from enemies at both sides, and it will give Tide space to inform his people slowly about his choice to take in Death without worrying about his safety :)

" Good, I'll get you a nice little soft armchair so you'll be more comfortable, and there will be Janus's floating lanterns everywhere around, so you'll have a lovely time reading, " Tide coaxed him gently. " Why don't you pack all you may need and pick a nice book to your liking, while I go have a quick talk with Janus and Alpha? You can pick any book you like, and you can ask the room for things and they will appear on the table. Jake left a shelf in the kitchen where he keeps jars of your cookies that he made, too, so you can *summon* them through the room without having to go to the kitchen too. " he informed him. " Jake and I thought you'd be more comfortable like that, too. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

Death followed those sugestions and then told Tide that he's ready.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

In the meantime, Tide left and talked briefly to Janus and Alpha as he promised, to prepare them - it was lucky Senecio and Hans spent some time getting ready and redoing makeup, so he had time to do it before the party started. He returned around but twenty minutes later and gracefully jumped in through the window from the direction of the newly bought house. He began talking right away.

" Okay, I've explained to them the situation shortly. Like per my vow, I spoke not of your past or anything else, but I explained that I choose to protect you in exchange for you reborning demons as they are, making peace with you for your good will, " he explained brightly as if it was that simple indeed. " I did not exactly tell them you are wounded, but I did tell them you are ill and wary of everyone since you left the Spirit Kingdom, and they agreed they won't approach you or ask you any questions if you don't approach them first, too, so you can observe the party and be at ease without worrying about confrontations or heavy things. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"How did they react to it when you told them?" Death asked.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Oh, I went a roundabout way at first, revealing you are a person I protect, and your current shaky terms with Spirit kingdom and danger to be hunted, and progressed from there. Can't exactly say - hi there, how you are doing, by the way, I picked up former Spirit King along the way, it just sort of happened, " Tide grinned a little bit, though, despite the light streak of weariness in his eyes as he seemed to have put a lot of effort into the heavier talk. " I'm an expert of pleading for the second chances, don't you worry, since my kingdom has both demons and spirits, and everyone's circumstances are different, I have to smooth out a fair amount of friction. Besides, I picked good people to start from. Janus is a bit of a scaredy-cat, easily afraid of anything, but since I explained your station properly, you aren't really like a scary ruler that can attack us at a whim, but someone I took under my wing, so it's completely different. While he still has some worries about our safety Janus has decided to put them aside since I choose you and not trouble you with any questions since I said you're as fearful of them as others are you. Alpha is a little different, the opposite, actually. Since nothing can hurt him, he's a fearless type of person. He's more... Anti-boredom and fun driven... And when I say that, I mean currently greatly Hans driven, "the demon snorted a bit as he shrugged his hands helplessly. " He basically asked from the start if Hans thought it was a right choice and approved of it, and seemed pretty chill about it as soon as I said yes. He was especially interested in whether Demons being reborn as demons include our Spirits who are technically rebels to Spirit world being reborn without being captured by Spirit realm, since when Spirits that have taken our side were captured and trialled if they died... he's been in rather a high spirit since I told him it will be fine. You see, Hans is rather weak in general, and Alpha is always worried about his future if he may die, since getting into the hands of Spirit King, our enemy, automatically upon his death is not ideal... So he's generally rather casual and accepting of the situation. Since he wants Hans to live with fewer worries, I'm now sure he'll protect you well if danger ever arises too, for Hans's sake. Well, all three of us are rather resiliant old Beings, since neither of us, me, Alpha or Hans ever died yet, but Hans is now weakest from us so he's easiest to kill, you see. But Alpha is basically invincible in combat as he doesn't bleed and can light anything to death instantly and reduce it to ash, so it's very hard to fear anything, so he'll never be scared of you or threaten you now that you aren't the threat to us. He's a rather future driven person and only does things that are fun and interesting to him. He'll never do any single thing that's a chore or bother and fighting anyone is a big and boring chore to him. "
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

"So I can just go without mask and it won’t bother anyone?" Death asked cautiously.
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Re: Senecio adn Tide II

" Yes, it should be just right, since all other Beings are here in the mansion and only Beings outside the mansion beside the two of us will be Janus, Alpha and Eros. And I had a brief word with Eros along them, he also promised alongside them that he won't ask you anything or trouble you with anything unless you approach him. He did say that since you are new here you are welcome to ask him questions if you want to, though, just passing the message here, " Tide explained, before adding cautiously himself. " So, yes, it should be absolutely safe, and besides, even if Demon hunters were to suddenly arrive, we have a powerhouse of Alpha at our side, and we are beside the sea, which is where I am the strongest. But... " his eyes wavered a little. " Were you not insecure yourself that night you met Eros, of how he would see you if he recognized your past emotions in the fabric? I thought you wanted to wear my concealing mask to hide from his gaze, too. Or is it okay if he does as long as he promised not to ask you anything? I can't exactly judge if it really bothers you or not, but it seems he concluded you'd be bothered by it. Even since he's staying here for the last two days he puts quite a bit of effort to limit his range of perception and he stays in the furthest part of the mansion from here so he would not perceive you in any way, since you seemed uncomfortable about him perceiving you when you met that night Senecio was hurt. So, yes, of course, you can go without the mask, too, but do you want to? I didn't offer you my cloak and a mask for comfort of  others. I offered it to you for your comfort. "
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